• Published 28th Nov 2021
  • 4,181 Views, 812 Comments

Agate's Vigil - Wingnut

A filly trying to escape from the Crystal Empire's takeover by Sombra gets lost in the north, eventually discovering a strange tribe of ponies.

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Crossing The Line

Though the windigo ran off to the westerners, it didn't take them long to send it packing, either. Where the conflict previously still included the occasional attack of some kind, the arrival of the winter spirit changed it up a little. Both sides were forced to deal with the interloper instead of assaulting each other, and it turned into a game of "punt the windigo", the shamares from both tribes kicking it back and forth.

Agate was surprised to see that Thundersnow was able to do such things with relative ease. To Agate, they were the terrifying demons of ancient mythology that almost ended ponies as a species. As she watched and learned, though, she understood that their view of windigoes was quite different. Yes, they were powerful and their presence was feared, but windigoes were also a part of daily life for the snowponies. Unlike the crystal ponies, who only had ancient myths and legends that they recounted to their foals, snowponies had to deal with the real thing for many, many years.

Despite all those stories warning foals not to mess with dangerous things, every once in a while, the occasional brave shamare tried something to make a windigo go away. And sometimes, one method or other even proved successful. It wasn't a permanent defense like the Empire's shield was, but shooing off a windigo, even for a short while, was usually enough for the ponies that attracted them to work out their issues with each other. As such, while the main defense still was loving your kin and neighbors, the shamares did have a bunch of ways to fight back.

The main obstacle was actually reaching the airborne targets, which disqualified shamares that didn't have friends amongst the air spirits, or figured out some other clever way to perform ranged attacks. Thundersnow mostly wove little balls of magic that she asked her spirit companions to hit the windigo with. It was an efficient enough method to deal with one windigo, but when more of them began showing up, it became a bit too slow.

Once the pressure began mounting, she experimented with other ways, finding what worked and what didn't. On one hoof, she found that striking the windigoes with lightning was only moderately effective. On the other hoof, lightning, snow, and thunder were in her name, and she could call up a lot of lightning. Not to mention that turning the very blizzards that the windigoes conjured against them was immensely satisfying, the clouds that they would hide in becoming lightning-charged deathtraps.

On more than one occasion, the sentries saw the windigoes circling the Battle Glacier from a distance, giving Thundersnow more than enough time to prepare. The moment they would try to get closer, the roiling clouds would explode in a barrage of lightning bolts, sending them fleeing in a panic, their indignant cries at getting swatted down over and over again echoing across the waves.

Unfortunately, as much as they hated that their prey was fighting back, the windigoes kept returning, and they brought more and more friends with them each time, too. First, it was just the one, then it became three, then five, then eight. The only reprieve was that after each defeat, they turned tail and fled for anywhere from several days to a few weeks. The months were ticking by, and with spring arriving soon, the expedition leaders were hoping that once the seasons changed, the windigoes would stop coming back.

Of course, there was always the possibility that a herd that would be too big for the expedition to deal with would show up...

❅ ❆ ❅

"How many of them even are there?" Thundersnow grumbled, wiping the snow from her face.

"I count thirteen, elder," Wind Whisper spoke quietly.

"Good grief..."

Agate watched in silence, not really having anything to add. They managed to survive through most of the winter, spring being only a few days away, by their count. The hostile atmosphere in the region kept attracting more and more windigoes, though, making life progressively more unpleasant. Ponies had to spend more time in their igloos to hide from the cold, and things got a lot quieter on the Battle Glacier.

Their seal companions had left a couple weeks earlier, the ponies waving them off with bittersweet smiles. Agate was confused at first, until they explained to her that seals migrated to their breeding grounds to raise their pups, which meant that spring was arriving soon. It was still strange to Agate just how ridiculously cold resistant the animals were, being able to shrug off even the windigo-conjured blizzards.

"I'm not sure I can deal with this right now. I was busy working on some things, and I'm quite spent. To your igloos, everyone! Cuddle up and start a fire. Seal the entrances, and leave only small gaps for air. I'll reinforce the wards a bit and get some rest. All of you should do the same. Conserve your strength, and don't let the windigoes get to you," Thundersnow instructed, sighing as she cast her gaze across the encampment.

Everyone nodded, grouping up and going to their igloos. Almost all of them shared a living space, whether they were in a romantic relationship or not, both to conserve the limited space on their vessel, cut down on the amount of building they needed to do, and, of course, to share warmth.

