• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 7,342 Views, 87 Comments

Changing The ColorOf Apples - apple short

to change the color of apples spike must be there.

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Chapter 1

Suddenly applejack was farming. It hit her with amazing creativeness and supreme recognition that she hated the color red because blue seemed to be much better when she gazed at it with intense furry. Her brows rose and she eyed the apples in her hands and sighed with her eyes closed to tears and her body shook with intense pain and upsetting and deep despair of the worst kind. Only because ast . “well howdy this sucks!” She screamed with maliscoius excitement and threw the apples at the tree and bucked the air with both back feet.
Spike who was nearby because he was kicked out of rarity for being an asshole and beating the shit out of the angle bunny roared. “What the heck!” He stuck his tongue out with flames that triangled out in red and his fists clenched with precise annoyed wrath. Smoke piled upon him and he cried immensely and loudly. “You stupid butthole you plugged me with the stupid red apples!”
He bit into one. His chin and teeth gnashing it to tiny red bits of food. That would soon be disassembled into his smokey ears and nose holes to become his wretched flame.
“Well im sorry but these apples have pissed me off spike ok yall.” applejack sipped the cider. She sat down and cried with heaving plot and deep breasted sorrow. Spike watched her depressed body and licked his lips as seductively as he could. “It is ok because i am here for you.” She sobbed but did not stop him from being there.
“I just like the color blue so much yall.” She wept with immense fear of tearing and she covered her face with one hoof and rubbed her pony neck with the other. Because spike had got to her.
“I will help you change there stupid color!” his tongue became long like and he slid it in and out of her ears and against her mane and against her eyes. “Twilight taught me to magic things and make them cool because I am destined for being amazing.” He sparkled like the sky with a billion stars and Celests mane all rolled into one. He was super needy because rarity had cut him off and he squeezed her with sexy prowess. His tongue filtered between her horse mane hair and he squeeled with exceptional pleasure. “We have to be together like Martin Willis though to charge my mage powers.”
“Well I guess that can’t be helped then ponyhowdy.” She said it to seem coy and flirting in appearance but deep. Down spike had turned her into a roaring stallion of the most viral and pleasure seeking. “we should probably hurry though so I dont harvest all the apples before they change color.” She drank the cider.
“Yeah.” Spike quited with unbelievable accuracy and lifted his tongue to her lips. “Kiss me then we will make love.” applejack blushed to the color of apples all over her skin and opened her mouth so they could make out.
Then spike made love to her.
“Ya that feels so good.” He licked her mane and tail to taste her secretly to become empored with feeling.
“SHUCKS SPIKE THAT IS SO BUCKING GOOD!” Applejack screamed with pleasure to spite. Let her sexy straw hair down and spike became inside of her and they were happy.
Suddenly winona. She was so pleased. And barked in dog speak that ponys and dragons know. She wanted to join and help the farm become a better colored place than red and she had decided that she would cheer them on and that way the farm could have rare blue apples and become the coolest apple farm in all of ponyville and aqestria to the point that even twilight would be jealous of the might that spike produced with his love magic and understanding of deep points of pony skills.
So spike let winona be. Winona licked applejacks face. And spike lifting his feet with extra care to be beside applejack one last time in quietness. they all had the greatest of marvelous sociable love and spike was fulfilled to laugh at rarity having cut him off for defeating the tyranny of her stupid pet angel.
“Now I will cast the stupid fing spell.” He screeched beyond loudness raising his neck so that his flame made him turn from purple to orange like applejack and she blushed. “apples beish blueicus.” He spit fire so high it reached the sun and celest saw it from canterlot.
Then all the apples became the color of red to the color blue.
“Heck yeah spike.” applejack beamed with immense pride and sipped the cider. “This is so awesome yall.” She eyed the now blue apples with acceptance and was pleased with him to the point they all made love once more in ecstatic celebration at their fantastic deed of saving the dullness of SWEET APPLE ACRES.
Spike cried a little though because martin wasnt there to cheer and help. he knew that martin was busy and the most special pony ever though and could not always be there with spike around. So he forgave him and with a laugh that tickled his heart to dark twisted desire. He lifted a claw and crushing it to a fist. Proclaimed. “I will write the actions of my deeds to share with him. because we are fing bros.”
And Applejack didnt mind because she was so pleased with the color of the apples and being together with Spike. Applejack sipped the cider. It was another great day in ponyville working hard and being friends with everyone like spike.
Spike grinned to ecstacy and laughed rolling his tongue like magic. “it was good to be with applejack.” he wrote last to his self letter and sighed.
Granny Smith nodded. “Sometimes we are like the apples and we are red. We wish to be the color blue. But we cannot change the color of ourselves to be for the happiness we desire. Instead we must allow someone with powerful magic to change us and make us what we should have been. Only then can we be happy with what our color should be all along but wasnt.”
Spike glowed in pride at being called a mage and gave the thumbs up sign to granny smith.
Applejack sipped the cider and nodded. It was all good.