• Published 24th Oct 2021
  • 1,502 Views, 18 Comments

The Wolf of Equestria - MrAquino

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Welcome to the School of Friendship

"Next stop: Ponyville!" The voice of a stallion announced as the train began to slow down. Seems this was my stop. Everything was back in the bag, except for my schedule. The train came to a complete stop, and the doors opened. I stood up and took a deep breath, walking outside and onto the station, alongside a few other ponies, going in and out respectively. The train left in a few minutes and I stood alone, out in the open… the letter didn't say anyone would meet me, looking back. Guess I have to go there myself. Not a biggie. I picked up my travel bag and began to head towards Ponyville.

To say I stuck out was a huge understatement. I never really thought about it, but I towered over everypony. If I remember correctly, someone online did some math involving an eight foot tall candy cane and Scootaloo, leading to the result that a good majority of ponies are four feet tall. As for me, even back home, I was pretty tall, a bit over six feet tall, and I guess as Legosi, my size has remained the same. A lot of ponies were shocked and slightly startled at the sight of me, and I can't necessarily blame them, with a towering wolf walking around… even if I was nice wearing clothes. But I was more focused on finding the school, and what better way than to find the eye sore that was Twilight's castle? And just like me, it was easy to find, being huge and shining bright compared to the rest of the more peasant-like buildings.

I stopped at the crystal castle's steps, turning around to get a good look of Ponyville. It was… well, rather peaceful, actually. Normally, I'd just be focused on my job and rush to get the bay filled while a dozen customers stand in the bay, waiting for me to bring in the carts, as if I'm a sort of expert at carts and bring in only the best. In fact… if I am dead back home… Call me cruel, but I want to see the looks on their faces as they've lost their only competent cart pusher outside and have to work outside in the heat of Arizona summer. And I didn't stop to realize just how nice it feels outside. Even though I am covered in fur, it's not overwhelmingly hot like back at home, but a nice warmth… a kind of warmth that's asking me to enjoy a nice glass of lemonade.

My left ear twitched as I heard someone approaching. I almost jumped back as Twilight Sparkle stood next to me! I recognize the purple Alicorn with the darker shaded mane & tail, complete with a lavender stripe. Being this close and personal, however… Even though I towered over her, my heart was beating rapidly. She looked at me, a bit inquisitive.

"... Are you Legosi?" She simply asked.

"Um… y-yes, ma'am." I hesitantly replied, handing her my schedule. Her horn glowed with it's purple aura, taking a look over.

"Oh? I didn't know you were into drama. Rarity's going to be thrilled when you come tomorrow."


"It's a Sunday, Legosi, you'll be starting tomorrow. I hope you didn't have a hard time finding my school." I couldn't help but look back at the castle.

"I figured it was going to be around here, ma'am."

"I do like an observant student. But can I ask you a question?"

"Um, sure. What is it?"

"Why are you wearing clothes?" I couldn't help but give her a blank stare.

"Because… I'm comfortable with clothes on." I don't know if I went naked, then I'd be like everyone else or expose myself. Twilight, luckily, nodded.

"Whatever helps you feel comfortable. But please, let me show you where you'll be living for the next semester." She led the way. I followed her, easily catching up. My eyes looked around, seeing some of the other students around, chatting with each other, but looking at me with complete shock and fear. It's getting a bit annoying already, but I guess I'll have to get used to the fact that I'm a terrifying, super tall wolf. But at least the dorms are a bit in the middle, easy access from the courtyard. Twilight opened the second door to the left and gestured for me to enter. Looking inside, the room was fairly homey looking; a pair of desks sat side by side on the right wall, with a bunk bed on the other, with a lamp and an alarm clock on a stand next to the beds. Besides a few cabinets, framed pictures, a round carpet in the middle, and a mirror between the desks, the room was fairly empty. I walked inside, setting my bag down to the side.

"Hmm… Sandbar must be helping Applejack for extra credit." Twilight said.

"Extra credit?" I asked.

"Every Sunday. Students who help get extra credit in her classes. But please, make yourself at home, and I am glad you've arrived, Legosi. Welcome to the school of Friendship." She turned and left, the door closing almost immediately. I was now alone. Ever had the feeling that arrives where you ask yourself 'is this really me'? Multiply that at least three times as I stared at myself in the mirror, getting a better look at what I am now. Being in Legosi's body, seemingly taking over… it felt wrong. Though… I am kinda curious about what's under the shirt. I unbuttoned the blue vest first, tossing it to the bottom bed behind me, slid the suspenders off from my arms, where they dangle to the side, my pants being held by a belt buckle I hadn't noticed. The white dress shirt was stuffed into the pants, so I took it out before undoing my tie, throwing it to the bed, and unbuttoning the dress shirt. I didn't look at myself as I took off the dress shirt, throwing it to the same bed with my other clothes, feeling my fur being able to breathe in the air. But as soon as I looked in the mirror… Holy shit… I'm sexy as hell now! Though I was now skinny, I didn't know I was also ripped! And the cream fur coloring of my face and neck went down my entire chest, going down to, and more like past, the belt region, making my abs stick out even more. I couldn't help but gawk at the sight of my bare chested self now, using my claws to feel my own muscular, furry chest. I was in so much of a trance with myself that I didn't notice the door opening.

