• Published 31st Aug 2021
  • 169 Views, 4 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Legion - Chemtest

Factions vie for control of Baltimare as a threat rises from the south.

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“What is a pony if they don’t know friendship?”

Guns are a fascinating thing; able to pack so much force into a high velocity piece of metal that they alone changed the way wars were fought, and yet small enough to be carried by a single pony. Guns are variable, perfect examples of pre-war Equestria, a piece of equipment that accompanies the modern pony no matter where you go. Melee weapons, however, are so much more interesting. Often crude, taking mental fortitude and strength to use, and usually a poor choice in modern combat. Yet when you see a true melee weapon, you can tell in it’s very foundations that whoever carries it is sure to be a destructive force of death through a battlefield, a hurricane, perhaps comparable to a dancer, jumping from slash to cut to stab to crush.

When Mister Bit pulled out a beautiful, elegant sword from underneath his desk, I was surprised to say the least. It wasn’t of any complicated make, no, it could be made from any piece of scrap metal. But the care to detail, the pure heart that went into it is indescribable for any who use mass produced guns. Slightly curved to allow easier cutting, sharpened and maintained to such a point that it looks almost new, with a handle wrapped in somehow perfectly maintained leather, short enough to be easy to carry, long enough to leave no question about the mortality rate.

I trot out of Mister Bit’s room, new weapon carried in my mouth, and scan the crowds and shops for any sight of the burgundy mare I saw storm out before. Eventually, my eyes catch sight of her golden tail, standing and talking with the Griffon selling meat. Slowly, I begin to trot over to her.

As I approach, I can hear her loud complaints, “That Bit, I swear, two centuries and he still acts like an ass.”

The Griffon nods along, bored, taking a bite out of some grilled radroach. The burgundy opens her mouth to speak again, but I trot up and tap her on her shoulder first.

She turns around to look at me, “Ye- Wait, is that my gladius?”

I nod, holding it out to her. She takes the blade in her teeth, flipping it around, then grabbing the handle and admiring it. I smile a bit, “Sorry, Miss, but I just heard what you said when you exited Mister Bit’s office, and I-“

I’m cut off as she puts the blade into a sheathe near her neck, then wrapping me in a tight hug, “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

I glance away, blushing just a tiny bit… which is just because it’s hot inside the mall. That’s how blushes work, be quiet. Clearing my throat, I smile slightly more, “It wasn’t any trouble, Miss… just asked Mister Bit for it. Really, you should be thanking him, I mean, he’s the one who gave it to me, and thus he should be praised for it, truly.”

She smiles, breaking up the hug and trotting back a step, “Oh, he is not the one I’m going to thank. That degenerate bastard is the reason it was taken in the first place!” She blinks, and shakes her head, calming down a bit, “Sorry, sorry, just… thank you. This is very important to me, and… thank you.”

I smile slightly, rubbing the back of my head because it’s itchy, and that’s all, “Well… you’re welcome. Oh, umm, I didn’t introduce myself? I’m Half Mast, Rainy Roads Caravan.”

She smiles wider, offering her hoof, “Thank you, Half, really. I’m Guiding Way… I don’t belong to anyone. Not anymore.”

I nod, “Well, Miss Way, it was a pleasure to help you getting back your… gladius, as you called it. Umm… have a good day!”

I turn around to trot away, only to stop as she trots up beside me, “Wait, Half… would you… would you want to…”

I look over at her, smiling slightly, and most definitely not blushing, “Would I want to… what, Miss Way?”

She glances away, and then looks back over, “Travel together. Like, explore Baltimare, get some caps… you know, just… being pals and doing cool stuff? You don’t have to say yes! I know you probably have other stuff to do, but-“

I smile, and interrupt her, “I don’t currently have anything to do, Miss Way.”

She smiles widely, “Great! I mean, good… yeah, so, umm, you wanna travel Baltimare? Do some bounties and such?”

I nod, “I think I would be very happy to do some traveling and bounty hunting, Miss Way. I need some caps myself… I have some unfinished business to attend to sometime.”

Way nods, “I do too. It’s a long story, really, but let’s just call it some family issues.”

I sigh, and look ahead, “Yeah… call mine that too, Miss Way, it’s accurate.”

She blinks, “Well… so, bounties? What can you fight with, Half?”

I look over at her, reaching down and drawing my knife from my neck sheathe. I show it off a bit, before slipping it back in, “My knife, Miss Way, I am very proficient in it’s use.”

She smiles, “Oh, good, you use melee too! It’s so rare to find anypony that actually knows how to fight without a stupid gun.”

I smile back, “You have to admit, Miss Way, guns are very efficient. They’re just not as elegant.”

She nods, “Or as skill based. Anypony with half a brain can pick up something and pull the trigger, but it takes a lot more to get up close, figure out where to strike, and then strike without getting hit, you know?”

I nod, “I know, Miss Way, I do indeed know. Now, these bounties you mentioned, where are they?”

She blinks, blushing a bit, “I… don’t know.”

Right as soon as she finishes speaking, the Griffon cook begins to speak, “I gotta bounty offer for you.”

I turn to face him, and nod, “We’re interested.”

He grins, “There’s a group of raiders at the nearby Pony Joe’s, and they’ve been stealing all of my radroach supply. You go there, kill all of them, you get fifty caps.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Fifty caps? You are asking us to risk our lives for you, fifty caps is not nearly enough. One hundred caps, and even that is barely worth it.”

He smiles, “One hundred caps? Done.”

I nod, “One hundred, for both of us. After all, we are both risking our lives, it is only fair we both get paid a life-risking amount.”

He grins, glaring at me for a second, then nodding, “Fine, one hundred caps each. But you only get them when you return.”

I smile, and nod, “Of course, sir, have a good day.” I turn, and begin to trot away.

Way trots with me, glancing back, “I think we just got cheated, Half.”

I nod again, “Maybe, Miss Way, but he’s a Griffon. They don’t give up money easily.”

She smiles slightly, “You’re right, I guess. So I guess we’re officially a team?”

I smile back, and nod, “We are a team, Miss Way.”


Footnote: Level Up! (6)

New Companion Perk: Clear Way - While Guiding Way is in the party, all enemies suffer a -5 to DT! In addition, all sharp melee weapons in the party deal additional ‘Bleed’ damage!

Skill Note: Barter (65)