As usual, Agate didn't really need anywhere special to sleep, so she usually slept in Thundersnow's igloo, the shamare's icy abode slowly turning into a miniature version of her house back in Smoky Bay. Runes decorated the walls and ceiling, warding off malicious creatures and the like, while a small chest held Thundersnow's dwindling shamaric herbs and other ingredients.

"Annoying pests..." The shamare grumbled, moving a few chunks of ice to block off most of the entrance.

"What if they come back after this, even when spring starts? Their whole thing is to extend winter for as long as they feel like," Agate mused.

"We'll deal with them or flee, I suppose. Not like they harm us much. We have food, and we can fish for more. And their cold actually helps keep the ice from melting," Thundersnow shrugged dismissively.

Agate's eyes slowly grew wider as the implications of what Thundersnow just told her sunk in. According to the legends, it took just a few windigoes to bring the entire pony civilization of the time to its knees, though it did take them some time to make things that bad. And here, a whole herd of thirteen, all of them concentrating their attacks on a group of thirtysomething ponies, couldn't even make them budge.

The main cause of friction between the pony tribes back in the day was the lack off food, which was not a concern for the northerners. They didn't need to tend to farms and grow plants - they could sustain themselves with fish and seaweed from the sea. And while they did see the occasional chunk of ice in the water, ponies told Agate that the sea very rarely froze over completely, save for some places in the far north. Unless the windigoes were able to freeze the sea completely solid, then the expeditioners could continue their efforts almost indefinitely, which probably wasn't the case for the western tribe. They depended on forage from their forests, as well as fish from the rivers. Rivers which would freeze far more easily than the sea.

While Agate was mulling on the situation, Thundersnow puttered around her dwelling a bit, tapping on the walls and having a small snack. After a short meditation session, she sat down in front of one of the crystal spheres she made with Agate, this one being embedded in the ice, right over the entrance.

"Tell me, Agate... Can you feel the cold? The breeze?"

Focusing for a moment, Agate nodded. "Yeah. Strange to feel the wind ruffling my mane and tail again. It's the windigoes, right?"

"Indeed, and I think they may be singling me out. I must've hurt their pride. They're really blowing their pestilent winds towards me."

"It's not too bad though, is it? I've seen snowponies shrug off some ridiculous temperatures before."

"Yes, though that was regular cold. This windigo magic, it cuts to your very spirit and saps your strength, bit by bit. Usually, I'd be able to resist it without too much effort, and even spending a night asleep wouldn't do much harm. Still, with there being thirteen of them... I want to wake up with my full strength tomorrow, so I can really let them have it. If I don't send them away quickly, I don't think I'll be able to fully recover any more. Will you guard my sleep, Agate?"

"I... Alright. But I don't know how long I'll be able to do it," Agate nodded, pursing her lips and glancing at the crystal.

"Do your best. I'm certain you can last until morning. Goodnight, Agate."

"Goodnight, Thundersnow."

Trotting over to the crystal, her ears pinned back and a slight grimace on her face, Agate reached out. Instead of a confounding ward that made hostile creatures fail to see you, this was a simple defensive one, protecting an area from malevolent magic. The sphere had run dry, and with a poke, Agate refilled it, watching a small shimmer run through the walls of the igloo, the runes lighting up more brightly.

She could feel the mild strain as the two magics clashed and the freezing breeze from the outside stopped. It wasn't much, but she would have to keep it up the entire night, a feat she wasn't quite sure she was capable of.

❅ ❆ ❅

"Thunder... Snow..."

Agate felt a shiver run through her body, the foreleg she was touching the crystal with so transparent, she could barely even see it.

"I... Can't..."

She didn't know if the windigoes were intelligent, cunning, or could actually feel what Agate was doing, and reacted accordingly. Either way, they gradually intensified their assault, putting more and more pressure on the ward.

"Keep... Going..."

It was so gradual and subtle that, for a good while, Agate didn't even notice it. By the time she did, she had already burned through a lot of her magic reserves. Gritting her teeth, she frantically tried to run through various solutions to her predicament, but the magic drain already took a toll on her. Brief flashes of getting her followers to break into the igloo and help her flashed through her mind, but it was already too late. Getting drained always impacted her mental state, and through the fog, she didn't even think of actually letting go of the crystal that she was still powering.


