• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 7,580 Views, 245 Comments

Equine Vampiris - The-rogue-shadow

Twilight Sparkle is changing, and thirsty.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Twilight could feel the gentle warmth of the raging green inferno spiralling over her body, licking it clean of Neuron’s powdered silver. If Spike was right, and Twilight silently prayed to Celestia and Luna that he was, then the silver would be appearing in front of Rarity within minutes. As the pain and burning started to subside, Twilight opened her eyes to find Spike red in the face from the exertion of exhaling such a large quantity of magical fire. Her vision was still hazy and her eyes continued to water as she gave her friend a quick pat on the back.

“Uh… Twi, your eyes are still bleeding,” Spike told her and when Twilight lifted a hoof to investigate, she found the area slick with fluid.
“I must still have some in my eyes, can you help me over to the river so I can wash it off?” she asked, but as she took a step, her knees buckled beneath her weight, causing her to stumble. With much difficulty, Spike managed to catch Twilight before she went all the way over. “Wow… that fight took more out of me then I thought.”
“You know what this means right?” Spike asked in a slightly over excited tone. “You have to feed again.”

Twilight remained silent as she was led toward the river bed, the sound of underwater creatures thrashing around below the surface making it hard to concentrate on coming up with a plan. Spike sat her down near the edge of the water and pulled open her eyelids one at a time around Twilight flinching from the pain. After she had calmed down, Twilight used what little magic she had left to flush her eyes out with water.

“I suppose I’m going to have to go for a hunt aren’t I?” she asked dejectedly, slowly dripping water onto her eye, flinching with every cold touch.
“Why? We can just to the same thing we did in Maneflow Springs; I’ll take you to a hotel and then go out and get you somepony to snack on,’ replied the baby dragon casually. Twilight shook her head once, knowing that his plan wouldn’t work.
“I need something tonight. I’m barely able to walk and if I was to get into the city, I’m not sure I could control myself right now. My fangs aren’t even retracting all the way right now, see?” said Twilight, grinning to show Spike the dozens of white needles resting flush with her regular teeth.

“But then hunting comes with the risk of you finding a Pegasus, and we both know what happens if you do,” Spike retorted, moving around to face Twilight and checking for any last signs of silver.
“I know Spike, I know. But if we don’t come up with something soon I could go all animalistic like I did with Colgate and Nurse Redheart,” she snapped, as memories of losing control and the adrenaline rush that she felt during her hunt, and the sheer pleasure she had felt when she had caught her prey. Spike scratched his head for a moment, his face contorting into an expression Twilight had seen many times before; the familiar look of contemplation.

“Well… I may have a plan. What about Neuron back there? He’s fit for being drained,” he suggested and Twilight immediately looked away from his almost sardonic gaze.
“That seems like a bad idea, he’s a vampire hunter. So he probably has spells, or some kind of potion that makes his blood poisonous to us,” she responded quickly, telling him the same lie she was telling herself.
“I thought you weren’t a vampire,” Spike smirked.

“True, but the safe option would be to leave him alone and try to find somepony else.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, helping Twilight back to her hooves. “Well at least let me go back and destroy his stuff.”
“We don’t have the time. I really… Really need to get some blood into me,” Twilight pleaded, attempting to change the subject. Spike let out a deep sigh and leapt onto Twilight’s back, his scales resuming their former grating scrap against her fur that seemed to burrow through her ears and into the deep recesses of her brain. She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the noise as Spike started leading her toward Remembrance city and her next feed.


Remembrance City was one of Twilight’s favourite places in Equestria, right along Canterlot. She loved Canterlot because of its grand architecture and history, as well as the fact that it was her home town. Remembrance city however, she loved because she considered it the most orderly place in the entire country. The city streets were laid out in a grid system, built in such a way that the roads followed the latitude and longitude lines on the map. Outside of the walls was multiple farms that ran around the city in a circle, with the farm houses being nearby the main gate in a sort of makeshift village.

