• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

  • ...

Episode 4: The Bubbler

The next day we see Marinette in bed with the Mane Six and Spike sleeping in sleeping mats with Rarity hugging Fluttershy thinking she's Spike

"Oh, Spikey-Wikey" Rarity dreamt only for Marinette's Cellphone to ring

Then Rarity and Fluttershy woke up as before looking at each other's muzzles and when they did they noticed themself kissing as they screamed and backed off

"Happy birthday--!" Marinette called out running off the stairs before hitting a mannequin "Ow!" Marinette yelled out

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked

"Happy birthday!" Marinette said landing on the chair and spinning around before opening her computer which showed the opening page full of Adrien pictures which made the Mane Six and Spike look at each other confused as Marinette then started talking "Ah! Happy birthday, Adrien" Marinette said before kissing the screen

Meanwhile in Adrien's bathroom

"Happy birthday, Adrien!" Plagg said flying by with a Camembert which was wrapped in a bow

"Ugh, Plagg! Get that filthy piece of Camembert out of my face!" Adrien suggested while plugging his nose with his fingers

Then Plagg threw the Camembert into the air before having it land in his mouth

Meanwhile in the Dupain-Cheng house we see Marinette and the Mane Six with Spike in the living/kitchen room

"Marinette, don't forget to clean your room after school today" Marinette's mom said

"Mom! It's friday, and I'm already doing something with Alya" Marinette said

"Yeah and some of us also have plans" Spike said

"Well, you know what I'll clean everything at school while you girls go have fun with whatever you're planning" Fluttershy suggested

"That's nice Fluttershy, Anyway, Have a nice day sweeties" Marinette's mom said

"Happy birthday--- I mean, have a nice day!" Marinette said as she closed the door after her friends went through which left Marinette's mom stunned before she smiled as she then drank her cup of coffee

Meanwhile at Adrien's kitchen we saw Adrien sitting in boredom and drinking a cup of coffee

"You're schedule, Adrien" Nathalie said as she gave Adrien his schedule

"Thanks, Nathalie" Adrien said as Nathalie started walking but before she could go any further "Hey, um, my father got back to you about my birthday party?" Adrien asked

"Well, um--- He doesn't think it would be a good idea" Nathalie said

Then Adrien looked back down in sadness

"'Course not" Adrien said in sadness

"Happy birthday, Adrien" Nathalie said walking off

A few hours later at Collège Françoise Dupont we see Nino blowing bubbles with Adrien next to him

"Dude, seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer? You'd think he at least remember what it was like to be young and wanna party a little" Nino asked

"No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then too. Well, at least I tried" Adrien answered

"It's your b-day, dude! Insist!" Nino said wrapping an arm around Adrien's neck

Then the screen went to the other side where Marinette, Alya, The Mane Six and Spike were

"You can do it, you can do it!" Alya encouraged

"I can do it, I can do it!" Marinette said

Then the screen returned to Nino and Adrien

"You know what, I'm gonna have a little convo with your pops" Nino suggested

"Don't waste your time. He's not gonna change his mind" Adrien said sadly

Then Marinette got up but when she noticed Adrien sad she sat back down

"I can't do it, I can't do it!" Marinette said worriedly

"We need a new strategy" Rarity said

"Ah agree" Applejack said

"Uh, no you don't, girl. You've been stalling all morning, the girls told me. Now's the time" Alya said

Then Alya pushed Marinette towards Adrien as Marinette ran all the way with a shocked expression before stopping in front of Adrien and Nino as she then pulled the present behind her back and waved "Um, he--- Hey" Marinette said embarrassingly while waving

"Hey" Adrien greeted in an confused tone

Meanwhile inside the Collège Françoise Dupont we see Chloé Bourgeois and Sabrina Raincomprix talking

"Wait! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" Chloé asked before continuing "Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday?!" Chloé asked angrily

Then Sabrina checked her phone before nervously nodding her head

"Ugh, do I have to do everything myself?" Chloé asked angrily before continuing "Seriously, what are you good for?" Chloé asked angrily before storming towards Adrien

Meanwhile back with Adrien, Nino and Marinette we see Marinette struggling to explain things

"I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make--- I mean, gift you a give I made--- I mean---" Marinette struggled before Chloé pushed her out of the way

