• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 2,453 Views, 29 Comments

Tempus Alicorn - cerealkiller78

Hitch Trailblazer acquires a seemingly worthless artifact from Alphabittle. He soon discovers this artifact is far from worthless though, as it transports him back in time to when alicorns ruled Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The vibrant, glistening crystals along the pathways of the forest settlement of Bridlewood danced as they shimmered and shone.

The clopping of hooves sounded as a light amber earth pony with an aqua green mane and tail approached, with a cutiemark consisting of a golden shield with a teal horse shoe in the center and a teal heart on either side of the shield.

His chocolate brown hooves trotted through the vast expanse of the forest, until he entered his destination, and a bell clanged, signalling his entry.

"Welcome to the Crystal Tea Room!" A voice called happily as a new pony entered from the back. "The tea tree with every tea treat! What are you craving for? Green Tea? Jasmine? Oolong? Maybe some herbal tea?"

The pony had a grey coat with a white mane and tail.

"Or maybe you're not here for tea at all...but rather, a challenge?" He raised an eyebrow. "I've got a great one of a kind ancient artifact." He went to retrieve a crystal with an alicorn in it.

"The Tempus Alicorn Artifact. Said to be able to transport its wielder through time itself..." The artifact glistened.

The Earth pony surveyed the artifact with a scrutinizing look.

"Time travel huh?..." The Earth pony asked skeptically. "Something tells me if you believed that to be true, you wouldn't be willing to risk parting with it so easily. Also, you probably would be off galavanting through time."

"I-uhh-well...ok, fine! It's a dud! But it's still a fancy trinket, and you know you want it..."

"Not really..." The Earth pony replied, unimpressed.

The unicorn huffed in annoyance. "Your loss then...what kind of tea?" He went behind the counter to get a teacup.

"Actually Alphabittle, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"

"A favor? I'm not in the business for favors, I'm in the business for tea and wagers. In fact, looking at you closely, I'd wager I've seen you before..."

"Ya...I was here with Izzy when Sunny won your crystal in that dance game."

"Oh wait, now I remember! You're that sheriff guy, what's-his-face."

"Hitch Trailblazer." He clarified.

"Why should I do you any favors?" He questioned as his horn lit up and he refilled tea for ten ponies at once.

"For starters," Hitch stated as he watched. "If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be able to do that..."

"...Touché." He admitted. "Alright sheriff, what's your big favor you need?" He finally conceded.

Hitch opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the door bell clanging to signal a new entry. It was a unicorn who, by the looks of it, was drunk.

"Tea!! Time for tea! It's always tea time!" He chuckled to himself as he stumbled into a table before managing to sit down.

Alphabittle sighed. "Hold that thought..." He directed his attention to the newcomer. "What can I get you friend?" He called.

"A party of tea, and don't let it be, without me." The unicorn drunkenly replied.

"...How about some herbal tea?" He levitated a pot of said tea over to the unicorn, and poured him a cup. The unicorn shot it down in one gulp, and poured himself another cup, while chuckling.

Alphabittle turned his attention back to Hitch, and sighed.

"There's a loony in here at least once a month..." He grumbled. "Now, where were we? Favor or something?"

"Yes. Well, Sunny's birthday is coming up, and I wanted to give her something special."

"An engagement ring?" Alphabittle questioned bluntly.

"Wha-I-NO!!" Hitch sputtered, blushing deeply. "No! Just...a crystal necklace or something."

"Oh, so you're taking her out."

"We are NOT dating! We've been friends since we were kids!"

"Doesn't mean it can't bloom into something more..." Alphabittle winked.

"Look, I'm just looking for something crystal to give her for her birthday." Hitch insisted.

"So, you think I should provide you with a gift to give your mare friend-"

"She is NOT my mare friend!"

"She's a mare and your friend, is she not?" He raised an eyebrow teasingly. Hitch's face was slowly turning beet red.

"You think I should provide you with a gift to give her, even though she took my own special crystal?..."

"And gave you and every other unicorn your magic back, and united us all, so I don't have to disguise myself as a unicorn everytime I come here." Hitch reminded. "Think of it as thanking her for the big favor she did for you and all the unicorns."

Alphabittle thought about it.

"You're right." He finally said. "Give her this." He retrieved the Tempus Alicorn Artifact again.

"What? But, you obviously didn't even want it. How is this thanking her?"

"Your favor was for me to provide you with something crystal as a gift to give her for her birthday. I'm providing you with an ancient crystal artifact."

"How do I know if it even is ancient or if it has any value to it at all? You lied and said it was capable of time travel!"

"My words were "It is SAID to be able to...and I was the one who said it." He replied smugly.

"You're such a cheat!"

"Take the trinket or leave it." He trotted away, ignoring the insult.

Hitch glared after him, before looking down at the Alicorn crystal again.

"Better than nothing, I guess." He mumbled and put the artifact into his saddlebag, before leaving the establishment.
Hitch grumbled to himself as he left Bridlewood, going on about conniving, cheating ponies, and fake artifacts. He took the artifact out of his saddlebag, glaring at it.

"Tempus Alicorn, capable of time travel...Bah humbug! Hunk of junk probably isn't even real crystal." He complained. "He probably would've told me to do something absurd to activate it too, like clicking my hooves together..." He clicked his hooves together.

"Or stomping them!" He stomped angrily.

"Then again, he would probably make it more embarrassing, like twirling like a ballerina!" He twirled around, doing a pirouette, before coming to a stop and seeing a young unicorn colt, staring at him.

"...HAHA!! You dance like a girl!" He laughed before galloping away.

"Kids..." Hitch grumbled. "But then again, maybe he'd make it something cliché, like rubbing the artifact." He rubbed the artifact, when suddenly, the eyes on the alicorn flashed red.

"DAH!!" He dropped the artifact to the ground. Suddenly, a portal opened up in front of the Alicorn artifact. Inside the portal, there was what appeared to be a magnificent throne room.

"What the..." He stared into it. "No...there's no way..."

He looked around him, making sure no one was around.

Picking up the Tempus Alicorn, he took a deep breath, and stepped through the portal.