• Member Since 27th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago


Spanish, Brony since 2013 and with a creative story writer (mostly). Favorite pony: Twilight Sparkle; Favorite EG: Sunset Shimmer; Favorite G5 Pony: Izzy Moonbow



Sunny Starstcout just arrived Canterlo High, which was known for it's valoration of friendship and working together... or so it was. After years, now Canterlot High has returned to how it was years before, everyone by it's own and separated by groups. One day by accident, she resurrects the girls that managed to change everyone's attitude back in the day: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Spike the dog; but they're not like those days... they're now zombies. Sunny creates a rock band with them and presents them at events happening at Canterlot High even with the consequences of them being found as zombies.

Warning: This Story contains moments where characters loses parts of the bodies: from big things like arms or heads to smaller things like eyes. Not explicity detailed but reader discretion is adviced.

Story based on the anime: Zombie Land Saga
Cover by myself.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 16 )

This story is nice. I hope you continue this story

I can assure you i will. I didn't expected that in 2 years since Zombie Land Saga no one did one like i did, so i will make it worth

I watched both seasons of zombie land, and this seems intereating enough, lets see where it goes

Danger! Danger (genocide) Deadly Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

It's good to be back and bring these back to. Hope i get to write more often and no creative blocks this time

Are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Spike the dog the only zombies in this story?

They're; it's said in chapter 1 and reminded in several chapters later multiple times. This is based on Zombie Land Saga, an anime that had 7 girls as zombies and a dog, and wrote this based on that. This is an attempt to merge both G4 and G5 in one story without using any time travel plot.

There's 1 chapter left being writen and the sequel will be published as soon as i possibly can

Please hire an editor please

Believe me... if i could hire one then half of what i've done wouldn't be even published; also i can't hire anyone

i know this is very late and I haven't read the story. really I was just checking out the summary. anyway, you don't necessarily *have* to hire an editor! fimfic is a big community and i'm sure there's groups and/or forums on the site that will let you find people that are willing to proofread stuff for you. theres options ^_^

Just 2 things, 1st... sheesh it took you long to answer. And secondly about the editor, i know it's a big comunity and i appreciate that there will be some willing to help, right now i just write for fun even if i'm not doing my best while doing that.

I kinda think that my main issue is that i mistake the verbal times; because i kinda do mistake them too a little on my own language when writing other sort of things. But i appreciate that there are some that would help, just that right now i'm a little busy to find one and i use my free time to try to improve and write a little more

"Ni se te ocurra" apareció Applejack en el baño y Rarity cubrió su cuerpo desnudo. "¿Por qué te cubres? ¿No recuerdas cuando lo hicimos..."

hahahaha 🤣 they what!?!?!?!? So they had an adventure😏

"Si tú vas, yo también iré allí" Applejack se colgó del hombro de Rarity. "Alguien tiene que cuidarte" Rarity también sentía que Applejack tenía la piel muy áspera.

mmm.... he doesn't want to leave her alone 🤭 I admit it, my favorite ship is Rarijack

"Tendremos que escabullirnos, no creo que necesitemos respirar" respondió Applejack también susurrando. "Métete bajo el agua y muévete lentamente afuera" Luego se sumergió bajo el agua, seguida por Rarity. Pero cuando Fluttershy se estaba metiendo al agua, su barbilla golpeó la roca, con toda la mala suerte de que su cabeza se desprendió del cuerpo y cayó al agua salpicando.

hahaha it's so funny when sakura's head falls off and then the woman sees the body floating 🤣

"¡Oh hola!" Era Pinkie Pie, su cabeza girada ciento ochenta grados, tenía un líquido rojizo corriendo por sus labios. "¿Quieres un poco también?" Preguntó amablemente, pero cuando la cosa roja corría hasta la barbilla, la chica de la limpieza gritó y comenzó a correr de nuevo. "¡Oh bien, más para mí!" Pinkie sacó un montón de bollos rellenos con mermelada de cerezas. El grito resonó por todo el hotel, Twilight despertó por el grito y Sunset gruñó al escucharlo.

🤣 pinkie moment

"Mañana Sunny" Zipp se acercó. "¿Has oído los rumores?" Sunny negó con la cabeza y luego Zipp le dio una mirada misteriosa con los ojos. "Anoche una trabajadora del hotel dijo que vio... cosas parecidas a zombies, incluso uno estaba mordiendo algo con sangre" Sunny se puso nerviosa con solo esas palabras, pero no pudo responderle a Zipp, Pipp la arrastró del brazo diciendo que había una oferta con un gran descuento cerca del hotel. Sunny entonces entró a la habitación de Rainbooms y los miró a todos, estaban vestidos y fingiendo que no pasaba nada, excepto Rainbow Dash que no hizo nada malo... por una vez.

ohhh it's true, it's the first time that rainbow didn't participate in a prank

I'm glad that you enjoyed this chapter, in Zombie Land Saga that one was my favorite episode so i had to do one chapter based on that one because it gave me the most laughs

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