• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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08) Twilight2

At the Mystery Shack, Soos and Wendy were preparing for a party that was going to be held there. Twilight was very nervous and worried because there was going to be a party and she was reading a book to try to make this party perfect. Dipper and Mabel were sitting together on the couch.

“Oh no, Mabel. I-I don't feel so good. I-BBBBLLLAAAA!” says Dipper pretends to vomit and sprays Silly Sprays at Mabel.

“Ohhh, Grunkle Stan, what did you feed us?! BBBBBLLLAAAA!,” Mabel says, she also pretends to vomit and sprays Silly Sprays towards Dipper.

Dipper and Mabel continue spraying each other with Silly Sprays, suddenly Wendy arrives with a worried expression.

“Guys, guys, stop! Something terrible just happened!” says Wendy with some fear.

Dipper and Mabel look at Wendy, suddenly Wendy sprays Silly Sprays towards Dipper and Mabel. The three of them start laughing at what was happening.

“Alright, alright! Party supplies are now off-limits,” says Stan taking Silly Sprays and the confetti.

“Mr. Pines, whose birthday is it again? ”Soos asks as she continued preparing the place to have a party.

“Nobody's. “Thought this party might be a good way to get kids to spend money at the Shack,” Stan responds and plays a “Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey” game.

“Nice!” Soos says upon hearing Stan's response.

“The young people of this town want fun; “I'll smother 'em with fun!” says Stan.

“Maybe comments like that are why kids don't go to the Mystery Shack,” Dipper comments on Stan's comment as he gave Twilight and Mabel a soda, then opens a soda for himself.

“Hey, hey! Hows about you make yourself useful and copy these flyers?” Stan says to Dipper, Mabel and Twilight, then gives them a flyer.

“Oh boy, a trip to the copier store!” said Mabel excitedly.

Twilight upon hearing that decided to also accompany Dipper and Mabel, because maybe she would find another book on how to throw a party.

“Calendars, mugs, t-shirts and more! They got it all at the copier store! That's not their slogan, I just really feel that way about the copier store,” Soos said.

“Save the trouble. Do you know the old copier in my office? I finally fixed the old girl up! Good as new!” Stan responded.

Dipper, Mabel and Twilight arrived at Stan's office where the photocopier was, that photocopier was in very bad condition and suddenly a lot of moths came out of that photocopier.

“Butterflies!” says Mabel, believing that the moths were butterflies.

“Does it even work?” Dipper wonders.

Twilight wonders the same thing as Dipper, she still wasn't sure if Stan was telling the truth about the copier working, then Dipper presses a button on the copier while resting his hand on the copier, it suddenly turns on and creates a photocopy of the arm. from Dipper.

“Success!” Mabel said as she grabbed the paper from the copier.

Then the paper starts to shake, Mabel gets scared and lets go of the paper. The picture of Dipper's arm comes to life and begins to crawl near them. Dipper, Mabel and Twilight get scared when they see that arm.

“Stay back!” Dipper said.

After Dipper throws the drink he had in a bottle at her, the photocopy of his arm touching the drink began to fall apart.

“Oh my gosh! Twilight and Mabel, I think this copier can copy human beings!”, says Dipper.

This greatly surprised Twilight and others who were watching in Equestria.

“Do you realize what this means?” Mabel asks Dipper and Twilight and then sprays Silly String at Dipper and Twilight.


In Equestria they saw that photocopier and were surprised what it could do.

“It's a shame that Mr. and Mrs. Cake had to leave Ponyville for work and Pinkie is taking care of Baby Cakes, because she would be happy watching a party being prepared and maybe watching the photocopier too,” Spike said.

Everyone present agreed with what Spike said.


At the Mystery Shack when they had finished preparing everything for the party, Stan gathered Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, Wendy and Soos to tell them what their duties at the party would be.

“Alright party people...also Dipper and Twilight,” Stan said.

Dipper and Twilight were a little upset by that comment from Stan.

“Let's talk business. Soos, because you'll work for free, and you begged, I'm lettin' you be DJ,” Stan said.

