• Member Since 7th Sep, 2021
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Ahmad J Charles

"I'll be back." - Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Terminator


Hi, I’m Aiden Walter Dixon.

Most just call me Aiden or Addy. I'm an archeological detective who's travelled the world in my submarine, on my mountain bike, on my skateboard, and flying high in my paramotor.

This is the story of how during a daring attempt to investigate the numerous disappearances of ships and airplanes in the Bermuda Triangle, I was sucked into a vortex and ended up in a seaside town, where I met a cute hooved friend who was just as passionate about her own kind's history.

Let me tell you about it.

P.S.: Quick disclaimers:
1. My Little Pony does not exist in the human world, so no human knows of ponies' existence. I have made the ponies are around 30 inches tall at the withers (shoulder peak).
2. This takes place in between the A New Generation movie and Tell Your Tale.
3. I do talk about guns in this story. Please keep the comments politics-free and thanks.

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 53 )

Chapter 1 Act 1

“The Visitor From Beyond”

Genshin Style Quest


I admit I'm kind of amused by how the author feels the need to inform us that despite sailing dangerously close to Cuba, that wretched hive of villany, he remained a real red-blooded American unswayed by the lies of leftist propaganda. Thank God Almighty for a coveniently timed podcast. Who knows what traitorous thoughts might've infected his mind, given the precarious proximity of those goshdarn commie shores.

Thanks for the comment. I actually got a good laugh outta this.

Hold on you made them tall as the shoulder? That’s a bit scary :rainbowderp: horses are tall but ponies? :pinkiegasp:

Waist-height actually, so about 8-9hh - a teeny bit taller than here.

So far its been nice I like the scale you got

So I guess you aren't having her new house where she and her friends all live together?

Nothing wrong hugging someone who is in need a hug. Also, hugging ponies are so soft unless they try to eat your hair :rainbowderp:

Rock Climbing is super fun. I don't see that much with stories but hey this has been really good.

Nah this story takes place in between the A New Generation movie and Tell Your Tale, so the Crystal Brighthouse has not yet been built.

I pinched my cheek again until it hurt, then shook my head vigorously. Okay, I definitely woke up to reality in that tent. Taking out a scrap of paper and a pencil, I traced my route from the campsite and tried to figure out the coastline. I’d seen it at the start of my bike ride, but only briefly. If I was in a new world, I might as well try to map it before starting a history quest to discover how it came to be, and all the civilizations that existed throughout the past millennium. Such a prospect sounded very exciting, alongside needing to figure out why there were miniature, big-eyed, talking horses in a seaside town.

Well, he got over the shock quite fast :rainbowlaugh:

Then again, the last chapters had stabling the main character as someone’s with experience. So it does make sense that he can keep a cold head.

Well, this fic is definitely interesting and specially endearing :twilightsmile:

You got a new reader mate :) now to wait for the next update

What did the old cover art look like?

What got them to think he was dangerous??? I imagine that when he sees the Pegasus that he will end up in jail with Sunny and Izzy.

"Well that was unexpected" - said every reader of this chapter ever.

Not really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It does makes sense for the ex-isolated pony races to get jumpy at the sight of an estrange creature like a human.

Also, now I’m hyped for the next chapter

Wait did this strange earth pony come out of nowhere or did he pop up at earlier chapters?

You might need to add the Human tag.

comments remind me of
#Nuke Cuba, Blame Canana

There goes my fear of the deep

Giving this pony a hug fills you with the Power-Of-Broship

Just a tip: using radar around a warship is a bad idea if you’re trying to hide, especially that close. That gives them an ESM track, and then they can call in ASW aircraft.

He seems to be taking this rather too well, but then I remembered that people like him existed. They called them Pioneers.

:rainbowderp: what have you done… the cuteness is to much… the girls… they like him don’t they…. be carful not to draw in the silly ships 🚢 that loves a good human story around here :derpyderp1:

Nice chapter. I wonder how they’ll handle Zephyr Heights since well they will likely be attacked. Also don’t be afraid of guns they can be use to protect you and others it’s placing them in the wrong hands or hooves is the issue.

Not sure if you need to raise the rating but that’s up to you. Also, 30’ up the shoulders? That’s very tall

30 inches is only two and a half feet tall. With their neck and head included the ponies would only just over 3 feet, as a yard stick is 36 inches long. That's dwarf levels of short in human terms.

I need to see a video of this I don’t think I ever watched it before?

The flying thing they are using. I just watched it and looks cool

Things went good for a moment I thought we would get ourselves some crazy action of surviving the skies

Grab a pony. Just cuddle them to death :rainbowderp: it’s a free nation of petting and telling them how cute and lovable they are :twilightblush:

I bet the Queen will make the human her Royal Carrier :rainbowlaugh:

Poor Sunny he just loves you as… like a pet owner :heart: kidding :rainbowlaugh:

Huh a interesting mystery about an Alicorn who bakes? Cool

:rainbowderp: watch as the queen learns that having a human to be her “human owner” to hold her and pet her is going to make her want him to stay. :rainbowlaugh:

Just unholster a mini-gun, it'll instantly diffuse a situation

He should show them films like Star Wars or something

This is pretty good, I'm you giving six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Your story is amazing so far. This chapter in particular was…. I just can’t find the words how adorable this was. It was so cute!!! :rainbowkiss: I hope to see more of this affection chapters and please don’t forget Hitch. He deserves some of Aiden’s affection as well. :twilightsmile:

Until the next chapter! 👋

Very good on your new chapter, I like it! Hope to see more of your upcoming chapters and remember: From my own experience, I want to say that you should follow your heart, and the mind will follow you. Believe in yourself, and you will create miracles.

Very good story, I'm enjoying it a lot.

The main story plot.... to pick up the Queen! :twilightblush: and give her belly rubs :rainbowlaugh:

It's cool, I'm okay with it.

:twilightblush: Queen didn’t see nothing

Civil? Bro, we all know that neither sisters are ready for the throne rather it should be Izzy. Time for unicorns to rise Brony’s :raritystarry:

Kidding around. I haven’t really checked the comments or notes much just been reading the story when new chapters come so if I made mistakes sorry about that. The chapter has been fine but sadly I feel… this being more slice of life than adventure which I am sorry that I have gotten a little bored… :facehoof:

I wonder what Queen Heaven meant by wonderful son… no she silly she won’t have Pipp be engage to a human… I need to stay away from romance fanfics :twilightblush:

So since we our nearing the end hopefully they’ll find Sprout since he planned the attacks right? Anyways, let’s find a way home 🏡

I feel ya. I've been dragging stuff out too much so next chapter the adventure will be pumped up and the story will enter a state of conclusiveness. No need to apologize.

Tbh I thought Zip would try being a racer like Rainbow but becoming a detective wasn’t something I thought would happened in the show. That’s cool for you to do for her.

I wonder what Sprout will do

“后来在大学期间,我去了另一个州,那里的枪支法律更加支持和放松,并遇到了许多善良的人,他们为武装感到自豪。他们向我灌输了信心,让我在必要时无所畏惧地保护自己。我也习惯了将枪支用于娱乐用途,并获得了格洛克19作为礼物 - 这是我拥有的另一把枪,除了用于演示的枪支。我很少携带M1911。

This state isn't Texas, is it?

It’s to bad they both didn’t get to spend much time together which after the meeting I believe Sprouts life will changed so much better being able to come back to his 3 friends and make more friends along the way.

This new chapter is great, Ahmad J Charles I like it!

Wait did he ever pet the Queen?

Flying is really nice. Feels free :rainbowdetermined2:

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