Agate didn't see or hear whether Thundersnow woke up. In fact, she couldn't hear or see anything, floating in a dark and soundless void. It wasn't a completely unfamiliar experience for her, but it had been quite a while since she felt it last, to say the least. Things never got that bad ever since she got her totem.


Flinching with a body she couldn't even see, Agate cast her blinded gaze around the void. Everything was nothing but blackness, save for one small, glowing firefly somewhere in the distance. It captured her entire limited attention, and she willed herself towards it.






Agate wasn't sure how she moved. Perhaps she galloped, perhaps she flew. Either way, when she tried to remember the event later on, her memories were completely blank. Still, she somehow locomoted herself to her totem, the sight of the partially crystallized log almost bringing tears to her eyes.


❅ ❆ ❅

Agate's eyes shot open, the spirit looking around in a panic. She was back in her totem, the soothing trickle of magic surrounding her. Bit by bit, she sorted through the fragments of what happened that caused her to end up back in Snowpitt.

"Oh boy... I hope Thundersnow and the others are alright. I really messed up."

Getting exhausted was always a danger for a guardian spirit that was away from their totem, which was why none of them really travelled around like she did. All spirits really had were their magic reserves, and losing them meant losing everything, not just their strength.

While she was berating herself for getting careless on one side, she was also feeling angry at herself for being so weak. Even if she knew that spirits weren't exactly known for great magical feats, she couldn't completely suppress the feeling of disappointed shame that gnawed at her.

Shaking her head, she mentally smacked herself. Mimicking breathing in and out, she sunk into a meditative state, trying to get rid of the worst of the negative emotions. As much as she wanted to take wing and fly back to Thundersnow and the rest of the expedition, she knew that she wouldn't be of much use if she wasn't able to keep a cool head.

"All of them are very capable ponies... I'm sure they'll manage without me for a while."

She didn't count how much time passed as she rested, doing her best to accept that she did a mistake without feeling guilty about it, enjoying the soothing sensation of finally being home after so much time spent travelling. Eventually, once she felt composed and brimming with magic, she hopped forward, landing in her clearing.

"All right... Plan of action, plan of action... I should probably visit Earthsong before I rush back."

Trotting in the direction of the shamare's house, she glanced around Snowpitt. She could see only a few ponies in the distance, which could mean one of two things - either the hour was late and everyone was asleep, or her trip here and the subsequent rest period took many days, which meant that the three tribes were already done with their wintering and went their separate ways, emptying the settlement.

Agate wasn't sure whether that would be a good thing or not. She was curious to hear what Jagged Ice and Firm Root talked about during the winter, but she was also worried that the westerner's chieftain wouldn't take too kindly to her, given that she was actively helping Thundersnow in her fight against the shamares of his tribe.

Approaching the home, she silently moved through the walls, glancing around. Earthsong wasn't in any of the main rooms, which led Agate to her bedroom. The shamare wasn't there either, which left Agate with a bit of a conundrum. She didn't know where to go look for her quarry, but at the same time, Earthsong was old. Despite her robust health, the elder couldn't have gone too far... Probably.

"If I was Earthsong, where would I be?"

Unfortunately, no sudden wisdom came to Agate. Flicking her tail, she trotted outside, trying to find a pony to talk to. Fortunately, it didn't take too long, and after a long-winded "welcome home" to the unusually long-gone traveler spirit from a local stallion, she was directed to the Great Hall.

Approaching the building, she thoughtfully tapped a hoof as she stared at the closed double doors. She knew she wouldn't be harmed even if she tried to go through, but the sheer amount of defense wards put on the building would still make it feel like she was trying to swim through mud.

Focusing for a moment, she flapped her forelegs, the appendages near-instantly morphing into wings. With a few more flaps, she reached the second-story balconies, flying inside and making a lazy circle down, looking around as she did so. There were far fewer ponies in the audience than in the first meetings of the year, though she could see that a lot of important figures were present, including Jagged Ice, Earthsong, and a stallion that was probably the westerner's chieftain.

While her flight didn't make any sounds as she didn't actually displace any air, her somewhat dramatic entrance didn't go unnoticed. As Agate touched down next to Earthsong, she shed her feathers and sat down, trying to catch the thread of the conversation. However, whatever the chieftains were talking about, they both stopped, curiously observing the unannounced visitor.

Jagged Ice was the first one to break the silence, shifting in place to face her. "I must say, I did not expect to see you personally, Agate. Did Thundersnow finally see reason and came here with you, or...?"