“You won't regret it, Mr. Pines. I got this book to teach me how to DJ R-R-Right!,” Soos says as she held up the book.

“Not encouraging. Wendy, you and Mabel are working the ticket booth,” Stan says.

"Que? But Grunkle Stan, this party is my chance to make new friends!”, Mabel responds.

“I could work with Wendy,” Dipper said quite calmly.

“You realize if you do, you gotta commit to staying at the ticket stand with Wendy. Not getting out of it, just the two of you, alone, all night,” says Stan.

“No problem,” Dipper said quite calmly.


In Dipper, Mabel and Twilight's room, when Dipper was about to go to the ticket booth, but was surprised by Mabel.

“Uh, uh, I could work the counter with you, Wendy! Let's kiss! ”Mabel says as she pretended to kiss someone.

“Mabel, what are you talking about? “I don't feel anything for Wendy,” Dipper asks, somewhat confused.

“So, why did you decide to stay alone with Wendy?” Mabel asks.

“Mabel, you know I'm not very good at parties. I want everyone else to enjoy this party that's why I decided to go to the ticket stand, plus if Twilight went to the ticket stand she would be completely overwhelmed by people and also thanks to the fact that I volunteered to be at the ticket stand you can enjoy the party." , Dipper responded quite calmly.

“Thanks for that Dipper, but I would like you to enjoy the party too,” said Mabel, then Mabel remembers something and asks. “By the way, where is Twilight?”

“I think this is where the party is going to be,” says Dipper.

“Thanks Dipper,” Mabel says and leaves.


In the room where the party was going to be was Twilight making sure everything was okay. Twilight was quite nervous, the closer it got to the time of the party, the more nervous Twilight was and she ended up making a gigantic list to make a perfect party.

“What are you doing Twilight?” Asks Mabel.

“I'm going to make sure the whole party is okay,” Twilight said very confidently.

“Make sure the party is alright? Oh, you're not doing one of those overcomplicated listy things, are you?” Mabel asks, hoping Twilight will say no.

“Yes,” Twilight responds proudly.

“That's a very bad idea,” says Mabel.

Twilight ignores that idea and decides to ask Mabel a question.

“How did you know so quickly that I had made a list,” Twilight asks.

“With what you just said, I had the feeling that you were going to make a list, because by doing so you thought you would feel calmer,” Mabel said and she was also sure that Twilight was more stressed about making the list.

“Of course I made the list to calm myself down and it was a good decision,” Twilight said proudly.

Mabel looks worriedly at Twilight and decided to try to get her to relax.

“Parties are unpredictable and they are meant to be enjoyed, because you don't just calm down and enjoy your first party in Gravity Falls,” Mabel said and then she left the place.

Mabel didn't realize that with those words she made Twilight more determined to do everything as written on the list. The real reason why Twilight was so obsessed with making the party go completely well was that when she found out there was going to be a party. At the Mystery Shack she began to remember the good times she had with her friends in Equestria and Twilight, in order not to feel sad, began to focus on making the party completely perfect.


Later that night at the Mystery Shack the party had already begun, while several in Equestria were watching the party. Soos was working as a DJ.

“The energy, it's electric! Uhh, lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning…” Soos says as she presses buttons on the sound FX machine, making various noises as she searches for the lightning.

Seeing how well the party was going, Stan approaches Mabel to talk to her.

“Can your uncle throw a party or what?” Stan says quite happily and then comments. “And if anyone wants to leave, I'm charging an exit fee of 15 bucks!”

Nate and Lee hear this and begin to despair at what they heard.

“We've only got 13!” says Nate.

“We're trapped!” says Lee.

Then Nate and Lee start banging on the window for someone outside the Mystery Shack to help them. Several in Equestria saw that and couldn't help but think that the two of them were stupid.


Meanwhile, outside the Mystery Shack at the ticket booth were Dipper and Wendy serving customers who wanted to enter the Mystery Shack party.

“Dipper, why did you decide to be at the ticket booth? Because I was sure you would like to be at the party with Twilight,” Wendy asks.

“I don't really enjoy parties and Twilight told me that she had been to several parties in Ponyville, so I think she will be happy,” Dipper responded.

