• Published 6th Oct 2021
  • 14,068 Views, 260 Comments

An Heir's Frailty - Codex92

Discord decides to retire early, so he finds himself a replacement to help spread his chaos.

  • ...

A Dream of Chaos (Part 2)

So many things popped into my head as my thoughts raced on what to start making first in my very own chaos dimension. I was so eager to get started, but I had no idea what to make come to life first. Should I just pop things in out of the blue and let it roll from there? Or maybe I should start small and build up one world before moving on to the next.

Pacing around the empty space, I pondered what I should make first. “What to do? What. To. Do?” I mumbled. Coming to a stop, I closed my eyes and wracked my head with the many different places I could come up with. “...Maybe we’ll start with some…exploring? Like…my very own galaxy?”

Suddenly, I felt my feet lose feeling with the ground, like I was floating. Opening my eyes, my jaw dropped when the kaleidoscope of the chaos void had changed to a vast, endless realm of blackness and small white dots everywhere I looked. It was obvious I was floating in the middle of space, completely weightless, but luckily, there was air in the “vacuum” of space. Whatever I thought of aloud, the realm was able to create what I envisioned.

Humming curiously, I looked in one direction, any direction, and held my hand up. “Let’s fill this empty space with some…uninhabited planets?” With a wave of my hand, I watched as a random sphere warbled into view, creating a huge planet that seemed almost similar to images of the Earth back in my world. “Huh. And…maybe an asteroid field for some space hopscotch.”

Pointing to several different spots around the outer limits of the new planet’s atmosphere, I popped in large bits of space rock all around the planet. Setting them at different heights, I was able to create an obstacle course of an asteroid field, the weightless gravity the only means of reaching each chunk of debris from their several dozen yard distance, and kept stationary to avoid floating off into the void or in the new planet. Don’t want to accidentally put a crater in my newly created world’s planet.

Looking outward from the first world, I phased in some other planets out in the distance, making my own small galaxy, along with a sun to provide some lighting for any life I plan to give to this chaotic cosmos. Along with the stars, I added in a few more creative space phenomena to make it much more beautiful. One such anomaly was a glowing nebula filled with purple energy radiating into a sort of spiral roll, almost like a void of electrical energy about to transport anyone inside to a whole other universe. Another was a trail of a green, glowing aurora of lights sloping down and around until it reached a bright mass of stars that gave off the impression of a softer light compared to the sun in this chaotic crafted galaxy of the same green hue. The last thing he added was near the Earth duplicate, finding a little color necessary to help make it pop; a winding rainbow within the atmosphere that climbed and fell as it circled the planet. Unfortunately, it looked like it was more like it literally popped out of a coloring book, contrasting with the realistic space world.

“Eh, work in progress,” I shrugged. I swam around the vacuumless void, admiring the view. “This is so cool…I wonder if I can make more ‘worlds’ without erasing this one.” While I was lazily floating around in the cosmos, I was headed for the swirling nebula and slipped inside, suddenly feeling gravity catch up with me. Yelping, I fell and landed on my back on solid ground, spying a small portal I somehow went through that appeared out of nowhere. “...Right. Chaos does whatever it wants.” Standing back up, I looked around at the new blank slate of a chaos void. “And it answered my question.”

Snapping a sign next to the portal to mark what world lies beyond, I looked out to my next canvas. Space may be a sight to behold, but otherworldly locales that feel out of this world sounded much more impressive. Creating a vast expanse of sky, clouds formed and began to swirl around a central point in the area. Magnetized by thin bolts of lightning striking down on the same spot, the clouds were safe to stand on as they glowed an orange light while leaving the sky above a calm, starry night. Around those clouds, I added in a vast stream of water that circled them, creating waves like an ocean as they crashed harmlessly at the border of the clouds. I left a few spots of the crashing waves to turn them into swirling tubes, leaving a spectacular view from within that showed a crescent moon. Stepping on the water, there was no depth as I walked on the surface, running my hand against the curling water tunnel, which was oddly warm to the touch.

Luckily, I saw the next portal in front of me as I believed I was done with this world, passing through and marking it as a meditative sort of realm. The next one I made was more inspired by the upcoming winter season. A field of snow floated into existence at my feet, clouds puffing in from above to sprinkle snowflakes to the ground. Glittering crystals of varying shapes twinkled in an out of existence in the background to add more wondrous beauty to the gentle snowfall. I bet the Cutie Mark Crusaders would love to have a snowball fight here, and it wasn’t too cold to make it unbearable to stay in for endless hours of fun.

