• Published 12th Dec 2021
  • 1,252 Views, 60 Comments

Bulletproof Heart: Sunset at Little Longhorn - PaulAsaran

Rarity Belle arrives at the town of Little Longhorn to deliver a package. There's never been a place more in need of an intervention.

  • ...

Doing Good

To an outside observer, the tin can falling over would be considered anticlimactic. To Rarity, it was a sight to behold.

Sunset Shimmer lowered her rifle, disbelief plain across her features. She turned to Rarity in bewilderment. “Did I just hit it?”

Hands on hips, pride swelling her chest, Rarity grinned at her companion. “That you did.”

“I hit it.” Confusion switched like lightning to elation. “I hit it!” She stared at the fallen can a few yards away, as if to seal the image of it in her memory. “I can do this. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I can.”

Her reaction was entirely justifiable. After two days of practice after Sunset’s classes, the mare had proven quite impotent at smaller firearms. Then a local, one of those forced to ‘support’ the Bad Apples, offered her a rifle to try. Four shots later, and here they were. Rarity was ecstatic; at last, she could be confident in Sunset’s ability to learn and, more importantly, teach.

Little Longhorn’s prospects were looking brighter by the day. Meetings had been held, decisions made, plans changed. While much of the town – most of the thestrals, in truth – were wary of the recent act of defiance and the dangers of Bad Apple retaliation, a clear majority of the town’s citizens were tired of submission and wanted to give resistance a try. Some, like Share Crop, were startlingly vocal about it. A consensus had been reached, and the town had pulled together enough money to buy the supplies they needed to at least get armed and set up basic defenses. Talks were ongoing in regards to the long term, yet Rarity already could detect a growing interest in the movement.

Sunset, to Rarity’s pride, was at the forefront. With Charming dead and Crater under house arrest, his ultimate fate yet to be decided, the frightened and timid mare had all but disappeared. She spoke out, she argued, she stood firm against critics. And Celestia save anypony who dared try to resort to any sort of bullying tactics on her; if she didn’t slap them down, it would only be because others rushed to her defense before she could.

The change in the mare named Sunset Shimmer was nothing short of miraculous, and Rarity would always look back on it as one of the best things the Bulletproof Heart ever reached for.

Her pleasure faded as Sunset’s smile did. The joy in the mare’s expression became uncertainty, then sadness. “I hit it.”

Sometimes, in the dark of night when nopony but Rarity was around, Sunset would suffer a lapse. Her worries would arise and she’d cling to Rarity for reassurance, for a reminder that she really could change her life’s direction if she wanted to. There were times when she had to decide yet again if she really wanted it. Rarity feared that this might be another relapse and braced herself to play the role of support.

Sunset faced her, eyes watering as they met gazes. “You’re going to go away.”

Oh. Right. Yes, this was a topic they needed to discuss, wasn’t it? Rarity wasn’t sure how to react, so she tried for a sheepish smile. “That time does seem to be coming, yes.”

“Does it have to?” Like a sand lizard building up to a sprint, Sunset’s words gained energy as she spoke. “You could stay here and help us. Nopony would dare come after Little Longhorn with the Bulletproof Heart around. I know the place doesn’t have much going for it right now but… but it can be your new home! Maybe if we asked the others we could even have a house built for—”

“Sunset Shimmer.”

The mare cringed, eyes going to the ground between them. She fiddled with the rifle’s receiver mechanism ineffectually. “I don’t want you to leave,” she mumbled.

“I’m a wanted mare.” Rarity kept her tone calm and reassuring, even as she ignored her own disappointment. “If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that ponies will come for me. My survival is dependent on movement. My staying here only increases the chance of danger coming to Little Longhorn.” She’d already stayed longer than she did in most places. Being aware of that made it hard for her to sleep.

“You can change your name,” Sunset feebly suggested. “We could hide you.”

That brought a fire to Rarity’s lips. Her hand gripped Silver Lining tight. “I refuse to hide.” Although she could acknowledge her ego pushing her into it, Rarity didn’t want to live in a world where she couldn’t shine brightly. Even if the manner of that brilliance wasn’t what she’d have preferred.