"Um… what are you doing?" The voice of a certain young stallion asked. I stopped and turned to the door, seeing the very light green coated stallion with a cyan mane and tail. Standing behind him was Yona, the Yak; the mostly brown, slightly taller but definitely bigger than Sandbar, Yak. There was an awkward pause between all of us, though Yona seemed to be trying to hold back her laughter. I blushed hard as I regained my composure.

"Oh, uh, hello there," I began. "I was… um… looking for some fleas. I was itchy and wanted to be sure I didn't have fleas on me."

"Oh. Did you find any?"

"Nope! Just a few… tangled hairs." I gave a very awkward smile as I hunched over, giving him an open hand/claw for a shake. "My name's Legosi, and I'm gonna be your roommate for this semester." Sandbar looked a bit skeptical at first… guess my smile wasn't exactly working. But he accepted my hand, shaking it with his hoof.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Sandbar, and that's Yona."

"Yona didn't know wolves could talk." The Yak said.

"Uh, well-" I began to speak, but was interrupted by someone else.

"A wolf is here!?" The excited shriek of Silversteam spoke. The third door to the right opened, and the pink hippogriff with the sky blue mane & tail flew right into my room, getting quite uncomfortably close to my face. I literally backed up as she got closer. "Whoa! That is so cool! Do you know Capper? Ooh! Are you related to him!?"

"Oh, uh, pleased to meet you, Silversteam." I said, back against the wall.

"Ooh! You know my name already!?" Oh shit. "I knew my cousin and Capper became friends on that day! She must've told him about me, and he told you about me!" Nevermind.

"A wolf!?" The scared voice of Ocellus spoke, rushing in. "Oh no! We need to warn princess Twilight about this and-!" She entered the door frame, but stopped as she saw me. Past Silversteam's face, I saw the arctic blue shelled changeling with a sort of transparent red mane & tail. Another door opened, with more footsteps.

"What's this about a wolf?" The raspy voice of Smolder asked. Appearing in the door frame was the orange dragon with a yellow underbelly, purple spines from her head, and a pair of sharp looking horns on the side of her head. She looked at me, rather unimpressed though. "Eh, he's tall, but I can still take him on." The final person entered from the entrance. Walking in was Gallus, the blue Griffin with a cream underbelly, but yellow tipped feathers on his head. He sipped away on a juice box, entering the small crowd.

"Hey, what's up?" He simply asked before seeing me. "... Did someone turn into a werewolf?" I gently pushed Silversteam back, and she took it well, backing away and standing by her friends. I really do tower over them.

"Hello, pleased to make your acquaintance." I began. "I don't think Twilight told any of you, but I'm actually a new student here. I'll be bunking with Sandbar, and… well… let's get this over with: ask me a single question each, and I'll answer it as honestly as possible."

"Do you howl at the moon?" Silversteam asked.

"No, that's regular wolves."

"Where are you from?" Sandbar asked.


"Are you going to join any clubs?" Ocellus asked.

"I'll… probably join the drama club and the study circle."

"You know how to fight?" Smolder asked.

"I… tend to avoid the need to."

"Do you have any plans after graduating?" Gallus asked.

"Um… well… no… I haven't, actually…"

"... Does wolf have family?" Yona asked. I had a blank look on my face. Not only was I away from my family, but did Legosi actually have a family?

"Uh… I'll get back to you on that later." I half truthed. "But at least you know a thing about me now." I let out a long yawn. "But I'm feeling pooped. It's best if we go to bed for class tomorrow."

"But it's the afternoon." Sandbar spoke.

"It's travel fatigue." Ocellus spoke. "If I'm correct, Klugetown is pretty far from Ponyville, at least a few hours by train."

"That's what happened to me!" Silversteam added.

"Yeah, and it's a long day for me tomorrow," I replied. "Gotta know where the classes are and check out the clubs." I let out a long yawn, stretching a bit, cracking my back in a process. "I'll see you all tomorrow in class."

I closed the door, picking up my travel bag and sitting down on the bed. I wasn't entirely truthful about being tired, but looked through my bag, checking them out. So far, it was more or less the same clothing I wore, save the exception of a red, long sleeve shirt, some white shirts, and a few pairs of gym shorts. Just enough clothes to last for a week and a half. I quickly stood up and took my shoes and socks off. Just like my hands, my feet ended with sharp looking claws, and were covered in fur. But I was quick to take off my pants (luckily, I was wearing underwear), and changed into the gym shorts, and one of the white shirts, making this my improvised pajama set. And though I wanted to be alone, I laid down in my bed, pulling the blanket over me, even if my feet did dangle at the end. I don't think Twilight had anticipated any students that would tower over her, and not saying she should have, but my eyes became heavy, and I fell asleep.