• Published 5th Mar 2024
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Cadance The Crystal Princess - Sean Tan the Brony

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is not who she said she is, she had no idea WHO she really is

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Chapter 10 - The Crystal Princess

The day after Cadance's awakening, Outpost Artic

Cadance was sitting on the bench near one of the guard towers while listening to the griffon who happened to be one of the Crystal Imperial guards, as he explained the weapons the guards use for protection of the outposts.

She learned about the repeating ballistas, formidable war machines strategically placed atop the towers. These intricate devices boasted reload mechanisms that allowed for swift deployment of ammunition, ensuring a constant barrage against any potential threats. The spears wielded by the guards were imbued with magic, enabling precise shots that could be unleashed before requiring a brief recharge. And then there were the archers, armed with arrows tipped with explosive magic, ready to decimate any adversary with a single strike.

"Wow... this is fascinating!" The Princess of Love beamed. "These weapons could prove useful for Royal Guards and Elite Royal Guards for any major fights."

The griffon chuckled in agreement as he said. "Well, there are plans on distributing weapons to Equestria and other races. However, the persistent threat of frost animals has hindered our efforts to transport them safely to the Crystal Empire for us to distribute to the Equestria and other races."

Before the Princess of Love could delve further into the topic, sound of hoofsteps caught their attention and they turned their head to see the tall form of Princess Amore walking towards them.

"I see that you are getting acquaintances with the guards and the weaponry the Crystal Imperial used." Amore said with a smile. "How are you doing?"

Cadance started. "Morning, mom. I actually doing quite well. I've been learning a lot from the guards about their equipment."

"And she agrees that we should distribute the weapons to Equestria and other races." The griffon said with a smirk.

"I see..." Amore said. "If you're done, there are some creatures I would like you to meet. They are the leaders of the various races here and the ones who had helped the Crystal Imperial to find my pieces across the Equestria."

"Sure." The Princess of Love said, quickly standing up while giving a smile to the griffon. "It is nice to meet you, sir."

The griffon threw a salute at the two royal ponies as Amore and Cadance walked away from him toward the city, before going back to his position.

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At the corner of Outpost Artic was a large crystal barrack where Crystal Imperial guards and personnel of various races were hanging out or training themselves. The sounds of drills being run and the chatting from various races filled the air. One particular crystal pony was enjoying it.

Nimbus Dash; a crystal light purple pegasus mare with dark blue mane and tail, wearing a silver armor with one gauntlet on her right forehoof and a silver helmet with a red crest, her wings being white with trailing edges of the feathers being pale blue and a scar on her left eye; was currently giving some soldiers special training session in advanced aerial combat. Her spear was slung over her back.

Nimbus used to be part of Cloudsdale Royal Legion, but now she was part of the Crystal Imperial after having been cursed to be trapped within the Frozen North for a thousand years and helping to find Princess Amore's piece across the Equestria for fifteen years.

Despite her focus on the training at hand, Nimbus's thoughts wandered to days gone by, reminiscing about the camaraderie she shared with her dear friends, Bella Breeze and Flash Magnus, during their time together in the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. Memories of laughter and companionship filled her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the bonds forged in the crucible of duty and honor.

As she guided her soldiers through the intricacies of aerial combat, Nimbus couldn't help but long for the days when she and her friends would gather during breaks or embark on missions alongside their esteemed leader, Captain Ironhead. Though time had passed and circumstances had changed, the warmth of those memories remained, a source of strength and solace in the midst of her duties.

She sighed to herself. While she enjoyed the company of Commander Hurricane and the other races working with the Crystal Imperial, it just wasn't the same.

Her musing was cut short as a stallion's voice called out to her. "Nimbus!"

She turned her head and smiled when she saw who the stallion was.

Grimhoof was a pegasus stallion with crystal light cobalt blue coats with dark grayish blue mane and tail, wearing a bronze armor with on gauntlet on his left forehoof and a bronze helmet with a red crest, his wing were like hers being white with trailing edges of the feathers being pale blue and some scars on his right foreleg.

He happened to be one of her friends who was also part of Cloudsdale Royal Legion before joining Crystal Imperial too to find Princess Amore's piece across the Equestria for fifteen years after the curse by King Sombra trapped him for a thousand years.

