• Published 26th May 2022
  • 1,396 Views, 21 Comments

Summer of '11 - moviemaster8510

Following the conclusion of Friendship is Magic's first season, one fan's discovery of a mysterious book will grant him the greatest summer of his life.

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Chapter II: Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones, June 1971

Even with it happening right in front of him and his very own eyes, Oli still could not shake the gradually diminishing feeling that this was all a massively vivid dream. Stranger yet was that at no point since arriving in the land that he knew as Equestria did the ponies deviate in any way from what they said or did in the events of the episode he was now witnessing firsthand.

“Look at mine! Look at mine!” Pinkie Pie squealed in delight as she bounced towards Applejack to show off her Element.

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash purred, appreciating her own.

“Gee, Twilight!” Applejacked exclaimed. “I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship.

“Indeed you do,” another voice rang out as a bright light shone in through the broken window directly to Oli’s right.

Realizing what was about to happen, Oli tried to crawl backwards back down the stairs, hoping not to be seen by the orb that began to enter the castle ruins. In his panic, he brought his hurt knee back down on the steps, sending a searing pain back up through his leg. Oli grunted and groaned through as much of it as he could, slapping a hand over his mouth to force himself to stifle a yell. Unsure if any noises he made were heard, he began to quietly weep as the possibility of going unnoticed waned moment by moment. He continued to stay as silent as possible as he heard the rest of the scene play out.

“I’m so sorry!” She heard Princess Luna cry up above. “I missed you so much big sister!”

Celestia let out an exalted sob. “I missed you too.”

Pinkie Pie’s bawling sounded out next, and at this moment, Oli began to realize that he did not know anything that happened between this moment and when they all returned to Ponyville. He would find out soon enough.

“Hey!” Pinkie Pie suddenly chirped, returning to her happy demeanor. “You know what this calls for?! A party! Come on, the folks in Ponyville must be worried sick about us!”

“Please hold that thought,” Celestia suddenly said. “It appears that there is another among us.”

Oli could almost feel the color in his face drain out. Did she see me after all?! What can I do?! I don’t know how to get out of here! Shit!

Celestia’s hoofsteps came to the top of the steps, though Oli had his face buried in his arms as a last resort of protection. “It’s alright, young human. You’re no longer in any danger.”

Oli’s sharp, sustained gasp could be heard throughout the room.

“Human?” Twilight’s inquiry also suggested she knew exactly what he was.

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “What’s a human?”

“Please, come up,” Celestia coaxed. “I promise none of us will do you any harm.”

Oli slowly lifted his head, two small streaks of tears having ran down his cheeks. At the top of the steps, he could see Celestia and Twilight looking down at him, though it was not fear that they seemed to express on their faces, rather that of morbid curiosity. Soon, Luna and the other five ponies crowded around the other two wanting to see what this “human” Celestia and Twilight referred to.

“That’s it,” Celestia whispered, commending Oli for even the small act looking up at her. “You’re safe.”

With the other six ponies staring on, equally respectful of Oli’s boundaries, he suddenly found the strength to pull himself up to his feet, groaning the whole way up as he tried to stand on his weak knees. With his fuller appearance made to them, Twilight and her friends murmured uncertainly amongst each other. Luna, on the other hand, stayed silent and cautious.

Oli could see his guttural noises didn’t sit the best with the others, and he breathed in to assure them. “Sorry… I… hurt my knees on… the way here…”

“Oh my stars,” Applejack breathed. “It speaks Ponish like us!”

“What’s going on?” He looked to Celestia in particular. “Do you know what I am?”

Celestia nodded once. “I do. Furthermore, I believe I’m certain how you arrived here. Is the book you came here from nearby?”

Oli had no idea what he was supposed to expect from meeting the Princess Celestia, but the immediate calming effect she had in her voice was very effective. “It’s… it’s down here.”

“Princess Celestia?” Fluttershy spoke up. “What’s going on? What is everypony talking about?”

“I suppose we can discuss as this young… my apologies, young man, but I don’t believe I’ve gotten your name.

“It’s… Oliver.”

“I see. Well then, Oliver, would you please lead us to where the book is?”

To hear his name spoken back to him by her of all creatures brought him closer to on edge. “Yeah, it’s down here.”

Oli turned around and kept his eyes forward as he went down the same steps that he came from. The clattering of hooves descending behind him compelled him to turn and look to them, still unable to stop wrestling with the idea that he was indeed still dreaming in his room.

“This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder,” Rainbow Dash whispered to no one in particular.

“And it will probably only get weirder from here,” Rarity agreed.

