• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 111 Views, 0 Comments

Memories - Dreamless Portal

A story I wrote back when the MLP Movie first came out. At the time I was just beginning writing so of course its gonna suck real hard.

  • ...

Failed Story


Before I start, this story takes place after the Mlp movie, with one exception. Any continuity errors are to be expected. Now that that’s out of the way, please enjoy the story.

Chapter One: The Stories She Told

Are we seriously doing this right now?”

He stood there, gazing at the fire. Watching it all burn. His useless teacher- no useless ‘friend’, Twilight trying to do something about it. Dreamless Portal just laughed and laughed saying,” Watcha gonna do Twilight, save your friends? Hahaha!! Goodluck! Oh and don’t even try going get Celestia’s help, she would have better luck rotting in Tuarterus.” She looked at him with horror. Oh how it filled him up with joy. The end was coming, Discord, Princess Cadenza, Shining Armour, Sunset Shimmer, Luna, Celestia, Sombra, the ‘Dazzlings’ (he liked them more when they were just called ‘The Sirens’), or even the Storm King couldn’t defeat him. There is nopony in all the world that could even scratch this special one.

“Wh-What did you do?! I loved you so why?! Why are you doing this to Equestria, your friends?! Why are you doing this to me?! Don’t I mean anything to you?!” Twilight screamed with oh so delighted fear, and pain, Dreamless Portal loved it.

His eyes. Oh those eyes, sharp daggers, that changed the look in his eyes, they turned and beamed straight at her while he just gave a small, but still horrific grin,““Why? Why?! I did everything for you. I sent all your stupid scrolls to Celestia, brought all your books to you. I was even your ignorant guinea pig for your stupid experiments! And what did I get, nothing, no respect, appreciation, not even a simple thank you. You were just to fixed on your friends to do help me. So now your gonna feel what I felt Twit-No Princess Twilight Sparkle. And yes I did love you at some point, but just like the sun, it must set.” He yelled angrily while tears spread down his cheeks and muzzle, back at the little purple pony, the useless friends he thought of, but now he has no friends, no one, and it’s the way he liked it.

“Your not going to win. You shall fall and what pleasure it will be taking your down!” a familiar voice called out. It was Celestia and the rest of the villains, plus Discord, Starlight Glimmer, Luna, and Shining Armour. They stood there next to Twilight, helping her up.

“Wow there's a lot creatures that just popped out of nowhere. Wait what, oh really? You and what army?”

“Our army.” Storm King, Princess Cadenza, Celestia, and Queen Chrysalis all said in unison, and they were right, a mix between the changeling kingdom, and the royal guards all arose, and through the stormy clouds ceased from above, Storm King’s army was taking over the rough skies, covering it with their signature black smoke, and with it a thick white fog covered the area around Dreamless Portal, making it very difficult to see.

“Oh yeah, well let’s go cheese holes, monkey face, Princess Wannabe, and Celesttiaaaa? Ummm, actually I can’t even think of one for you Celestia. Your like the only one that I can’t even find an insult for, your actually quite the minority.” It is quite hard to find an insult to her, like very hard.

“Are we seriously doing this right now?” Queen Chrysalis yelled to Dreamless.

“Yes we’re doing this right now,” he mimicked her ,”How ‘bout Miss LongMuzzle, nah that doesn’t work for me, oh Princess Long muzzle? No still doesn’t work. By the way, you think this fog can get rid of my sight? I don’t think so!” and with that the fog that covered the pony dissipated into nothing.

“This is the student you decided to have after Starlight?”

“He had potential?” Twilight said with a sheepish look.


“Can we just get this over with now? I do not like to wait.” And sure enough Sombra’s face was starting to be covered by his natural black smoke.

“You know you should really check that out I hear that’s not healthy for tall ponies that are a evil. The black smoke that is, anyways. Yeah I’ll think of a good insult when you all rot in tartarus. Don’t worry I’ll feed, water, and even visit. It’ll be the best time you mares and colts, and whatever discord is, we’ll ever have, or not I don’t really care. Now let’s finish this shall we?” His face turned from the once sweet pupil Twilight cared for so much, into the vile monster that he is know. “As the great Discord, living embodiment of chaos, once said. Better get ready, there seems to be a big ol storm of chaos brewing! Hahahahaha!!” He started to charged one of his specials, and prepared the trump card. But the ‘enemies’ were conversing among themselves to much notice.

“Twilight you really need to start learning to pick your students better. Okay? We’re gonna have a long talk after this.”

A general from the mixed army mass came from Behind Chrysalis, “Orders my Queen?”

“Not from me,” Queen Chrysalis turned to Celestia, along where Discord, Sombra and the Elements of Harmony looked as well, “As much as I hate to say it. General, for here on out you take orders from Princess Celestia. My children are under you control, Princess.”

