• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Everyone's* Favorite Author | Iced Ko-Fi, scalding glances

Comments ( 11 )

Play the end credits music from The Secret Of NIMH?


Time to lay it on thick and go for the kill. “ I have devoured your fathers, and their fathers, back to the beginning before there were humans to speak of. I will devour your children, and their children, and when the line of ponies runs out I will devour the sun, and the universe will know the same darkness you are about to behold-- ”

Hugh-mon? What is this word of which you speak? :facehoof:

In all seriousness though, this was both comedic and also kinda deep, especially for a story so short. Kudos to you!

Here an old dragon remembers the past and makes new friends.

11050069 Thanks for the catch :twilightsheepish: glad you dig it!

Ooh, dangling participle.

It's obviously related to a Hugh Jack-mon

11050615 In this episode of, "Writers who failed grade-school English..."

It was a good example, though. It's crazy how I can never think of an example of a dangling participle when I need one. :derpytongue2:

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