• Member Since 11th Apr, 2014
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A few years after retiring, Celestia and Luna went on an extended vacation to see the world and broaden their experiences. Now, almost forty years later, they have returned to their roots in Equestria, at least for a while.

Four decades is a long time, so Twilight and Celestia decide to catch up over tea. However, it seems that Twilight has changed more than Celestia expected.

Cover by Nnaly.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

:applejackconfused: That... heh... :rainbowlaugh: hahahahahahahahaha... :derpyderp2:... wut?

Twilight quickly cleaned up the remnants of the tea, making sure everything was neat. She checked the mirror to make sure she was still decent, and locked the door to her chambers. She then approached the window, spread her six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.


you just had to lol


Wait, what was that last part?

She then approached the window, spread her six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.

I can see where that might be a problem in various places ... Of course, it does make arguing with oneself a bit more interesting. (Wonder where she picked up some of Odin's old mount DNA from ...)

Also wonder if she'll realize that more is not always better ...

So she became an angel then.

Twilight quickly cleaned up the remnants of the tea, making sure everything was neat. She checked the mirror to make sure she was still decent, and locked the door to her chambers. She then approached the window, spread her six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.

.... Wut??? great ending. But that came out of left field. Unless I totally missed something. Love the story no matter what.

There is SOME hints when Celestia first sees her, vague, but there is hints.

Uncle Rarity

do i have to?

Whoops! Not sure how that slipped through. Fixed.

The story description and the scene where Celestia first sees Twilight both subtly point to it, but I purposefully took advantage of the fact that the vast majority of readers will simply assume they refer to Twilight's finale look and not think twice about it. Mean trick, I know! :twilightsmile:

but if everyone goes well

no thing?

Twilight stares gloomily at her cup

no jumping tenses

And no, the ending is not good.
no turning her into a mix between sleipnir and cerberus . .

I went back and reread Celestia's first meeting Twilight. I can see it now. Though I first thought it was just Twilight's sudden growth spurt and her being taller than Celestia now.

Now I totally wanna see how Twilight ended up like this. There definitely needs to be more stories in this universe.

We've also started relations with the Abyssinians to the south and the Diamond Dogs scattered around in countless underground colonies

Ooh, have you been reading the comics?!

Mount Canterhorn being a gigantic dormant volcano. I’ve now developed a headcanon of why it’s not got a caldera. In the 60,000 years since it was last active a titanic dragon used the caldera as a storage place for his gem horde. Meaning Canterhorn peak and all the valuable gems below it are the petrified horde of a primordial, inconceivably massive dragon. And that in the Millenia of occupation of the Canterhorn by pony settlement, they’ve been continually ransacking the horde of the greatest dragon to never be recorded in history.

That last paragraph really took me by surprise. Had this gone a different way, I bet the genre would've been thriller or dark.

I have been working on a future-set story myself so this was a nice read. There's a few things that are similar to what I was going to do that I liked but it looked like you went in different directions with some other stuff. I did notice one continuity error you had... you mentioned Fizzlepop taking over as captain of the guards from Shining Armor, but Shining Armor hasn't been captain of the guards in Canterlot since the episode after his and Cadance's wedding when Cadance took the throne of the Crystal Empire and they moved there.

And his name... The name that strikes fear to all who know it. The name that will shatter the skies and lay low the mountains.

His name, is MIKE.

Twilight quickly cleaned up the remnants of the tea, making sure everything was neat. She checked the mirror to make sure she was still decent, and locked the door to her chambers. She then approached the window, spread her six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.

...omfg I thought this was a fluff piece

...Well this was ..nice?

That last part had me do a physical double take :rainbowlaugh: Though the concept of Twilight being a friendly lovecraftian god is incredibly amusing.

And now I am just wondering how often does twilight have to utter the phrase be not afraid in her diplomatic relations.