The part of the question that was left unsaid was quite obvious. Jagged Ice knew the reason why Agate decided to use messengers rather than fly herself, and her presence in Snowpitt could have easily meant that the expedition met a grisly fate. Agate shook her head at his inquiry.

"Neither of those things, chieftain. I got overwhelmed and had to return to my totem to recover."

"So this is the illustrious traveler spirit. I have seen you a few times in the past, but I don't believe we ever spoke," Firm Root said, sizing Agate up.

"I can't say I ever heard of you or saw you before, chieftain. We are largely unfamiliar," She agreed, similarly studying the stallion.

As was usual for chieftains, he was stout and hale, towering over the smaller ponies around him. His coat appeared black at first, but on second glance, it was actually a shade brown so dark, it looked black in the gloom, his mane being only a shade lighter. His neutral expression didn't show any outward hostility towards Agate, which made her relax a little.

"Well, since you're here, perhaps you could tell me what has been happening in our territories that border the sea? It's been quite a mess to attempt and unravel, and as I understand it, you're a direct participant in those events. I heard the retellings from Jagged Ice, of course, but I'd like a first-hoof account."

"Of course, chieftain."

Agate launched into the explanation, omitting no details. To her surprise, Firm Root didn't show any reaction whatsoever, simply listening to Agate as she recounted the various attacks and counterattacks the feuding shamares sent at each other over the season. He was either unbelievably disciplined, or just wasn't emotional at all. His expression was ponderous, and his only reaction was the occasional thoughtful stroke of his beard.

"Quite a mess," He summarized after Agate finished. "They attacked you first each time, then? Even when you arrived to our shores on that... "Battle Glacier", your shamare still held back until ours struck you first?"

"That is correct, chieftain."

His only response was a long sigh, his expression unchanging. Silence fell over the building. Both chieftains had small entourages of other warriors and elders with them, but none really had anything to say, either. Agate could only assume that they already discussed the topic through most of the winter to exhaustion.

"This has to stop, chieftain," Jagged Ice finally ventured forth.

"We already agreed on that, yes. The merchants and other travelers are not happy. That was the main shipping lane for many of them, not to mention the devastation the actual residents of the region suffered. But all my life, I've been told that others should not meddle in the affairs of shamares. Just like my father has been told that, and his father before him, and so on for unknown generations. "It is outside your ken", and all that."

"They are meddling in the affairs of the tribes, though, with no regards for the consequences. I've been told shamares always think about those before acting."

"Very true..."

Agate watched them talk, biting her lip thoughtfully. After a short while, she shook her head, standing up from her position. Her action raised some eyebrows, Jagged Ice turning towards her again.

"Leaving so soon, Agate?"

"Yes, chieftain. No offense, but it doesn't sound like this meeting holds any value to me. If I understand what I'm hearing correctly, you haven't decided on a course of action yet, and I doubt the shamares have stopped fighting in the meantime. I think my time would be better served by going back and doing my best to stop them from killing each other while you figure out what to do."

"Perhaps that would be the best outcome, actually," Firm Root spoke with just a touch of annoyed sarcasm, making Jagged Ice turn back towards him.

"What? Them killing each other?"

"Yes. If we are not supposed to interfere, then what? It's the only logical outcome of this spat, if things keep going the way they are."

Pursing his lips, Jagged Ice shook his head. "While I am disappointed in Thundersnow, she is of my tribe, and has worked hard for our people. I'd prefer to bring her back into the fold."

"So would I with my own shamares, but from what the traveler spirit told us, we really have but one option - go there, clonk our respective shamares over the head, and drag them off to our respective territories... Or perhaps to Snowpitt, to force them to finish their feud and definitively sort this out, instead of having them come back and do this all over again years later."

"You're more than welcome. We'd make sure they stay in line," Earthsong quietly supplied.

"Many are the warnings of terrible curses that shamares can supposedly bring down upon you. And yet, I am just about committed to doing exactly that. I think I could find a few spirited warriors in my tribe that would accompany me as well," Jagged Ice said, glancing towards some of the stallions sitting close by, the northerners proudly sitting up straighter and puffing out their chests.

"Looks like you do have a plan of action of sorts," Agate mused. "I should probably go anyway. It's going to take some time for you to get there anyway, and - hm. Speaking of that, what time is it? I lost track completely, and I don't know how long I spent in my totem."

