• Member Since 1st May, 2020
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Buck Swisher

Ya ain’t seen nothin’ like me. (If you have pictures of Zecora please slide em.)


Kanye West interrupts Sunny's disappointing moment where she tries to restore magic with only two crystals. Kanye being Kanye ensues.

Yes, I did this. And yes, you're welcome.

Rated T because YEEZUS

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 20 )

Sure is 2011 in here.

(that is not a criticism)

Perfectly Insane

You deserve a follow for this premise alone.

Somehow I knew you must have been the person who wrote this before seeing I was correct lol


Wait, that doesn't exist. Uhhh...


No fic should have all that power...
Imma let you finish, but I'll personally make sure this makes the featured box now. Let's make the heat system our bitch, yo
*starts to play the OG Ponies: The Anthology on repeat*

"Look," said Suit Guy Two. "People don't want to read about Kanye West as it is. Everybody hates Kanye now, remember? So there is no way in hell this shit is gonna make the featured box. I mean, how did you even think of this?"

What do you mean "now?"

I'm really glad you did.

Let's hit that featured box, yo.

Every equine head turned toward the one who had spoken. As it turns out, it was none other than Kanye West, wearing a thick gold chain, a black jacket, and shades.

That's all he was wearing?

Take my even ANGRIER re-upvote!

I won't read anything involving that racist piece of shit.

TLDR, liked! Cause that premise is already genius!

This story and this quote

"I am a GOD!" -Kanye West

makes me wonder why you're pissing on Kanye.

Perhaps I'm not alone thinking you're being unfair, judging from downvotes. But it's also difficult to make a comedy when you despise the character, so writing tend to suffer and come out angry instead of funny. At least that's the feeling I get.

Actually, I'm a big Kanye fan. I was just makin jokes.

Kanye is one of my biggest inspirations.

prolly not, since a lotta people disliked this one.

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