• Member Since 16th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Snow Quill

Just a bat, sometimes writes, sometimes draws


I often wonder what led me here, what series of events long ago set off, triggering different actions and places until I ended up here, right now, in this bed, with a numb and tired heart. 

I used to think it would get better. ‘Surely’, I thought, ‘My love will be enough. I can fix her and then she can return the same support.’

What a laugh, an absolutely remarkable joke. 

It truly is a funny thing, how relationships change.

Inspired by the song War by Icon for Hire, specifically the start of the chorus. Mostly a depressing little drabble cause of feelings and stuff.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Aaaaand that's one straight to the feels!

One of those stories where I want to grab the characters and shake them, Rarity in particular, but I think it's supposed to feel like that. On the one hand she's absolutely within her rights. But on the other, it sounds like she's been more than a bit of a codependent enabler, keeping the true depths of how much it's wearing on her secret enough that Dash hasn't had the motivation to get the help she so clearly needs.

You just have to hope, in the end, that it doesn't destroy both of them.

This hits way too close to home. You have no idea.

I've literally been in this EXACT situation. On BOTH sides. It sucks.

Thank you for sharing. I hope you're doing better.

I’m sorry to hear you’ve dealt with it, but thanks for..enjoying(?) the story. I am getting better, just lots of life stress that will take another week or so for me to get over.


You just have to hope, in the end, that it doesn’t destroy both of them.

Or their mutual friendships or general life and future relationships. In all seriousness though, this story is a bit personal in the sense that I’ve felt ‘trapped’ in an emotionally exhausting relationship and wasn’t getting that support reciprocated, and, well, given as they are an ex it’s pretty obvious how that ended lol. I too, would love to give Rarity a shake here and tell them both to see a damn therapist

Enjoying is most definitely NOT the right word, but I'm glad I read it :twilightsmile:

It probably has connections with the concept of misery enjoying company.

BUT, This was superbly written. I know you said in your notes that it was just ramblings, but it's framed perfectly into Rarity's flow of thought. And just enough context is given to create the whole picture. It's as beautiful as it is sad.

Yeah. I think I know that feeling.

Good story, Snow. Thank you for it.

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