• Published 22nd Oct 2021
  • 4,830 Views, 119 Comments

Discord's New Fluttershy - Kaidan

When magic returned to Equestria, it awoke Discord from a long slumber he entered to escape his sorrow and grief. He transforms Hitch into Fluttershy to fill the void in his heart. Can his friends save Hitch before they meet similar fates?

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Ch 07 A Hero's Call

I suppose I have a lot to be grateful for. There were a lot of things I ran from and was afraid to face. And then, when I truly experienced grief, I did what I always had. I ran. I joked, and took nothing seriously.

But in the end, five new friends have convinced me that there is a better way.

I am still in pain that I may never even be capable of dying and re-uniting with Fluttershy. But I know she was right, and that I am strong enough to face life without her. I can also make new friends, to help me when I am feeling lonely from day to day.

But most importantly, I understand her last wish now. To spread to other ponies the joy that her and I felt. If I had not felt this deep loss, perhaps I would not have understood joy.

For me, happiness was always causing chaos. It strengthens me, it is my nature. All this harmony is the antithesis of my being.

And yet, I am not a slave to chaos. I can choose not to harm a pony, or even to cause a change that benefits them. In so doing, by spreading my power out in small pieces, perhaps I can ease the loss of Sunny’s father, or help Izzy spread her unique world view to others.

I can help Zipp rebuild the Wonderbolts and be true to herself, or help Pipp when she focuses too heavily on seeking the validation of her fans.

I can also help Hitch. I don’t think I’ll be helping impose law and order, that’d just be silly, but perhaps I can keep the larger threats at bay.

After all, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy could still be out there somewhere. Perhaps even the Windigos, or the old ones.

From now on, the planet of Equus, and Equestria especially, are under my protection. The next time ponies cross the veil, they will tell Fluttershy stories of the protector who watches over all of ponykind.

I like to think Fluttershy would be proud, perhaps even Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Pinkie… well, it’s a long list of friends I had back then. I didn’t appreciate them at the time, focusing all my affections on just one pony, but they stood by me even when I betrayed their trust.

So to honor every pony I have lost, and every pony still living that has suffered loss, I will protect them to the best of my abilities. I will ensure they can find joy, happiness, and a little chaos to spice up their lives.

And by the time I finally find a way to cross the veil and be with her again, Fluttershy will have no doubt how great my love for her is. Every pony who crosses the veil will tell her stories of this new world I am helping these ponies build.

I kept my promise and honored her memory.

Every pony had gathered with Discord on Zipp’s brand new airship, which had been dubbed the “Spitfire”. Discord assured them it was the name of the most famous wonderbolt he could stand being around.

Sunny was currently occupied chasing Izzy around, ensuring that the curious unicorn didn’t accidentally tumble over a guard rail while inspecting every inch of the ingenious design.

Zipp was busy teaching Pipp how to operate the airship from the helm.

And Hitch was taking a flight around the airship, enjoying their wings for what might be the last time.

After the novelty had worn off, they all began to gather around Discord, who was busy punching numbers into a small calculator that was constantly printing out a thin roll of paper.

“I’ve gotta hand it to you Zipp, this was really clever! I’ve never seen your sparkle glow as brightly as it is now,” Izzy stated.

“Yes, it really does combine the pampering of a cruise ship with the speed of…” Discord paused to think. “Some slightly faster ship?”

“This is just my first version, I’m sure once I can work out the kinks in one of those combustion engines the trolleys in Maretime bay use, I could create a suitable jet of compressed air for propulsion,” Zipp stated.

“That’s all well and good, but I’d sort of like to hear what Discord’s decided,” Hitch said. “If I’m a mare much longer I may have to learn about feminine hygiene and that is not a conversation I’m ready to have.”

Discord hit the enter button on the calculator and it burst into flames. “Well then, I guess it’s time to let you all know my decision. I’ve decided…”

A drumroll filled the air, and everypony looked to see Izzy tapping her horn against the wooden beam connecting the ship to the helium-filled blimp. Everypony gasped, and Izzy realized she’d started to saw her way through it. “Oops!”

