• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 761 Views, 13 Comments

The abuse we tolerate - Wolfeh05

Spike is finally in a relationship with his beloved Rarity.

  • ...

Again and again

Rarity just went outside her boutique, and turned to close the door. She wanted to go get some vanilla and blueberry cupcakes for her and Spike. Just as she was about to turn, she saw Twilight heading her way.

"Oh why hello darling!", said Rarity cordially.

"Good morning Rarity!", replied Twilight politely.

Rarity noticed that Twilight was quite fidgety, twirling her hooves on the ground:a clear sign something was bothering her.Rarity decided to address the situation:

"It's something the matter, Twilight? You seem rather agitated. Come on, talk to me"

"Umm, it's just that...after you and Spike took your relationship a step further, he moved in with you and I just...rarely see him. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for you, it's just that..."Twilight trailed off.

"Oh, haha, it's this what it's all about? Don't worry, I'll tell him to go visit you, but unfortunately, the poor dear isn't feeling very well these days", replied Rarity with a sad tone.

"Is he sick? You can tell me, so I can do my best to help him".

"I think it's the fact that he is maturing up. And, well, he is a dragon, you know how different he is from us ponies", Rarity
winked at Twilight.

"Oh ok, I can't wait to see him though. I'm gonna go now, see you later Rarity. And thanks!"

"You're welcome darling!", said Rarity, while waving after her friend.

Rarity was almost near the Sugarcube Corner, when, on a bench, she saw Lyra and Bon Bon. Everypony knew at this point that they were basically a couple, even though at some points, they tried to hide it. Rarity instinctively put her hoof on her cheek, which had a slight bruise, that she took enough time to cover with makeup and even her hair if necessary. She frowned slightly, shook her head and continued her trek towards the sweets shop. She knew her sweet little drake would love something just as sweet as him. Well, metaphorically speaking at least.

As the white mare entered the store, she was greeted by her pink friend, that was energetically serving customers left and right.

"Rare bear! I am suuppeeerr duuuppeerrr haaapppyyy tooo seee yoouuu!"exclaimed Pinkie.

Rarity knew that all her friends were different and each had their own unique personality and traits, so she just accepted Pinkie's childlike and hyperactive personality. She gently smiled at her, "Hello Pinkie dear, I just wanted to ask if I can trouble you for some cupcakes?".
Pinkie silently went to the kitchen and handed Rarity a small paper bag. The other mare checked it and, surprisingly, the bag contained the cupcakes she wanted to order.

"Pinkie, you're amazing! How are you doing that?", Rarity asked with genuine awe in her voice.

"Eh, Pinkie sense, I guess?", smirked the pink mare. But then, Pinkie frowned a bit and concerned, asked Rarity, "Uhmm Rarity, not to sound rude or anything...but are you ok? Is your relationship with Spike ok?"

Imperceptibly, Rarity stiffened a bit at her friend's sudden question, but she relaxed her body and tried her best to respond in the most nonchalant way she could manage, "Why, what do you mean dear?I am perfectly fine, and Spike is too. And our relationship is blooming like a soft, delicate flower in spring".
Pinkie still looked concerned, but smiled at her friend and told her, "Hmm well, I believe you then. Take care Rares!", and with that she began bouncing happily around the store once again.

Rarity bid farewell to her friend and left the store. She frowned slightly as she checked her mental note of things to do before returning to her Boutique. She decided that it's better to leave the cupcakes to Spike and then, either work or do other tasks. She began trotting in the direction of the Carousel Boutique.

"Spikeee, I'm hoomeee!", Rarity said in a singsong voice, as she clicked the light of her Boutique. She slowly walked in the direction of where she knew she will find Spike. She couldn't wait to see her beloved.

"Spike, are you ignoring me? I bought you some cupcakes, my favorite! So now we ca- ew ew ew!", Rarity suddenly stepped back and grimaced at the blood that was slowly creeping it's way towards her hooves .After examining the blood a bit, she lifted her head and saw it's source: Spike."Ohh no no no no! Spike!", the mare opened the gate from his cage and lifted Spike in her magical aura.

"Spike, what did you do??, Rarity was both furious and agitated. She tried her best to think of a solution: take him to the hospital? But what if he wakes up? But what if he dies if she doesn't take him to the hospital? With a determined look, Rarity decided to take him to the Ponyville hospital.