"It is spring. We are all moving out tomorrow. This is the last meeting of the year," Firm Root supplied.

"So I spent a good couple days sleeping... I hope the windigoes didn't hurt anyone. Anyway, chieftains - I am happy to hear that some kind of solution is finally being put to action, even if it doesn't sound like the most ideal one. Something is better than nothing. I'll go back to Thundersnow now. Should I tell her anything, chieftain?" She asked, addressing Jagged Ice.

"No, I don't think so. I'll send a messenger ahead of me, to deliver a final warning and the order to retreat and come to Snowpitt. If she fails to heed it, I'll arrive in person," He said, shaking his head.

"That might take quite a while. The journey between Green Land and the territory..."

"I'm not going to Green Land. I'll be going to Nilas, and then I'll travel westwards along the coastline in a kayak, along with my warriors. I will see this through personally. There's no shortage of experienced elders and wise ponies in Smoky Bay. The settlement can manage just fine without me for a while longer."

"Very well, chieftain. I'll be going, then."

❅ ❆ ❅

Flapping her ethereal wings, Agate flew over the tundra. She didn't actually know exactly where the Battle Glacier was in relation to Snowpitt, but she was fairly certain she'd be able to find it as soon as she noticed some familiar islands. It was strange to see clear and sunny skies after spending the entire winter with the sky covered in dark, gloomy clouds.

The Sun didn't stay in the sky very long yet, but even the brief appearance was enough to lift Agate's spirits a bit. As she flew through the now dark landscape, though, she became confused and a little worried that she was going off-course. The clear sky kept going well into the distance, the stars and the Moon twinkling in the clear night air, with no sign of the dark mass of clouds surrounding the region that she shamares were battling in.

"Don't look at the Moon."

As she reached the shore and went over the water, Agate began recognizing the landmarks she was passing over. Still puzzled, she occasionally made a small circle to make sure she wasn't seeing things before moving on. There were some scattered clouds here and there, but nothing quite as cataclysmic as it was before. The only sign of the battles that took place there were the few forms of bird spirits that she saw flitting about in the distance.

Analyzing their flight paths, she stealthily approached what she correctly suspected they were circling - the Battle Glacier. She could see a bunch of glowing forms on it with her spirit sight, which meant that the expedition was still there. Going into a deep dive, she skimmed the waves as she got closer, only realizing the depth of her mistake once it was too late.

Dodging a javelin chucked by Spear Whittle, she wove from side to side as the sentries tried their best to stab her with their weapons. Circling around them, she looked to the side, to see if there were any other ponies that saw her. Fortunately for Agate, it was only two sentries, and if any other pony saw her, they probably weren't concerned about just one bird spirit.

"Get it, dang it!"

"I'm trying, but this one's slippery like an eel! Stay still, you pest!"

"Small one, too. I guess the westerners ran out of the big bird spirits."

Chuckling in her head, Agate swiftly changed course, going sharply upwards before diving right at Spear Whittle, landing on her back.

"Agh! Get it off!"

"Stay still!"

Immediately transforming back into her pony form, Agate smirked with some amusement as the two ponies sputtered and tried to clear the ephemeral feathers that flew off her from their field of vision. When they vanished, Spear Whittle's partner froze, pointing her spear towards Agate with a confused expression.

"What are you waiting for? Get that limpet off me!"

"Is that really how you greet your teacher and famed traveler spirit, Spear Whittle?" Agate inquired, giggling into the mare's ear.


With a wry grin, she climbed off the mare's back as the pair composed themselves. A few moments, she was getting crushed between two fluffy ponies that were cheering their idol's return. With a good-natured roll of her eyes, she extricated herself, willing her squished immaterial form back into the proper shape.

"So, how are things? Is everyone okay? Did Thundersnow make it out alright?"

"We're all fine, Agate, thanks to you. You should have called on us, you know. We could have helped you," Spear Whittle grumbled lightly, bopping Agate on the nose as her partner trotted off to the camp to tell the news of Agate's return to the others.

"Yeah, yeah, I messed up that time. I know. What happened, though? Did Thundersnow banish the windigoes? The skies are mostly clear, and everything seems almost... Calm now."

"Well... Partially, yes."

"What does that mean? Did some shamare arrive to help her out?"