“Come on!” Pinkie Pie cried out, all four hooves landing at the same time with each bounce she made. “Quit stalling already! Spill the beans!

“Pinkie Pie!” Twilight scolded.

“It’s alright, Twilight,” Celestia softly hushed. “I’ve stalled for long enough. I will tell you all of the first human Twilight and I met.”

Twilight and I?” each of the other ponies, Luna included, barked in unison.

“Wait!” Oli couldn’t help himself, looking back to Twilight. “You know about us too?”

Oli stumbled over his ankle, throwing himself down toward the last few steps down with a frightened yelp. Right before his face hit the ground, he felt himself suspended right above it, a twinkling magenta glow suddenly filling his vision. Before he could register what he knew happened, he felt himself tilted back upright and set down gently at the bottom of the stairs.

Oli stood still as the glow faded off of him, the sensation of real, genuine magic still fresh on his skin.

“Are you alright?” Celestia asked, the first pony to reach the bottom of the stairs.

“I’ve…” As shot as Oli’s nerves were, it was no use being sardonic now. “I am. Thank you.”

Celestia softly smiled and continue onward, a contrast to the other ponies who began to walk around him with unsure, sideways glances as he continued standing, still in mild shock.

“Guessing you’ve never experienced magic before?” Twilight asked, sympathetically.

Oli didn’t know what to say in that moment, but as the others continued, Twilight waited for him to follow them before she walked beside him.

“It’s alright,” she said. “I’m sure this is a lot to take in right now.”

Further inside the chamber he arrived in, Celestia and Luna both approached the open book with the strage text laying on the floor, the former seeming to recognize it immediately, though Luna’s face still betrayed her confusion.

“Many moons ago,” Celestia started, the ponies and human beginning to gather around the book, “a human, younger than Oliver here, arrived in Equestria from another world around the time I began mentoring Twilight. She claimed to have been transported here through a magic book she found in her world. During the summer when she first arrived, she became close friends with Twilight here.”

Oli and the ponies focused their eyes on her, this news a complete surprise to everyone present. As uncomfortable Twilight looked at being put in on the spot, she stayed steadfast in the expectation that her mentor would further clarify things for them. Oli himself wanted so badly to question what Celestia had said, but stayed silent for fear of the truth he knew about them getting out.

“What happened to her?” Fluttershy asked.

Celestia continued. “To spare you any unnecessary details, this human lost contact with our world once the summer had ended.” She then turned back to Oli before lifting the book in her magic, closing it, and placing it in his arms. “Somehow, the book ended up in your possession and has given you access to its magic, namely the ability to travel to and from our world from yours.”

The other ponies looked back to Oli, uncertain what this would soon mean for all of them. Through there stares, Oli began to piece the puzzle together in his head, and with a sudden realization that came to him, all he’d need to confirm it is the answering of a single question.

“Wait…” The idea of asking the question began to feel more insane the more he thought about it, but the words just came right out. “This girl didn’t happen to be named Lauren, did it?”

Soft gasps from Celestia and Twilight prompted all present to look back at them. Hearing himself ask the question and seeing everyone see Twilight and Celestia’s reactions only made Oli realize how stupid he was to ask it, and he closed his mouth with wide, terrified eyes, dropping the book back onto the floor; there was no way to avoid the truth now.

“How…” Even Celestia was at a near-loss of words. “How do you know Lauren?”

“I…” Oli exhaled hard. The bed he made was ready for him to lie in. “I don’t know her personally. She…” He winced again. There was no possible way to put this delicately, but any further delays were only going to make them trust him less. “I’m not even sure how it’s possible, but she… shared your story to the world.”

“Story?” Rarity questioned. “What story?”

“I sure hope it’s about the time I accidentally iced a cake with toothpaste instead of frosting!” The others looked to her with disdain over her unfortunate timing. “What? To be fair, it’s a really funny story!”

“No, it’s…” It was time to just rip the band-aid off. “I arrived here just as you were defeating Nightmare Moon. I know… some of what happened before then. How Twilight came to Ponyville, how she met all of you, and how was so wrapped up in stopping Nightmare Moon, she almost lost sight of the friends that helped her in her journey.”

Twilight’s expression was one of wide-eyed wonder, while the others looked back at each other in what Oli could only register as a collective existential crisis.

“You…” Applejack responded, “know all about that?”

“You mean…” Twilight stammered, “what we just went through, that was–”

Unbeknownst to Twilight, Celestia had walked behind her, stopping her question with a hoof upon her shoulder. “Perhaps it would be best if I explained this.”

“Explain what?” Rainbow Dash scoffed, her wings flaring in agitation. “That we’re just characters in some kind of… story?”