Wendy couldn't help but have a bad feeling. What the two didn't know was that Twilight was very stressed making sure everything was okay at all times.


Meanwhile at the party, Mabel met Grenda and Candy, Mabel quickly realized that she could get along with her.

“Remember dudes, who ever, um, party hardies, what? Gets the party crown!,” Soos told the crowd as she read a book, then she shows a crown to the crowd and says. “Most applause at the end of the night wins!”

Everyone looks at the crown in amazement, suddenly a blonde girl named Pacifica Northwest approaches Soos, accompanied by two other girls.

“Party crown? I'll take that, thank you very much!” says Pacifica.

“Who's that?” Asks Mabel.

“The most popular girl in town, Pacifica Northwest.”, answers Candy.

“I always feel bad about myself around her,” says Grenda to add to response.

While Soos felt doubts about giving the crown to Pacifica.

“I can't just give you the crown. It's sort of a competition thing,” says Soos.

Pacifica knows what Soos said and takes the microphone.

“Honestly, who's gonna compete against me? Fork girl? Lizard lady?” Pacifica said referring to Candy and Grenda.

Candy and Grenda felt very bad about Pacifica's comment about them. Several in Equestria saw that and liked Pacifica's hurtful comments.

“Hold me, Candy!” Grenda says as she hugged Candy.

“Our kind isn't welcome here!” says Candy.

Mabel, seeing how sad Candy and Grenda were, walks angrily towards where Soos was.

“Hey, I'll compete!” Mabel says very happily.

Candy and Grenda gasp as they see Mabel that she was going to compete against Pacifica.

“I'm Mabel,” Mabel says to Pacifica.

“That sounds like a fat old lady's name,” says Pacifica, annoyed.

“I'll take that as a compliment!”, Mabel responds.

“May the better partier win,” Pacifica says arrogantly and then walks away from her with her friends.

“Nice meeting you!” Mabel yells at Pacifica and then tells Candy and Grenda. “She She she's going down”


Twilight was trying to make the list she had made, which consisted of making sure that some elements of the party did nothing will happen to them, such as the lights, the punch, and observing them from a safe distance to avoid the public that had come to the party, but quickly Twilight realized that it was exhausting her to check too many places at once. Twilight suddenly got the idea to use the Cloning Copy Machine, when she realized that the copies of her thought and had the same memories, so she decided to create more clones for them to watch at all times.


Meanwhile at the ticket booth were Dipper and Wendy, suddenly they heard the contest to get the crown started.

“Whoa! Sounds like the party's getting nuts,” says Wendy as she watched the party through the window that was near them.

Suddenly Dipper and Wendy heard Soos' voice through the speaker.

“Let the battle for the party crown begin! Mabel comes out strong! Watch out, Pacifica!” says Soos.

“I've gotta get in there!” says Wendy, then looks at Dipper and asks him. “Cover for me?”

“Of course, no problem,” Dipper replies calmly.

Seeing how calm Dipper was, Wendy remembered what Dipper had told her before, that's why she was going to check on Twilight.


Shortly after inside the Mystery Shack, Wendy immediately ran into Robbie and he started showing off to she. Suddenly, in the distance, Wendy saw for a few seconds one of the copies of Twilight walking away from the party and immediately went to that direction to talk to her, but suddenly the original Twilight was seen standing somewhere close to her. Wendy was surprised that Twilight had arrived so quickly to this place, but she immediately thought that Twilight had teleported.

“Hello Twilight, how did you spend tonight?” Asked Wendy.

“I just made sure this party is perfectly fine”, replied Twilight proudly.

Wendy had a feeling that the answer Twilight gave her had nothing to do with the party.

“Wendy, have people stopped coming into the Mystery Shack?” Asked Twilight.

“No, Dipper wanted us all to enjoy the party, that's why he decided to be in the ticket booth,” Wendy responded.

Upon hearing Wendy's response, Twilight realized that there were 2 things that she had forgotten to take into account, the first is that Dipper was not going to enjoy the party because he would be in the ticket booth and the second is that he forgot to include herself at the party.