Sunset raised her face once more. The poor thing appeared on the edge of tears. “Rarity, I… Can I do this without you?”

The fire was gone as quickly as it had been lit. Rarity flashed her most reassuring smile, her answer filled with the utmost confidence. “Of course you can. As long as you want to do it. As long as you believe in yourself.”

Several times did Sunset try to speak, but each time she closed her mouth and looked back at the ground. Finally, with the exaggerated care of one who had only just learned about guns, she placed her rifle on the ground. Then she rushed forward and engulfed Rarity in a hug so fierce it nearly knocked her over.

“Thank you,” Sunset whispered in her ear. “Thank you for believing in me.”

She returned the hug, rubbing Sunset’s back when the mare began to sniffle. “Give yourself more credit, Darling,” she soothingly replied. “Thank you for proving you can be believed.”

As they held on tight, Rarity looked to the clear blue sky. She thought of her long journey, of all the challenges she’d faced. More than anything, she thought of her father and his last words to her. She wasn’t sure she’d ever felt quite so satisfied. Certainly not since she’d left Spurhoof and started down this crazy life.

It’s a good start, Papa. It’s a very good start.

Author's Note:

Have questions about the world of Bulletproof Heart and aren't afraid of spoilers? Then visit the official BPH Q&A blog!

Comments ( 37 )

Before I even get into this, had I known you were writing this I totally would have volunteered to be a pre-reader. :twilightsmile:

If the writing is even half as good as the original story, it will still likely land my favorites shelf.

Hot damn. My body has been waiting for more Bulletproof Heart.

Holy cow, I was filled with so much indignation reading this! I could really feel the frustration and the teeth-clenching rage leaping off the page!

You have a definite knack for conveying emotion and I definitely look forward to reading on.

Oh... OH! Oh yeah, this series. The original story itself was so long and so long ago I just assumed it was abandoned cause it promised more than it could deliver.

Wanderer D

Going back into Bulletproof's world was a real treat, thanks for letting me be of some use in bringing this amazing piece of work back to the world. Let's have her stop at the bar again sometime soon.

More soon please?

I'm so glad to read more of it and so angry that it came out just as I was writing my own cowboy story damnit

Can't wait to read more of the Bulletproof Heart's story!


I loved this to pieces. Damn but I’ve missed this world. Badly hoping this isn’t the last we see of Sunset.

I wanted to say “hoping this isn't the last Sunset we see” but that’s both poorly phrased and unbearably corny.

Yes! :pinkiehappy:
Thank you so much for this! BPH lives forever! :raritywink:

This was an awesome read and the cover art looks badass. Hopefully, we see more of the Bulletproof Heart.

Hot damn did this come out near perfectly! I am so glad to have helped bring this forward, even if I was slacking in later months. Either way, quality work as always! Love to see this AU going strong!

Wait, damn, it's over all ready??
I could have sworn I only read three chapters!
Either way, it was wonderful to dive back into the sun-baked, lawless Equestria you've built here.
I normally don't care in the slightest for cowboy and gunslinger stories in media, whether it be shows, books, movies, or videogames, but damn you weave the characters in Bulletproof Heart so complexly and interestingly that I can't help but love these versions of everypony.
You're truly a compelling author, and one of the best on the site when it comes to understanding and portraying realistic characters and how life changes them and makes them grow.
10/10, would wait for sequels again (and still will).

P.S. Reading the part where Rarity unflinchingly threatens Charming and the Gang was so cool and badass and brought such a huge smile to my face. Such smooth lines, I wish I could write that well.

Can't wait to see how you continue this series if you do. When I saw this on the New Stories tab I was surprised too see it be a completed story, but I can tell you now, it was worth the wait.

Behind this mask it's more than flesh and Bone it's an idea and that Mr creedy is Bulletproof

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Sorry for the delay, folks! I give you all the unrestricted Q&A blog! If you have any questions regarding the world of Sunburnt Equestria, I will be happy to answer them there. The new Q&A blog is intended for wider purposes and may get very spoilery, so I'll also be answering some questions in the stories' comment sections for people who don't want them.