Actually, in this story Twilight consolidated the Royal Guards between The Crystal Empire and the rest of Equestria after her coronation, leaving Shining as the lead of both. It was part of one of my notes that didn't manage to find its way into the text of the story, but it's still part of the universe's background. Other things that didn't quite make it in because I felt the story was risking getting a bit too long were the current status of Cadance and Flurry Heart, the Pillars, and the Kirins.

Discord is still holding a grudge against the three, so he's refusing to help free them"

ah yes, he hates them because they not being a good Pawn and not going with his dumb plan :facehoof:
Still Holding a Grudge after Forty Gosh-darn years when Equestria Forgive him on basically Everything!

She then approached the window, spread her six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.

:rainbowlaugh: That's one hell of a growth spurt! No wonder Discord visits her that often now. May end up falling in love eventually.

"He told us that even without his artifacts, his undead horde was still linked to him. If we imprisoned him, his undead horde would still wipe out the capital, and even if we killed him, his soul would return to his phylactery to eventually restore his body, and we would never be able to locate it before it was too late."

And that's why you never tell anyone about the phylactery, moron!

Amazed that Dash could still be Wonderbolt captain in what must be her 60s.

So.. if she keeps growing, she'll just turn into an eldritch abomination eventually.

"Ah... Well, I kind of panicked when I realized I hadn't prepared anything for us this morning. I know you don't like coffee, and I don't usually stock my chambers with tea. However, just when I was about to send for someone to check the kitchen stores, I found a lone package of your favorite tea in the back corner of my cupboard, hiding behind a half dozen packages of coffee." Twilight peeked one eye between her feathers.

How long can processed tea be stored (and how?) before it either loses its flavor or otherwise goes bad? Either the cupboard is enchanted to maintain some kind of full temporal stasis while closed (something I’m not discounting -- this is Twilight we’re talking about, here), or that package of tea is something like fifty years old!

Twilight quickly cleaned up the remnants of the tea, making sure everything was neat. She checked the mirror to make sure she was still decent, and locked the door to her chambers. She then approached the window, spread her six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.

WOT. :rainbowhuh:

Uh… just saw the last paragraph after apparently skimming over it the first time. I kinda love it.

Wow.... At first that reveal seems out of blue and completely uncalled for, but when you reread the story there's hints peppered here and there that Twilight wasn't normal. Celestia unable to focus on one sight when she got to Twilight's head for instance. I figured she was having trouble deciding whether to focus on Twilight appearance being far more similar to her now in facial structure, her mane, and her demeanor.

Nope! She was genuinely not sure which head to look at!:rainbowlaugh:

Well, that last sentence certainly threw me for a loop. :rainbowlaugh:


The alcorns have ears from the mare's on thebmoon.

Without last words fic will be worse twice)

This was a very good one-shot. Can we have more please? because I like to know how did Twilight end up with 3 heads, six wings, and 8 legs?

That last one is certainly... Unexpected but not unwelcome, love it btw

Maybe little one shot of this twilight day to day Life?

six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.

care to run that by me again? IS TWILIGHT A HYDRA NOW?!

Twilight quickly cleaned up the remnants of the tea, making sure everything was neat. She checked the mirror to make sure she was still decent, and locked the door to her chambers. She then approached the window, spread her six great wings, then leapt out off her eight hooves, making sure not to bump its sides with any of her three heads.


RENKO #41 · Dec 6th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Twilight replied, laughing. "Everyone knows that they're a couple; they know it, we know it, even the public knows it. However, they've never officially tied the knot in a wedding, and every time someone asks, they always deny it or change the subject. They even live together at Applejack's house when Rainbow isn't out on Wonderbolts business."

Was this confirmed in canon btw?


Despite what people say otherwise. This was never 100%, no ifs, ands, or buts allowed, confirmed as canon. Same with a lot of things from the series finale.

lolz that ending :rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

Going by how Twilight was acting, I'm assuming Cadance and Flurry are fine. Not sure about the rest.

the statue of discord was not split, but the phylactery of the lich was split? Hypocrisy

I believe the term is Seraphim

The punchline after the long (and quite interesting) description of what Celestia and Twilight had been doing was perfect.

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