• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
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What would happen if My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic were to become a full length movie? Pure amazingness, that's what.
Now, what would happen if everyone's favorite director Michael Bay took the reins? Nothing good, that's for sure.

Special thanks to Gadgetphile for helping edit.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 99 )

Whoa, got the message about your new story.
dat ending :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by PegasusMesa deleted Sep 12th, 2014


I honestly don't know what to say… needs more M. Night Shamalan? I don't know. More explosions? This is what 'Random' fics do to me.

-Lightning \[T]/

Back to the future reference. Good show.:moustache:

A picture says a 1000 words, but 3312 words says more, and what a wonderful message for the children.

A return to form, if I do say o myself. Good job on the puns :twilightsheepish:

Not enough explosions.

It would also be more epic if Mecha Twilight ran into Trixie, who received an even better upgrade from Cyberdyne and became a T-1000.


:pinkiegasp: Bay, you better keep your boob-obsessed, explosion-loving, non-caring-for-storyline hands off this show!

4992262 ?*sniff sniff* DO SMELL A SEQUEL ALL OF A SUDDEN :trollestia:

Uh... What was Equestria Girls then?

Yup... smells like a Michael Bay movie. :trixieshiftright:

4992339 Yeeeah, I realized recently that my old description doesn't make much sense now that the whole Equestria Girls franchise is around :derpytongue2:

4992339 Oh sorry. Didn't see the authors note.

It's so bad it's funny! :rainbowlaugh:

4992338 Hold on there Guardian, the person could have deleted it themselves.

Comment posted by neutralmilk deleted Sep 12th, 2014

Finally the robot spoke up. “This fight ever gonna take off?”

Twilight’s gaze intensified. “This waiting is just plane boring.”

“The way this is Boeing we may just call it a draw.”

“Be patient. I’m sure once we straighten out this thing’ll fly right.”

“It’s tough coming up with these puns. I’m just running on autopilot now!”

So beautiful . . . :pinkiesad2:

4992473 You have no clue how long it took for me to write those few puns :derpytongue2: I swear, I stared at a wall for hours before I could get even one!!

But I'm glad the effort was worth it :pinkiehappy:

“Y-you! How did you survive that blast! I saw you die!”

Twilight smiled and cracked her neck audibly. “I did a barrel roll.”

I know, then again, so is his interpretation of a good film.

-Lightning \[T]/

You almost captured the true essence of Bay, all you need now is overly sexualised young women!

4992530 Ah! How could I have forgotten! In the future I must add Fleur de Lis washing a motorcycle in slow-motion! (In a bikini of course.) :moustache:

4992537 Maybe you could add that into a second chapter
"Rise of the revenge of the fallen of the planet of the dark side of the Bay"

4992266 boob-obsessed?

Since when?

None of his movies i have seen really have the cam focused on the chest and neither are the females really busty or anything.


Believe it or not Bay is not responsible for this this is in fact Ehren Kruger the writer's fault for the plot in the transformers movies (excluding the first which was written by Orci and Krutsman)

So really most of what you said is not true and Bay is really not as bad as people think he is.

4992530 Even though this is not true

It's just people pulling crap out of their ass based on a couple of shots.

:applejackconfused: :rainbowhuh: :facehoof: GODDAMMIT BAY! YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN!!!

Very relevant.

Bloody brilliant, by the way.

4992550 And just like that, my stupid one shot is becoming over-long, unwanted and overly complex franchise. JUST LIKE TRANSFORMERS! MICHAEL BAY WOULD BE PROUD :rainbowlaugh: And my God, it would be hilarious to call it that.

4992831 Do it, as the walking definition of handsome gentleman, I politely request you continue this masterpiece. Please?

4992585 I can understand why people do like Michael Bay. He has been responsible for some pretty damn fun to watch movies. This fic is not directly a dig at him, but more so at some of his directorial clichés. JJ Abrams has lens flares, George Lucas has butchering beloved characters and Michael Bay is widely known for his use of explosions and random bursts of juvenile humor. Is he bad, per say? No. Bad is The Room. Bad is Battlefield Earth.

I am in no way insulting him, so much as parodying his style loosely. I am sorry if you feel that I was being overly critical of him :moustache:

4992847 Ohhhhhhh no I'm not saying that your parodying him i know your just taking a jab at his style.

Your story is good

I'm just correcting the dude i quoted.

Even i see the problems the moves have

I'm just saying he is not bad enough to deserve having to be threatened to be killed for giving Prime flames (no this is not a joke some people seriously threatened Bay like that and some still do)

4992862 Seriously? Well, I could understand the confusion about Optimus Prime's steel lips (good lord did they look bad), but the flames? Oh people....

4992846 Booop. Added to my "to write" list. You'll be the first to now how it goes :derpytongue2:

My god man! *(Smacks you in the face)* You made me laugh with joy!... and vomit...

4992868 They toned down the lips in AOE at least.

Thank goodness for that

At least he has a mouth i thought G1 Prime should of also had a retractable faceplate because not having a mouth kinda separates him from humans even more in someways.

4992868 Yup some people will complain about the silliest of things

such is the way of life and fandoms.

*Story starts off a bit dark and makes us think it gets interesting -- check
*Explosions -- check
*A character majority of us love gets (presumably) killed in a twist that surprises/confuses/pisses us off and has no reflection of it later on -- check
*Barely any exposition explained and receives little interest from the audience -- check
*Comedy relief characters (Dr. Brown) -- check
*Over-the-top patriotism -- check
*More explosions -- check
*Comedic scenes/lines that are no way related to the plot and are a complete waste -- check
*EVEN more explosions -- check
*Other characters appearing that are not given any characteristics, just do/say things and are not related to their original backgrounds -- check
*More comedic scenes/lines that are no way related to the plot and are a complete waste -- check
*Slow motion scenes (use your imagination) -- check
*Michael Bay being Michael Bay in a meeting -- check
*Over-sexualized women/mares that barely do anything in this story but just be there -- NO check
*Racial stereotype characters -- NO check

Yep. Definitely a Michael Bay story :rainbowlaugh:. Now, we shall wait for its sequel to come out :trollestia:.

4992969 I saved the overt sexualization and the rest of the over-patriotism for the sequel :derpytongue2: I can only Michael Bay for so long at once!

Don't forget the racial stereotypes :raritywink:

Whoa whoa, deleting comments, are we? That's fine if the comment has nothing to do with the story, but not when it's a relevant statement that you just happen to not like.

In the sequel, Starbucks appear on every street corner and spontaneously explode for no reason other than the joy of seeing things blow up!

Very awesome stuff, yo. :)


The author deleted the comment—Guardian is correct.

Edit: Seems the deleting was not deliberate.

4993167 I actually meant to reply initially. But clicked the wrong button, being a totally idiot. Apparently I cannot undelete comments either, which is butts. As for your comment, what was the name of that other story???? I've never heard of it and would like to give it a read

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