• Published 6th Sep 2021
  • 1,318 Views, 31 Comments

Zero Stars - Alpha Wolf 4500

Gold Star, after moving his restaurant to Canterlot, learns you should be very careful who you decide to mouth off. Especially when you're new to the area

  • ...

One Big Mistake

It was a bright crisp, early day in Canterlot, and Celestia had just raised the sun to begin the day. She smiled at the city and began to walk back into her throne room. She only took three steps before one of the maids came running.

“You’re highness!” She exclaimed as she ran to her, sliding to a stop, only to trip and fall at her hooves. Celestia helped her to her hooves.

“Violet Rose? What’s the matter?” She asked.

“The prince is not in his room! I went to wake him up and he was nowhere to be found!” She exclaimed in a panic. Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“First time taking Fluffy Velvet’s shift?” She asked. The maid looked a bit scared at that but nodded her head. Celestia giggled a little bit. “Come on.”

Celestia began walking to the kitchen. They arrived there to see a cassowary head in a bag of food. The door opened all the way, revealing that it was a hieracosphinx with the lower half of a panther, and on the back of the Hieracosphinx was a nymph, larger than that of the average colt with a large red cape, and teal mane that was rather long.

“Here he is. He just woke up early to feed Blue.” Celestia said as she pointed to him.

“Morning Mom! Morning New Maid!” Bandit waved with a smile. Blue took a seated position and tried to shake the bag off.

“Good Morning Bandit.” Celestia said before turning to Violet Rose.

“Everything’s okay, you can continue your duties as normal.” She told her. Violet bowed before going to do just that. Blue got the bag off her head and looked at Celestia.

“Good morning Blue.” Celestia said. Blue ran over and nuzzled against her side. She pets her back before turning to Bandit. “Have you eaten yet sweetie?”

“I was waiting until Blue was done eating, so she wouldn’t eat my food.” Bandit answered. Celestia picked him up.

“Since you haven’t eaten yet, wanna go out to eat today?” Celestia offered.

“I would love to!” Bandit said before flopping his ears. “But it’s saturday, Pie Paradise is closed until lunch.” Bandit said.

“I actually found this new place where we can eat. The Manehattan Palace.” Celestia told him. Bandit looked confused.

“Where is that?” Bandit asked. Celestia placed him on her head and walked out of the kitchen. As she left the kitchen Blue picked up the bag she was eating food out of and began moving to Bandit’s room, where she normally spent her time. She walked to a window and pointed out a restaurant with a large silver apple on the front of it.

“You see that restaurant with the silver apple on their front?” She asked. Bandit looked and saw a restaurant.

“The big apple?” He asked.

“That’s the one.” She answered. Bandit looked at her and then smiled.

“Okay! I hope they have some good food there.” Bandit said with a tail wag.

“Who knows, maybe they’ll have some Cherry-Grape pies for you.” Celestia said as she nuzzled him.

“No one makes Cherry-Grape Pie like you and grandma.” Bandit said as he nuzzled her back. His stomach was heard rumbling a bit. “All this talk of pies is making my stomach reach my back.”

“Well why don’t we get-” Celestia tried to say before Violet Rose came over to get her attention.

“Your highness?” She called, getting Celestia’s attention.

“Yes?” She asked. Violet bowed before looking up at her.

“Some of the royal guards told me I can’t enter Bandit’s room without armor, I was just wondering where I can get some…...also why do I need it?” Bandit and Celestia looked at each other.

“Think you can go with save me a table?” Celestia asked him. Bandit nodded his head. She whistled and A royal guard pegasus with a red coat and blue eyes flew over and stopped with a salute.

“Yes you’re majesty?” He asked.

“Astral Comet, please escort Bandit to the Manehattan palace while I teach Violet about the dangers of cleaning Bandit’s room.” Celestia told him. He nodded and dropped his salute.

“Right away your majesty.” He said as he bowed. Bandit hopped off Celestia’s back, and Celestia began walking off. Astral looked down at Bandit with a smile.

“Ready to head out your highness?” Astral asked.