For my next world, I craved some more earthly exploration and mystery. Though not as massive as my galaxy, it was still pretty expansive and split between two different regions. One side had a mysterious land of alien formations in the distance, separated by a vast, crystalized ocean. The constructs were polygonal and unnatural, and the ocean looked like it had cracks and would threaten to give out with enough weight to drop anything beneath the water. I gave it a few test hops just to be a bit reckless, but there was no give. The other end was a more natural, mountainous region with a lake in the center of the land. Two of the peaks had sharp edges that jutted out, leaving the gap between them almost ominous as the sun for this world was blocked by a mysterious eclipse, bathing the area in a creepy, red glow. I don’t think I intended for that to happen, but the mysterious sphere that blocked the sun moved away and returned everything to normal.

“Huh. Creepy,” I uttered. “Maybe later, when I do some more world building, I’ll make a friendly little group of goblin cultists who just want to summon their mighty overlord.” Putting that thought aside, I took a little stroll along the mountain range. There was already a path carved out from the earth, just a little hiking trail to admire the strangely beautiful side of what was supposed to be a creepy mountain. A glowing swirl of colorful gasses in an aurora up a set of stairs between a canyon gave the air and the rocky floor and walls a bright purple and blue color. “Wow. Maybe I should move this section with my otherworldly earth phenomena realm…Or the goblins like the bright colors and make this area their main home.”

So many ideas, but if I ever got into a conflict with these made up goblins or whatever I think up to live in any of these places, I don’t want to destroy them. As much as an open field to practice my chaos magic would be safe, if Discord wanted me to practice defending myself with this power, I needed myself a training field for hopefully not moral combat. Jumping into the next empty space of seemingly endless realms, I focused on building this one as my personal training ground.

There was darkness as the chaotic void vanished. In the center of the field appeared a glowing symbol that brightened the area, where I found myself in the middle of a circular dais that stretched out several yards until I could barely see the edge within the dim lighting. There were two pillars that sat a short distance away between me and the edge of the marble stage, small sparkles flickering all around me within the glow of the octagonal symbol before me. I probably should expand the light farther and see where the actual sides of this stage were, just in case I walk too far and wind up falling into the aether.

I figured that was a good point to stop at. For the adventurous realms, at least. As fun as it would be to explore fantasy realms I can make with my own imagination, I was going to need someplace relaxing. Someplace for me to take a breather, a pleasant nap, or a refreshing eight hours of sleep. Maybe even ten hours if needed. But the world’s most comfortable bed just won’t cut it; I need something…different. Weird. Dare I say, chaotically comfortable?

I decided to let the wheel of fate create this realm. Snapping my fingers, a portal appeared and flickered wildly in a multitude of colors, hearing rapid beeps changing in pitch with each color it passed. Might want to avoid using this out in public in case ponies suffer from epilepsy. The speed of the shifting colors and the beeping began to slow down until it stopped at the usual white color like the other portals. With a running start, I took off and dove into the portal with my eyes closed, wanting to surprise myself.

A few seconds later, I landed on something that was definitely softer than any material I’ve ever felt, wobbling on the surface like a water bed. It molded to my body, leaving me incredibly comfortable no matter how I laid. I could even lean over the edge of it in the most painfully cramped position possible, and I would have slept better on this than on my old bed normally.

I sat up and opened my eyes, my grin drooping to a confused, baffled frown. The realm was bathed in a dim, yet calming red glow, and…looked like the insides of a slime monster? Everything looked like it was made out of an elastic red gel, almost alive as it dripped and floated at a snail’s pace, similar to a lava lamp. Beneath me, the “bed” I flopped onto seemed to be more like a massive hammock of the same material.

“...Well, I did let my magic pick this place at random,” I said aloud. Poking at the bedding, I laid on my back and stared at the goopy slime ceiling. Humming, I felt no discomfort, no odd bumps or awkward bends that felt like giving me scoliosis. It was smooth, not slimy or mucousy, and did have a nice, comforting warmth that gave off the perfect temperature to sleep with or without a blanket or pillows. Sighing, I brought my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. “But I love it. Perfect place for a little siesta.”

After a few minutes, I had to force myself to get up from my new napping spot. I was really about to doze off, resisting that temptation to take a nap here and there while there was still much more to do in my own realm. Hopping off my new non-slime hammock, I made a portal back into the chaotic aether of the realm. Marking that realm specifically for a much needed unwinding in the future, I pondered what to do next.

I’ve got some explorative worlds, an epic training ground, and a random place to crash if I ever get mentally overwhelmed or incredibly tired. Maybe scratch off the mental part, since chaos seems to be insanely mentally overwhelming. I figured I made enough worlds for the time being, but I was going to need a house of my own. Discord made a home within his realm, so why not do the same?