“Wendy, I have something very important to do,” Twilight said and immediately left to meet with her clones to explain the matter.

Wendy was a little confused at how Twilight reacted, but she decided not to care and went to enjoy the party.


After Twilight met the first clone she had created and explained that someone had to replace Dipper at the ticket booth.

“I'm going to replace him!” said Twilight's clone.

A few minutes after that clone of Twilight left, the original Twilight managed to gather all the other clones and explained to them that she had to be present at the party. When the clones heard that the original Twilight was going to the party, they were very irritated with the original Twilight and immediately afterwards created 2 new clones to replace herself and the clone that left.

All of Twilight's clones started arguing about the original Twilight going to the party and they couldn't be at the party, they all started arguing if the original Twilight had the right to do that.


Shortly before the original Twilight gathered her clones, the Twilight clone arrived at the ticket booth to replace Dipper, the copy of Twilight realized that Dipper had doubts when she saw her, but unfortunately the people in line when they saw a unicorn immediately began to overwhelm her, Dipper had to stay to help her with the people, fortunately there were few who were still outside.

“You're not the original Twilight,” Dipper whispered to the Twilight clone so that no one would hear what she said.

Twilight's clone was going to try to deny it, but she realized that it didn't matter if Dipper found out about it. Twilight walked away from the ticket booth with Dipper to answer him.

“Yes, I am a copy of Twilight, as you found out with curiosity,” Twilight said.

“First of all your colors are grayer and secondly your cutie mark is barely distinguishable, Twilight2,” Dipper said.

Twilight's clone upon hearing that immediately looked at her cutie mark and realized that it was barely noticeable and suddenly realized something else.

“Wait a minute Dipper, did you call me Twilight2?” the Twilight clone asked.

“To be able to differentiate yourself from the original Twilight,” Dipper said.

The Twilight clone sighs realizing that she somehow found it more comfortable to be called Twilight2 than to just be known as a Twilight clone like the other clones the original Twilight created.

“Okay Dipper you can call me that, but then I'll see what I can call myself,” Twilight2 said.

Dipper and Twilight2 realized that they had to return to the ticket booth to serve the customers. Dipper was calm because he believed that there was no problem that Twilight had made only one clone, but what he didn't know was that Twilight had made many clones.


Meanwhile, the original Twilight was still wondering where to start enjoying the party. Suddenly, Pacifica came out of the bathroom, somewhat upset, but when she saw Twilight she seemed to calm down.

Twilight immediately thought that Pacifica was going to run up and hug her like many girls in Gravity Falls, but she was a little surprised to see that Pacifica didn't immediately run up to hug her.

“You're a real unicorn,” Pacifica said, quite surprised.

“I thought everyone in Gravity Falls knew I was in the Mystery Shack?” Twilight said doubtfully.

Pacifica was surprised to see that Twilight could speak, Pacifica calmed down a little and continued talking to Twilight.

“If you hear there's a unicorn at the Mystery Shack, do you really think it's a real unicorn?” Pacifica responded.

Twilight upon hearing Pacifica's answer couldn't help but agree with her, but she was also sure that most of the inhabitants of Gravity Falls would think it was true.

“By the way, what's your name? My name is Pacifica Northwest,” Pacifica asks.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight replied.

“Why did you seem so worried?” Pacifica asks.

Twilight tells her about the list to make the party perfect, but she realized that she forgot to include herself in the party, Twilight didn't tell her that she had cloned herself. Pacifica was a little surprised to see the list Twilight had made, but she realized something.

“I think you made this list to avoid thinking about something that is worrying you,” Pacifica responded.

Twilight upon hearing that began to think that it was the first thing she thought when she found out that Stan was going to have a party at the Mystery Shack and she suddenly remembered it.

“I miss my friends in Ponyville a lot and that's why I was trying to keep my mind distracted,” Twilight said to herself, forgetting that Pacifica was there.

“Ponyville, is this the town you lived in before?” Pacifica asked.

“Yes, but that's not important,” Twilight said.

“Okay, but I hope you go to the party soon, because soon it will end and I will win the crown,” Pacifica said confidently and then left the place.