When she saw the first few flickering lights of the farm houses, Twilight’s ears pricked up and her fangs dropped down to just below her normal teeth.
“Okay, I can see a cave up ahead. You go and hide in there and I’ll… Sort something out,” said Spike, letting out an exhausted sigh, but she had long since tuned out. Her heart was pounding in her chest, pumping adrenaline infused blood through her veins. Her pupils grew wide, almost encompassing all of her eyes, giving her the appearance of some kind of demon. She started walking toward the houses, breathing shallowly as her hunger began to overtake her rational mind.
“Twi-Twilight? You’re going the wrong way,” Spike told her, digging his heals into her sides. Her head snapped back to face him and she growled loudly, her fangs once again dropping to their full extent. With a flick of her back legs, he was launched off her back, his face being all but buried in the dirt behind her.

“Twilight! Wait… Don’t go!” he shouted after picking himself up. Twilight just growled at him again and then turned and started galloping toward the farm houses, only stumbling every now and then due to her weakness.
Spike dragged himself to his feet and sprinted after her, his short legs having difficulty keeping up with her as she half-galloped across the flat plains. His throat burned from the choking Neuron had given him, as well as the great plume of fire he had produced.

The deep feeling of panic that was gripping his heart spurred him forward, he had promised to keep Twilight safe and more importantly, keeping her from falling to Discord’s influence by feeding on Pegasus blood.


Twilight moved silently through the night, crouched low to take advantage of the darkness and the low shrubbery around the farms. A soft growl escaped her lips as her head whipped about in search for a moving sack of meat and blood. Her enlarged pupils pierced through the darkness like a Pegasus through a cloud, absorbing every tiny source of light and illuminating the area for herself.

Her ears twitched and moved with the faintest noise, scanning for the tell-tale signs of prey. They turned at the sound of a deep chuckle and Twilight instantly disappeared in a cloud of dust, the strength of the Earth-Prey providing her muscles with speed.

She soon came across her targets, a group of Unicorns and Earth ponies, standing around a bonfire, laughing and celebrating something unknown to the hunting Twilight. She gradually got closer, changing her posture to try and blend into the group. A tall unicorn stallion greeted her warmly, giving her a tight hug. Her nostrils filled with the smell of fermented apples and rotten hay fries. Another low growl showed her disgust at the stallion and he backed away from her, startled at the sound. Twilight then opened her mouth and presented her fully extended teeth. The stallion looked around him for a moment, his eyes darting around in search of somepony looking his way, only to be ignored by the partying ponies.
Finding no help from his friends, the stallion started galloping away from the fire, toward the city walls behind the houses. Twilight watched him for a moment, smirking at the futility of him trying to run from her. With another cloud of dust, she took off after him, catching up to him with no effort.

The stallion stumbled as Twilight shoved him in the side, colliding with a barrel of water and falling over. Twilight dashed up to him and covered his mouth with a hoof to stop him from crying for help. He started to struggle against her, but was stopped with a swift punch to the side of the head.

Running her tongue over her teeth, Twilight laid down next to the stallion. With a furious hunger on her face, she sank her fangs into the stallion’s neck, not caring about letting some be wasted as she ripped at the flesh of his neck. His hot, alcohol infused blood rushed across her palette, prompting her to bite down harder and focus the blood into her mouth. Slowly, she could feel the strength returning to her limbs and the fog in her mind starting to clear.


Her pupils contracted back to normal as she pulled her mouth away from the neck of the stallion. Underneath his tan coloured fur, his skin was a pale pink and his breathing had almost stopped. She wiped the blood off her chin and got back to her hooves, breathing heavily from the exertion of the hunt, as well as the euphoric feeling that had followed every single one of her previous feedings.