Spike groggily woke up. He had no idea where he was, so he slowly turned his head around the room. White, a beeping noise, more white...white with purple...oh no.

"R-Rarity...?, asked the drake wearily.

"Spike! You're ok!, Rarity replied happily. Then, her voice changed, "Spike, did you do what I think you did??", she asked him with venom and anger in her voice. Spike shrunk away at her tone. She wasn't scolding him, like a mother would scold her bratty foal, or like a friend would scold you when you did something stupid. She was genuinely angry, the type of angry that he saw her be only when her creations were destroyed.

"Ok...listen Spike", Rarity sighed, "How about I take you home, give you some food, prepare you a nice bath. How does that sound?, she asked him, but the tone implied that he had no choice but to accept. He looked at her. He wanted to say something, anything...but he didn't had the strength right now. He believed that a small nod would be enough. Rarity didn't even wait for him, "Alright then. I'll go talk with the doctor".

The couple arrived at the Boutique, after Rarity told the doctors that she would do her best to take care of her Spike. They agreed and told her what to do in order to make his recuperation better. Rarity listened to every advice they gave her, then put Spike in a wheelchair and walked towards her home. It was good that it was starting to get dark, since she didn't really want anypony to see them and start asking questions. She didn't have the energy right now for her friends.
She slowly put Spike on her fainting sofa, facing him with a disappointed look. Spike didn't even look at her.

"So, after everything I do for you, this is my reward?", Rarity started. Spike gently lifted his head and looked at her.

"I forgave you after you left me for that...that floozy! I don't even remember her name, Drabby or something. I made you my boyfriend! I treated you right! You even hit me when I tried to assault you with kisses!". Spike gaped at her. His mouth tried his best to make words, not nothing came out.

"Whatever", huffed Rarity. "I'm going to make some tea. Be a dear and stay on the sofa. At least now I assume you're too weak and dizzy to try to leave without my permission". Spike began to gently cry.

How did things end up like this?Rarity was all that he wanted:she was the most beautiful mare he has ever seen, she represented her element perfectly, she was as kind as Fluttershy and almost as smart as Twilight. He was on cloud nine when Rarity told him that she wanted him to be her boyfriend. He immediately accepted, after all this was his dream all along. But things started to change...Rarity became possessive, to the point that he barely spent time with other friends. Rarity justified this by saying that she felt hurt when he spent time with Gabby and that she doesn't want that to happen again. Spike was upset, but he accepted. After all, Rarity was the most important person in his life, on the same line with Twilight. But then, things started to take a dark turn when Rarity came home one time and said she wanted a kiss. Spike leaned in, but Rarity instead bit him, hard. Spike cried out in pain and looked at her. She was laughing, saying that she heard dragons liked it rough, so she wanted to test it. Even after Spike told her this wasn't ok, she insisted, so Spike just panicked and hit her across the face. She looked dumbfounded at him and then started to cry, "How dare you??You hit my beautiful face!", and she hit him back. At first, Spike didn't even realize what happened, before Rarity cradled him in her arms, "Ooh Spike, I am...so sorry!", she said solemnly. "I swear it won't happen again.It...it was just...I was angry, and...how about I give you some high quality gems?You'd love them!", she gently smiled at him and batted her eyeleashes in a way that looked almost seductive. At first, Spike was more surprised than upset, but when she saw Rarity like that, and how sad and pathetic she looked, he just had to forgive her. She was his girlfriend after all, right?And she loved him. She wanted to protect him and...she was probably just missguided. Rarity wanted to learn about dragons and his culture. Good theory, bad practice, he supposed. She was sorry and promised it won't happen again. And of course he promised her that he won't tell their friends. It was a mistake after all. A couple's first true bickering. That was supposed to make your relationship stronger, right?
It didn't even occur to him that it was strange when Rarity told him that she has a surprise for him. He used to give her presents too. But it was strange when said present was a cage. A very expensive, high looking cage that looked like a tiny bedroom...but still a cage. He asked her about it, and she nonchalantly said that it was for him. He asked her what she meant, that he was supposed to sleep in her bed, but Rarity told him that it was for the times when he was alone. Just in case he gets an idea to run away, she said. Spike didn't like this, but Rarity assured him that it was only and ONLY for when she was away. And besides, it was just like a tiny room, just for him. She said that he was supposed to be grateful, and he thanked her. But after some time, Spike started to doubt this relationship:Rarity got mad at him for even the pettiest of things, sometimes even raised her hoof at him but right before she hit him, she apologized and said she just tried to point at something or gesticulate. It appeared that he was more of a toy, rather than partner.It got even worse when Rarity didn't even let him leave her home anymore. Spike was so hopeless and sad, that one day decided to do the unthinkable:end this miserable relationship in the most brutal way. He started bashing his head along the cage's bars, while thinking about Rarity, his love for her, the decisions he made, her attitude towards him, how useless he felt a lot of times, how unlovable...how...something, until he started to lose consciousness.