"Not exactly, but kind of? See, Thundersnow and Wind Whisper prepared for a big, big ritual. Something real hefty, if the amount of meditation and preparation was anything to go by. I think Thundersnow was extra mad that the windigoes made you flee."

"Go on..."

"Well, with how big it was, it was an all hooves on deck kind of situation. The others stood watch to swat away any ambitious birds that decided to take the opportunity to attack, while we made sure the defensive wards were maintained. I think we might have even baffled the windigoes a little bit. The shamares made the wind all swirly, and a spot opened up in the sky above us, slowly pushing the clouds away. I guess all the motion riled the clouds up as well, though, since they began to get grumbly with thunder. It wasn't long before the windigoes began getting blasted. It was quite a sight, I tell you. A whole herd of windigoes, neighing in outrage and pain as our shamare dished out the punishment. The freezing winds they blew at us were fierce and biting, but we stood our ground, cheering and laughing in defiance."

"Hm... A bit odd to push the clouds away... She needs them for lightning, right?"

"Yeah, apparently, there was some kind of plan to herd them into the open spot in the sky right above us, and then blast them with something big. I don't know, Thundersnow didn't tell us all that many details. As it turned out, though, we weren't the only ones with a plan to get rid of the windigoes that night. Through the open sky, we could see the aurora, its magnificent glow lighting up the night even through that small hole. And then... The aurora came down."

"Came... Down? The whole thing? But it's so massive..."

"Well, not the whole thing, I guess. Just these small... Tendrils, I guess you'd call them. Small little lines that trailed lower from the big glowing ones way up in the sky. What with the freezing wind stinging our eyes and the distance, we couldn't really see all that well, but it sort of looked like the aurora set the windigoes on fire. They didn't like the great Sky Fire's touch, I'll tell you that much. What with the lightning barrage just before, and the attack from the aurora right after... They fled like mad, and we haven't seen them since. There's still a chance they might come back, I guess - it's only been a few days, after all - but I have this feeling that we won't be seeing them again until next winter."

"Wow. Just... Wow. I never heard of anything like that before," Agate exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Neither had Thundersnow, apparently. She was very impressed, though a bit worried as well. Apparently, she felt that someone on the southern shore was the one that did it, which more than likely means that it was a westerner shamare. Which, of course, means that they still have tricks they haven't employed against us yet."

"So, did they try to do something like that to the expedition?"

"No, actually. Maybe it was a very taxing ritual, or maybe it needed some kind of special ingredients, I don't know. Still, they did continue their attacks. The very next day, another furious storm blew in from the west, and Thundersnow had to disperse it again. Wind Whisper said the air spirits told her that it was the usual culprits."

With a sigh, Agate rubbed her forehead. "They're still not giving up, then."

"Afraid not."

"Well... This is all going to end soon regardless, one way or another."

"Yeah? What do you mean?" Spear Whittle inquired with some trepidation at the finality of Agate's statement, raising her eyebrows.

"I talked to the chieftains of both the western and northern tribes back in Snowpitt. They're planning to end this, even if they have to come here themselves, grab the shamares by the scruffs of their necks and drag them to Snowpitt by force."

"Really? Huh. Well. If it's really both tribes, then I guess it's not too bad. We did come here to make the westerners end their nonsense, so I'd still count it as a win."

"Let's just hope Thundersnow sees it that way, too."

❅ ❆ ❅

"I am sorry for foisting that task on you, Agate. I'll admit, I haven't really thought it through when I asked you. With your impressive skills, I forgot you don't actually have the magic reserves of a shamare. I guess my mind was just a bit overwhelmed with all the things I had to deal with."

The shamare in question was very pleased with Agate's return, apologizing to her in front of the entire camp. Agate herself accepted the apology with a small grimace, seeing the whole thing as mostly her fault. She didn't want to make a scene out of it, though.

"It's fine, really. I was more worried about you guys. All I needed was some rest. Spear Whittle already told me that you're all fine, though, and even got rid of the windigoes, to boot."

"Mmm, yes... With some outside "help", as I'm sure you heard.

"Right... Still no end in sight to this conflict, then?"

"I'm afraid not, Agate. They're still continuing their attacks, and show no signs of stopping."

"What about that thing with the aurora? If they have such power, why haven't they used it against us?"

"I am honestly not certain. It could simply be impossible to get it so low to the ground. The windigoes are fairly high up, after all. I have no other guesses, unfortunately."