"Out of the way" Chloé ordered as she pushed Marinette away "Happy birthday, Adrien!" Chloé said kissing Adrien on the cheek

"Yeah, Thanks Chloé" Adrien said

Just then we see Marinette on the ground

"Dummy" Marinette mumbled

Then Alya, the Mane Six and Spike face slapped

"Did you get the gift I sent you?" Chloé asked

"Uh, no" Adrien answered

"What? Oh, those delivery guys. I bet it was too heavy so they had to go back and get another guy to help. Those slackers" Chloé said dumbfounded before pulling her arms around Adrien "I'll make sure they get it to you by tonight" Chloé said before kissing him on the cheek and when she finished she walked away humming

Then Nino playfully punches Adrien in the chest while chuckling

"Get back there! Don't be a pushover, literally!" Alya suggested

Then Marinette mumbled in defeat

"Oh, come on, pretend someone's falling asleep because of waiting and then you came too late, do that will ya" Applejack suggested

Then Marinette mumbled in defeat again

Back with Chloé she walked towards Sabrina in anger

"What did you get him?" Sabrina asked

"I didn't, you did" Chloé said while angrily pointing at Sabrina "And it better be amazing, and it better not be late!" Chloé yelled out

Then Sabrina scaredly nodded before following Chloé as she shakily tapped onto her pad

Meanwhile back with Marinette, Alya, the Mane Six and Spike

"C'mon, you can do it" Alya said

Then Marinette looked up in strength before standing up but as she was about to go to Adrien an limousine stopped in front of him and Nino

"Gotta go. Photoshoot" Adrien said in sadness

Then Adrien walked towards the limousine before stepping in it and when he did the limousine rode off

"Why can't I just mean what I say?" Marinette asked

"Uh, say what you mean?" Alya asked

"Exactly" Marinette answered sadly

"Looks like I've got some business to take care of with Adrien's old man" Nino said to himself while walking off

"Well should we go?" Applejack asked

"Sure" Twilight said

"While you do that I'll go and clean Marinette's room" Fluttershy suggested

"Don't forget to not check our secret stuff" Rainbow said

"Yeah even my Rarity plushie" Spike said

"You had that all along?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, ever since we came to Ponyville" Spike said

"Nevermind" Twilight waved off

A few hours later our heroes ended up arriving at Adrien's mansion and in front of the gates as Marinette struggled to open the box

"This mailbox won't budge!" Marinette said worriedly

"Ring the doorbell" Pinkie suggested pointing to the doorbell

"How did we not see that?" Applejack asked

"Because the narrator added it just now" Pinkie said

Pinkie let's agree to never talk about me being the narrator

"Sorry miss narrator" Pinkie said

"Who are you talking to Pinkie?" Rarity asked

"The narrator" Pinkie said

"Enough!" Twilight yelled out "I'll just ring the doorbell" Twilight said

Then Twilight rang the doorbell as an camera appeared as Marinette shockily stared at it

"Um, hi. I'm in Adrien's class and I, uh---" Marinetta said before showing the present "Heh, did I already say that? Umm..." Marinette said before looking more nervously "Heh..." Marinette said before grinning

"Put it in the box" Nathalie said as then the mailbox opened

"Uh" Marinette said as she put the present in the mailbox and when she did the mailbox quickly closed

"That was dangerous" Twilight whispered

"Thank you!" Marinette said as then the camera got back which made Marinette excited "Oh! I hope he likes it!" Marinette said excitedly

"You signed the note, right?" Alya asked which made Marinette shocked as then the Mane Six and Alya put their hands on their faces "Ah, girl, girl, girl" Alya said dumbfounded

"Now what?" Rainbow asked in anger

"If we were alone I could've used my magic but I can't" Twilight said before pointing to the cars riding and after that to Alya and Marinette

"Right" Rainbow said "And even I can't fly in and back out since then they will think I'm a thief" Rainbow said

"Ah even can't use mah super strength because if Ah do then the mailbox will break" Applejack said

A few minutes later inside the Agreste home we see Nathalie going back to her work desk with the present Marinette gave and when she did an voice called out