A cold shudder ran up her spine when Twilight looked down at her prey and at the unrecognisable mess that she had made of his neck.
“Oh Twilight…” said a quiet voice from behind her. Her fangs dropped as her head whipped around, ready to face the attacker. Upon seeing Spike standing at the corner of the house, staring at her and slowly shaking his head, she snapped back to reality.
“S-Spike? What happened? Wh-where am I?” she asked, looking around the area. “Oh… I lost control, didn’t I?”
Spike simply nodded once and pointed to the dying prey at Twilight’s hooves, and when she saw what she had done, a great wave of guilt over took her. She took a step away and hung her head low. The last time she had felt such a strong sense of guilt was when she had lost control when feeding on both Colgate and Nurse Redheart. The other times she had fed, it was simply to survive, a logical choice that didn’t seem that bad.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Heal him, before we get caught,” he said irritably, the scowl in his face burrowing into Twilight’s soul. She nodded quickly and bit into her arm, accidentally nicking a vein and causing a tall squirt of blood to shoot from her wound and splatter across the ground. Spike sighed again and Twilight rushed to spread her blood over all of the cuts and larger wounds on the stallion’s neck.

As her own cut healed over, Twilight stared intently at the tan stallion, finding herself praying to Luna and Celestia that her blood worked, even if she knew that it was going to.

‘I-I feel so sick. I hunted this guy, attacked him when he was having a great time celebrating with his friends, did… THIS to him,” she thought, cocking her head to the side instinctively to study the reconnecting meat. ‘I know I shouldn’t blame myself, that it was Neuron’s fault I gave in to my animal side. But even then, I’m a horrible pony.’

With a loud gasp, the tan Stallion sat upright, looking around him as though searching for danger. When he saw Twilight, he let out a deep, fearful scream until Spike strode over and hit him square in the jaw, his nigh-invulnerable dragon scales adding to the force of the punch. Spike looked over to Twilight with an angry expression and simply said;


Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long, I got really swamped with University assignments.

Also, kind of a short chapter, but this is probably the easiest length. So all coming chapters will be between 2000-2600 words.

Comments ( 45 )

And the chase begins!

It's times like this I wish I had a soundboard with some dramatic music on it.

Agreed. If I ever get magic the first thing I will do (after levitation of course) will be to find out how to make music with magic.

And that is the right application of that skill.

Just think, make a passive spell that plays awesome music whenever you do something badass. Also ALL of your music EVERYWHERE!:pinkiecrazy:

Yeah! Top, not to mention the opportunity to earn some money as a DJ for school dances and the like.

Okay. Now the public at large is aware of the problem.........which in and of itself is a problem.

Thanks, but is there any are in particular it needs a touch up?

I guess spike should've been a boxer instead of an assistant :P

Ok, I finally caught up to the story. And it is awesome.:pinkiehappy:

It gets explained later on but; Rarity and Sweetie Belle are in Canterlot, AJ and Applebloom are in the middle of the apple harvest, Dash and Scootaloo are have flight training.

But as for the others, Pinkie is planning the Mayor's birthday, and Fluttershy is busy with the bunny census.

Oh, I's imagine so... Spoilers.

True, but then what if she loses control around a pegasus? Spike wouldn't be able to restrain her.

Yeah! That would be awesome actually.

Oh,well you see.Twilight's fangs are considerably different to other vampire's.
They are a row of teeth as opposed to just two fangs, but when she is struggling and in need of food, her fangs rest flush with her teeth so that they are able to be 'deployed' much faster than if they were completely retracted.

When they are fully extended however, they are massive. So much so that she can't close her mouth properly with out the top row puncturing her bottom lip. This hasn't happened yet, but the potential is there.

True, but I was more thinking of things like other ponies, and plants. Paper is just dead plant cellulose.

Thank you,I'm ecstatic you're enjoying it.

Vampire hunter try to kill Twilight ignoring the fact that she is national hero, Twilight try to find cure by hunting ponies for blood and going into hooves of Chrysalis and her entire army, I just love how Luna left her dealing with this live threatening situation for absolutely no good reason letting her face risk of dying, killing others or being captured, she is just a wonderful friend by not returning favour for being saved from Nightmare Moon by Twilight, and then having Twilight who was her only friend who did not fear her during Nightmare Night left alone without any assistance, so good friend Luna is.
I just love how Luna does not even bother to tell Celestia that her faithful student is turning into Vampire, that she is being hunted by vampire hunter and that she is going to face Chrysalis, the same Chrysalis who defeated Celestia in duel, whos army almost took over Canterlot, the same Chrysalis who Twilight suspected.