“So are my chaotic powers, Celestia. Oh I can’t wait for how this battle will turn out. Hahaha!” Discord chimed in.

“My black clouds, magic, and illusionary skills are yours to command.” Sombra said in loyalty.

“And don’t forget our voices, you know!” The Sirens call out from behind.

“Me too, both me and Sunset. Twilight?” softly said Starlight Glimmer gestured towards her former mentor.

“I can’t, I love him to much. After al-”

“HEY! DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME! I mean your trying to fight me right? Right? What a minute.” Dreamless Portal turned around to see if there was anyone behind him only to convince the others there was a confusion within him. Within that faked out confusion, he realized he was ready. He turned back, aimed and fired.


“What happened next?” said a young foal, along with quite a couple of other foals and fillies.

“Yeah what happened next grandma Cely?” Questions a very peculiar young teenage pony. Galaxy Heart was the towns curious cat. Always asking the big and small questions, always wanting to answers to everything. She was just like her mother in every way. Well except for her appearance that is. She wore a brilliant and warm colored magenta coat, with darkened tribal markings around her body. Her eyes, almost like slits, they closey resembled the Captain of the Changelings except without the transitioning of blue to green, her’s were just green. Her wing’s though, they were very large for a pony her size. They almost matched the size of a full grown pegasus. Her horn was not that big though, from another point of view you might think that she hit her head on something. The only thing that wasn’t the same as her mother was the color of her hair and tail. She dyed it a dark navy and black. She didn’t like the color her father left behind before he died. It wasn’t a good contrast of colors in her eyes.

“You want to hear more huh? Well maybe you shouldn’t have called me old, my dear niece.” An anger was heard in the last few words.

“Oh come on! You are old. What? Over a thousand and hundred years?!”

“WAHHHHHHHHH! WAHHHHHHHHH!” The buzzer cried out. Galaxy always hated that buzzer. It always meant the same thing, the daily story with grandma Cely was over. Every day grandma Cely would tell a story to entertain a group of fillies and colts with a story. She called them meetings, because in her mind she thought that grandma Cely was really talking to her only.

“Aww come on.” Galaxy exclaimed with a whiny voice that almost broke Cely’s ears.

“You know the rules, Galaxy Heart. Now my children, you parents are waiting outside patiently for you.”

“Well all but mine”

“Ugh. Galaxy I told you about this. Your mother works very hard. As princess of friendship she has to fulfill her duties. And your father, he wa-. Galaxy I know you feel like you abandoned, but know that I, Luna, your uncle and aunts love you very much. Now head home. It’s probably time that you get your practice in for today.

“Okay. Hey before I leave, can I get quick story on my father?”

“I don’t know your mother told me not to. But life's about breaking rules. This’ll be our little secret okay? Your father was amazing at everything he did. He was even your mother pupil for long time.

“WHAT!? My father was a p-pupil like me and great aunty Glimmer?” said the ecstatic Galaxy Heart with surprise, almost breaking her aunty Cely’s ears.

“Yep and the best pupil he was,” she rubbed her ears from the loud and sudden noise. “So far nobody has been able to pass him. I still remember that twinkle in his eye when I first met him. At the time he only had one of his leg tribal markings.”

“Tribal markings? Oh you mean the things that I have?” Galaxy gestured to her legs and lower back.

“Twilight hasn’t told you about the markings? They stand as basically a second cutie mark, so far there are only 20 ponies accounted for that have tribal markings. You, your father, some ponies that are descendants from zebras, but they are naturally going to have them, and a pony named Phantom Spectre. We’ve only seen him once and he’s very….. scared, makes me wonder if he fought in the War of Dre—. I mean the Great War.”

“Why do ponies do that? I mean if somepony has something to say, say it! The farthest I’ve gotten with this ‘Great War’ is Dream. What does dreaming have to do with a war?” she said as she gestured to Luna who was casually walking by, “I just don’t understand! Ponies say it’s a myth, that it never happened. For a myth that doesn’t exist, lot of ponies know about it. AND I have the date in which the war took place. All the geographical planes help this ‘myth’ too. History books say that only a small dispute took place but this ‘myth’ isn’t a small dispute. The soil in the country is found all the way out in the city. Then I found the ruins in the center of Equestria that even help explain this theory of mine. AND if my father and that other pony Futon Spatula or whatever didn’t die/get those scars from the war, what happened? Explain that aunt Cely.”

She didn’t have to. She couldn’t. It’s like ponies are hiding the most terrible secret from her. Celestia knew this feeling well, and wanted to tell her but she couldn’t. Galaxy Heart shouldn’t know about this yet, not at her age. To change the subject Celestia said, “You really are like your mother, you know that? She did the same exact thing when Nightmare Moon was coming back after 1000 years of banishment. She looked at all the geographics, all the history books, and even the soil, just like you did. She said that Nightmare Moon was back, I said that’s just an old pony’s tale.”