I was getting a bit sick of seeing the warping purplish background, so a bit of nature was in order. From my thoughts creating my central home, a wide field of grass popped up from my feet and spanned several yards out, trees and bushes growing and blocking out the chaos void near the edges of the hundred or so yards of green. Within the empty field, I split the grass into a tiled walkway from the center and down a straight path leading to a portal that led to any of my other realms. Snapping my fingers, a simple house similar to my own popped in, the front door set up perfectly with my walkway. The walls were a deep blue with a black shingled roof, a pair of windows from the front, even though there wouldn’t be much of a view besides materialized foliage, even a few garden plots with some flowers along the front wall just to add a little more color.

Walking inside with a snap, I filled my new house with similar features that made it almost feel like my old home. The living room had the same couches, side tables, light fixtures, and the TV, though I made it a little more fancy and made it a thirty inch flat screen. Adjacent to the living room was the kitchen, the usual appliances and cupboards all set like I remember. Inside the refrigerator and cabinets, I made it so they would restock themselves, and none of the food inside would expire if I’m away for too long. Making sure to double check, I was glad that there were normal groceries and not sugary sweets fully stocked, although taste testing them to make sure they weren’t with different flavors would be on the top of my list if I’m feeling hungry. I’ve been dying to taste some meat after these last few months, despite being ok with the healthier vegetarian diet from Fluttershy’s cooking.

Walking through the hall, there were four doors; one at the far end, one on the left for the bathroom, and two other doors on the right. The closest room on the right would be where my bedroom was, slipping inside, and it had everything I left behind. There was my bed in the corner, my own TV with some game consoles, a simple dresser, a closet opposite of my bed, and a bedside table with a small lamp I used for some late night reading. There were a couple posters of some of my favorite games on one of the walls, so my room wasn’t too bare of anything on the pale white walls.

I sat on my bed and looked around, feeling like I was really back home. The room next door would have been Alyssa’s room, and the room at the end of the hall would be my parents’ room. But, sadly, it wasn’t really home. And it started making me feel a little homesick. Maybe when I master these powers, I really can travel between Equestria and my world for a visit. And reassure my family that I wasn’t kidnapped or ran away from home. At least, I hope they haven’t found out I’ve been missing for the last few months.

Getting up, I left my room, leaving the other two rooms bare, I exited my home away from home. I needed to take a stroll and clear my head. I can’t help but worry about what my family’s doing if they notice I’m gone. I passed through the exit portal, but instead of popping up in a random world I created, I found myself in the middle of a black void, but the only light came from a circular platform glowing a soft light blue color.

“The heck?” I uttered in confusion. “I didn’t make this place…Is my chaos magic doing it on its own again? I said you could do one realm, no more.” I feel like I was arguing with myself. I wonder if Discord went insane being by himself with nothing but his own voice, and a clone or two for random conversation. My bitter mood faded when the circular floor beneath me rippled, lighting the blackness with a faint blue, and, out of nowhere, there were several large shards of crystal that appeared and disappeared around me. They were more than just random aesthetics in this place; they showed different moments happening outside, but they were all beyond Equestria’s world. There were cities, villages, forests, mountains, all filled with other people, all sorts of wildlife, even sentient lifeforms from actual aliens to anthropomorphic animals that were the normal denizens of their respective worlds. I could even hear noises of busy city life, nature, and other random sounds as I glanced at each “window”. Slowly turning, looking at each crystal revealing a window to each different universe I can hardly imagine, I was in awe from the room of infinite dimensions I stumbled upon. “Whoa…What is this?”

“Whoa! What is that!?” Wait. That voice. Was that Alyssa!? Quickly looking around to where I thought I heard my sister’s voice, I found the source of her noises and rustling bushes from the many crystal dimension windows. “Is that…a Night Fury? Or a Light Fury?”

“A what?” Looking at the crystal, I saw a forest in the background, the left side from what I could see had a small gray dragon with a white underbelly and dark gray squiggle markings along its gray scales, blue eyes, looking very similar to what a Light Fury from the last movie of “How to Train Your Dragon”. The other side of the window, I gawked at the small, adorable fox that seemed to be where my sister’s voice came from. It had bright white fur, tufts of fluff on its chest and its ears that also had red tips, red paws, two red wave-like marks on its cheeks, short red eyebrows over its big brown eyes, a circular red marking on top of its head, and red fur around the dock of its tail that made it look like fire. Its tail wagged in excitement as it and this oddly colored Light Fury just stared at each other, studying each other. But hearing its voice and knowing exactly what a Light Fury and Night Fury were, those excitable eyes of hers definitely looked so much like my sister’s. “Alyssa???”