“Ready!” Bandit said with a hop. Then he froze mid-air. “Wait hold on.”

He zipped off, Astral looked confused before looking out of the window, towards the garden, and seeing him water a pink cherry tree. After a few minutes, Bandit trotted back.

“I’m ready.” He smiled. Astral nodded and began escorting Bandit to the Manehattan Palace.

In the Manehattan Palace, a white unicorn mare with a light pink mane was sitting bored at the reception desk. She was leaning at her hoof and looking at the blurred window, every time a silhouette walked past, her ears perked hoping for one of them to walk in. She sighed as they moved passed and looked at the clock.

“Another long morning with no customers.” She said. She then heard the door open and she immediately looked towards the door with a smile, only to see the door closing, making her look around.

“I’m down here.” Bandit’s voice said. She looked over the desk and saw the young nymph sitting and looking up at her. She smiled.

“Well good morning there little one.” She said.

“Good morning.” Bandit said with a wave.

“What brings you to the Manehattan Palace?” She asked.

“My mother and I saw this place was new and wanted to eat here. Can I get a table for two please?” He asked with a smile. The mare smiled back.

“Well aren’t you a polite young stallion. Table for two coming right up.” The mare said as she grabbed two menus and began walking to a booth. “Right this way.”

Bandit followed the hostmare to a booth right next to the door.

“So who’s gonna be sitting with you today?” The mare asked.

“My mom.” Bandit answered. As Bandit got in his seat, the mare gave him the menu.

“Are you here by yourself?” She asked, slightly concerned.

“No ma’am, outside is my-”

“Excuse me, what is this?” A stallions voice called. The hostess and Bandit turned to look at who just spoke. Looking over, they saw a pale yellow stallion with a dark orange mane and tail, and a blue tie around his neck. His cutie mark was a Gold Star, and his eyes were green.

“Oh, this is….what’s your name sweetie?” The mare asked.

“Bandit.” He answered.

“This is Bandit, our first customer of the day…...and the week.” The mare answered.

“And why is this…..thing in my restaurant?” The stallion rudely. Bandit’s ears flopped upon hearing that.

“Thing?” He asked.

“Sir, that’s a bit uncalled for. He’s here to eat.” The mare said, disapproving of the stallion’s choice of words.

“I don’t care what he’s here to do, we haven’t had a customer in days. The last thing we want to do is make anyone else think that this a place for creatures like him.” The stallion told her.

“Creatures like me?” Bandit raised an eyebrow. The mare quickly tried to defuse the situation.

“Gold Star, sir. He’s a colt, he’s waiting for his mom to get here. We can’t just kick him out.” The mare said. Bandit’s stomach began growling. “He’s also hungry.”

Gold Star groaned and looked at the silhouettes walking by on the windows before sighing.

“Fine, fine. But move him to the back of the restaurant, so no one sees him.” Gold Star said.


“Either that or we kick him out.” Gold Star said. The mare groaned and picked up the menus.

“Please come with me.” She said to Bandit. Bandit got off the seat and followed the mare to the back of the restaurant, away from the door. “I’m sorry you had to sit through that Bandit.”

“It’s not your fault. I take it he nor any of the other workers are from here?” Bandit asked.

“It’s that obvious?” She giggled as she placed his menus on the table as Bandit flew into his seat.

“A waitress will be with you in a few minutes.” She said. Bandit smiled and opened the menu.

“Thank you.” Bandit said politely before looking at the menu. The hostmare walked back to the desk.

Outside the restaurant, Astral Comet was standing outside the doors, pulling guard while Bandit was inside. Celestia was walking his way, two guards escorting her as she walked.

“Astral Comet?” She called. The red guard turned to her and saluted.

“Your Majesty, the Prince is inside the restaurant safe and sound.” He informed.

“Thank you Astral.” She turned to her two royal guards. “One of you can go back to the castle.”

She walked in and the two guards looked at the each other.

“Dibs.” The one on the left said. The one on the right began fuming and started to walk back to the castle. The one on the left took the other side of the door, standing with a confident smile.