"Who was that, Nathalie?" Gabriel asked

Then Nathalie connects the screen

"A friend from Adrien's. She was delivering a gift for his birthday" Nathalie said

"Did you remember to buy him a present from me?" Gabriel asked

Then Nathalie made an shocked expression

"Uh-Uh, but you didn't ask me to" Nathalie said

"Of course I did!" Gabriel yelled out in anger

"Yes, Mr. Agreste. I-I'll take care of it" Nathalie said

"Good" Gabriel said

Then Nathalie turned the feed off and when she did she looked in worry and fear

"Uh" But just when all hope seemed lost she grabbed Marinette's present and sighs just then the doorbell rang from the pad as she then put it back down and when she did she fixed her hair before turning on the feed

"Yes?" Nathalie asked

"Uh, hi" Nino greeted

When Nathalie brought Nino inside they stood in front of the stairs

"He'll be here in a minute" Nathalie said

Then Gabriel appeared talking

"Adrien's not home yet" Gabriel said

"Uh, I was coming to see you, du-sir" Nino said

"Me?" Gabriel asked

"Yeah, that's right. Look I know that you don't want Adrien to have a party, but it's his birthday. dude-I mean sir. It's all he wants" Nino said

"No" Gabriel said pulling his hand up "That's final" Gabriel said pulling his hand back down

"That's messed up" Nino said as Adrien walks in unknowingly "He never screws up in class, he always does whatever you tell him: Photoshoot, fencing. Chinese, piano---" Nino started before Adrien cut him off

"Nino? You're here" Adrien asked confused

"Anything for my best bud" Nino said to Adrien before continuing his talk "Show some awesomeness, du-I mean sir, please" Nino pleaded

Then Gabriel angrily looked at him as Adrien puts a hand on his shoulder "Forget it, Nino. Really, it's fine" Adrien said

"Listen, young man. I decide what's best for my son. In fact, I've just decided that you're a bad influence and you're not welcome in my house ever again. Leave now!" Gabriel said angrily

"Father, he was just trying to do something cool for me" Adrien said as Gabriel walked off

Then Nathalie stepped in front of Adrien and Nino

"Goodbye" Nathalie said

Then Nino angrily walks off as Adrien ran after him before holding onto his shoulder

"Nino, wait! I'm sorry. My father-- He's pretty stubborn. It's just best to stay out of his way" Adrien said worriedly

"It's not fair, Adrien. Harsh, uncool" Nino said before walking off with crossed arms

"Thanks anyway Nino" Adrien said sadly

After walking for a bit Nino ended up arriving in the park where he sat on a bench angrily while also blowing bubbles until he heard a kid talking

"But daddy, please!" A kid pleaded

"No, it's not playtime. You've got chores to do" The kid's father said

"Ugh. Adults ruin everything all the time" Nino said angrily

Meanwhile in the Agreste's attic we see Hawk Moth standing in the center of the room

"Desperate to help his friend, but feeling powerless. How frustrating! It won't be long before frustration turns to anger!" Hawk Moth said as she puts two hands over one butterfly before it turned into an akuma and when he finished it flew off "Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize him" Hawk Moth said while turning his stick as the akuma flew off

Back in the park Nino continued to blow bubbles with is bubble wand before stopping and just when he did an akuma landed on it as Nino looked strongly through the butterfly glasses to Hawk Moth

""Hawk Moth is my name and Bubbler is now yours. I will help you with these horrid adults and all you have to do in return is help me get something from Ladybug and Cat Noir" Hawk Moth said

"Yes, Hawk Moth" Nino said before standing up and when he stood up he started turning into The Bubbler

He then shoot up into the air before landing on a rooftop

"No more adults means total freedom!" The Bubbler said "This is SOOO sweet! Off the hook!" The Bubbler called out pulling out his bubble sword before flying all over Paris while leaving trails of purple bubbles

That's when a lot of parents either got trapped or started to try and escape the bubbles before getting trapped too

"Help!" A woman in the park yelled out while floating off

"Look out!" A man in the park yelled out before getting trapped too and floating off

And whenever a woman or man got trapped a kid started crying

"Perfect" Hawk Moth said from in his attic

"Adrien must have gotten his gift by now" Marinette said while Marinette's mom opened the window

