• Member Since 26th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Wednesday


Constantly battling between dumb bits and hard logic (he/him)



A showdown between Blister and Sombra turns even more violent than anypony could have predicted.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Crossover

Implied HiE

Any and all constructive criticism is appreciated

Inspired by Heart of the Cards

This story now has a sequel!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 38 )

I sure remember that Odd Eyes Raging Dragon scene in the anime big time.

Where was Spike anyway?
In fact how is he handled in this AU?

Did I say something wrong..?

All I asked was about Spike and suddenly I got two downvotes already.

Not sure. I personally don’t consider this an AU, but to each their own. And would you believe me if I said I forgot about Spike? :facehoof:

He was forgotten?

Is he able to duel too?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows? Maybe future me while writing another story


Was Spike pretty much forgotten when you wrote all 6 stories?

It wouldn't have made sense for spike to be involved in my other stories, this one is the exception

I feel like it made sense for him to be in the Tirek one since Spike was there in the season 4 finale(same with the Discord one)
I don't know.. it bugs me he is just absent so much.

Bummed that his only appearance is just being captured by Sombra and one of his few achievements gets completely negated..
Sorry.. it just brings up a wound on what the season 9 premiere did to Spike, specifically the Sombra thing.

Yeah he was there in the show, but my story involving Tirek didn’t focus on the actual fight or the events leading up to it, it was purely about the aftermath

I haven’t watched the season 9 finale yet so no comment on that

Still Spike could have been there anyway..
I don't know.. sorry..

In the season 9 premiere Sombra came back but the writers had him ignore the fact Spike was the one who foiled him.
Like no acknowledgement at all. And the fact when Sombra brainwashed everyone in Ponyville, including Spike while the Mane 6 take him down. So instead of Spike having a hand in stopping Sombra like he did last time, he gets wasted hard.
It solidified that no matter what Spike does, he is always in the shadows of the girls in the end since he's not one of the "chosen ones".
But it also negated one of his few achievements, it hurts worse due to Spike stopping Sombra was significant due to Sombra is one of the few villains that the Mane 6 aren't responsible for foiling. So Sombra coming back with Spike taken out and the girls stopping Sombra this time took away one of Spike's greatest achievements. Sombra was Spike's villain but they had the Mane 6 take that away..

Yeah.. sorry for ranting there..

I won’t be reading most of that because of spoilers, but there’s no need to be sorry, you seem like you needed to get that off your chest

Also consider putting a spoiler tag on that whole section

I've managed to put a spoiler tag there(though the season 9 premiere was out for almost 3 years, how long till you see the premiere?)

Not sure, don’t have plans to do such but I’m not avoiding it either, just haven’t gotten around to it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Again, no need to apologize, bro, you’re all good.

You’re like Twilight continuously apologizing to Celestia for apologizing

^^^I mean that as a joke

Its a habit I think(especially due to nervousness, not sure on that honestly.)

Yeah.. in this with Sombra is back but Spike is instantly taken out and at Sombra's mercy while someone else takes him down(Spike's achievement getting negated, especially since Sombra was Spike's villain there in the show) really.. brings back the wound that the season 9 premiere did..
I really suggest you look at the season 9 premiere as soon as possible to see what I mean.
In fact what other premieres you didn't see since you didn't see season 9?

I have explicit memory of everything up until the end of season 4, and after that everything gets fragmented but I know I have watched most episodes up until the end of season 7 if my Netflix watch history is anything to go by

So pretty much you didn't see the premieres/finales of season 8 and 9 then?

Yeah. I have seen the Last Problem though, weird huh?

So you basically know what happened to the Royal Sisters there?

In the season 9 finale? They all sacrificed themselves to let Twilight get away or something, right?

Kind of.
They only got captured

What cards Spike might use?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’d imagine it’d be dragon related but there’s dozens of dragon archetypes to pick from: Dragunity, Guardragons, Blue-Eyes, Galaxy-Eyes, the Dimensional Dragons, lots of others I’m forgetting

I can see he uses alot of dragons. To reflect his potential.
Like Red Eyes , the Dimension Dragons, Guardragons, Chaos dragons(even Red Eyes/Blue Eye/Galaxy Eyes together), etc.

Though bummed he isn't allowed to use the Dimension Dragons here since Blister is using them..

🤔Genuine question, ever considered just writing a story like that yourself? I'm sure you'd be able to pull something that you like better than anyone else. Hell, the whole reason I'm writing on this site is because I ran out of/couldn't find any fics that fit my very specific tastes, and that resulted in everything I've ever released

Not really a story writer but more of a idea giver/reader something.
I don't know..

Anything about Spike regarding your stuff?

I thought the same thing until I started to try and put the idea burning in my head onto paper, or my computer I guess.

I don’t have any Spike plans for right now but who knows if that’ll change? Future me, that’s who and I ain’t that guy, sorry bro

I see.

Ok then..
Though it just bugs me alot on how Spike in this one is just captured and at Sombra's mercy(which completely negates Spike's achievement of stopping him like what the season 9 premiere did to Spike) or the fact he can't use the Dimension Dragons due to Blister having them here.

I’ll be on the look out of you do release spike content

I am not sure if I do write anything or not. Maybe in the future, but I am not sure.

So um.. anyway..
Any thoughts on what I mentioned about Spike?

I mean my only thought is “I didn’t even mention him so why are you annoyed” but that’s unhelpful and annoying in and of itself.

Other than that I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t want you to be upset but at the same time I just don’t feel an urge, that spark, to write something about Spike that I felt before writing this or any of my other stories…

I hope I wasn't bothersome when I brought up those two bits, was I.?

Thats good.

Yeah.. you might want to look at the season 9 premiere when you get the chance to see what I mean about the thing with Spike there regarding Sombra..

🅱🆁🆄🅷 someone’s gotta hit on us or some thin’ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You mean how someone keeps downvoting our comments?

That has been baffling me for awhile.


Anyway, yeah I’ll have to give it a watch when I get the time, maybe over Winter break

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