"Thundersnow, the way things are going, this conflict might well end up lasting for years, if not decades. We haven't accomplished anything in a whole year of fighting. Both sides appear to be at a complete stalemate, without either one of us gaining any ground. I really think you need to consider all possibilities, including retreating for a while and rethinking your strategy."

Taking in a deep breath, Thundersnow groaned. "Yes, the thought of shackling myself to the westerners for years isn't exactly appealing. While I am working in defense of the tribe, this is not something I was planning to do for the rest of my days. I will... I will think on this, Agate. However, until I can think up a better course of action, the fight is still on, and they are still attacking us. As such, we keep going."

❅ ❆ ❅

Thundersnow didn't ask Agate anything about her trip to Snowpitt, and she didn't volunteer that information. While all her plans were genuinely for the benefit of both Thundersnow and the northern tribe, Agate wasn't entirely sure how Thundersnow would react to finding out that she technically conspired with other ponies behind her back. It was her own tribe's chieftain rather than their enemies, of course, so it wasn't much of a conspiracy, but still. The combative shamare clearly didn't respect anyone's authority but her own.

It turned into a waiting game, counting each day as it went by. Agate wasn't sure how long it would take for the chieftains to reach their respective shamares, but it was probably at least two weeks, if not more. Given that they already spent close to a year at it, a few more weeks shouldn't have been a problem. However, the westerners clearly spent the winter thinking up new tricks, ones which they deployed as soon as spring arrived.

"What's that?" A sentry asked.

"Looks like some birds," A stallion shrugged after a few moments of looking.

"Real or spirits?" A third one inquired, reaching for his harpoon.

"Spirits are real too. But yes, they're flesh and blood. Probably nothing to worry about."

"They're getting closer, though. And I don't think I saw their kind before..."

"Hmm... You're right, they are getting closer, but the wards should- SPEARS!!! We're under attack!"

The yell alerted the rest of the camp, and the warriors reacted swiftly, their reflexes honed to near perfection at this point. Reaching for their weapons, they either stood firmly or got ready to throw, depending on their fighting styles. Several of the approaching birds were soon skewered with javelins, ones that managed to dodge having to try and avoid impaling themselves on the defender's spears.

The bodies of the dead birds impacted the ice with uncharacteristically heavy thumps, this particular breed being impressively big. Ponies dodged out of the way of the twitching claws, not wanting to get sliced as their foes writhed in their death throes.

All together, the attack only lasted a few moments. Unlike the massive flocks of spirits, there was barely a dozen of the birds, which didn't take long for the defenders to deal with. Everyone was a little stunned at the suddenness and ferocity of the attack, though, and there were a few ponies that had gashes in their legs and sides. The injured quickly galloped off to bind their wounds before they bled out, while the others warily looked around.

"What just happened? Is this the westerner's doing?"

"It has to be. Are there going to be more of them, like the spirits?"

"Ancestors, I hope not. Those just hurt a little, but a living one could slice through my neck with those daggers they have for claws. If we have to deal with hundreds at a time..."

"I don't think they can summon that many, lest they risk killing off the entire population," Thundersnow declared, trotting over.

"Are you alright, Thundersnow?" Agate inquired, noticing that the shamare had a tuft of coat missing, and her bandolier with charms and potions was sliced through.

"Yes, luckily for me, they only got a bit of my coat. A half-step in the other direction, and I might well have been dead."

"Shamare? How did they get past the wards? I thought you said that those small, individually weak beings shouldn't have been able to see us, at least not that easily. These ones didn't hesitate for a heartbeat," Stout asked, yanking out a javelin from a dead bird.

"I don't know, but I intend to find out. Let's see here..."

She trotted over to one of the bodies, squinting at it. After making sure that it really was dead, she began running her hooves across its feathers. Flipping it over, she kept her examination up until she gasped, yanking something from the bird's neck and holding it up, studying the object with great intensity.

"An amulet... Of... Hmmm, this rune there, that's... An amulet of true sight! And they stuck it on a bird! No, wait - they must have stuck them on all of the birds! Everyone, search their bodies! See if they're wearing more of these!"

The ponies quickly complied, returning with their loot to Thundersnow. Collecting all the amulets, the shamare studied each one for a few moments, muttering under her breath. Nodding, she hesitated for a moment before shrugging and giving the entire pile to Stout.

