• Published 24th Aug 2021
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Wedding Party - bigbear

With the summer after graduation almost over, everyone’s traveling together to celebrate this auspicious occasion. But who will Twilight marry? Pinkie is expecting a ‘wedding doozie’!

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Chapter 2 - Revelations

Twilight shivered. Her left eye twitched once. She stepped away from the other girls and over to the edge of the lookout. She peered at the gash in the side of the mountain where the rockslide had come from. He felt her panic start to return.


Twilight jumped and her wings sprang into a full display. “Oh, Flash! You startled me.”

“Sorry Twi. Can we talk for a bit?”

Twilight glanced between Flash and the gash on the side of the mountain. “Ok…”

Flash took Twilight's hands in his own. This got Twilight’s attention. They were not a very ‘touchy’ couple.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about us, about our future, and about getting married,” Flash said. “And I had a kind of epiphany.” He glanced over at Sunset and then back to Twilight.

“Spending time with you is great. You’re amazing, and I don't mean because of the wings and powers. I mean you are an amazing person.” Flash hesitated. Gods the next part was hard to say. “I think there might be other people out there who would be better for you. Who could support you in ways that... I‘m not good at.”

Twilight’s hands shook in his own. She felt like an animal that might bolt at any second.

Twilight closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and held it. After a few seconds, she blew it out. Twilight tucked her wings in, opened her eyes, and looked at Flash. “I’m afraid I may have caused the rockslide,” she whispered.

Flash cocked his head, but let Twilight continue. He wasn’t good at this. He wanted to jump in and try to fix things. But for once he just listened.

“I didn’t mean to,” Twilight continued. “I mean I didn't do it on purpose. But I’ve had these doubts. That we were pushing too fast, getting married for the wrong reasons. Like it was just the next box on a checklist to mark off.”

Flash nodded and let Twilight talk.

“I got scared as we all started Senior year at CHS. Having you, and the girls and all my new friends was so wonderful, so different from how I’d lived my life before. We did things together, had adventures, helped people, and made magic. It was... perfect.”

“But when I looked to the future, to the time after graduation, I saw it all falling apart. I knew we wouldn’t end up in college together and we’d ultimately start careers in different places. We’d drift away from each other. And I’d end up at some tech school halfway across the country and be alone again.”

Flash cupped his hands around Twilight’s. Seemed that sometimes listening was a superpower.

“That’s why I reciprocated Timber’s advances, even though I knew he was older,” Twilight said. “And because his interest was flattering. And he was really cute…” Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Not as cute as you! I mean not as handsome as you.”

He flashed his best grin so Twilight knew he was OK.

Twilight reversed her grip and held Flash’s hands in her own. “After the breakup, you were so supportive, so good to me. It was like we went straight to being a comfortable pair and skipped all the drama.”

“But I could tell it wasn’t enough,” Flash said. “That you wanted something more.”

“And gallant knight that you are, you asked and I said yes,” Twilight said. “And once I said yes and you were doing all the wedding planning. I didn’t feel like I could change my mind.”

Twilight looked over at the rockslide. “I think the Midnight Sparkly part of my subconscious decided to put the brakes on. I know it is incredibly late to be saying this, but I think we may be better off as just friends,”

Flash felt relieved and sad all at the same time. It felt like the right choice, but it still hurt.

“So,” Flash said. “We’re not getting married?”

“No, we’re not getting married,” Twilight shook her head.

“Still friends?” Flash asked.

“Always,” Twilight replied. She pulled him into a full-body embrace and surrounded him with her wings to hold him tight. Flash leaned in and hugged her just as fiercely. He buried his face into the great mass of her hair. It smelled of lilacs. They stayed embraced for a long time.

When the two pulled apart, they smiled at each other. “The fact that was our best hug in a while tells me we’re making the right choice,” Twilight said. Flash nodded. There seemed to be something to this listening thing.

They walked arm in arm back to their anxious friends.

“Girls, we have an announcement,” Twilight said. “Flash and I have mutually decided we are not getting married.”

“Not getting married today, or…” Rarity asked.

“Not getting married,” Flash replied. “We’ve agreed we’re better friends than we are life partners.”

The girls rushed forward to embrace and support them both.