"Ah, Grimhoof," Nimbus greeted with a warm smile, wrapping him in a brief embrace before stepping back, curiosity evident in the arch of her eyebrow. "What brings you here? Last I heard, you were overseeing the guard towers."

"Well..." Grimhoof started. "There's been a change of plan. Princess Amore wants us to bring the leaders of griffons, yaks, hippogriffs, bat ponies, changelings, and kirins. She wants to introduce them to her daughter."

The pegasus mare stared at him for a few seconds before replying. "I see... Alright, you go and get the leaders of griffons, bat ponies, hippogriffs and kirins while I go and get the leaders of yaks and changelings. That reminds me... where are we meeting Princess Amore and her daughter?"

The pegasus stallion stopped to think a moment before answering her question. "We will be meeting them at the base of the Crystal Spire."

"Alright, see you soon." Nimbus said as they both hoofbump each other before Grimhoof flew off to find the leaders of griffons, bat ponies, hippogriffs and kirins.

The pegasus mare turned back to the soldiers and yelled. "All right! Training's over! I got a yak and a changeling queen to find!" After she finished her sentences, she spread her wings and flew up before flying away to find the leaders of yaks and changelings while the soldiers dispersed.

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At the entrance of Outpost Artic, a changeling queen was seen talking to one of the guards; her body with holes in her legs was equal in height to the solar princess with crystal black chitin, her insect-like wings were crystal light blue, her teal mane was being done up into a neat bun, her slitted-pupil eyes were green and her crooked horn was shiny light blue shaded from the tip to cyan.

Queen Seraphine listened intently as one of her subjects delivered a report. Frost animals had been spotted near the outpost, but the situation appeared to be under control. Seraphine's sigh of relief echoed through the crisp air as the changeling drone assured her that there were no casualties; the frost animals had fled before any harm could be done.

Sounds of hoofsteps and flapping of wings caused her to turn her head to see Nimbus Dash and a yak walking up to her.

The yak has a coat of crystal dark tangelo, his mane being moderate scarlet and his horns being the same colors as her.

"Ah, Nimbus, Thunderhoof." The changeling queen greeted them with a smile. "What bring you two here?"

Thunderhoof answered her question. "Pony princess wants us to be introduced to her daughter at the Crystal Spire."

Seraphine's brow furrowed with concern, her thoughts racing. "Are you sure that's a wise decision? Considering..."

Before the changeling queen could finish her sentence, Nimbus interjected firmly, halting her doubts in their tracks. "Stop right there. You're nothing like your younger sister. Don't ever think about that again."

Seraphine's gaze softened, gratitude flickering in her eyes as she absorbed the pegasus mare's reassurance. With a sigh, she conceded, realizing she had let her doubts get the better of her.

"You're right," The changeling queen murmured, her voice tinged with self-reflection.

Turning her attention back to Thunderhoof, Seraphine asked. "Who else is coming to meet Princess Mi Amore Cadanza?"

"Stormfeather, Au Hasard, King Crestwing, and King Fire Blaze. Grimhoof went to get them." Nimbus provided the answer, listing off the names of their companions.

Nodding in understanding, Seraphine gestured for them to lead the way. "Lead us to them," She instructed, determination resolute in her tone.

With that, the pegasus led them toward the Crystal Spire to meet Princess Amore and her daughter.

'Time to meet Princess Mi Amore Cadanza.' The changeling queen thought to herself.

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Amore glanced over to see her daughter, Cadance, utterly fascinated by the crystal creatures and the majestic buildings that adorned Outpost Arctic. Having been given a comprehensive tour the day before, Cadance was already familiar with the layout of the outpost cities. She had learned that each outpost city boasted several residential buildings, military barracks, a crop farm, a library, and a bustling market square. The crystal creatures she encountered were all gentle and adorned with coats of shimmering crystal.

As the Princess of Love saw the crystal creatures walking busily, she found herself pondering a question to pose to her mother.

