• Published 4th Dec 2021
  • 1,156 Views, 13 Comments

Meadow of Rocks - SuperPinkBrony12

At long last, Rockhoof summons up the strength to confess his feelings to Mage Meadowbrook, his fellow pillar. But what will Mage Meadowbrook have to say in response?

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Strength and Healing

At first the mighty Rockhoof hadn't given much thought to the feelings. Yes, they were different around Mage Meadowbrook than they were around any of his other fellow pillars, but that could've meant anything. The two had always had a special connection as fellow earth ponies, it was a type of bond that pegasi like Flash Magnus or unicorns like Starswirl could never truly understand. And in truth, Rockhoof had always felt closer to Meadowbrook than any of the other pillars, even Flash Magnus with whom he shared a military background.

Even after returning from limbo after over a thousand years, initially Rockhoof hadn't had much time to dwell on any particular feelings for anypony. It was only once The Pony of Shadows business was taken care of (and Stygian brought back into the circle of friends) that the stallion and pillar of strength had time to start gathering his thoughts. Even while he was returning to his old village to see what had become of it, he found that Meadowbrook was never far from his mind no matter what. He started thinking about her even when he tried his best not to.

The thoughts weren't just about friendship or kinship either, not even feelings of respect for what she did (which Rockhoof greatly admired. It wasn't easy working with creatures of all shapes and sizes). Eventually, Rockhoof realized that the feelings he felt were feelings of love. Feelings of romantic attraction. And he knew to whom they were directed: The very pillar of healing herself: Mage Meadowbrook.

Rockhoof initially tried to push those thoughts to the back of his head, especially when he had to leave his village behind and struggled to find where he truly belonged in an Equestria that had changed so much in his absence. Only in hindsight did he regret that he hadn't thought about even vaguely figuring out if Meadowbrook felt the same towards him as he felt towards her.

Yet once things had settled down and Rockhoof had confidently settled into his new role in Ponyville, the stallion began to once again dwell on the love he had for Mage Meadowbrook. Night after night he would lay in bed with his trusty shovel never far from his sight. And night after night he'd be kept awake thinking about his fellow earth pony, how beautiful she was, how caring she was towards others, even how great a cook she was. Try as he might, he simply couldn't get her out of his mind no matter what he did.

So it was that the pillar of strength made up his mind one day. Though he wasn't the pillar of bravery (that title belonged to Flash Magnus), the mighty earth pony stallion decided that he needed to be brave and confront these feelings the only way he knew how: By asking Meadowbrook directly how she felt. After that, it would all be up to her as to where things went. Hopefully, regardless of outcome the two would at least still be friends and teammates.

And with that, Rockhoof silently vowed that he would make a personal journey out to Hayseed Swamp as soon as he found the time. So determined was he to confront his feelings that the thought of writing to Meadowbrook never crossed his mind (even though it would've accomplished the same task with arguably faster results).

Mage Meadowbrook had quickly settled into a routine after returning with limbo and dealing with The Pony of Shadows. There were always ponies and other creatures in need of healing, and it was her duty as a healer to help those in need. And with Cattail to assist her in gathering ingredients for her various potions and other medical remedies, life became something akin to normal. It helped that there were no big threats that required the attention of the pillars, it truly seemed like this time peace would indeed last forever.

But peace or no peace, Meadowbrook's work was never done. Every day there were plenty of patients in need of her special healing touch. And the young mare just couldn't turn anyone away even when doing so would be perfectly reasonable. To deny anyone aid would be to go against her very healer's oath. And after what had happened with Stygian, the mage didn't ever want to lose someone because she could've helped but had refused to do so. She'd gotten lucky with Stygian, she probably wouldn't be as lucky a second time.

So it was that Meadowbrook was spending today the way she spent just about every day: Hard at work inside her house that rested near the edge of the bayou, checking on her supply of ingredients and consulting her private journal as needed to remind her of what was needed for what brews.

