• Published 30th Oct 2021
  • 723 Views, 18 Comments

The Chasm - Regidar

A chasm opens in the back of Bon Bon's bedroom.

  • ...

"Everything reminds me of you."

Everything I do

Reminds me of you

With each spoken verse

I feel a little worse

Each day I struggle through

Takes me further away from you

Every single day

I wish to dissipate

into your breath

nothing of me left.

Every day I wake up and I stare into the chasm in the back of my home.

I cannot recall when it appeared. One day it was just there. It broke through my floorboards. A crack in the earth. Stones jutting as teeth from pressed up mounds of soil. Lips made of grass. Water drips from the tips of their blades. The sound is maddening. The scent is foul—stale sweat, morning breath, faded heat.

I do not know how deep that chasm is. I do not intend to ever find out.

I hate the chasm.

And every day, I wake up, and I stare into it.

a conversation with pinkie

to give me a break from my thinking

a conversation with laugh horse

”why is nothing funny anymore”

misunderstood signals

funny twitches and tingles

coy whispers and nibbles

blow me out like a candle

misunderstood wish

tried to take a kiss

but i missed

Why is there so much hate inside of me?

I hate the hate in me. I just want to be a stupid gay animal full of love who is soft and gentle and kind—instead of this miserable, spiteful, hate-filled wreck.

I don’t know all the reasons I hate this way. I know some of them, but I don’t know them all.
I can remember a time when I didn’t hate like this.

I wasn’t born with this hate.

all I really want to feel is love

and I’m angry that I feel so angry.

I wasn’t born with this hate, but I will die with it.

And there, from the back of my room, I can almost swear the chasm is laughing at me.

a conversation with fluttershy

”why is it so hard to be kind”

nothing there in the first place

only the softness of her face

a conversation with the quiet sky

a place that i will never fly

only pretend at sunset

whenever i’m upset

only pretend at sunrise

to look in her eyes


i could pretend

and do it again

i could pretend

she wanted me in the end

This world is gorgeous. This world is beautiful. This world is a gift.

Sometimes I wish the sun would be brought down from the heavens and burn us all into less than nothing. Sometimes I wish Nightmare Moon had won and I had died in that endless night. That I had died with the one I love instead of continuing to walk this horrible, gorgeous, beautiful world. To give away this gift that has gone and taken from me.

I want the windigo's gales. I want to be locked in Tartarus. I want the life choked out of the land. I want to be torn apart by the Everfree. I want to be turned to stone by a cockatrice. I want gryphons to gorge on my entrails.

I want the world to be as ugly as I feel.

As ugly as the chasm.

a tussle with derpy

giggles and titters so flirty

I asked if she preferred the name ditzy

she leaned in and kissed me

“I don’t care what you call me

i just wanna feel your body”

no heat from within me

mistakenly empty





feathers, please

those gorgeous things

will she forgive me

when i tell her i’m sorry

I threw that picture into the chasm the night she was gone.

I am not

strong enough

to look

at it

I cover my face with my hooves. I rarely cry. Tears don’t come to me like they used to. I will grit my teeth. I will make hissing noises of frustration and rage. I will gnaw at the dirty insides of my hooves. My eyes may grow wet, and dampen the shaggy fur around my fetlocks. I will find my breath heavy, and I will find my chest heaving

It all feels so hollow and empty.

And with my bloodshot eyes, I stare into the chasm.

a conversation with twilight

”why is life so hard to get right?”

drawn into her wingspan

my heart stopped again

she held me so tight

my coat set alight

my shell held aloft

in her feathers so soft

her heartbeat steady

and her body warm

finally felt ready

finally safe from harm

i leaned in to kiss

brought her hoof to my lips

”not tonight”

that’s alright

it’s alright

that is alright

it is all right.

That night I stared deep into the chasm.

The chasm does not grow. The chasm does not shrink. It does not move. Nothing ever emerges from it except stagnant stenches. Nothing ever enters except droplets of water. and the picture of h

Yet I cannot shake the feeling that it is alive.

She wouldn’t want me like this. She wouldn’t want me this mess. She would have wanted me to be able to laugh and touch and kiss and hug and f—

Feel. She would have wanted me to be able to feel anything from anyone other than this horrible, dark, yawning, gaping—

I rolled myself from bed. Steadied myself on all four hooves. I trotted slowly to the chasm. I laid myself beside it. I traced my hoof along its grassy edges, the cold dampness seeping into my marrow. I felt a stone, ran my hoof across its round and rough surface. Sometimes I need to feel things to make sure they’re still there.

