• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 502 Views, 16 Comments

In the fields of Equestria - Eltirions

  • ...

Chapter 3: Sanye o Aranel

A letter arrived a few days later via Spike, who could apparently transport such things via something called ‘’flame travel’’. Maglor was unsure he and Twilight were speaking on the same level when he had questioned how that worked, but in the end it mattered little how the letter had gotten to him; the contents, that was what mattered.

And the contents were very interesting indeed. Maglor had already known Twilight was the student of Princess Celestia, the ruler of these lands, but he had not known that Twilight had informed her mentor about his existence. But she had, and now the Princess had invited him over to her capital of Canterlot, which was actually visible in the distance quite clearly to him, even individual buildings discernable to his keen eyes.

Maglor had not expected to be invited to a private meeting with the Princess of these lands, but he could not say he was very surprised; he had told Twilight a little about himself, but his appearance alone was interesting enough that a meeting might be expected. After all, Maglor was fairly certain he was the only Elf in these lands; he had never come across another, nor had he found Men, Dwarves or any other race found in Middle-Earth. If they existed somewhere, it was far away from any place he had wandered to, and he had wandered quite far.


He looked down - he had been doing that a lot in the past two weeks, and his neck had started complaining because of it, so he’d taken some time each evening to massage it - at Sweetie, who he’d been walking through the fields around Ponyville with for some time now. ‘’Yes?’’

‘’I just remembered something,’’ the filly said sheepishly. ‘’I was supposed to tell you that Twilight and Rarity wanted to speak to you. Something about that letter from Canterlot?’’

Hm. ‘’Then I suppose I’d best go and see what they wish to discuss, no?’’


Maglor patted the filly’s head, then they made their way back to Ponyville. Sweetie accompanied him until they reached the Golden Oaks Library, then she ran off to play with her friends again. Maglor waved her goodbye with a smile, then went into the tree.

Inside, Twilight and Rarity were both already seated at a table. The letter from Canterlot was spread out on it, and some other books were stacked up on a pile next to it.

‘’Maglor darling!’’ Rarity greeted. ‘’We’d thought you’d never come!’’

‘’My apologies,’’ Maglor said as he sat down in an unoccupied chair. ‘’I forgot the time.’’

‘’Quite alright, darling. You’re here now, after all.’’

‘’Indeed. What did you wish to discuss?’’

‘’Your invitation from the Princess,’’ Twilight answered. ‘’There’s a lot of important things you need to remember with her.’’

‘’I have some experience in meeting with rulers,’’ Maglor chose to diplomatically say; it was, of course, an understatement. ‘’But it has been a long time since I last did that. Perhaps a refreshment wouldn’t be amiss.’’

‘’Of course, darling,’’ Rarity agreed as Twilight nodded along. ‘’Twilight, darling, you know the Princess better than me, so go ahead.’’

‘’Right.’’ Twilight took a breath, then began to explain. ‘’Princess Celestia didn’t mention where she’d be meeting with you, but she usually has private meetings in her solar.’’

Maglor inclined his head; Maedhros had preferred to do the same. ‘’What can you tell me about the Princess? What is she like?’’ he asked.

Twilight’s eyes lit up. ‘’Oh, she’s regal, to start with! Kind, generous, and happier now that her sister has returned. But she’s ruled Equestria for over a thousand years, of course, so she can be stern and demanding, but never too much. She’s…’’

‘’Like a mother,’’ Rarity finished, watching for Twilight’s reaction cautiously.

‘’Precisely!’’ Twilight agreed. ‘’The mother of Equestria.’’


‘’I see,’’ Maglor elected to say. ‘’What do you think she wishes to speak with me about?’’

He could guess - and probably guess correctly at that - but he’d rather hear such things from someone who was the personal student of the Princess.

‘’I don’t know what the Princess would want to speak about,’’ Twilight said. ‘’I’ve written her about you, of course, but…’’

‘’She probably just wishes to talk, Maglor,’’ Rarity put in after a few moments of silence. ‘’About what, well that I couldn’t possibly guess at with any accuracy, but I would expect questions about yourself and your history.’’

Maglor hummed noncommittally. In truth he would rather not darken these lands with his history, but if the Princess of them commanded it from him, who was he to refuse? He was no prince here, just a Ñoldorin wanderer.

‘’Well, I think I can answer those questions,’’ he said. ‘’Is there any protocol I should follow or be aware of?’’

‘’That’s why I’m here, darling!’’ Rarity said. ‘’Allow me to explain, please.’’

‘’Go ahead,’’ Twilight said. ‘’You know it better than I do.’’

Rarity ignored that remark. ‘’So, when you have arrived at the palace, you will be escorted through the halls to the Princess’ solar. There, you will be announced by your escort, and then shown into the room.

When you come before the Princess, it is required that you bow, like so.’’ And Rarity demonstrated how a pony bowed, which was one of the more amusing and, frankly, weird things Maglor had seen in the last weeks.

‘’Of course,’’ she continued, ‘’if I was the one invited, I’d curtsy like a proper lady, not bow like a gentlecolt. But that’s neither here nor there. Once you have bowed, the Princess will ask you to take a seat, possibly indicating one for you. If not, sit down on an empty one. Do not begin conversation; such is the Princess’ right.’’

Rarity looked at him with a brilliant smile. ‘’That should cover the basics, darling!’’

‘’... I see,’’ Maglor said after a long silence. ‘’Thank you. That should help.’’

‘’I should hope so!’’ Rarity agreed. ‘’I think that’s everything from me. Twilight, darling, have you anything to add?’’

The aforementioned unicorn shook her head. ‘’I can’t think of anything. Thanks, Rarity.’’

‘’Yes, you have my gratitude, both of you.’’

‘’It was my pleasure, darlings!’’

Author's Note:

Titles: Rules of the Princess

Hello, hello! Here we are again. See here for my new upload schedule, please, if that is something that interests you.

Nothing else to say, hope you have a nice day and night!

Edit: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/979100/a-short-break

Comments ( 2 )

I await this meeting with great anticipation.

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