“Of course not, Rainbow Dash. Please, let me explain.” Rainbow Dash settled down, but her face was still somewhat angered and fearful. “Lauren was always a very gifted storyteller, and before the summer’s end, she wanted to share a story of ours as a way to honor and remember us by. It appears that the story she received was about your defeat of Nightmare Moon.”

“What do you mean by ‘appears,’ sister?” Luna spoke in. “Did you not know this would happen?”

“I did not. The story that I permitted her to take back with was one of the future that neither I nor Twilight knew about nor would ever know about so as not to influence our actions. Everything you went through, everything that Twilight and all of you have been through these past hours was a result of your own actions and yours alone, not Lauren’s, and most certainly not Oliver’s.”

“So…” Pinkie Pie sounded somber. “Does this mean no one knows about the toothpaste cake?”

“I’m afraid not, Pinkie Pie. I’m sure this revelation must be upsetting to you all in some way, but please know that everything you experienced tonight was real and genuine. You all came together and wielded the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon, which you were only able to accomplish because of the real and genuine friendship you share with each other.”

The ponies save for Celestia and Twilight looked aimlessly at the ground, still not entirely convinced. Twilight especially looked hurt as the ponies she had just affirmed her friendship with moments ago could hardly look at her.

“I’m sorry,” Oli whispered, the breaking of the silence prompting everyone else to turn and look at him. “I…” He then looked up at Celestia. “How do I return home?”

Celestia gently shook her head. “Oliver, please–”

“No, I’ve already caused enough damage here. I would have been content living the rest of my life believing you were all characters in a story, but I… can’t do that anymore. Now that I know you… and your friendship are all real, I just can’t… I feel like I just destroyed something really special that I can never put back together again. So please, just tell me how I return home and I’ll never bother you again.”

Celestia stayed silent, knowing that she would soon need to honor his request if nothing improved soon.

Looking back at a still-shameful Twilight, Applejack put on a firm face and stepped out and face Oli directly. “Now hold on, sugar. There might be a whole lot about this whole mess that I still don’t understand, and I know I ain’t alone in that regard, but the Princess is right. No matter what some… human or some story about us says, I know for a fact that we all chose to come together to help Twilight defeat Nightmare Moon. And yeah, even with everything we just learned, I’ll be big enough to admit that I’d do it all over again if it meant I’d still get to be with all of you.”

The others looked back to Twilight, smiling proudly in agreement as their eyes beginning to well up, Applejack’s words reaching through to them. Twilight breathed in a shuddering breath, and Applejack looked back at her, smiling.

“Y’all will always be my friends, and nothing will ever change that.”

Twilight let out a sob and closed her eyes, letting two tears roll down her cheeks. Applejack approached her and put an assuring hoof on her shoulder, looking into her eyes with the same loving determination she gave her at the cliff she helped guide her down. Twilight and Applejack threw their arms around each other, their tears draining onto their respective shoulders. One by one, each of Twilight’s new friends all approached her and joined Applejack in the embrace, their tears falling to the floor.

Physically spent, Oli sunk to his knees, relieved that his actions at least weren’t able to fracture these ponies’ friendships with each other. He couldn’t help but notice as Luna nuzzled her head against Celestia’s leg before she laid her chin down across her sister’s back, wanting to ensure her that she was still just as loved in spite of this news.

Twilight broke her head out of the scrum to look at Oli watching the scene play out by himself. With soft smile, she knew what she needed to do. Backing away from her friends, she walked towards Oli in an act that prompted them to stop and watch what she was about to do.

Oli, still on his knees, straightened himself as Twilight stopped before him looking into his eyes. “Listen, Oliver, I know this is probably not how you wanted our first meeting to turn out. In fact, I have to believe you never expected to ever meet any of us, but I know you didn’t mean any harm in what you asked, and I don’t want you feeling guilty if you feel you created a rift between us.

“Like Princess Celestia and Applejack said, everything we’ve been through in the past few hours was all real, and the friendships I made with them is equally as genuine. I also believe that book you found chose you and wanted you to come here for one reason or another, and if that’s the case, I’d like to be the first to offer my friendship to you.”

Oli stared at Twilight’s hand as it raised itself up toward him, unable to think of what to do next. “You want… even after…?”

Twilight nodded with a chipper, “Mmhm.”

Oli slowly lifted his right hand off his lap and moved his fingers around her hoof, still too anxious to make physical contact with it. Looking back up at her and her trusting smile, he also glanced behind her as her friends watched on, unsure of what he would do. Finally, with a weak breath out, he mustered the strength to wrap his hand around her hoof and give it two gentle shakes. With their bond now formed, Oli laughed out a sob, amazed beyond measure to shake the hoof of the Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight relaxed herself, glad to have eased Oli’s tensions at long last. “Now, I think we’re due a proper introduction. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s a pleasure to get to meet you, Oliver.”