I pressed my hooves against the little notches of my ribcage. I made a noise, a strangled pathetic tiny whimper.

I rolled over the edge of the chasm. I hit the ground almost immediately. It was muddy. The smell of stale sweat, the stench of morning breath, the burning and skull-splitting scent of her heat fading from her body—

I slammed my hooves into the mud that formed the floor. I twisted my back, curled like a foal inward upon myself, fetal and crying.

I felt something beneath me. Wrenching it forth, I felt the cool glass pane and the thin brass frame. I could not make out the photo in the darkness.

“Everything reminds me of you,” I whispered through grit teeth.

I brought the picture to my muzzle, kissed the glass—and then brought it down with all my might against my snout.

The glass shattered. I heard the cartilage crunch. Warm blood began to trickle into my fur. Then leak into my mouth. Metallic and warm. The slow sharp sting of sliced skin set in.

And my chasm closed above me.

the hurting in my heart

every second we’re apart

brings me closer to the edge

of the chasm ‘side my bed

if there is a name

for this kind of pain

if there is a word

it is one i’ve never heard

for the rest of my life

nothing will feel right

everything will remind me of you

every damned day until i die, too

Comments ( 18 )

I am so very confused. Is the picture from a lover that died? Is the chasm a metaphor for her loneliness?

...Maybe I should read this again when I'm not tired.

It broke through my A crack in the earth.
I think this is an error.
Poor Bon Bon. I can somewhat relate.

sometimes you just start a sentence and then dont remember to finish it fixed, ty

I genuinely thought that was part of the story. Like some kind of mind-bending trickery as Bon Bon slowly descends into madness.

Then again, I am prone to overthinking. :twilightsheepish:

I want the wendigo's gales. I want to be locked in Tartarus. I want the life choked out of the land. I want to be torn apart by the Everfree. I want to be turned to stone by a cockatrice. I want gryphons to gorge on my entrails.

You mean a windigo, the horsey wind and ice spirits from the show. A wendigo is quite literally a very different beast, one not associated with wind, ice, horses, or feeding off of hatred. They’re associated far more with eating people and (apparently) not getting brushed much.

you're right, i forgot the show is all about its puns. i like to think windigos are something like wendigos, in certain (mostly cannibalistic) regards

i like the way you think

A solemn toast to those of us that have buried the one we loved.

That's just heartbreaking. :fluttercry:

One eats emotions and freezes everything, the other eats you and lurks in a woodsy setting.


my heart is broken.

Okay, now that I'm fully awake, I've re-read the story and the comments. Here's my take:

It had been so long since Bon Bon buried her lover right next to her bed.

Bon Bon wants to find love again... but she's so consumed with grief, anger, and hatred at the world that took her everything away from her far, far too soon that she's a broken mare. Her efforts to find love in her damaged state haven't helped.

Pinkie - Slept with Bon Bon, but didn't want to take their relationship any further than that.

Fluttershy - Unrequited love. Bon Bon mistook her kindness for romantic feelings.

Derpy - Also wanted a one-night stand with Bon Bon, but got turned down. Bon Bon, in her desperation to feel love again, wants to apologize to her.

Twilight - After being given a reassuring hug from Twilight, Bon Bon finally felt safe... only to be turned down because she wanted only her friendship.

As for the last bit, when she says her chasm closed above her, does that mean she finally came to terms? I only ask because there's no Death or Tragedy tags.

Anyways, pretty good stuff!

When Alfred Lord Tennyson said that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, he failed to mention the pain of having one’s still-beating heart ripped forcibly from their ribcage.

Grief and loss are difficult things to recover from. The wounds may seem to be healed, but many can last with us forever.

Very good story, it’s got me thinking all introspectively.

"Not tonight"

Said Twilight. Not a permanent denial, but one that broke Bonbon down once again.

I hope she could find love again. Maybe Twilight got over her reluctance, or maybe I just misjudged that sentence. Still, I hope she can find happiness again.

And you too.

”why is it so hard to be kind”

mmmm... hmmmm... I wonder what reference I could make here?...

To be kind... to be kind... to be kind, to be REAL. TO EB NEW!. TOO BEE SUNG BY A SON THATS UNTRUEEEE!!!!

Edit: don't you dare tell me how many stars are in my eyes

Comment posted by Miro MM deleted Aug 8th, 2023


two bee stung

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