Inside the restaurant, Gold Star was walking by the desk as Celestia walked in. Gold Star looked at her, and double taked.

“P-Princess Celestia?” He wheezed out.

“Good Morning.” She greeted. Gold Star bowed before looking up at her.

“Welcome to The Manehattan Palace your highness. I’m Gold Star, the owner of this restaurant.” He said. Celestia was intrigued.

“Well, you’re quite a warm greeter, I was not expecting to meet the owner my first day here.” She said as she bowed back. Gold Star looked up at her.

“Thank you so much for granting us with your presents, it is such a privilege.” Gold Star said, a smile plastered on his face.

“You know how to treat your customers, I think my son and I are gonna enjoy it here.” Celestia smiled. Gold Star was completely sidetracked by this information.

“Your son?” He asked.

“Yes. He walked in here not too long ago, at least that’s what Astral told me.” Celestia said. Gold Star scratched his head.

“I haven’t seen him your highness. Maybe he went to the bathroom. I’ll talk to the hostmare. In the meantime, want me to get you a seat?” He asked. Celestia was a bit concerned but accepted the offer.

“Yes, but please understand that if my son doesn’t arrive, I’m going to look for him. Thoroughly.” She told him. Gold Star bowed.

“Yes your majesty.” He began to escort her to a booth on the opposite side of the restaurant where Bandit was. He used his magic to grab some menus in order to bring them to the booth.

“The best seat in the house.” He said as he gave her the menu and placed the menu across from her for her son.

“A waitress will be with you in due time.” Gold Star said.

“Thank you Gold Star.” Celestia said as she opened the menu. Gold Star walked off and went to the otherside of the restaurant where Bandit was giving a waitress was taking Bandit’s order.

“-can I get hay fries with that too please?” Bandit asked.

“And hay fries. Will that complete-”

“Frost Stream.” He called, pulling the mare away from Bandit. “You got a different customer to serve.”

“Hey, I wasn’t done ordering.” Bandit pointed out. Gold Star gave him the zip it gesture before turning to Frost Stream.

“The princess is here, she takes priority. Go.” He whisper yelled to her.

“Can I at least-”

“Just go go go.” He said as he gestured her away from Bandit. She reluctantly walked over to the other side of the restaurant to where Celestia was. Bandit looked at Gold Star.

“I wasn’t done ordering.” Bandit informed him, remaining polite but obviously irritated with what just happened.

“You should’ve ordered faster then.” Gold Star glared at him.

“I never ate at this restaurant before, I didn’t know what was on the menu.” Bandit responded.

“None of what you said is my problem.” Gold Star rudely stated. “Be grateful I let you into my restaurant in the first place.” He walked off to check the bathroom for Celestia’s son, unaware that was who he was talking down to. Bandit huffed and sat patiently.

Back with Celestia, Frost Stream was writing down Celestia’s order.

“Will that be all your highness?” She asked. Celestia looked at the seat across from her. She then looked at the menu.

“Can I also get a stack of pancakes with a side of hay fries please? For my son?” Celestia asked. Frost looked confused as she looked at the other paper she was writing orders on.

“That’s strange.” She muttered.

“Is something wrong?” Celestia asked.

“No, it’s just. A young colt just ordered the same thing before Gold Star shoved me over here to serve you.” Frost answered. Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Um…..where is this colt?” Celestia asked.

Bandit still waiting for a waiter or waitress to take his order. Gold Star came out of the bathroom and Bandit waved to get his attention.

“Sir, can I please get someone to take my order please? I’m very hungry.” Bandit pleaded. Gold Star rolled his eyes and looked at Bandit.

“Look, you listen to me pretentious, privileged little freak. The only thing keeping me from kicking you out of my restaurant is the fact that the princess is on the other side of this restaurant, other wise, I would toss you out myself. Now sit down and shut up.” He gritted. Bandit’s ears flopped upon hearing how he was spoken to.

“Is that so?” Celestia was heard saying behind them. Gold Star turned around and saw the large princess glaring daggers at him.

“Y-your highness. Forgive my harsh words. I was just dealing with an ungrateful customer while looking for your son.” He said as he bowed.