"Mom..." Cadance started. "Why are my horn and wings different now? Three years ago, they retained the same colors as my coat before my daughter's magic surge hit me and now they are in different colors. And why do some of yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, changelings, kirins and bat ponies have the same colors of their horns and wings as mine?"

Amore turned her head and answered her daughter's question.

"Your transformation, my dear, is a testament to the magical energy that flows within you," She explained gently. "When your daughter's magic beam hit you, it unlocked a deeper aspect of your own power, manifesting in the alteration of your horn and wings."

The Princess of Love listened intently, absorbing her mother's words with a sense of wonder. "But what about the others?" She inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"As for the others..." Amore started. "It all started when some of the yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, changelings, kirins, and bat ponies stumbled upon the Crystal Empire and the outpost cities in the midst of a freezing blizzard due to their situation being from being chased out to looking for shelters."

The Princess of Love listen intently as Amore explained. "They had sought refuge within the protective walls of the outpost cities, finding safety from the relentless cold and the howling winds. And while they sought shelter, they also found what happened to me during their stay and decided to help the Crystal Imperial guards to find my scattered fragment and rebuild me. Over time, they integrated into the ranks of the Crystal Imperial, working together to try and keep the Frozen North safe and secure."

Cadance nodded slowly, piecing together the threads of her mother's narrative. "So," she ventured, "Their horns and wings gradually shifted to mirror the colors of the Crystal Empire as a symbol of solidarity and collaboration?"

Princess Amore smiled warmly at her daughter's understanding. "Exactly, Cadenza," she affirmed. "In times of hardship, it's important to come together and support one another. They may be different, but their shared bonds of friendship and teamwork are what make them truly strong."

Cadance nodded, her heart swelling with pride for the Crystal Empire and its diverse inhabitants. In that moment, she understood the significance of their shared colors as a testament to the bonds forged in adversity and the enduring spirit of friendship that still thrived even before Twilight Sparkle became the Princess of Friendship.

As the Princess of Love processed her mother's information, another thought came to her.

"I just recalled..." Cadance began, her voice tinged with apprehension. "During the Storm King's invasion of Canterlot, a pony named Tempest Shadow hurled an orb containing dark magic at me—one that could petrify any creature upon impact. Strangely, I didn't turn into statues like my aunts did. But then, two days later, while at the beach, my nose started bleeding profusely, I coughed up blood, and my eyes swelled and turned red before I lost consciousness. After that, I regain a little bit of consciousness only to feel better before I passed out again. Why did that happened to me but not to my aunties?"

Amore stopped walking, causing the Princess of Love to stop and stared at her mom as Amore gave a sad sigh.

"Because..." Amore started. "The protection spell on you faltered when the orb struck you directly." She paused to see her daughter looking at her in surprise before continuing. "You see, as King Sombra slowly made his way toward the throne room, I channelled some of my magic to create a protection spell that would protect you from any injuries or spells before I sent you away."

Amore's eyes reflected the weight of her decision, the memory of that harrowing moment etched in her mind before she continued. "My guess is that the orb that contained dark magic was able to penetrate and weaken the spell I cast, allowing a fraction of its magic to seep inside you and take effect."

Cadance listened in stunned silence, her eyes widening with shock as she processed the revelation. She shuffled on her hooves as her emotions swirling tumultuously within her.

Sensing her daughter's distress, Amore reached out, gently placing a hoof on Cadance's shoulder, her touch a soothing balm. "It's alright, my dear. I managed to cleanse the dark magic from your system before it could fully take hold, and don't worry about Celestia and Luna," she reassured, her voice steady with reassurance. "The Crystal Imperial guards were able to repel the Storm Kingdom's forces from Canterlot. Your sister-in-law and her friends are safe."

Cadance stared at her mom, her gaze meeting Amore's with a mixture of gratitude and understanding before she said. "Thank you, Mom." she murmured softly, her voice filled with appreciation as she continued. "For protecting me and saving my aunties. And please, just call me Cadance. I prefer my nickname to my full one."

Amore smiled and nodded her head at her daughter, but before they could continued their conversation, Nimbus flew right up to the two royals and threw a salute.

"Your highness..." The pegasus said, saluting before continuing. "The leaders are now at the Crystal Spire. I am to escort you there."