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When it comes down to it, Rarity has no idea how to deal with AJ, especially considering that AJ was still harboring an interest in her by the end of the first book. In the plans for the second book, they'd show a certain familiarity with one another, something you might call friendship, but there'd also be an underlying tension that constantly hangs over their heads. Rarity faces a lot of personal issues involving Applejack, some positive and some negative, and Book II was at least partially going to depict her facing and getting over some of them, if not all.

After their initial introduction, there was no way the inevitable relationship between the two was going to come smoothly.


I was waiting for a reply and FimFic didn’t even bother notifying me so I had to check myself, boo hiss.

I guess Rarity & AJ currently exist in that nebulous relationship space where Rarity’s feelings for vacillate between teasing and aggravation on a dime. I’m certainly eager to see how it all plays out in the long run.

Question, though: When you say this –

Book II was at least partially going to

– am I reading too much into the past tense here? A continuation is still happening, yes? Don’t tell me you’re writing out appul pone :applecry:


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I'd be happy to relate my plans for the relationship in greater detail, but not here. That's spoiler territory and thus belongs in the Q&A blog. Drop me a line there if you're interested.

Well I read the story and I have to say: I apparently do not remember the prequel well at all and that paints this story in a very confusing light. I don’t even want to comment on this story further cause I feel like every response to anything I say would be “I explained that in the prequel.”

Outstanding work, and a brilliant presentation of Sunset in this setting. Thank you for it. Here’s to whatever other parts of Rarity’s travels that see the light of day.

Let the fire of the sun blaze and burn away the darkness.

This story, once again, shares a lot of elements commonly found in spaghetti westerns, and since those happen to be my favorite westerns, it works out exceptionally well here. The initial ambush at Sunset's in the dead of night reminded me a bit of the scene in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly where Blondie is cleaning his pistol at the hotel, his senses, intuition, and "drifter's luck" allowing him to get the drop on his would-be assailants. When the scene goes through my head, it has dark lighting and even plays on inexpensive, grainy film.

The Bulletproof Heart continues to be one of my favorite literary protagonists; cool under pressure, an unflinching badass, but also unafraid to own up to her shortcomings and show others the soft parts of her (what few there still are). I want to see more of Rarity, and more of Sunburned Equestria, but at the same time, I don't. I love the stories, but at the same time, I want to preserve the fantasy of what stories there could be.

I think that counts as a success for the author.

Why do I have a feeling a new Legend has just been born?

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Potentially. I never got around to the planning of it, but I did have an idea for a story detailing Sunset becoming a famous defender of Little Longhorn, culminating in a proper battle against the Gang without the Bulletproof Heart's aid. That will probably never see the light of day now, but I will note that if I had gone through with it she likely would have gotten the title of "Phoenix".

Other option is too look at the underlying basis of Sunsets Life. She is the heir to heroes herself. A pack of them. Ponys that came together to fight the good fight. Some were family. Some were friends. The old legends are buried in that graveyard. This story? It could be the origin story of new legends coming together down the road to finish what the old legends started. Putting down the Bad Apple Gang for good.

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Putting down the Bad Apple Gang for good.

That much was always in the cards. A shame we'll almost certainly never see it.

We can if you write it!

Goddamn this was so good.

It goes without saying I would’ve eaten up anything new when it comes to BPH but this was such a fantastic return to form. It’s relatively short but it manages to fit so much into such a small space. Even after two reads it hits hard when it needs to, the thrill and the intrigue are woven deeply into these words. While you’ve had plenty of top notch fight scenes throughout this series, it feels fitting that this time the biggest fight Rarity has to worry about is gotten over with early on, and then the rest of the story is about the real battle of Sunset Shimmer’s inner turmoil, a battle fought almost entirely with words and raw emotions.

I had been curious what might be going on with Sunset Shimmer after her presence was teased in the Isekai crossover. I hadn’t been anticipating a non-pegasus to be the cousin of Stormy Flare that had been alluded to previously but it’s a really interesting twist on the character. We’re used to seeing Sunset as a driven and ambitious person, and this is what happens when that profound inner strength of hers is utterly crushed. The depiction of a person broken through years of abuse is heartbreaking and astonishingly realistic, and of course neatly parallels Stormy Flare’s own descent into despair and hatred.