“Hi mom.” Bandit said. Gold Star’s eyes went wide.

“Hello Bandit. I see this is where you’ve been this whole time.” Celestia said. Gold Star looked back at Bandit and then back at Celestia, and then back at Bandit.

“I am- I’m so sorry. I-I-I had no idea. I didn’t know you were-” Gold Star tried to say.

“Stop.” She said in a stern, angered tone. Gold Star stopped talking and gulped. “Turn around.”

Gold Star turned around looked at Celestia, bowing fearfully.

“Is this how you treat your customers, who look different from the rest of us?” She asked him. He was too scared to answer. “You verbally abuse my son, threaten to kick him out, and leave him hungry with no one taking his order. And you have the nerve to try and justify this by saying you didn’t know who he was.”

“I-I’m sorr-” He tried to say.

“No. You have spoken enough.” Celestia said. She looked at Bandit. “Did anyone else talk to you this way?”

“No mom. Only him.” Bandit answered honestly. Celestia turned to look at the waitress and the hostmare. She pulled out a few business cards and used her magic to give them to them.

“Here, I know a few restaurants that would love your services. And pay really well.” She said. The two looked through the business cards and began smiling. “Give those to your co-workers.”

She turned back to Gold Star.

“And you, I’ll see to it that you don’t have another customer walk through that door. Maybe that’ll teach you to respect your customers, regardless of appearance.” Celestia told him. “Come now Bandit, let’s get you something to eat.”

Bandit flew onto her back and she walked out the store. As she closed the door behind her, the two mares looked at him.

“I quit.” They both said as they walked to the kitchen to pass off the business cards.

Sometime later, Celestia and Bandit were at a different restaurant, where Bandit was helping himself to some of the breadsticks.

“I’m sorry you had to go through something like that.” Celestia told him. Bandit swallowed and looked at her.

“It’s okay momma.” Bandit responded.

“It is not okay. That kind of behavior isn’t something I’ll tolerate. And it’s not something you should be used to.” Celestia told him. Bandit nodded his head.

“I understand mom.” Bandit said. Celestia then lifted him up and kissed him on the forehead.

“We’re gonna get you to be more comfortable demanding respect.” Celestia told him, his tail began wagging once more.

“Without having to use my prince status?” He asked. Celestia nose nuzzled you.

“Maybe you’ll have to use that from time to time, but we’ll try not to.” She smiled as she placed him back in his seat. As she did, their food was wheeled over, and placed before them. As they got ready to eat, Frost Stream walked in, looking at the business card that lead her to that location for a job.

Author's Note:

Corny and short, I know. But, this is one of many interseason shorts to give you guys some insight into Bandit's life before Nightmare Moon. Don't worry, the next interseason short will be much more interesting.

I hope you all like it, and see you in the next story.

Comments ( 31 )

This was nice. Props to Celestia for getting Gold Star to shut his trap.

You go, Princess!

That was cute and beating moment for mother and son time, and man did Celestia shut Gold Star mouth from those words, you go Princess of the sun, awesome job, keep up the great work

“Is that so?” Celestia was heard saying behind them. Gold Star turned around and saw the large princess glaring daggers at him.

Ya done goofed.

Interesting to know that Bandit was actually a victim of speciesism.

“Your highness?” She called, getting Celestia’s attention.

“Yes?” She asked. Violet bowed before looking up at her.

“Some of the royal guards told me I can’t enter Bandit’s room without armor, I was just wondering where I can get some…...also why do I need it?” Bandit and Celestia looked at each other.

I teeth Violet about the dangers of cleaning Bandit’s room.

I'm guessing this is the poor maid that Bandit's hieracosphinx took a dislike too, also I think teeth is suppose to be teach.

“I’m down here.” Bandit’s voice said. She looked over the desk and saw the young nymph sitting and looking up at her. She smiled.

“Well good morning there little one.” She said.

“Well aren’t you a polite young stallion. Table for two coming right up.” The mare said as she grabbed two menus and began walking to a booth. “Right this way.”