Fluttershy held Spike up so he could hug Twilight too. Then she whispered in his ear and let him down. Spike scampered off.

“Yes, we’re both OK with this,” Twilight said from within the group hug. “I mean I was looking forward to getting married today. But we both had doubts and hadn’t told each other. Once we talked, we agreed that staying friends was the right way to go.”

“But I don't get it,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’ve been getting wedding twitches all day. And they’ve grown into a doozy!”

Spike came racing over with something in his mouth and dropped it into Fluttershy’s hand.

“Excuse me,” Fluttershy whispered. She was quiet enough that it took the girls a few moments to understand what was happening. They all retreated from the group hug and gave Fluttershy room to talk.

“This may be the worst possible time, but I’ve got my courage up, so I’m going to say this now.” Fluttershy turned to face Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle, I fell for you the first time you showed me how you carried Spike in your backpack like I carried my animal friends with me,” Fluttershy said. “I was too scared to say anything at first. And later you always seemed to be in a relationship and I never wanted to get in the way of your happiness.”

Fluttershy’s voice got stronger. “But now you’re “on the market” and I’m going to state my case before you go away at the end of summer and I miss my chance.” Fluttershy got down on one knee and held up a small jewelry box. Inside was the Sparkle family wedding ring that Flash had been going to give Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, I love you. Will you marry me?”

Pinkie and AJ gasp. Rarity beamed.

“Fluttershy, this is so sudden!” Twilight said. She reached down, took Fluttershy’s hands, and pulled her to her feet. “And I don’t think you’re supposed to use a wedding ring as an engagement ring…”

Sunset smiled, reached in, and put her hands around Twilight and Fluttershys’. Sunset’s eyes went white. In the blink of an eye, Twilight and Fluttershy relived the hundred times that Fluttershy had been there for Twilight and the hundred times that Twilight had encouraged and helped Fluttershy in return. Sunset stepped back, beaming like Rarity.

Twilight teared up. “I guess it’s not sudden at all.” She smiled through the tears. “Yes, Fluttershy! Yes, I’ll marry you!”

“Today?” Pinkie asked, drawing the word out until it was an entire sentence.

“I’ve always wanted an outdoor wedding,” Fluttershy said. “And this is a lovely spot.”

“But all the wedding dresses were sent ahead to Las Pegasus,” Twilight countered.

“Darling, our costumes are made of magic.” Rarity replied. “I can change them into whatever we need before either of you can say ‘I do’.”

“Who’ll perform the ceremony?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy glanced sideways at Sunset. “One of our best friends is like Harmony’s own angel. That’s good enough for me.”

Twilight’s smile got even bigger. “Sunset, would you do us the honor of performing our wedding ceremony?”

Sunset was taken aback but recovered. “Of course. Any way I can help.”

Pinkie sported a grin that was even bigger than Twilight’s. Her wedding twitches were coming true. “Light ‘er up, ladies!”

Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash all tapped their magical geodes and gathered power in their hands. Then as one, they thrust their hands toward Sunset Shimmer. Beams of magic from every color of the rainbow enveloped and lifted Sunset into the air.

The colors mixed into an explosion of blinding white. Golden magic swirled about Sunset’s feet and hands, then rose up her torso and head. The magic transformed Sunset into an imposing angel, with a horn and two gigantic wings of light. Massive tresses of crimson and gold roiled about her head.

Sunset hovered just off the lookout point with the glorious mountain vista behind her. The sun was falling toward the horizon and backlit Sunset with crimson fire.

“Let’s get this wedding started!” Sunset’s voice rang with power, authority, and love for all assembled. She nodded her head and lit her horn. Pre-wedding music rose from all around them, ringing off the mountain walls, grander than in any cathedral. It was as if an army of organists were harmonizing with a symphony of players with classical and modern instruments.

Rarity gestured and conjured dressing room dividers of ice blue diamonds. “Twilight, Pinkie, meet me in the dressing area. I will be there in a moment.” Pinkie giggled, grabbed Twilight’s arm, and pulled her behind the dividers.

As soon as Twilight was out of sight, Rarity leaned toward Fluttershy. “I have a good idea what Twilight wants to wear. But you and I have talked about so many options. What do you wish to wear on this most auspicious day?”