Oh, and even better, Cadance and Shinning Armor who's wedding, lives and empire were saved by Twilight huge assistance does not know or care about this whole mess, I just love how Equestria is threating they heroes, how briliandly logical and useful and not lazy princesses are, how much a good friends help one another :facehoof:

The only think what can make it even better is Celestia instead of helping her student, sending army of her guards to capture and kill her ....., why bother to care about hero who saved entire country several times, lets just let her go hunt ponies and die in fight again changelings, why should any good friend or smart princess care.

Okay, so here we go;
1) The fact that she is a national hero is irrelevant. The fact that he has a duty to hunt down and kill all monsters is. During WW1 when people were fighting in the trenches, they would often have family in the enemy forces, and even though they may have been close, they still had a DUTY to kill them, and the same goes here.

2) Luna knows that this is a mission Twilight must undertake on her own. Not only because of the political ramifications of helping a vampire, but also since there is the risk of creating a national incident in griffin-heavy places such as remembrance city.

3) Since this takes place in between seasons two and three, Luna is back to her former power and all of her former duties, leaving her night's completely busy, and since Twilight can only travel at night, Luna accompanying her is not practical.

4) Luna does not tell Celestia about Twilight because she was asked not to. Twilight does not want the shame associated with the pony who is essentially her second mother to find out that she is a dark creature of chaos and blood.

5) Chrysalis only took over Canterlot with the aid of the love of an entire city and an army.

6) Cadence and Shining armour are not even in this story and are unaware of Twilight's plight. They are bust re-building the crystal empire.

I'd also like to point out that commenting on an author's story with things that you want him to change is very rude and disrespectful. It's like walking up to J.K Rowling as she's writing the last book and asking her to change Harry to a blonde because you don't like black hair.


Sorry but I just fell that this story make so many ponies out of character, I understand that this story is meant to be dark with evil monsters in it and blood and stuff, but I just do not see it suitable.

Do not take me wrong, I read many vampony stories, but those stories I found to be made well because it show how Twilight friends, princesses and even normal ponies react, some react hostile, some supportive, there is doubt and fear do Twilight can be trusted or saved, but in all those stories Twilight turning into Vampony is taken seriously.

Celestia and Luna and mane 6 go out of they skin to help ( friend, student ) or at last make sure that Twilight is not a threat, they do not just ignore her to let her go on suicide mission or let her hunt other ponies.

But in this story I fell like just because Twilight turned into Vampony, Luna reaction to it is far to passive, further more you can not just send Twilight and Spike to face entire changeling army and say that it is a fair fight ( yes, Chrysalis took over canterlot thanks to love buff and army, but she still had to fight Celestia, and her army had to fight mane 6 and army of guards, and it was Shinning Armor and Cadance who saved the day ), in here Chrysalis and her army are on they own terytory and they have no reason to not kill Twilight mercylessly, and Twilight, Vampire or not, should not be one pony army, if it was that easy, then Luna would just go to Chrysalis and kill her for invading Canterlot in the first place.

I just fell that all friendship, relationship, all heroic deeds were thrown out of the window, and replaced with classic vampire story where main hero become vampire and mob with fire torches start to hunt him, compared to other vampony stories where Twilight turn into Vampony, Luna being passive, Twilight turning into Vampony being so unimportant, and Twilight solo suicide mission again so powerful foe just does not seems to match up.

I already give up on hope that you will change that in this story, but it still annoy me to see how totally alone is Twilight, how all her friendly relationships and accomplishments are meaningless here.

" 4) Luna does not tell Celestia about Twilight because she was asked not to. Twilight does not want the shame associated with the pony who is essentially her second mother to find out that she is a dark creature of chaos and blood. "

Would not it be worse if Twilight would die or turn into Vampony and then Celestia finding out on her own, then learning that Luna knew all along, and that Celestia was never given up a chance to save her student ( whats more, it is not Twilight fault that she turned into monster in the first place, after all Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, and mane 6 saved her, is not a time when it is Twilight who need help and should get it ? ).