"Ah agree sugar cube, it couldn't have been skipped off or being tricked by someone else" Applejack said

"What's that you said?" Marinette's mom asked

"Um, I can't wait to go back to School this afternoon, hehe" Marinette lied

Then Marinette's mom started chuckling before five bubbles appeared

"Girls look out!" Twilight yelled out

Then suddenly Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Marinette's mom got trapped by balloons as they flew away into the air

"GIRLS!" Pinkie yelled out

"MOM!" Marinette yelled out "Dad!" Marinette yelled out after seeing her dad also flying off

"You parents! Hawk Moth must've released another akuma" Tikki said

"We've got to find his newest villain ASAP" Marinette suggested

"But before that" Fluttershy said looking at the four Elements of Harmony in the bag "Pinkie you thinking what I'm thinking?" Fluttershy asked

"Yes, we need Background Ponies!" Pinkie said

Then Pinkie and Fluttershy went to their room before transforming into their pony forms and when they did they went to Ponyville

In Ponyville Fluttershy and Pinkie split up

With Pinkie Pie she was running before arriving at Lyra Heartstrings' home

"Lyra I give you the Element of Magic which you must use for the greater good, when the job is complete you must give the Element back to me!" Pinkie said pulling out the Element of Magic

"Why?" Lyra asked

"Twilight and three others got trapped" Pinkie answered

"Alright then, I'm in!" Lyra said before putting on the Element of Harmony crown and when she did she turned into a human with a pink upper part and a darker pink down part of her skirt she also wore dark blue fluffy pants yellow socks and dark pink shoes

"Lyra Heartstrings! Pony up!" Lyra yelled out before getting turned into a pony "This is awesome!" Lyra said

"Come on we need to get one more" Pinkie said

"I'm with you" Lyra said

Meanwhile with Fluttershy she ran to Vinyl Scratch who was just finished with DJing

"Vinyl! I need your help!" Fluttershy called out

"What is it Fluttershy?" Vinyl asked going to Fluttershy

"I know this is weird but I give you the power of Generosity, you must use it for the greater good" Fluttershy said

"Why?" Vinyl asked

"Rarity and three others got trapped" Fluttershy said

"Okay" Vinyl said

"When the job is complete you must bring the Element back to me" Fluttershy said

"On it" Vinyl said before putting the Element on and when she did she turned into a human with a white skirt where her Cutie Mark stood on the right side she also wore purple pants with lightning shooting over it and pink and blue shoes with white laces and underparts "Vinyl Scratch! Pony Up!" Vinyl yelled out before turning into a pony

"You ready?" Fluttershy asked

"I sure am, let's go" Vinyl yelled

"I know one more person to choose" Fluttershy said

Meanwhile Pinkie and Lyra arrived at the mail box office where Derpy just was starting to close it up

"Derpy! We need you!" Lyra yelled out

"What's wrong?" Derpy asked

"Rainbow Dash and three others got trapped so we got this Element of Harmony for you" Pinkie said

"But I don't think I'm good with this" Derpy said

"Don't worry, Derpy I give you the Element of Loyalty, you must use it for the greater good, when you finish, you must bring the Miraculous back to me" Pinkie said showing the Element of Loyalty "Also as an added bonus your clumsiness is the only power that will be erased but you can still throw fake mails to distract the villain

"I'm in Pinkie" Derpy said as she put the Element of Loyalty on and when she did she turned into a human with an blue mail suit with a yellow bowtie, an white belt, an dark green dress white shoes with orange laces and dark green down parts "Derpy Hooves! Pony Up!" Derpy yelled out as she turned back into a pony "Now what?" Derpy asked

"You must follow me as we're going to Paris" Pinkie said

"What's Paris?" Derpy asked

"Don't ask just go" Pinkie said as Derpy ran off and while she did Pinkie quickly put on the warning saying 'Out of Business' before joining Derpy

Meanwhile Fluttershy arrived at Canterlot with Vinyl in her hooves and when she did the two started running towards the music stadium where Octavia just finished with the show

"Octavia! Can you do something for us?" Fluttershy asked

"Sure what is it, you seem in a hurry" Octavia said worriedly

"Applejack and three others got trapped by balloons so we're getting you" Fluttershy said