Amore acknowledged Nimbus with a nod, her attention drawn to Cadance, who seemed visibly taken aback by the arrival of the pegasus. Concerned, she gently tapped her daughter's shoulder, prompting the Princess of Love to speak up.

"You... you're Nimbus Dash. From the Cloudsdale Royal Legion," Cadance uttered, her voice a mixture of surprise and realization.

The pegasus was shocked to know that Princess Amore's daughter actually know about her and asked in surprised. "How did you know?"

Cadance smiled and said. "Flash Magnus. My sister-in-law and her friends freed them from the Limbo and helped them defeated the Pony of Shadow. In Twilight's letter, she told me that Flash Magnus told her that he was best friends with you, Grimhoof and Bella Breeze. You, Flash Magnus and your other two friends would often embarked on missions with Captain Ironhead."

Nimbus Dash slowed down beating her wings, and slowly landed on the floor without making a sound, then folded her wings to her sides. She looked completely in shock as she took in the information the Princess of Love.

"To think that all this time..." The pegasus started. "Flash was believed to be perished at the hooves of the Pony of Shadow." She murmured, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Slowly, a wistful smile tugged at the corners of Nimbus Dash's lips as she contemplated the implications of the Princess of Love's words. "Grimhoof will hardly believe it." She admitted, a note of anticipation coloring her tone before continuing. "He'll be thrilled to learn that our old friend is still alive."

A wave of shocked overcame Cadance over that new information and she asked. "Grimhoof is alive and with you?"

The pegasus lifted herself off the ground with a beat of her wings, continuing. "Yes," She affirmed. "Grimhoof and I were trapped within the Frozen North by King Sombra's curse for a thousand years when we were exploring the Frozen North. We spent the last fifteen years working with the Crystal Imperial guards searching for and collecting Princess Amore's scattered fragments to rebuild her."

As Cadance processed this astonishing revelation, Amore intervened with a gentle smile. "It seems your sister-in-law was able to bring Nimbus and Grimhoof's friend back." she remarked, her tone reflecting a mix of curiosity and warmth. "But for now, let us be on our way. Lead the way, Nimbus."

With a firm nod, the pegasus gestured for the princesses to follow as Cadance and Amore trailed behind her.

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Grimhoof stood resolute near the towering Crystal Spire, its crystalline form a testament to the magnificence of the Crystal Empire. At its base, a mesmerizing crystal heart hovered, suspended between two pillars—one rising from the ground, the other descending from the ceiling—as if held aloft by sheer magic.

His gaze shifted, taking in the solemn assembly gathered nearby. Thunderhoof, Queen Seraphin, and the leaders of the griffons, bat ponies, hippogriffs, and kirins stood with dignified poise, a tableau of unity and anticipation, awaiting the imminent arrival of Princess Amore and her daughter.

Stormfeather, leader of the griffons, has a coat of crystal dark gamboge, with his wings being white with trailing edges of the feathers being pale blue. His mane and tail were both dark violetish gray and his eyes were black.

Au Hasard, leader of the bat ponies, has a coat of crystal light gray, with his wings being whitish purple. His mane and tail were both royal purple and rose with dark grey bat wings and his slitted-pupil eyes were teal. His body was almost as tall as the lunar princess and he has a cutie mark of two dices. He was wearing Lunar Guard armor with bracers with long, deadly blades that curved out of them in both of his forehooves.

King Crestwing, King of the hippogriffs, has a coat of crystal lightish gray, with his wings being white with trailing edges of the feathers being pale blue. His mane and tail were both artic blue and his eyes were cyan. His body was equal in height to the Queen of the hippogriffs.

King Fire Blaze, King of the Kirins, has a coat of grayish amber with his cloven hooves, back, and forehead being dark amber. His horn that curved backward was shiny light blue shaded from the tip to cyan. His mane, fur and tail were all dark gamboge and his eyes were dark artic blue. His body was equal in height to the Queen of the Kirins.

Sounds of hoofsteps and flapping of wings caught his attention. Turning his head, he saw two royals and Nimbus walking up. With a deep exhale and a smile, Grimhoof marched up.