" 3) Since this takes place in between seasons two and three, Luna is back to her former power and all of her former duties, leaving her night's completely busy, and since Twilight can only travel at night, Luna accompanying her is not practical. "

Saving element of magic, saving good friend, protecting ponies from blood sucking Vampony, they seems to be far more important then night related duties what were not need during Celestia sole reign.
Also, Luna was always more emotional one, there is no way she would focus on her duties she did not performed for 1000 years over her saviour being in trouble.
" 2) Luna knows that this is a mission Twilight must undertake on her own. Not only because of the political ramifications of helping a vampire, but also since there is the risk of creating a national incident in griffin-heavy places such as remembrance city. "

And why are vampires so big deal ? if it is because Discord created them, then Twilight is hero who stooped monster who created Vamponies in the first place, what kind of political consequences would helping national hero and Celestia student find cure, furthermore Twilight as Vampony is trying to move sillently, and Luna is princess of the night, she can just hide in the shadows, help Twilight pass undetected, send her night guards to escort Twilight, get some blood reserves so Twilight will not need to hunt ponies in the first place, disguise herself, teleport with Twilight around, give Twilight airlift to get her faster and above obstacles to her goal, assist in frontal confrontation again Changelings and they queen, ensure that the only ponies who can use artifacts to stop powerful monsters like discord and save Equestira survive.

I just find the reasoning that Twilight who did so much for Equestria, now must do everything on her own and no one give a buck about her.

good chapter. i still find it a little strange how incredibly isolated she is when you take her friends, family, celestia and luna into consideration; i guess it could happen, but that no one else other than spike is involved (truly involved, luna's deus ex cameo doesn't count!:rainbowkiss:) is still a bit surprising; it's not a bad thing, i just feel like it might compromise the later stages of the story, in one way or another she is gonna meet with those she's close to, although we have yet to get very far, so i guess anything can happen.
looking forward to the next chapter!

what happens if she bites a pegasis? and did i spell pegasis wrong?im new to this site and somewhat new to the show ,sorry.:twilightsheepish:

Thank you, but all I will say about Twi's friends is; Spoilers.

If she feeds on a PEGASUS she will become utterly devoted to Discord, as a mix of all three blood types was a safeguard he put in place just in case one of his creations rebelled, and she has already feed on an earth pony and a unicorn.

Ah yes, I love a good River song gif.

i started reading this when you first put this up, and was with you until chapter 3 or 4... i don't know what happen i either lost this story or thought you quit on it.... either way im glad i found it again and that you have not dropped this story :pinkiehappy: its really good so far. i like this version of vamps, they are indeed interesting. i keep on thinking of Luna and the lack of a heartbeat... and more questions that i'm sure will be answered eventually...
i hope to read more soon and most of all make sure you have fun writing your stories! :twilightsheepish:

Thank you very much, I'm really happy you are enjoying it. Although I think you lost because of my infrequent update, and I apologise for that.

eh its cool, im just glad i found it again and that your are working on it still :twilightsmile:

But take ur time

Soon my friend.
I'm hopefully going to have something in about a month when I get back from a trip to America, it would be quicker, but my editor is going as well as she wants the time as a holiday haha.

i dont know why im reading this. i like it, but blood makes me feel sick

A little bit of hemophobia is normal actually. It's an evolutionary throwback to the days when we would only eat plant matter. "The more you know"

But I am glad you enjoyed what you read, but if it is making you sick, then I won't get offended.


is this story dead or will it be continued?

I have full intentions to continue. It's just that I think I got myself burnt out by having five stories at once. So some writer's block developed.

At the moment the plan is that I only do this story, and try to get it done as quickly as I can.


I bet pegasi blood next :rainbowdetermined2:

I wouldn't mind more.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Any progress?

Come on... Please continue this story!! And just when I found a vampony story that really got my attention... :pinkiesad2:

all of the good stories die, don't they?

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