I thought I was imagining things and rubbed my eyes, but when I looked at the crystal again, it was gone. Panicking, I tried to bring it back, but I had no idea how these things worked as they continued shifting through different realms and dimensions, appearing and reappearing with something new. My fear turned to anger, thinking Discord had whisked my little sister away to some random world while bringing me to Equestria as his heir, and turned her into a brightly colored fox cub!

Just as I turned to stomp off and search for Discord, whether it was a fruitless endeavor if he’s off doing who knows what, one of the crystal dimension windows popped up in front of me. What made me stop was this schoolgirl sitting in the corner of a classroom, but she wasn’t alone as I heard chatter in the background, minding her own business with schoolwork or writing something down in a notebook. What was odd was that she looked familiar, almost like the random doll Discord “spoke” to a few weeks ago. She had the same Japanese schoolgirl outfit, the same long coral brown hair in the exact same style the doll had.

“What the…? Who is-?” The girl’s emerald eyes glanced up from her writing. I thought she was looking at someone who was talking to her, but she was by herself, and no one called out her name, whatever it may be. Was it possible she heard me? When she locked eyes with me, lasting only for one second, the crystal suddenly shattered to pieces, startling me. I jumped back as I watched the small shards crumble and fall into the emptiness below. “...The heck just happened?”

Baffled by the sudden destruction of a dimensional window, unsure if I broke it just by staring at it for too long, I left this realm and wound up back in my new home. I made sure to put an important sign marking this place. I wanted to see what else was out there beyond here, but after getting someone in a world to notice me, I’d rather not break anymore of them if they were valuable or important to this chaos realm. I was still dumbfounded seeing my sister finding a dragon, and if she really turned into a fox, but if that really happened, then where did she end up? Or did I really see something so out of place and my sister’s actually safe and sound back home?

I had far too many things to worry about, and I can only hope that what I saw was just to get me riled up for no reason. Hopefully I wasn’t away from Rainbow’s place for too long. Envisioning the pegasus’s cloud home, a portal tore open in front of me, not appearing in a flash like the others leading to my crafted worlds. Stepping through, I was greeted by blinding lights, then suddenly feeling nothing but air as my foot reached for solid ground, letting out a startled squeak and fell a few inches onto a cloud sofa, tangled up in my pillowy blanket from last night.

Peeking my head out from the covers, I watched the tear in reality seal itself back up, but I was back to being the little draconequus colt I arrived as. Great. I’m normal in my own world, but I’m stuck as this while I’m in Equestria. I miss being my normal height already.

“No no no no no! Where did he go!?” Hearing Rainbow freaking out, I stood up and looked over the couch, only finding a speeding cyan blur whiz by. She flew into the kitchen and searched through all her cupboards. “His weird blanket and pillow are still here, but he’s not! Fluttershy is gonna kill me!”

“Uhh, hey, Rainbow Dash?” I called out. She shot her head up, only to smack it against the ceiling inside of a cupboard she was looking in. I winced at the loud thud, hearing her yell and groan in pain. Removing her head from inside, she looked at the living room and stared at me, looking slightly relieved, but either still in pain or she was upset from my disappearance. “...Hi?”

“‘Hi’!?” Ignoring the bump on her noggin, she zipped over to me, sending me flopping back on her couch as she loomed over me. “What the hay was that all about!? I come downstairs to make breakfast, and you’re just gone! You gave me a heart attack!”

“Aww, I didn’t know you cared,” I said, slightly touched, but I wanted to tease her a little.

“Well, I don’t!” she exclaimed, puffing her cheeks as she glanced away from me. “I was more worried how Fluttershy was going to react when I had to tell her you mysteriously vanished. Since my house is in the clouds and you can’t fly, you shouldn’t have gone too far, but there was no hide or hair of your weird body!”

“...Would you believe me if I said I suddenly woke up in my very own chaos dimension and experimented with what I could do within?” I asked. Rainbow just gave me a blank stare, still annoyed that I up and disappeared on her for a while. “Well, I did. I can’t control this chaos just yet, so don’t give me that look.”

She just sighed, hopping off the couch. “Whatever. Just…leave a note or something.”

“How can I do that if I hop into any plane of reality against my will and without my knowledge?” I questioned. “I’d like to see you make any sense with what I got. And that’s asking for way too much.”