Suddenly, the mare's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. No doubt it was another patient coming to ask her if she had something for whatever ailment they had come down with. So she left her cauldron after making sure there was nothing in it that risked spoiling or exploding in her absence. Then the mage made her way over to the front door and opened it. And what she saw made her brilliant turquoise eyes widen in surprise!

Meadowbrook was greeted by the familiar sight of Rockhoof, his grayish blue eyes staring right back at her own as though locked into an intense staring contest. And was it her imagination, or did Rockhoof's grayish-green coat seem to have an exceptionally bright shine to it all of a sudden?

Rockhoof, for his part, seemed to be all but at a loss for words as he slowly bowed to his fellow pillar and greeted. "Hello, Meadowbrook. Sorry to... er... drop by unannounced like this. I know you're probably very busy with your healing work."

The young mage did her best to quickly regain her composure as she declared. "Oh, don't be silly, Rockhoof. I always have time for a friend like you. If anythin', I should be makin' more of an effort to get out of the house and see the world. I've always got Cattail to hold down the fort here if need be."

The stallion chuckled a bit. "Aye, you're fortunate to have a descendant you can call upon," In a more somber tone he added. "I'm the last of my kin, nothing remains of my village but ruins and memories."

"Well, that's why you moved to Ponyville, isn't it?" Meadowbrook inquired as she led her fellow pillar inside. "I hear it's quite lovely. One of these days I really should pay it a visit."

Rockhoof nodded his head in agreement. "Tis true, Ponyville is indeed a fine place. Reckon it'll be a fine home for me for the rest of my days. Got plenty of wee ones to tell my stories to, and there's always the occasional odd job for me trusty shovel."

Meadowbrook quickly questioned. "Then why come all the way out here? Sounds like you've got everythin' you could ever want in Ponyville. And I ain't heard a peep from Starswirl since we got back from limbo, so it can't be some great evil long forgotten that's comin' back."

The pillar of strength shook his head from side to side in response. "Nope, that ain't the case. If it were you wouldn't be hearing it from me, I ain't as fast as Flash Magnus and I don't have Starswirl's gift of teleportation," He then cleared his throat. This was it, the moment of truth. "I came all the way out here to see you."

Meadowbrook was almost stunned into silence by the confession. "Why me? I mean, not that I don't appreciate the visit or anythin' like that. But why seek me out personally? You ain't sick with somethin', are you?"

"Oh no, Meadowbrook, I be fit as a fiddle!" Rockhoof declared while flexing his muscles. Once he'd reassured his fellow earth pony that he was indeed fine, he went on confessing. "I came to see you because there's something I just had to ask you. Something that's been wrangling me for some time now."

"And what would that be?" The young mage curiously inquired and pondered aloud.

The mighty stallion promptly told the mage. "Well, there's no other way to put it. So ready or not, here it comes!" Taking a deep breath he proclaimed while locking eyes with his fellow earth pony again. "Meadowbrook... I'm in love with you. Not the kind of love a friend feels for another or the kind of love that's a respect for what one does. It's the oldest kind of love, one that lures a pony to another."

A stunned silence befell Meadowbrook's house when Rockhoof had finished his declaration. The pillar of healing seemed to be in a state of shock, unable to move or say anything.

Rockhoof waved a hoof in front of his fellow pillar's face as he tried to get a reaction of some sort out of her. "Meadowbrook? You there? Please say something, anything!"

Slowly but surely, Mage Meadowbrook found the words she wanted to say as she slowly snapped out of her shock and recovered. "Sorry, Rockhoof. It was just a bit sudden is all. Wasn't expectin' ya to say somethin' like that."

"Terribly sorry. But I couldn't think of any other way to tell you." Rockhoof sincerely apologized.

The earth pony mare just cleared her throat. "It's alright, at least you're honest with me. I can appreciate that."