“No problem.” Discord snapped his fingers repairing it. “Anyway, I’ve decided that you ponies win. I’ll turn Fluttershy back into Hitch.”

Everpony cheered and gave Hitch a hug. “Thanks, Discord.”

There was a snap and a flash of light and the yellow stallion returned to his normal body.

“It’s good to have you back,” Sunny said.

“Yeah!” they all added.

“Thanks,” Hitch muttered. “But I’m not sure I’m ready to forgive him yet for spending five days as a mare.”

“I could make you forgive me,” Discord said as he raised a hand.

“Discord! Trolley problem,” Zipp said, rolling her eyes.

“Oh, right, that pesky morality you were trying to teach me. Well, I’m sure I can find some way to make it up to such a ruggedly handsome eligible stallion.” He snapped his fingers and a couple mares in cheerleader outfits appeared.

Hitch blushed as he looked back and forth at them. “I, uh, let’s call it even for now before things get weird again.”

Discord shrugged and made the two illusions vanish.

“So what will you do now, Discord?” Sunny asked.

“Well, I’ve given it some thought and I guess all that’s left to do is stick around and help ponies out. I had forgotten about a promise I made in my grief, and I’ll need a little help to avoid my more chaotic tendencies, but I once promised Fluttershy to look out for Equestria.”

He snapped his fingers and they all appeared in his arms for a big bear hug. “I think with the five of you I might just be able to stay on the straight and narrow this time, and if not, well, you’ll die eventually and I can go back to my reign of terror!”

“Oh!” Izzy shouted. “I love that game!”

“Discord!” Sunny complained

“I was kidding.” Discord shrugged. “I know I can’t die, but maybe in time the ponies that do will cross the veil, and Fluttershy and the others will hear of all the good I’m doing in Equestria on their behalf. Who knows, Twilight might even forgive me someday.”

“Forgive you for what?” Zipp asked.

“Oh, nothing specific, you know… just stuff. Not like, causing the apocalypse or anything!” Discord chuckled nervously, letting all the ponies go from his hug.

“It’s kinda messed up though,” Hitch commented. “Twilight spent her whole life trying to spread friendship just for it to vanish overnight and undo all she accomplished.”

“Sure, if you look at it like that,” Sunny replied. “But whatever happened to friendship, she probably oversaw one of the greatest periods of peace in Equestria. Millions of ponies would have been born, lived, and died happily and protected from any threats.”

Discord nodded. “It’s true, for nearly a thousand years Equestria was in a golden age. Despite what happened after friendship ended and my slumber began, Twilight and her friends still accomplished more than almost anypony who ever lived. Plus, I doubt you would have invented all this cool technology if you’d still had magic to solve all your problems.”

“I’d really love for you to tell me more about all the adventures that happened in the past sometime. Maybe we could open a museum,” Sunny speculated. “Help ponies remember all that was forgotten.”

“Deal, but that sounds like a dreadfully boring way to end things… How about for now, we point this thing north and I’ll use my magic to speed it up a bit.” He used his magic to create a captain’s uniform, placing all the other ponies into seamare’s outfits. Hitch was less amused by the outfit than Zipp, who was giving him that look she’d been using a lot the two days they spent together.

“We can explore all of Equestria and see if any other races survived.” Discord added. “I missed out on a lot, but it seems odd they’d all just vanish, the griffons didn’t even like friendship and did fine for hundreds of years.”

“Rediscovering the other races? That sounds good to me, Dad always claimed ponies weren’t alone in the world but we couldn’t prove it,” Sunny stated.

“We’ll need supplies,” Zipp said.

Discord snapped his fingers and the ship sank a few feet, as crates of supplies filled the hold.

“We could discover new fans,” Pipp added.

“There’s gonna be a ton of paperwork, and I had to leave Sprout in charge, so I’m in no hurry to get back and see what he did this time,” Hitch replied.