“Please,” Oli giggled, “the pleasure is all mine. And… my friends call me Oli.”

Twilight smiled even wider, even more chuffed to have reached a nickname basis with him. “Then I’m very mucvh looking forward to our summer together, Oli.” She then turned back to her friends, who seemed to be in just as much disbelief as this strange creature was. “Girls, please, come say hello to Oli–”

“You don’t have to ask me twice!” Pinkie Pie slid up next to Twilight as if propelled by her own excitement. “Hi Oli, my name’s Pinkie Pie! Listen, you might have heard me say earlier that we should throw a party to celebrate defeating Nightmare Moon and reuniting Celestia with her long-lost sister, but if it’s okay with you can we also combine it into a ‘Defeating Nightmare Moon and Reuniting Celestia With Her Long-Lost Sister AND Meeting a New Human Friend’ party?!”

Oli, even with the full knowledge of Pinkie Pie’s boundless energy and vigor, felt himself exhausted by it up close and personal. “I, well…”

“Give the poor fella a break,” Applejack playfully scolded, coming up next. “Let him get settled first. Hi Oli, name’s Applejack. Sorry if your first few minutes in Equestria weren’t what you hoped.”

This time, Oli met Applejack’s raised hoof with both hands at the same time, giving her a much firmer shake to her. “I can’t say I was exactly ‘hoping,’ but it’s an honor nonetheless.”

“Good. Looking forward to gettin’ to spend some time with you.”

Applejack backed away as both Rarity and Fluttershy both approached him together, the latter turning her head away so that her only part of her left eye was visible behind her thick, long pink mane. Oli smiled as he placed both hands on his knees and leaned down ever so slightly to appear less of a threat.

“Well, hi there,” he spoke as demurely as he could. “Would you mind telling me your name?”

Rainbow Dash, the last of Twilight’s friends not standing near Oli watched in mounting incredulity as Fluttershy turned her head towards him, her large blue eyes now visible to him. Despite the fact that he more than likely already knew their each of names, the respect he showed her to let her introduce herself on her own brought out a confidently trusting smile in her.

“I’m…” she began. “I’m Fluttershy. It’s… actually nice to get to meet you, Oli.”

“Thank you.” Sam laid his palm open for her to place her hoof into, and with a light squeeze of the tip as he would for any lady, he gave it a single shake before letting her set it down and giving her space back.

“Quite the charmer, aren’t you?” Rarity came before Oli, already offering her hoof. “Rarity. Pleasure to meet you, darling.”

Oli giggled, taking her hoof the same way he took Fluttershy’s. “You say I’m a charmer…” With a slight hesitation, he quickly brought his face down and pecked the front of her hoof with his lips. “…but I’m feeling very charmed right now.”

Rarity pulled her whole body away, giggling as she struggled to hide the blush appearing on her cheeks as Oli placed a hand over his heart, glad to see she appreciated the gesture. As Oli looked back forward towards Rainbow Dash, he jolted to see her already standing before him, her frown telling him she still found him suspicious.

“So,” she sneered, “this story you say I’m in…” She then bashfully looked away and smirked. “Does it at least make me look cool?”

Oli decompressed and laughed. “The coolest.”

Rainbow Dash stood straight and tall, her pride stoked. “Alright, then it sounds like we’re going to be good pals. Rainbow Dash, cool to meet you, Oli.”

Rainbow Dash held her hoof out straight out to him, and Oli, immediately understanding the gesture, balled his hand into a fist and pressed it against hers.

“Wow,” was all Oli could muster.

“Wow’s right, buddy. It’s not everyday you get to bump hooves with the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, buuuut you probably already knew that, didn’t you?”

The smug, sly allusion left Sam flushed, an expression that Rainbow Dash delighted herself with greatly.

“Just teasing you, Oli.” She patted him on the shoulder. “You’re cool.”

“Ah… great.” With introductions mostly finished, Oli stood to his feet with the book in his hands to look down at the ponies that he could now officially call friends of his.

“Oh my goodness!” Twilight exclaimed. “Spike! He’s still–”

“In Ponyville, safe and sound,” Celestia calmly interrupted as she and Luna approached him. “While it would be wise to return soon, there are a couple more things I request from you. Firstly, Oliver, would you mind giving Twilight that book there?”

“I… okay?” Oli did as he was told, Twilight taking it and holding it beside her in her magic. “I’m guessing I’m going to need that to return home.”

