• Published 8th Nov 2021
  • 479 Views, 4 Comments

TimberTwi Tales: Their First Date - CapNTilfy

Timber Spruce and Twilight Sparkle go out on their first date together. TimberTwi Tales #2

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“C-Cadance!” Twilight laughed nervously. “Wh-what are you doing here? I mean, I know what you’re doing here, you’re hanging out with friends! I’m hanging out here too, with-”

“Timber Spruce?” Vice-Principal Luna stopped just next to Cadance with her arms folded and a raised eyebrow. Her expression gradually became a knowing smile as she immediately grasped the situation.


A visibly pregnant woman in her thirties approached the group. She ran a light purple hand through her frosty blue hair, and her icy blue eyes twinkled with excitement. “Is this what I think it is?”

“Radiant Hope! I didn’t know you were expecting again!” Twilight rushed over to her. “How far along are you? How are you feeling? How are your children? How’s your husband?”

Hope giggled, amused by Twilight’s obvious attempts at distraction. “Seven months, I’m feeling just fine, so are my kids and husband, and everyone’s excited to meet the baby.” She gently rubbed her belly with a smile. “Now that I’ve answered your questions… why don’t you answer mine?”

“I-I… W-What do y-you think this is?” Twilight was blushing furiously.

Luna leaned into Hope and Cadance. “We should probably leave them be,” she whispered. "I’ll fill you in on the details later, but it suffices to say that they do have good chemistry together.” She laughed softly.

Cadance turned to Twilight and Timber, smiling. “Well it was nice to see you, Twilight… and it was nice to meet you, Timber Spruce.”

Timber snapped out of his surprise and confusion. “Y-Yeah! S-Same!” He watched as the three women walked off, then turned to Twilight as she pulled at her hair. “Who were those women with Vice-Principal Luna?”

Twilight paused for a moment as she struggled to regain her composure. Dammit, dammit, dammit! Those three just had to be here, of all the possible nights! She loved all of them dearly, but she didn’t want them to find out about herself and Timber hanging until she was ready to tell them!

Twilight heaved a long sigh. “Cadance is the new Principal of Crystal Prep Academy, and Radiant Hope is a counselor,” she explained as she put a hand to her head. “Though I imagine she’ll be on maternity leave in a few weeks.”

New Principal? What happened to the old one?”

“It’s a long story, Timber, and to be frank, I’m not quite comfortable telling it.”

That piqued Timber’s curiosity, but he decided not to pursue the matter. “Okay. I can respect that.”

Twilight put a hand on Timber’s shoulder. “Thanks. Maybe someday I’ll tell you the whole story.”

Timber put a hand on top of Twilight’s with a soft smile, only for both of them to blush and pull their hands back.

“S-So, how’s Gloriosa,” Twilight asked, hoping to move past that awkward moment.

"Hasn't she been keeping in touch with you?"

Twilight shook her head as she made a mental note to reach out to Gloriosa with Sunset.

Timber sighed. "It hasn't been easy for her. She's been having nightmares over what happened!"

Twilight struggled to suppress a mirthless laugh. She and Sunset knew what that felt like! After everything she went through, why wasn't Gloriosa asking for help?!

"I can only imagine," Twilight said softly.

"I'll have to talk with Gloriosa when I get back home," Timber frowned as he put a hand to his head. "You'd think she'd set her pride aside more than once, especially after nearly losing Camp Everfree."

“Timber,” Twilight said sympathetically as she adjusted her glasses. “Sometimes people need to learn the same lesson more than once.”

“Yeah… I know.”

Silence fell, only for the vibration of the restaurant’s disc to break it.

Twilight and Timber walked up to the clerk, then handed him the disc. He took it, then put it away. “Follow me.”

By the time the couple reached the table, a thought came to Timber. It was something he’d been wondering about for a while now, and now was as good a time as any to ask Twilight!

“So”, Timber said as he sat down. “What did it feel like? When you grew wings and got all those cool powers?”
Twilight sat down, then sighed dreamily. “It felt like nothing I’d ever felt before! It was just so… so… liberating!”

“I bet.” Timber smiled, remembering Twilight’s sheer elation on stage. Her smile. Her beautiful singing voice. Her wink.

“Howdy, there!”

The chipper southern voice snapped Timber out of his reverie, and he looked upward. Standing before him was a curvy, middle-aged pale yellow woman. Her bouffant hairdo was held in place by a headband filled with cherries. She smiled widely as her green eyes twinkled.

“I’m Cherry Jubilee, and I’ll be your waitress tonight!”

Upon realizing they were both lost in their conversation, Timber and Twilight blushed, then hastily picked up their menus.

Cherry laughed at the sight. “Y’all can just take your time, there’s no need to rush.” She took out a notepad. “So what’ll ya have to drink?”

Timber and Twilight ordered their drinks, and Cherry went off to get them. Upon her departure, the two looked at their dinner options as they racked their brains trying to think up questions to ask each other.

What’s his favorite color? No, that was too childish a question.

What’s her biggest fear? No, Timber didn’t want Twilight to feel uncomfortable.

There was silence between the two as a few moments passed. Eventually, they both not only knew what they wanted to eat, but they finally came up with questions for each other!

Before Timber or Twilight could open either of their mouths, Cherry Jubilee returned.

“Ready to order?”

Timber and Twilight ordered their dinners, then turned their attentions back to each other.

"Say, Twilight? What do you like about quantum physics?"

Twilight's eyes lit up. "It's a very fascinating subject, Timber!"

As Twilight started to go into detail, Timber’s heart skipped a beat. Everything she was saying was going over his head, but he'd be damned if seeing her this passionate wasn't a stunning sight! He simply nodded his head as he fell a little deeper for her.

Once Twilight finished speaking, she smiled widely. She'd never get tired of talking about scientific things!

Timber sighed blissfully. "You're right," he said dreamily with half-lidded eyes. "That was fascinating!"

Heat rose to Twilight’s face upon seeing Timber’s expression. Something deep inside of her told her she wouldn't mind seeing that again!

Twilight eagerly wondered if her impending question would trigger the same effect.

"So. Aside from it being your home, what is it about Camp Everfree that you love?"

Timber grinned, then began to go into detail about his passions.

Time seemed to slow down for Twilight as she saw the biggest smile on Timber’s face. She resisted the urge to get her phone out and take a picture of the moment. He just looked so precious!

As Timber spoke about activities with children, Twilight sighed dreamily. The twinkle in his eyes. The passion of his expressions.

So that's what that felt like.

It was a strange, practically alien feeling to Twilight. It was something akin to what she felt when she saw her friends, yet different as well.

By the time Timber finished, their food had arrived, and he and Twilight ate in companionable silence. Once they finished, Twilight got Cherry's attention.

"Check, please," Twilight said, then turned to Timber. "Let me pay. I don't want you to have to worry about finances until Camp Everfree's back on its feet!"

Timber was stunned. "Twilight..."

"No objections. I insist!"

Timber slowly smiled. "If you insist", he said.

Twilight paid, then she and Timber left Roma's.