Twilight felt calmer talking to someone, but hearing that she was going to finish her off soon she became worried again.

“I'm not going to stress out again, I'm going to calm down and go to the party,” Twilight told herself.

Twilight was going to go to the party, but suddenly one of her clones appeared.

“Twilight, we have to talk to all your copies, it's something very important regarding the list you made,” said the Twilight clone.

“Okay, but make it quick”, responded Twilight, believing that her copy want to talk to her about something that was not important.


Outside the Mystery Shack at the ticket booth, Dipper and Twilight2 were going to the party.

“How strange, I don't see Twilight enjoying the party”, commented Dipper because he looked out the window before entering the Mystery Shack.

“She must be verifying the party things that are on the list with the other clones”, answered Twilight2.

“At one point I thought Twilight was going to the party”, said Dipper.

Twilight2 realized that the original Twilight was going to leave her doing other things while she was at the party. Dipper thought more about what Twilight2 said and realized something.

“Wait, Twilight2, did Twilight make more clones?” Dipper asked when she realized that Twilight2 spoke of clones in the plural.

“Yes, she made several clones, but Dipper, don't worry, they all think the same way as the original Twilight,” said Twilight2, trying to reassure Dipper.

"You didn't seem upset for a moment knowing that the original Twilight was going to the party and you weren't," Dipper said.

Twilight2 hearing what Dipper said started to worry.

“We must go immediately to see the original Twilight and the other clones,” says Twilight2.

Immediately after, Dipper and Twilight leave the place.


Meanwhile, the original Twilight arrived where her clones were and explained to Twilight that they agreed that no one wanted to be watching, but everyone wanted to be at the party, but they all came to agree that she should not be at the party. party if his clones were working.

Twilight realized that obsessing over the list combined with making clones of it was a bad idea. She was also calmer because she talked to Pacifica Northwest.

Twilight knew that she was outnumbered, but suddenly she arrived at the Twilight2 location.

“You all left me at the ticket booth to go to the party,” Twilight said, trying to sound angry following Dipper's plan to distract everyone so the original Twilight could escape from here.

“I forgot you were at the ticket booth,” the original Twilight and her clones said at the same time.

“I have a question, if the original Twilight isn't going to the party, who is going to the party?” Twilight2 asks.

All the Twilight clones started arguing among themselves, except Twilight2. Twilight noticed that there was a clone that she wasn't discussing, Twilight wondered why she wasn't joining in on the discussion. Twilight suddenly saw Dipper motioning for her to run away as they all argued.

Original Twilight and Dipper fled the scene and shortly after Twilight's clones noticed, everyone except Twilight2 decided to chase original Twilight, but when they were surrounded Dipper tried to threaten them with a party popper, but no one took that threat seriously, then Dipper used the party popper caused the sprinklers to light up, causing all the Twilight clones that were there to melt.

“Seeing how the other clones melted makes me think that no one thought about what they were going to do with the clones after the party,” comments Twilight2.

Twilight immediately got scared when she saw that there was still one clone left, but before anything could happen, Dipper started to tell Twilight what that clone was not dangerous, but suddenly they saw that most of them were leaving the Mystery Shack and that made the three of them realize that the party was over.


A few minutes before the party ended it was going to be decided who was going to get the crown.

“One more song, doubts, and then it's time for the bestowing of the party crown. It's gonna be the–”, Soos says then she presses a key on her keyboard making the keyboard make an explosion sound and says happily. “Nailed it”

“Pacifica, I just wanna say that whoever wins, it's been a super fun party”, says Mabel to Pacifica.

“Tsk. Awwww, it thinks it's gonna win. Hey, did you hear that?” Says Pacifica wearing her hand to hear better.

Mabel also use his hand to hear better.

“People clapping for the weird girls? Yeah, I don't", says Pacifica in a mocking tone to Mabel and then she left.

While Mabel was still trying to hear what Pacifica was referring to with a worried look.

“Let the party crown voting begin!” says Soos.

“Good luck, Mabel”, says Pacifica sarcastically to Mabel.

Soos uses the microphone to let everyone know that it will be decided who gets the crown.