The best aspect of the story is the way in which it sets up Sunset as a foil for Rarity herself, now having to start her own new path in life as someone who needs to be strong to survive. They’re both unicorns who had aspirations to strive for great heights in the world, and they both met with tragedy that prevented them from achieving those heights. The primary difference is that Sunset didn’t get the opportunity to rise back up from the ashes, she has only continued to be beaten down year after year, which presents a shocking glimpse of what might have happened if Rarity hadn’t fended off Braeburn and fought back against the Bad Apples. Where Rarity struggled to cling to herself while she was forced to live on the lam, Sunset has already fallen and now she has to pick up the ashes of who she once was. I do think there is one missed opportunity in not drawing a direct parallel between the villagers’ attempts to make things up to Sunset and Applejack trying to do the same for Rarity; Rarity is familiar with having to deal with someone who wronged her, she knows that it’s not pleasant but also that nothing will be accomplished from not giving someone the opportunity to repent for their past actions. But really it is just an absolutely amazing arc from beginning to end, I loved everything about Sunset in this story. Honestly, I almost have to be mad about it—I’ve been chomping at the bit for more Rarity content, and now I have to hope for more Sunset too!

Also that final line…oof, right in the feels.

I’m looking forward to whatever may pan out for the rewrite of the story, but I’m certainly not going to complain about seeing any further adventures of Rarity in this setting. The series was always intended to be episodic to an extent, it works well for short installments like this.

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I'm glad you caught the Rarity-Sunset parallel, which was a major element I was pushing for with this one. The entire idea behind Sunset was "this is what Rarity could have been". In a way, this is Rarity helping herself. I never wanted to state it outright for what I feel are obvious reasons, so it's good to know it's apparent.

I have another little adventure for Rarity in mind. I've been working on it off and on. It won't have the same weight as this one, not by a long shot, but I thought it would be fun to finally introduce a favorite character into the series, so... It was originally the second chapter of the sequel, but I took a look and realized that it doesn't work very well as a standalone story, so I'm rewriting it from scratch with an entirely new scenario. Can't say it'll be released any time soon, unfortunately.

Took me a while to get around to reading this (almost a year since I left that initial comment when this was released, lol) but man I'm glad that I finally did. Still the same feel and quality of the other BPH stories, that dusty gunsligning rough-and-tumble Western setting, and now with a guest appearance of Best Pony™. I loved reading Rarity and Sunset's interactions, seeing Rarity teach Sunset and exhibiting wisdom and keen insight honed from her past conflicts, and watching Sunset grow into a more confidant mare.

This was a great installment in the BPH series that definitely satiated that craving for more and I can't wait until part 2 finally comes out, whenever it does.

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I've been struggling to write the next short-story installment of the series, but at least I can reassure you that I'm trying to get something out. I'm also working on a new entry that will start the original fiction version. It's tentatively titled "The Phoenix", which not coincidentally was also going to be Sunset's "Title" in the MLP BPH universe. Most of my work has involved creating the glossary around the original fiction world so I can keep from getting my Manehattans crossed with my Manhattans, but I finally got some actual story written just a few days ago.

Still probably a long ways off, though. :fluttercry:

Absolutely adored Sunsets transformation in this one, fantastically written!

Yes, Sunset will burn bright, rising from the ashes :twilightsmile: Well done Rarity for helping her see who she can be! *Happy & Content Pony Noises*

So it turns out that taking a break from Sunburnt Equestria lasted all of one day. :applejackconfused:

If there's one theme that I'm picking up on throughout this series, it's that evil is allowed to win if good people don't do anything. The Bad Apples have been running around largely unopposed for decades now and their hooks are sunk into everything. I'd wager that if ponies like Rarity didn't step up, then they'd be in complete control of Equestria in a few more years. I wouldn't be surprised if ponies like the Countess are working the long game to set up a new monarchy/dictatorship.

As for Sunset, Non Uberis said everything and then some. I'm liking that Rarity, little by little, is making a difference.

Way less of a body count compared to the other stories I've read in this setting, but I think that makes it that much more impactful. You ultimately don't want anypony to die because it's going to take everypony working together if Equestria is ever going to heal. I think this world is beyond even an orbital friendship laser, so the more ponies left standing matters.

Another excellent read!

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