Celestia chuckled, amused by his intuition. “Indeed you will, but for the time being, I would like Twilight to keep it in her possession. Keep it safe with you at the Golden Oaks Library so that Oli has a safe place to arrive at whenever he chooses to come.”

“But…” Twilight was confused. “Won’t I be taking it back home…” The realization hit her. “…in Canterlot?”

“What?” Applejack piped in. “She has to go back?”

“On the contrary,” Celestia answered. “Twilight, when we return to Ponyville, remind me to have Spike draft a note stating that you shall continue your friendship studies in your new home of Ponyville.”

Twilight eyes grew wide. “I–”

Before she could come up with a response, Twilight’s friends crowded around her in joyous cheers and nuzzles, gladdened for her to get to continue living with them.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.” Twilight wiped her eyes. “I won’t let you down!”

“I have every confidence that you won’t. Now, there are some further details regarding the books that I wish to discuss with all of you at another time and place. Oliver, would you happen to be available tomorrow morning to meet? Say, 24 hours from now?”

Oli patted his pockets, visibly disappointed to not find his phone there. Despite this setback, he knew he could easily check the time upon returning home.

“Sure thing,” he said. “If I’m not right on time…”

“That’s perfectly acceptable,” Celestia said. “I trust you’ll be as punctual as possible. I can discuss our meeting place with the rest of you upon our return to Ponyville, but Twilight, please be sure to bring that book with you beforehand.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course, Princess.”

“Very good. Now, please open to the center pages.”

Twilight lifted the book back out and held it in front of Oli, who watched as Twilight’s aura perfectly flipped through the first half of the book in one motion, setting it exactly where she was instructed to.”

“Whenever you’re ready, Oliver, read that passage, and you’ll be back in your own world.”

“Thank you.” Oli turned to Luna, who seemed surprised by his acknowledgement. “Keep your chin up, your highness. Everything will be okay for you now.”

Luna smiled earnestly and bowed her head, grateful for his well-wishes.

“And thank you all for taking a chance on me,” he said. “I look very much forward to tomorrow and each day after.”

“And we greatly anticipate your return,” Celestia bid. “Fare thee well, Oliver.”

The other ponies all bid Oliver goodbye as well as he returned his attention to the text in the book, whose text was just as understandable as that of the book back home.

Two books bridge two destinations, he more confidently read. Destinations that lead to the place called home. I permit myself to return there through use of this tome.

The tingling began to flare up in Oli’s head once again, but he was prepared this time.

I wish and pray that sooner than not, I will return to the other side, for nothing is more valuable than this desire I feel inside.

Oli felt his mind snap once again, and with the imminent travel that was about to commence again, Oli simply closed his eyes and allowed the forces that be to do what they needed to. The ponies watched incredulously as the top of Oli’s body squashed itself in to fit between the void created between the middle pages.

Oli suddenly remembered as he fell down how unpleasant his first landing was, and right at the moment of realization, his body flipped around to pass through the other book. As before, Oli was flung out feet first, but a prepared kick out with both legs propelled his body upright. As his head and arms came out last, he readied his feet to land upon his bedroom floor. With the book on the bed as he had inadvertently left it, Oli couldn’t ready himself for the extra few inches he didn’t account for, landing awkwardly on the balls of his heels and tripping backward, landing flat on his back. Oli groaned as he tried to find a comfortable position to stand himself back up with.

Oli sat in his parked Volkswagen van that had certainly not seen better days from its previous owners if the numerous dents of varying sizes and the missing passenger-side mirror was any indicator. As he waited for Jessie to leave the daycare building and hop into his car so he could take her home, he just prayed that he wouldn’t have to deal with an overzealous parent accusing him of sinister intentions. Fortunately for him, after less than ten minutes of peaceful solitude, he noticed Jessie virtually leap out of the door and bound down the steps before throwing the van door open and jumping inside.

“Oli, you made it!” she cheered

“Seatbelt please.” Jessie wordlessly obeyed his command, prompting Oli to pull away in the direction of the nine-year old’s house.

“You wouldn’t believe what happened today!” Jessie began to rattle off. “First, the fridge broke down overnight, so all our snacks got ruined, but they decided to have an impromptu pizza party and we watched The Princess and the Frog! Second, we played capture the flag and I was SO. CLOSE to capturing the flag! You should have been there!”

Oli struggled to come up with a reply, the growing bout of silence between them quickly turning the conversation sour. Before Jessie could come up with a reply, Oli turned to look at her as he pulled up to a red light.

“You wanna’ hear how my morning went?”