“HA! So the war is real!” Galaxy said in victory only to be quickly shot down.

“No, it’s not. It’s still a myth. Your father did die from a war, but not a war in Equestria. A war out there, beyond Equestria,” trying to change the subject with a desperate last try Celestia said, “A horrible disgusting place.”

“You mean like Kluger Town? Because that's beyond. Or even Uncle Stormy’s country?” she said completely forgetting what she was talking about.

“Yes, and you know he doesn’t like that name, just call him Commander Storm, like he wants,” feeling relieved that she finally got her off the subject she quickly said, “Oh look at the time it’s already time for lunch. Hurry on home niece. Oh tell twilight I said hi.”


Galaxy Heart had decided to sneak around the castle, where then she found one of the guards, specifically a shiny, blue pony that was decked out in gold armour, Ocean Krystal. She noticed that he is on duty and wanted to tease him a little. Ocean Krystal also noticed Galaxy Heart and instead of his usual ‘get over here and get me away from duty’ face, his eyes just darted towards her, scared her half to death. Right next to him was a purple, crown wearing pony reading a scroll.

The purple pony with a beautiful crown, that’s what Galaxy called her mother when she was on duty. She quietly whispered to herself, “One day mom, you’ll have to give that crown to me.” ‘Ha, like that’ll ever happen’ she thought, her mother’s an alicorn, she’s immortal. She can’t die, only be striped of her power, at least that’s what aunty Luna said.

“Galaxy!” Twilight had screamed right in front of Ocean Krystal, he gave the Princess a quick eye roll, as he is used to this. She looked straight at Ocean Krystal and quizzitive said, “Alright where is she? I Know you know Ocean.” In fact he did, it was clear on his face. “That filly…. What am I going to do with her? Nevermind, Ocean you are relieved for the rest of the day.”

“Huh?” He clearly wasn’t ready for that, he thought she was going to yell… again. “My Princess, I can go look for her. I’m sure she isn’t that far. Like maybe only a room or two away, maybe even closer.” His slothy tone was notable in that last sentence.

“Yeah sure,” Already deep in another book, labeled, How to parent.

Great. Not only is my mother reading another parenting book, but Ocean seems to be mad at me for some unknown reason. Galaxy thought to herself. If only I knew how to avoid mother and talk to Ocean, all my troubles will be gone. Galaxy ran ideas through her head, from frog distraction to mind reading to just sending a clone. Ding. I got it, sleep potion, mothers already tired as is. A glowing green smoke appeared by the side of the door was just barely visible, and just like that, a quick purple beam zoomed past passed by Ocean Krystal.

“But I was doing that when she was you- Oh Ohhh,” A quick change from Princess Twilight Sparkle to mom what was to be expected, but alas it didn’t happen. Instead a purple pony slurred her speech, and started to wobble. “Umm. *hic* Ooopssssss,” She dropped her book, she looked back towards Ocean Krystal who had finished gathering his stuff. “Oooooosign, ooooooosiiiiiiign, *hic* ooooooooooooooooooooooooooosiiiiii-”

“What!?” he exclaimed but still in a sluggish voice. “What do you wa-”

“I drop *hic*’d my book over thur, can you gethh it furr me? Preey pwease?”

What is going on? Ocean Krystal thought to himself, one minute ago she was fine, now she is wobbling and slurring her words together. He looked over back to where Galaxy Heart was standing, he only saw a giant jaw drop, seems like she figured out what went wrong. Come one give me some clues, Gear! His nickname for her whenever she screwed something up. Ohhhhhhh, you daughter of the Queen! The answer was plainly obvious now that Galaxy quickly looked at Ocean and raised her hoof up to her mouth and acted like she was chugging. “You used a drunk potion!?” She was wibbling and wobbling all over the place, crashed into a couple of walls, her throne, Ocean himself, and tripped… on nothing. “Please Princess I would like to help you to your chambers.”

“No! No! Nah ah! Osign I’m fine just the way I am, I haven’ felt this way since I met Galaxy’s father all those months ago, or was it years? You know you look just like him.

“....Uhh Prin-”

“Wait now that I get a closer look you don’t *hic* look nearly as handsome.”

The pain on Ocean Krystal’s face was clear, that hurt. “Uhhh Princess, could I head out?”

“Go a*hic*ead.”

“Thank you, Princess. Hey, Moonlight take her back will ya?,”

“Yes sir.”

Uh oh, this is bad. Here he comes. Galaxy Heart looked for cover but in time the guard was upon her.