Fluttershy leaned over and whispered in Rarity’s ear.

Rarity looked surprised but pleased. “A bold choice, my dear.” Rarity waved her hand at Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “And these shall be your attendants?” Fluttershy nodded and Rarity smiled.

“Flash,” Rarity said. “Your tux is in the van. Go put it on, then meet Twilight behind the divider.” She took the box with the wedding ring from Fluttershy and handed it down to Spike. “Find the other ring and safeguard them until the time comes.”

“You can count on me!” Spike said. He grabbed the ring box in his teeth and bounded back to the van to find the other ring.

Flash retreated to the van and climbed inside. He unzipped the tux carrier bag. His was a traditional black tux jacket, vest, and pants, white shirt, and black bow tie. Twilight had wanted the traditional look and Flash could deny her nothing. Even if he wasn’t to play the part of groom today, he would do everything he could to support Twilight.

“I’ve got both rings,” Spike said from the back of the van. His tail was wagging a mile a minute. Ever since gaining the power of speech, Spike had gotten very good at carrying things in his mouth without causing them harm.

Spike looked at Flash in his full tux. “You doing OK there, big guy?”

Flash reached over and gave Spike a scritch behind the ears. “Is it OK if I’m both disappointed and happy? If I miss what might have been but think this will be even better?”

“It’s been like that for me ever since I learned to talk,” Spike replied. “Doing what’s right is harder than doing what’s easy. But it works out way better in the long run.”

Flash and Spike made their way to the glittering dressing divider. The divider was translucent. Rarity’s diamond pattern was tessellated across the surface. Flash could see three silhouettes moving behind the divider.

”Ladies?” Flash inquired.

“I’m coming out!” Pinkie called. She emerged around the divider wearing an amazing pale pink gown. It was tailored to make the most of Pinkie's generous curves.

“You look great, Pinkie!” Flash said.

“You’re looking hot yourself!” Pinkie picked Flash up off the ground and wrapped him in a gigantic hug. While she held him suspended, Pinkie whispered, “It’s going to be a doozie of a wedding, and it wouldn’t have happened without you.” Pinkie gave Flash one final squeeze and dropped him back on his feet.

Rarity came around the screen and Flash gaped. She looked even more amazing than Pinkie. Rarity wore a modern cut pale purple gown that emphasized her classical beauty and sophistication. She’d have wowed the crowd on the red carpet at any event in the world.

“Your gaze is all the appreciation a lady needs,” Rarity said to Flash. “Now go to Twilight. We will all see you both soon.” She looked down. “Spike, here is what you must do…”

As Flash rounded the divider, all sound from the wedding side except the music fell away, likely another aspect of Rarity’s magic.

But Flash’s brain had stopped responding to other stimuli anyway. Because Twilight Sparkle, in a classic white wedding dress that any magical princess would give her crown jewels to wear, was simply the most beautiful woman Flash had ever seen.

The fitted bodice hugged her every curve. It left her firm shoulders bare with room for her wings to fold at her back. A voluminous bell-shaped skirt swirled about her legs. A massive royal train floated behind her, flashes of purple magic making sure it never touched the ground. Yards and yards of Twilight's magical lavender hair flowed behind her as well. It was also supported by magic and hovered above the train.

Twilight nervously pushed her glasses back up with a finger. “Flash?”

Hearing his name broke Flash from his reverie. “Twilight, you are the most amazing woman it has ever been my privilege to know. Fluttershy is the luckiest woman in the world.”

Twilight blushed. “Are you sure, Flash? You look pretty amazing in that tuxedo.”

“I am 100% certain,” Flash replied. “Are you?”

Twilight blushed harder and nodded. They embraced, and neither could remember who’d made the first move. After a moment, they stepped away. Twilight smoothed her skirt and Flash straightened his jacket.

“Flash, I have a favor to ask, and I’ll understand if you say no,” Twilight said. “Would you walk me down the aisle?”

Flash made a short formal bow. “My lady, it would be an honor.” He offered Twilight his left arm and she took it in her right.

They heard the music change. The classic wedding march thundered off the mountains. Everyone at the ceremony could feel it reverberate in their hearts.

Twilight and Flash stepped out from behind the diamond divider. They began their procession toward the assembled wedding party.