Spike stopped his train of thoughts when Rarity entered the room with a tray and placed a somewhat hot cup of tea in his claws.

"Drink, darling. It's primrose tea. It's good for the soul", said Rarity gently. Spike looked at his cup of tea. He didn't particularly like tea, but since Rarity did, he also made it his habbit. He slowly took the cup to his lips and drank. The hot, golden liquid tasted sweet and somewhat grassy, but also a bit bitter. Not bad, he thought. He finished his tea faster than Rarity, which daintly sipped her tea with her eyes closed. He put the cup on the tray and lifted his head towards his partner.

"Rarity, I...", he swore he wanted to say something this time, but the words refused to come out. Not because he didn't want, but because his head felt heavy. The rest of the words that he wanted to say came out slurred, and he slumped in Rarity's lap. The mare wasn't surprised, in fact she gently stroked his head scales while humming a soft tune. She then looked down at him and smirked:

"I am sorry for this darling, but you really need to learn something: you are mine.And my things are not allowed to break until I decide it."

Author's Note:

Ok soo, this is my first story published.I know it's not great, but please feel free to give your sincere feedback.:raritystarry:

Comments ( 13 )

Yes, sounds about right.

Dark little story. Simple, if a bit rough, though easy enough to read.

I would suggest learning a bit more about paragraph formation.

You keep writing and there will be people who will keep reading.

Oh, and don't forget to source your cover art. Doesn't matter if you created it, used AI, contracted the work, or just found it somewhere on the interwebs.

Rarity is canonically 8 years older than spike.
He was 6 and she was 14 when twilight came to pony ville.
That means she was more than double his age when she
started using him for free labour . .
with him at 8 she was still double his age at 16 and even
when you double his age to 12 she was still 20 at that time.
If you are against foalcon, you can not be for Sparity.

I thought the mane 6 were in their 20s

Yes plus someone should have killed that crush before twilight even got to rule everyone. It one thing to crush on a celebrity that you will hardly ever see in real life. Most of those crushes die over time. But rarity next door and doing nothing to discouraged him and him not probably having the courage to make an official move towards besides trying to impress her and hanging around her most of the time.

11780701 incorrect, the mane 6 are all adults at the start of the show. Idk about spikes age if it had any cannon mentions but the mane six are all in their 20’s

:duck: I may be a drama queen
:moustache: But she's no psycho killer
:facehoof: As if you think I'd let Rarity harm him
:ajsmug: Well he did get a blister on his mister
:pinkiegasp: And she got one on her 'sister'
:rainbowlaugh: Now they'll both have a clutch of eggs in diapers
:flutterrage: Discord, That's not funny!
:unsuresweetie: I didn't get any blisters anywhere
:duck: Besides I sent Gabby packing moons ago
:trollestia: Kiss the ring

There's no way this is going to last long. Rarity can't keep Spike lock away forever. There are too many creatures that cares about him, and Twilight is eventually going to worry and get suspicious.

One way or another, the truth of what Rarity is really doing to Spike will get revealed and I would love to see what happens after that.

Twilight hatch spike when she was about three or four and by the end of the season Twilight is 24 spikes in his 20s rarity might be the oldest but spike would still be over 18.
And it's there is a whole episode where these says I'm not the one for you. Spikers canonically abused by everyone because they use them as the comic relief

I like your story but it was a little too fast. I felt like I missed something or there was something that didn't catch on in the whole situation. But if you do make a second story, it'll be interesting to see what happens

Thank you so much for the advice.I'll try my best next time.In fact, I even added two new stories.Also, I added the source for the cover image :twilightsmile:

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