• Published 4th Dec 2021
  • 3,131 Views, 565 Comments

Dash of Humanity 3: Live, Fly, Reboot. - Kaidan

Discord is defeated, Soarin left Dash, and I finally admitted my true feelings to her. Now I can finally take the next step... except I'm trapped reliving the same day over and over, and a mare hellbent on revenge may be my only way out.

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Ch. 13 Interlude III

Starlight sat in the middle of a pile of books almost twice as tall as she was. The glow of her magic surrounded dozens of books as she skimmed through every single one of them, desperate for any lead. Her horn was too hot to touch and the familiar pain of a headache was coming on from the overexertion. Normally a unicorn would stop before they caused themselves any long-term injuries, but Starlight knew her horn would be just fine in the morning.

Her sole focus now was to escape the prison she had trapped herself in. Nopony in town knew her, except for the few who had destroyed her village and ruined her dream. For that reason she hadn’t bothered to reach out to any of them for help. If the answer existed, Starlight would be the one to find it and fix everything, then recast the spell and get her revenge.

The creek of the library doors alerted Starlight to a visitor in the castle library. She had cast a spell to make the hinges rustier in case she got any unexpected guests. The books all fell to the floor, and she hurried down the hall to see who was there.

Starlight tripped and nearly fell on somepony. She’d said her name was Lemon Drops, and she visited the library at eleven in the morning. Lemon was here every day in every loop, looking for a cookbook that might teach her new lemonade recipes. Her incessant questions were reason enough to avoid her each loop, until Starlight realized there were quicker ways to shut the pony up.

At the end of the aisle, Starlight slowly peaked her head out and saw a unicorn with light blue fur and a dark blue mane with a white stripe. Her and the mint green mare visited the library too, though Starlight had never bothered to keep track of the time of day. It was suspicious enough that they didn’t follow a fixed pattern in the loops that she decided to spy on this new pony today and find out what kind of books she had been coming to check out of the library.

The unicorn was headed right for Starlight’s aisle, so she had to quickly turn around and clear the aisle so that she wouldn’t be detected. She levitated Lemon Drop’s body onto one of the shelves, and crammed some books into the shelf to hide it. Starlight wouldn’t normally resort to violence so readily, but she’d figured out that her actions had no consequences until the loop had been fixed. For that reason she’d taken a much more… effective approach to ensure her attempts to fix the spell weren’t interrupted.

She hid down at the end of the aisle, a faint glow surrounding her as she tried to make herself less noticeable. The unicorn walked down the aisle and began levitating out a few books. Starlight had reshelved them in a hurry, but this aisle contained most of the books on advanced magic topics, including the pitifully few books on temporal mechanics. Whoever this pony was, they seemed to be studying the same thing as Starlight.

The fact a pony had been studying time magic was concerning, but more concerning was that she hadn’t noticed it sooner. At first Starlight had written off minor things, like a pony she hadn’t seen before; she paid so little attention to them she couldn’t be sure anything was out of the ordinary. She had started paying closer attention when somepony had been fired through a castle. Something was definitely going on, and since the spell was still stable, it must mean a pony was aware of the loop. Starlight decided to follow her back into town and see what else might have changed from past loops. She went back to the table where she’d stored her things and Starswirl’s book, and grabbed her bags and cloak.

Starlight followed the unicorn into town to a boutique. She recognized the building from her reconnaissance as Rarity’s home and shop. Her horn glowed briefly to strengthen her spell; anypony who looked at Starlight would suddenly find the area she was standing in painfully boring and quickly look away. It wasn’t as good as true invisibility, but often a subtle compulsion would work just as well to help a pony pass unseen.

She creeped up to a window slowly, looking inside. Starlight recognized Rarity, but not the other two unicorns. She did recognize the pegasus, blue furred with blonde hair and a pink streak. It was the stallion that should have been in the castle babysitting the dragon. She realized that this light blue unicorn must be aware of the time loop, and had disrupted the routines of the other ponies.