“I’ll give you five minutes.” A cold, deadly stare tore its way into Galaxy’s heart. This was known as, ‘Windigos’ Krystal Stare.’ A terrifying stare that’s said to come from the eyes of Fluttershy herself. Deep indigo eyes stared straight into the heart of a magenta mare.

“Hehehe, really?” sheepishly whispered a terrified Galaxy Heart, who then was running as fast as she can, wishing she was the gingerbread mare.

Quickly turning a corner into “Royalty Hallway,” where her room was quietly awaiting her presence, she though, ‘Almost…There… Just gotta…fly the rest of the way there.’

Just before she could enter the door, a shimmering dash of gold appeared in front of her. Along with a crash.
“Get. Back. In. There. Your highness.” The Windigos’ Krystal Stare came roaring down from above, making the marked pony feel very very small.

“Mmmph! O-okay--” Talking the walk of shame was normal, especially for Galaxy Heart. When she was younger she and her cousin often got in trouble with guards, except now she has to be a grown mare, and face it head forward. Head hung low she walked slowly back to the throne room, when unfortunately Moonlight couldn’t move the princess back to her chambers, instead she was trying to get all smoochy with the guard, often tripping over in the process. “Mom? Are you okay?” Acting like she never did anything wrong. “Do you need to go to sleep?”

“Ahhh Galafy, where hafe you been dearly? I thought lesson with Celestia ended *hic* a while ago.” Once again she tripped over nothing, its seemed like this was going to be a recurring event determined Galaxy. “Like, I was reading a scroll on how to--err I was catching up with Spike in reading his letters for being a dragon emperor.”

“Spike? Since when does he send scrolls? Without… breathing fire on them? Like when did he start sending them normally?”


Chapter Two:

“Come on in why don’t you!”

Memories. Memories are a reminder of all the bad shit we’ve done. Nothing more. Although sometimes they can be something good, then again, they always lead back to your secrets. What am I doing? Remembering about something far in the past.

“You seem busy this morning,” a whisper came out of nowhere, almost like the wind. “Even an old soul such as I can still see your feelings, such as all those years ago.”

“Shligigh--.” A gruesome gurgling came from a magenta striped pony who was wearing a scarf.

“Stop. Remember what we agreed one? I’ll talk for you. After all it’s my fault you’re stuck here with me, or you could just telepath me.” The pony shifted the scarf just a little as it was annoying him when it talked.


“Yeah I agree, that is kinda annoying.”

“Iiiiijjig foshttttsh, errk moouy.” the pony tried to make out but his voice was not healed yet, and it never will.

“You’re my only friend now. Thank you for exonerating me for my past mistakes.” The pony was the only rea friend that the scarf had ever had, vise-versa. “Well, we should head back to the fields.”

“...Fussshrriiieiiign.” The pony walked out of a tiny shack.


“Frrwanksh, grrrrrine tineeeh?” Questioned the striped pony. Before them laid a strange object, a crown of some sort, it was golden with a purple jewel at the top of it.

“Shush friend, I’m sure this belongs to some creature, but it must belong to brave one at that. Traveling to Crilla Forest is dangerous even for us.” The scarf looked around, well more like observed the scenery since the eye was stationary. “Oh wait doesn’t this belong to her?”

“Eiiin drrrighc crrouuub frijkanc-” The striped pony stopped, breathed in, and yelled. “Niiiggggjjjt Thooouuulllu!”

“Ow. That looked like it hurt, if was gonna heal, you lost chances at that. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna find her? Or are you gonna wait for her to find us?”

Saying nothing, the striped pony left the spot where he had found the jeweled crown. How could she have left this? This is important! She received this to defend herself, not just float around the forest and lose it, hasn’t she learned anything from me? Ugh, that pony I swear to Celestia! he thought to himself. The scarf had heard everything, but said nothing.

Why doesn’t she understand? I tried to teach her. For royalty, she is ditzy, lazy, has to much pride… but she’s smart, caring, and funny. I’m happy she hasn’t left us despite knowing the truth of me and Red.

“Don’t call me that!”

Oh yeah, sorry.

“For a guy who can’t talk, you sure seem like you have a lot of things to say. It seems like you decided your gonna find her, huh?

Yeah, I guess. Now where is that young one?

“Do you wanna check the lake? Or the village? Or how 'about the ruins?”

“Flluuuhssk.” Again that blood-curdling gurgling came back, and the pony was reminded of that fateful day.

Memories. Memories are a reminder of all the bad shit we’ve done. Nothing more. Although sometimes they can be something good, then again, they always lead back to your secrets. Remembering about something in the distant past… is pointless and annoying.

Chapter 3

Twenty years ago

“Why do you look for a peasant when you can have a prince?”

“Twili all I’m saying is that, if you marry into another royalty, you could potentienally be the most powerful-

“But I don’t want the most powerful or the richest or the most respected. I just want to live my life without being part of royalty.

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