"So, what does this mean?" Rockhoof asked as it was his turn to start pondering. "I mean, things obviously can't go back to how they were before. But what exactly are we to do now?"

Meadowbrook put a hoof to her chin, deep in thought. After a moment or so of silent contemplation, she looked Rockhoof deep in the eyes as she said to him. "Well, I reckon we ought to at least give this love thing a chance."

Rockhoof nearly leapt up in surprise! "You mean, you feel the same towards me as I feel towards you?"

The young earth pony nodded. "I suppose I do. I hadn't really thought about it much, but there was always somethin' that drew me to you even when we were with the other pillars. And I knew it wasn't just 'cause we were both earth ponies. Only now do I see what was right in front of me all along."

The mighty stallion smiled as he trotted over. Leaning in close, he gave the object of his affection a kiss on the cheek. "Been waiting an awful long time to do that," He told her afterward. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, Rockhoof," Meadowbrook smiled back. "Not at all," And then she added. "Well, this certainly changes things. Seems like I finally have a reason to get away from my cauldron for somethin' other than scavengin' for potion ingredients. And I'll bet Cattail will be happy to hear I've got a special somepony, he's always been tellin' me I need to get out more and see the world."

"Well, lassie," Rockhoof chuckled with a hearty laugh. "Me and me trusty shovel are up to the task. We've been all over in our time, so we know all the places you simply have to see. And I reckon our first such destination shall be Ponyville."

Meadowbrook's eyes lit up not unlike stars lighting up the night sky. "Oh Rockhoof, I'd love that very much. Just gotta give me time to get things settled with Cattail, let him know I ain't gonna be around for a long while."

The pillar of strength nodded as he turned to leave. "Very well then. Reckon I'll be coming back at the end of the week to collect ya, Meadowbrook. And while we're making our way to Ponyville, I'd be more than happy to share with you some of the stories I've been telling the wee ones at Princess Twilight's school."

"Sounds like a plan," Mage Meadowbrook agreed with a smile and nod. "Guess I'll see you then, Rockhoof. Leave it to you to know just what a mare like me really needs."

Rockhoof grinned. "Just lucky, I guess." And with that he departed Meadowbrook's house. Now knowing that she felt the same way about him as he did about her, it was as if a great load had been lifted from him. The pillar of strength made his way out of the swamp with a skip in his step and an exceptionally bright smile on his face. He hadn't felt this good about anything since Yona had told him how much she looked up to him and wanted to be just like him.

Author's Note:

Ever since reading the Legends of Magic comic series, I've always felt like there was a possibility of shipping Meadowbrook and Rockhoof.

Comments ( 13 )

Interesting and I like it

Author Interviewer

Very cute. :)

"Well, that's why you moved to Ponyville, isn't it?" Meadowbrook inquired as she led her fellow pillar inside. "I hear it's quite lovely. One of these days I really should pay it a visit."

I would say yeah maybe he should live in Ponyville I mean I'm sure he misses his old village and it's kind of sad to think about it

Aww this was a pretty sweet and cute story so it looks like Rockhoof had across on Meadowbrook so he went to her home and told her the truth about how he feels and it looks like she also has the same feeling too I think it's a pretty cute shipping this was pretty good keep up the good work

Very certainly enjoyed this one-shot. REALLY liked the work that went into the exchange, characterizations and general wrap-up, in addition to the point in the author's notes. VERY much appreciated the reflections before the admissions.

Definitely looking forward to seeing what stories you have in mind for next year.

What’re you doing out of class Ocellus? You aren’t skipping class today, are you?

Have a day off today since it the weekend

That was sweet story and it put smile on my face :)

That actually makes a lot of sense, don’t know how I forgot students have the weekends off.

It's been a very long time since I last saw a Pillars shipfic. Good work.

I read the comics and I too felt like there was something there.:raritystarry:

This was a very cute and lovely story. I've always shipped them too since the legend of magic story too.

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