Starlight thought it through as she watched the ponies studying. If a pony was aware of the time loop, they could be recruiting help to try and escape, or find the cause. The two unicorns she didn’t recognize must be skilled in magic to be aware of the loops at all. Starlight would have to figure out which one of them it was for sure, but so far the blue unicorn seemed to be in charge. Rarity and the pegasus were inconsequential. Just as likely as fixing the spell, the group inside might be trying to find and capture the pony responsible.

She was getting desperate, but not desperate enough to ask for their help and risk taking the fall for this when Celestia found out.

After ducking back and hiding in the bushes, Starlight took some time to come up with a plan. Part of her wanted to burst in now and demand answers, but the wiser course of action would be to wait for them to split up. She could try and get a feel for how far along they were in their efforts to undo the spell. After all, if there’s one thing Starlight had, it was time.

It took a couple hours before two of the unicorns finally left the building. Starlight glanced inside to see the other two talking, and decided to follow the mysterious unicorn from the library down the road. Nopony seemed to care much that she was in a dark traveling cloak and following behind the mares. A couple weather ponies almost landed on her, before the spell suggested to them they land a little further down the road. Starlight grinned at how easy it was to hide from ponies when they didn’t have a reason to look twice.

As she got closer, she began to hear them speak.

“That was a really cool analogy,” the one with a harp on their flank said.

“At least I don’t have to worry about you repeating it when the loop resets. Princess Celestia doesn’t have a sense of humor when it comes to time magic, or eating the last slice of cake. Both almost got me expelled from her school.”

The green one laughed. “Yeah, she removed cake from the school cafeteria for two months because of that.”

“Worth it. That cake was pretty awesome.”

They turned a corner, and Starlight hurried after them. They’d gotten to a less populated part of town; there were only about a dozen ponies in eyesight. It was as good a time as any, and she pulled back her hood and dropped the spell that was helping hide her from being noticed.

“Excuse me!” Starlight called out. She trotted up. “I seem to be a bit lost, I was looking for Twilight.”

The two unicorns turned around and smiled at Starlight. “Sorry, she’s out of town.”

“Oh, what’s your name?” she asked.

“I’m Minuette, and this is Lyra,” Minuette replied.

“Hello there!” Lyra said enthusiastically.

“Ah, and you’re trying to fix the time loop we’ve been trapped in?” Starlight dropped her smile and glared at Minuette as if she’d just killed Starlight’s favorite puppy.

“And you are?” Minuette shifted forward slightly to put herself between Lyra and the stranger.

“Uh…” Starlight looked around, spotting an outdoor diner and a half empty glass of soda. She glanced to the other side of the street, seeing a box of cereal through a window. “Fizzlepop Berrytwist.”

Lyra burst out laughing, causing them both to stare at her until she stopped. “Sorry, but that’s just such a silly name for a pony!”

Starlight felt a surge of frustration welling up inside her. She had neither the time nor the patience to bottle up her anger right now; these ponies had answers and they were going to give them to Starlight. If they didn’t, there was always an endless supply of do-overs.

“I don’t have time for this.” Starlight took a step forward and was already mentally preparing several spells to choose from. “I know we’re in the time loop, you know you’re in it. You’re going to tell me everything you know about time magic and what you’re planning to do!”

Minuette also got rid of her jovial attitude, the faintest hint of magic running along the spiral of her horn. Starlight smirked, whoever this unicorn was had the skill to prepare a spell and keep the signs hidden almost as well as she did. This would be fun.

“Why should I tell you anything? This is Ponyville, handling the apocalypse is just a normal Tuesday.”

Lyra’s horn lit up, a faint green shield appearing around her. Starlight glanced and could sense from here it’d hardly have enough power to stop a basic spell. The other unicorn, however, was still primed to cast an unknown spell, presenting the greater threat.