“I’ve never been on an air pirate adventure before, this is gonna be awesome!” Izzy shouted.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this random little story that just sort of happened. I may have to do something else involving body swaps or gen 4/5 crossovers, maybe something more coherent. :twilightsheepish:

Comments ( 23 )

This was a good way to end it, fantastic story!

After all, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy could still be out there somewhere. Perhaps even the Windigos, or the old ones.

Ohh that's right they were still in the Statue during those times and since the magic is gone they could be free somewhere

“We can explore all of Equestria and see if any other races survived.” Discord added. “I missed out on a lot, but it seems odd they’d all just vanish, the griffons didn’t even like friendship and did fine for hundreds of years.”

That's what I'm talkin about I wonder what happened to the other creatures

Wow that was a pretty good story even though what Discord did was kind of bad but he's going to make up for everything especially for Fluttershy's sake and it looks like they're going to discover what happened to the other creatures that would be very interesting to see how will the main 5 will react to other creatures but anyway this was a pretty good one keep up the good work

Thanks. Yeah it was interesting trying to make Discord's story dark and sad, but the main story random and funny. Luckily Discord can do whatever he wants and just chalk it up to chaos, but he was still a jerk. :twilightsmile:

that "something more coherent" should be them rediscovering the other races

A pirate airship adventure does sound like a fun story to write, basing the story on my passing knowledge that "One Piece" is a thing that exists, what could go wrong? :pinkiecrazy:

At this rate you're spoiling us (not that I'm complaining).

Agree. I would love to read about the rediscovering of races. Who running changling hive

“Oh, right, that pesky morality you were trying to teach me. Well, I’m sure I can find some way to make it up to such a ruggedly handsome eligible stallion.” He snapped his fingers and a couple mares in cheerleader outfits appeared.

What you did there...I saw it. And I wholeheartedly approve.


But that would be a long, long time ago. Tirek probably the first one to go since there is no more magic for him to eat. I don't know whether changelings would need magic to perform emotion eating or not. As for Cozy, she probably died of old age.

“It’s kinda messed up though,” Hitch commented. “Twilight spent her whole life trying to spread friendship just for it to vanish overnight and undo all she accomplished.”

I know, isn't it ironic?

There was another funnier route you could have taken. Here:

Discord decided not to change hitch back.

Sunny: I guess you really didn’t care about Fluttershy after all.

Discord: HEY! I do!

Sunny: no you don’t. From my view you are just trying to recreate her. Something tells me Fluttershy would hate that. And you are actually hurting a pony. There for breaking your promise and proving you don’t care about Fluttershy at all.

Pipp: from the stories sunny told us, I have to agree.

Zipp: same.

Discord: don’t tell me you agree too?

Izzy: of course, sunny is right.

Discord: you don’t think I care about Fluttershy

The main 5: yes. It’s obviously you don’t.

Discord: I do!

Sunny: PROVE IT!

Discord: FINE! Snap.

Hitch was back.

Sunny: thanks discord.

Discord: it happened again?! I can’t believe I was outwitted by a pony again.

Sunny: Fluttershy?

Discord look at sunny

Sunny: I study ancient Equestria but there is a way. Tell stories. That’s why I kept my belief up. I do know what it is like to just give in.

That was melancholy but cute, well done

Ooooh more ideas for body swaps? Count me in :raritywink:

Now I'm wondering how Sprout would react to a Sheriff Fluttershy (or to be more accurate: a Sheriff Hitch that looks like Fluttershy)

Anyway: This is a good story and I had tons of fun reading it. It's very funny, and some bits delve into more serious topics which I appreciate. The writing is very well done, too. Great job!

Can We have one where Hitch doesn't get transformed back? Like a bonus chapter?

“Yes, it really does combine the pampering of a cruise ship with the speed of…” Discord paused to think. “Some slightly faster ship?”

Hey discord is voiced by John Delancey not H. Jon. Benjamin.

Overall its good I think that it has room for improvement but I LOVED THIS! Please keep writing and improving!

Had a joke in my head wheb magic first returned that when Izzy users hwr magic pipp loses wifi signal.

But what if hitch got to keep the ability to talk to anomals

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