“Oh, this is….what’s your name sweetie?” The mare asked.

I can see this Mare giving Bandit a fond smile each time. :twilightsmile:

*Gold Star's attitude*

I think I see the reason why they haven't had any customers for so long, if I was treated the way Bandit was I would be sure to spread the word. At least the other staff we saw (only two I know but still) treated Bandit right.

“Y-your highness. Forgive my harsh words. I was just dealing with an ungrateful customer while looking for your son.” He said as he bowed.

“Hi mom.” Bandit said. Gold Star’s eyes went wide.

It was at this moment, that Gold Star knew... he bucked up.

“No mom. Only him.” Bandit answered honestly. Celestia turned to look at the waitress and the hostmare. She pulled out a few business cards and used her magic to give them to them.

“Here, I know a few restaurants that would love your services. And pay really well.” She said. The two looked through the business cards and began smiling. “Give those to your co-workers.”

They treated Bandit with kindness and got a way out from Gold Star, who I'm guessing didn't treat his employees any better.

Sure it was short but it was a nice read.


I'm guessing this is the poor maid that Bandit's hieracosphinx took a dislike too, also I think teeth is suppose to be teach.

Nah, It's just if Bandit and/or Celestia aren't around to specifically tell Blue not to attack the staff, she'll attack them for getting too close to Bandit's room. She's rather protective of him.

I can see this Mare giving Bandit a fond smile each time. :twilightsmile:

As can I.

I think I see the reason why they haven't had any customers for so long, if I was treated the way Bandit was I would be sure to spread the word. At least the other staff we saw (only two I know but still) treated Bandit right.

There were 7 members of the staff, just only those three were important enough to mention in this story.

It was at this moment, that Gold Star knew... he bucked up.

And just like that, any chances of making it big in Canterlot hath been stripped away.

They treated Bandit with kindness and got a way out from Gold Star, who I'm guessing didn't treat his employees any better.

Believe it or not, Gold Star wasn't mean to his employees, they were there to see his true colors, which exposed who he really was.

Sure it was short but it was a nice read.

Glad you like it, because more will be to come soon.

Never mess with mama bear.

Momlestia is best mom.

Thank you kindly, I appreciate that.

I can hear your profile picture saying that in Alucard's TFS voice, and that is way more enjoyable than it should be.

It's so sweet and heartwarming!


Nah, It's just if Bandit and/or Celestia aren't around to specifically tell Blue not to attack the staff, she'll attack them for getting too close to Bandit's room. She's rather protective of him.

And it sadly got to the point where they had to let Blue go, I can only imagine Bandit's feelings there. :applecry:

As can I.

Wouldn't surprise me if the two meet on good terms later on.

There were 7 members of the staff, just only those three were important enough to mention in this story.

Fair point.

And just like that, any chances of making it big in Canterlot hath been stripped away.

If you want to even have a chance to make it big in the capital, treat the Princess' son with respect.

Believe it or not, Gold Star wasn't mean to his employees, they were there to see his true colors, which exposed who he really was.

Either way I don't blame them for quitting.

Glad you like it, because more will be to come soon.


Mama-lestia is like a honey badger when it comes to protecting her son. I loved this.

I see your a man of culture as well. And the you also watch dhar Mahn as well:moustache:

Speciesists will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.

Great story bro.

This reminds me so much of a video I say

Brilliant as always!

All thanks to you bud.

Nothing like mama bear to put the fear of Princess Celestia into a pony. Especially if the mama bear is Princess Celestia.

This is likely to follow Gold Star even outside of Canterlot. Very nicely done appearance is so important to so many

I can only imagine the hell Celestia would bring if he had physically hurt Bandit.

Okay that’s a lie.

This is set a year or two from the start of a story I am writing/planning.

Astral: Aurora?
Aurora: What?
Astral: Where's my two swords?
Aurora: They're in the armory closet!
Astral: Thank you!

I hope next season comes soon.

Guns are so barbaric. I'd rather tear them apart with my bare claws.

I have a feeling that Gold Star would make a comeback in the future.

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