"Your highness, leaders of griffons, yaks, hippogriffs, bat ponies, changelings, and kirins are awaiting for the introduction to your daughter, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." The pegasus stallion reported while saluting.

"At ease, Grimhoof," Amore said as she gestured for him to stand comfortably. She turned her attention to her daughter, a fond smile gracing her features. "Cadenza, allow me to introduce you to King Fire Blaze, King Crestwing, Au Hasard, Stormfeather, Thunderhoof, and Queen Seraphine," she said, indicating each leader in turn.

As the introductions were made, Princess Cadance's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat as her gaze fell upon Queen Seraphine. Memories flooded her mind, images of her time held captive in the caves during her wedding, and a name escaped her trembling lips.

"Ch-Chrysalis?" Cadance stammered, her voice betraying a mixture of shock and fear.

The leaders and two pegasi all winced while the changeling queen remained calm. After a moment of silence, Queen Seraphine walked forward before stopping in front of the Princess of Love.

"I'm afraid that I am not Chrysalis..." The changeling queen started. "But I was her elder sister."

Cadance's mind reeled before she stammered. "You're Chrysalis's... elder sister?"

"Yes." Seraphine honestly said. "I was petrified and banished to the Frozen North by Chrysalis before the Crystal Imperial guards freed me."

The Princess of Love’s jaw dropped. “Wha-...WHAT!? You... she..." She stammered as she tried to find the right words. "Why?” She eventually managed to utter.

Amore, already aware of the intricate history between Seraphine and Chrysalis, guided the other leaders away, allowing the two to converse in privacy before turning her head towards the two pegasi.

"Grimhoof and Nimbus Dash." Amore addressed them, causing the two to look at her before she spoke. "Take the rest of the day off. You two deserved it. And Grimhoof, you might want to sit down once Nimbus tell you something."

Grimhoof arched an eyebrow at Amore but did not questioned her, while Nimbus gave her a gentle smile. They both saluted at her before flying off. She turned her head back to the two as Seraphine began her story.

"Chrysalis and I were once sisters, bound by blood and kinship," The changeling queen started to explain, her tone heavy with the weight of memories long buried. "But as time passed, she started to sought power at any cost instead of friendship. Chrysalis saw me as a threat to her rule after I confronted and argued with her. In her paranoia, she casted me into a state of petrification and exile in the Frozen North, where I was remained imprisoned for centuries before being rescued."

As the truth of Seraphine's plight sank in, Cadance felt a surge of empathy coursing through her veins as her ears drooped. "I'm so sorry, Queen Seraphine," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine remorse.

"It's fine." The changeling queen spoke calmly before continuing. "Beside, Chrysalis had her death coming by her own hive after I showed her diary that contained about permanently riding hunger for love to her hive."

The Princess of Love gawked at Seraphine's words before asking. "What?! You orchestrated Chrysalis's downfall?!"

"Yes." Seraphine gave her a smirk. "Remember this form?"

No sooner the changeling queen said, green flames surrounded her and her tall form was replaced with a unicorn mare with a coat of light bluish gray, her mane and tail being moderate blue, a cutie mark of dark blue heart and her eyes being moderate lime green.

Cadance's jaw dropped as she remembered the changelings told her and her husband about a mysterious pony who had somehow acquired Chrysalis's diary and exposed her secrets to the hive before vanishing without a trace.

"It's... it's you." The Princess of Love stammered as Seraphine shed the disguise.

With a gentle smile, the changeling queen nodded before she spoke. "Yes, it's me. I took on that guise to ensure the safety of Equestria and its inhabitants."

Cadance nodded slowly, processing the gravity of Seraphine's words before speaking again. "Thank you... for everything you've done, Queen Seraphine."

Seraphine smiled graciously at the Princess of Love as she took in the words Amore's daughter said.

Amore could not helped herself but smiled graciously as her daughter started to converse with the other leaders.

Author's Note:

How Nimbus Dash and Grimhoof look:
Nimbus Dash
Both vectors made by CloudyGlow

So in this alternative universe. Queen Chrysalis had an elder sister but she exiled her so that she can be the only queen to sought power.

Edited by Bronyshot2020