“I can fix this still, end the loop, and then cast it correctly. But if you insist on making this difficult, I will hunt you down every single loop until you beg me to let you tell me all you know. Then I’ll fix the loop, and if you piss me off enough, you’ll become a loose end I need to tie up.”

Minuette and Starlight locked gazes, each waiting for the other to make a first move.

“Well, if you’re feeling froggy. Then. Jump!” Lyra shouted.

Starlight almost ignored her, but felt the buildup of power from the green unicorn. Some sort of large fist resembling a monkey’s hand formed and nearly collided with Starlight. She barely deflected it in time, and expected the other unicorn to seize the opportunity to attack.

“Run, Lyra!” Minuette commanded.

“Buck this!” Starlight turned on the confused Lyra and fired a small ball of fire at her. The orange globe hit her fur and passed into her, leaking a little smoke. The unicorn fell to the ground, dead.

Minuette gasped, finally releasing the spell she’d been charging.

“Excuse me!” Starlight called out. She trotted up. “I seem to be a bit lost, I was looking for Twilight.” She stopped in place, looking around in confusion. “Deja vu?”

“Go get Dawn!” Minuette yelled at Lyra.

“What?” Lyra glanced between the two of them, and noticed Minuette’s horn had wisps of black smoke coming off it. “Uh, yes!”

Starlight took aim as the mint green unicorn turned to run, firing a bolt of lightning this time since it was a quicker spell to cast. Lyra fell to the ground in cardiac arrest.

Minuette’s horn lit up again, but this time she fell to the ground in pain, her horn sputtering from the overload of magic flowing through it.

“Impressive. You reversed time to before I killed her.” Starlight grinned. “So are we doing this the easy way or the hard way? Because I’m sure finding where you live won’t be hard, and I can be very persuasive.”

“I won’t help you!” Minuette screamed, hoping to draw the attention of other ponies. “The spell you’ve cast has damaged the fabric of time, if you haven’t damned us all yet, you very well might!”

Starlight looked around, noticing a crowd gathering. “We didn’t have to make this personal, but after two hundred forty seven loops trapped in this living hell you call a town, I have to say… I’m very much going to enjoy breaking you.”

Before Minuette could answer, Starlight screamed and poured all her magic into a searing lance of fire, killing the unicorn where she lay.

It only took her a few seconds to pull her hood up and renew the spell to mask her from the presence of the other nearby ponies. Most of them hurried around the two dead unicorns, a few could still see Starlight. As she walked away from the scene, she heard some shouting and looked back.

Starlight wanted to see what the town’s reaction would be to a couple dead ponies, and waited a few houses down to watch.

“Who did this?!”

The shout seemed to carry through the crowd, but Starlight couldn’t see the source from here. A moment later she saw a pegasus staring right at her. A halo of lightning seemed to form, arcing between his feathers and zapping at the ground like a filly’s science toy. She realized her mistake at once. This pony was very angry, and very determined to find out what had happened. Her spell wasn’t strong enough to compel him to look away, or make her any less interesting, especially not to a pony affected by strong emotions.

Starlight turned to run, teleporting down the alley to take the next corner more quickly. There was a loud boom that rattled some nearby windows. She looked back just in time to see a pegasus flying straight at her like a thestral out of tartarus. As he got closer she recognized the pegasus as the babysitter, and threw up a shield as quick as she could.

She felt a jolt of pain as the pegasus collided with the shield, his weather magic discharging and disrupting the shield. She landed on her back and began to laugh, finally something interesting was happening in the loops. “You’re just a worthless pegasus.”

Starlight lit up her horn, and predictably the pegasus tried to stomp on her horn. The magic flew up his foreleg, into the pony, dropping him dead with minimal effort. She got up and dusted herself off, readjusting her cloak. “Now, I think I’ve got some research to do on who the hell you ponies are.”

Author's Note:

Next time on DoH3: It's unicorn hunting season, and Dawn's just renewed his license...