"Share these out amongst yourselves, I suppose. These will work just as well for a pony as they did for those birds. Honestly, I didn't even think they would work on those birds. That thought never even occurred to me. The westerners really are clever with their tricks, I'll give them that. Those amulets take time to make, but they almost got several of us in this attack. If our sentries hadn't been that eagle-eyed, it would have been a lot worse than a few scrapes."

"And they wasted the lives of innocent animals in their pursuit," Spear Whittle said, gently closing the eyes of a bird she downed.

"Yes, quite dishonorable, isn't it? I think I'll take a few of their bodies... See if I can soothe their spirits, perhaps find something out. The rest... Give them their rites and bury them at sea. The waters will reclaim their remains."

"Yes, shamare."

"Agate, could you help me with something? I had a few thoughts," Thundersnow asked, carefully hefting the body of one of the birds on her back.


Thundersnow led Agate to her igloo, depositing the body nearby. Crawling inside, she went to her chest of ingredients and retrieved an amethyst sphere, holding it in her hooves. It was completely dark, the magic fully drained.

"Think you could help me charge this? No need to go overboard. Just... Give what you can. I might need extra magic in the future, if the westerners keep coming up with things like that."

"Alright. I can do that."

❅ ❆ ❅

Everyone was a bit on edge after the attack. Even more so than usual, that is, which is why several visitors arriving in kayaks a couple days later was met with surprise and some suspicion. At first, Agate assumed that the chieftain's messenger had arrived, but then she remembered that it was nigh on impossible for him to get there in just a few days.

However, it turned out that their visitors were ponies from their own tribe, which raised the spirits of everyone there. While the region was still largely abandoned, a shamare that introduced herself as Herb Extract and her couple of escorts decided to swing by. According to her, she was travelling the very edges of the territory that still had ponies living there, and recalled Thundersnow's battle, as she had visited them last year already.

The shamares and their guards immediately broke off into several groups, excitedly asking each other about how they spent their winters and the battles they went through. The shamare's escorts were suitably impressed by the floewolf-fang tipped spears the warriors showed them, while Herb Extract was eagerly drinking in all the descriptions of the various magics that both Thundersnow and the westerners employed against each other.

The shamares ended up trading some ingredients and the like, though it was mostly Herb Extract giving Thundersnow things to refill her stocks. Feeling guilty, she called Agate over, the famous flying traveler spirit immediately catching Herb Extract's attention.

"Agate, could you do a favor for me?"

"Sure, Thundersnow, what do you need?"

"Well, Herb Extract here has given me many gifts, ones which I cannot reciprocate right now. However, she, like many of our kind, are highly interested in your crystal magic. Would you be so kind as to give her a few personal lessons on my behalf?"

"Yeah... I think I can do that. We'll need something to practice on, but-"

"I have a few crystals I carry with me," Herb Extract enthusiastically jumped in.

"Then it's not a problem at all. We can start whenever you want to."

❅ ❆ ❅

Herb Extract and her companions did spend the night on the Battle Glacier, but while they were happy to help Thundersnow restock a bit and catch up, they still didn't want to linger too long. As Herb Extract herself said, she was a healer, and she wouldn't be of any use in a battle, not to mention that she had duties in other places. The next morning, they paddled away, though not without telling Agate where they were going next.

The purpose of that was to give the shamare those lessons, as there was only so much Agate could cram into a single day. As such, come evening, she took wing, seeking out the island Herb Extract landed on. Agate still returned to the Battle Glacier to sleep, but her interactions with the ponies there were minimal, so she didn't follow who was doing what too closely.

Three days hence, returning from a relatively long flight after she gave Herb Extract her final lesson, Agate landed on the Battle Glacier, noticing something strange. The ponies were packing things, sweeping up loose trinkets and securing valuables in their kayaks. Their faces varied from grim to dejected, and she couldn't see Thundersnow anywhere. Needless to say, such a sudden shift in everyone's mood surprised her.

"What's going, everyone? Are you leaving? Did Thundersnow finally change her mind?"

Noticing her, several ponies raised their eyes towards Agate, their gazes looking dead. A couple opened their mouths as if to say something, but then slowly closed them again, lacking the words. Puzzled, she began examining them with her spirit sight, looking for signs of magical maladies.

"What's going on? Was there another attack? Are you all injured?"

"No, traveler spirit. We are not injured, not bodily, at least," Wind Whisper spoke softly as she approached Agate.

"Then... What's going on?"

"We are leaving. We have failed. Thundersnow... Is dead."


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