“Applaud to vote for Mabel”, says Soos.

Several of the public of the party began to applaud.

“Let's check the applause meter. Oh, oh, very good”, says Soos as he used her hand to measure the number of people clapping.

Mabel feels happy to see that many people support her.

“And the next contestant: Pacifica,” says Soos.

People hesitate to applaud, but when they saw Pacifica angry they started applauding.

“Uh-oh, hey! This has like, never happened before,” says Soos, surprised that it was a tie.

Pacifica upon hearing that began to look around her and sees Old Man McGucket sleeping, Pacifica quickly gives her a dollar and immediately Old Man McGucket wakes up and starts clapping.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we-we have a winner,” Soos said disappointed when he realized that Pacifica had won and then says. “The winner of the contest, is Pacifica Northwest”

Soos hands the crown to Pacifica, then Pacifica stands on the stage and takes the microphone.

“Thank you, Jorge. Thank you everyone! Everyone comes to the after-party at my parents' boat! Woo-hoo!” says Pacifica.

The entire crowd cheers and begins to leave the Mystery Shack.

"Peaceful! Peaceful! Pacifica!” the crowd shouted as they carried Pacifica away.

After they left Mabel was feeling sad because she believed that she had disappointed her new friends Candy and Grenda, but she found out that she had not and they continued to stay at the Mystery Shack to spend the night.


Meanwhile Dipper, Twilight and Twilight2 were on the roof of the Mystery Shack, quite disheartened at having missed the party.

“Don't be discouraged if I would have made a long list if I was really worried about something”, says Dipper trying to cheer up Twilight and Twilight2.

“Thanks for trying to cheer me up Dipper”, said Twilight and Twilight2 at the same time.

Twilight and Twilight2 looked at each other for a moment, feeling that it was something strange and they both thought that using that machine that could create clones was a bad idea.

“The most calming thing for Twilight tonight was spending time with Dipper, I'm sure we needed to talk to someone to calm us down”, said Twilight2.

“That explains why you were calmer unlike the other clones and I also talked to someone nice before the other clones decided to call to talk because they were angry because only I could go to the party”, replied Twilight remembering Pacifica.

Twilight2 wanted to ask her about that person, but first she grabbed a can of drink and drank it immediately after Twilight2 started to melt. Dipper, Twilight and Twilight2 had forgotten that clones melted with liquids, Twilight tried to save Twilight2 with her magic, but she couldn't.

Dipper and Twilight were sad to see Twilight2 die and then returned to the party Mabel was having with her new friends Candy and Grenda. Twilight decided that later she would write that to feel better you should talk to friends.


In Equestria they saw all this and Twilight's friends had some opinions.

“Poor Twilight2 along with the original Twilight were the only ones who learned anything,” says Spike.

They all agreed with Spike's opinion.

“Hey, everyone, I think it's not necessary for Pinkie to find out that Twilight made clones. I think we should just tell Pinkie that she was so focused on the party being perfect that she forgot to include herself in that party,” says Applejack.

Everyone agreed on it.


A few hours later at Northwest Manor, Pacifica has just arrived at her room and begins to remember what happened before she got the crown.

“That unicorn named Twilight said she came from a town called Ponyville,” Pacifica said to herself.

The way Twilight spoke about that town made it seem like she couldn't go back, normally that information would never have mattered to her, but she remembered an incident that happened a few days ago.

“Will Twilight have anything to do with the gold coin that appeared a few days ago?” Pacifica wondered.

Pacifica remembered that a few days ago her parents told her that a gold coin appeared in a store, which they managed to acquire and immediately searched for its origin. They discovered that she had arrived thanks to Soos who had bought a bed with the gold coin. Upon hearing that, he immediately thought that it was because of a scam by a tourist that he obtained that coin, but it was strange that he did not have the Stan, although the strangest thing was the gold coin itself because it seemed new and the design was quite simple, which which made me think that someone made those coins en masse.

Pacifica thought that maybe that coin was related to the town Twilight mentioned, but she quickly tried not to think about it because she wouldn't involve Twilight with her parents and she decided to go to sleep.