“Just hop on. I’m dropping you off at Fluttershy’s,” Rainbow said. Dropping the fact that Rainbow Dash actually worried about my well being just to save face, I hopped onto her back as she made her way to the door. “You tell nopony what you saw earlier.”

“So you do care about me,” I teased. She looked at me with an annoyed scowl, but she wasn’t fooling me. “Fine, Ms. Tsundere. I won’t say a word.”

Ensuring I won’t blab about Rainbow’s concerns for my well being, I zipped my lips, with an actual zipper appearing and sealing my mouth shut with the silver metal teeth. She rolled her eyes and flew off toward Fluttershy’s cottage as I held on tight. She may have warmed up to me a little bit, but she isn’t going to openly admit it to everyone else just yet. Maybe she will once I get used to my chaos and invite her and the girls to see my chaotic realm.

Comments ( 27 )

At least everyone but Celestia likes. Celestia is just prejudice against him because of discord. Though I make a crown for the wedding that will anyone but cadence a case of cutie pox for 2 days no matter the species. That way bug queen gets it and the everyone learns that you can't just throw your friends away just because they do something well meaning but stupid. Twilight could have been hurt and they wouldn't have known about it till it was too late.

Let's go :D

dash does care! :P

keep up the awesome chapters!!!

This was a fun little chapter. The next one is likely to be just as fun! :moustache: Although I do wonder what happens next, I’m not exactly fresh on the show’s order of episodes. :derpyderp1:

AMAZING CHAPTER DUDE!!! also i wonder how celestia will react to this and will she stay stationary or threaten MC?

Ah, doesn't recognize his interpretation of the multiverse yet. Not everything is Discord's fault! 😂
Still, a good start. Now to see if he knows others can come in...

I'd like to think that Celestia might know what's going on, and play the long game and not mess with him, and that its all Discord trying to mess with his head.

Me gustó mucho el nuevo capítulo

Glad to have found this awesome story! Just the right amount of chaos and slight meta-ness : )

Keep it up, patiently waiting for more!

Just want to point out that the word “leer” gets used a lot in this story, when the word “stare” would probably fit better. A leer has sinister/creepy undertones and seems inappropriate for some of the situations it gets used in.

Ooh! Another update for an amazing story

continue with this story please it's really cool I really loved this story please :)

Wondering when the next chapter is. I want him to mess with the changeling queen.

when will the next chapter come out?

When will you do the next chapter?

I like to know too as it been forever.

I like this story so far.

Update plz?

I expected more words, but did not expect a short chapter divided into two parts. Author, you disappoint me. Where is the light that you wrote at the beginning?


I admit it's been far longer than I care to admit that I have read. But I really hope that you haven't stopped writing.
This gives anime filler episode vibes to me.
I have always loved the filler episodes.
I just hope you do something more with the mention of his sister.

Codex92 #24 · Nov 6th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Honestly, I've been trying, but I have other stories I'm working on, and are also on hold as well, and work has been mentally draining me the last couple years, which makes it more of a slug for me to try to brainstorm or figure out what direction to go with all my stories. It's like I'm trying to force myself to write, and I can't because some of those ideas are there, only for what I write to give me a mental block and I can't progress until my brain is motivated enough to either fix it or rewrite what I wrote.

The chapter "A New Breed of Evil", I was going to end up scrapping (but this was mostly due to the one requesting the story helping give some insight to where the story's going because this was his idea and I'm writing it out with some ideas of my own to add in). Since it was based on the comic issue involving where the Nightmare originated from, near the end with all of Rarity's memories being displayed while trying to also follow the show's story, there were events that had never happened yet, which ticked me off so much that I had written over 20k words for that chapter at that point, and I pointed out the inconsistent flaw between the comic series and the show, where I don't see the comics as canon and don't want to use the comic canon for any story of mine because I won't remember them all that well unlike the show's. I got so irate to the point where I wanted to just delete that whole chapter and start over, but I also HATE doing that after all the work I put into it, said "Screw it!", and just kept it all while trying to ignore the obvious conflictions and inconsistencies with what the actual timeline should be. So, that moment was also one of the tipping points of my mental capacity to barely function in the ideas department and the motivation to write without being PROPERLY clear with what's supposed to be written...And apologies for the long-winded rant. One little thing bugs me and I can't mentally or verbally shut up about it until I just let it out to the point where someone in life finally hears what's been bugging me, even though it would fall on deaf ears anyway...

Next please

To be continued... a dreaded outcome all over Fimfiction... :facehoof:

Great story, hope it get continued :pinkiehappy:👍

That definitely a like from me, raising the counter to 786 ♡


I really wish it wasn't frozen. I like how Twilight just knows about show.

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