"What balloons?" Octavia asked

"You'll see, just put in on Tavi" Vinyl said

"But first, Octavia, this is the Element of Honesty, you must use it for the greater good, when the job is complete you must give the Element back to me" Fluttershy said

Then Octavia nodded before putting the Element of Honesty on and when she did she wore an white T-shirt with an pink bow around the neck, an purple sleeveless jacket, an lighter purple skirt with her Cutie Mark on the right side, white long socks and black shoes

"Octavia Melody! Pony Up!" Octavia yelled out before turning back into a pony

"Let's get to Paris now!" Fluttershy yelled out

Back in Paris we see Pinkie, Fluttershy the four Background Ponies and Spike ready for the mission

"We're ready" Derpy said

"Yeah" Pinkie said


(Author's Note: Start on 0:03)

Meanwhile the Bubbler was on one of the rooftops looking at the ground below

"And now, party time" The Bubbler said jumping off and away

Meanwhile on the ground we saw two kids crying with a teenager looking after the two

"Today is your lucky day, little dudes. The adults have taken the day off, so make the most of it. No chores, no homework, no more nagging, just, fun, fun, fun, fun. This is the Bubbler's gift to you" The Bubbler said happily

"Although I like fun things, stealing loved ones isn't!" Pinkie yelled out

"Yeah, dude, not cool, if my parents were to be stolen from me I'd cry my heart out" Vinyl said

"Same here" Octavia said

"Let's be happy that it wasn't Ponyville that got adults gone" Derpy said

"Yeah, as much as I'd like to stay here this is only a one time thing!" Lyra yelled out

"Don't worry, your parents will come back. I'll see to it" Fluttershy said before turning to the teenager next to them "You take care of them in the meantime" Fluttershy suggested

Then the 7 started running off before Derpy flew up, Vinyl teleported Spike, Pinkie, Octavia and Lyra and Ladybug used her yo-yo to fly up into the air

Meanwhile Adrien just finished his lunch in the Agreste home

"Wow. That was a lunch break to remember.. Yay!" Adrien said sarcastically after wiping his mouth after that he walked out into the halls where it was quiet, so quiet someone would think it's too quiet and would think it's suspicious and when he did he stopped "Nathalie? Father?" Adrien called out quietly but no one answered as he then sighed sadly before going out the door and just when he did and closed the door his friends cheered

"Yay! Woo! Happy birthday!" A lot of students called out

Just then an voice appeared from the air where we saw The Bubbler standing on a pink balloon

"Hey, hey, hey, birthday boy. Guess what? Daddy's gone. While the cat's away, the mice will play" The Bubbler said as Adrien only looked shocked at the mascot of the party

"Nino?!" Adrien asked in shock and confusion

"The Bubbler's brought all yo homies for one single-sole purpose, to ce-le-brate" The Bubbler said cheerfully

"YEAH!" Some teenagers yelled out

Then the Bubbler jumped off the balloon before landing behind the DJ Booth

"Come on, everybody, I brought you here to party!" The Bubbler said as the music played but just as it did the teenagers danced in bored expressions which made Adrien run back inside "So dance or you'll join the adults up in the sky!" The Bubbler ordered before laughing as then firework played which turned into bubbles

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair we saw Hawk Moth smiling in victory

"It won't be long before Ladybug and Cat Noir show up to meet their doom!" Hawk Moth said before laughing evilly

Meanwhile back inside Adrien's room we saw Adrien closing the door before looking at his ring

"What's your problem? Relax! You're getting the party you've always wanted" Plagg said from behind Adrien's jacket

"But Nino's being akumatized! I've gotta help him!" Adrien said in worry

"You may never get this chance again! C'mon, let's have a little fun while your father's away! Then we'll save Nino, trap his akuma, and all will be good" Plagg suggested

Then Adrien looked down thinking and when he finished

"Okay, you're right. This might be the first day in my life that I actually get to do what I want for once" Adrien said proudly

Meanwhile the screen showed Ladybug running over the rooftops before stopping as the other 6 arrived near her as they noticed the fireworks

"I think, I may be dizzy" Vinyl said

"Yeah, fireworks are not to be used in daytime but in night time" Octavia said

"Yeah, and secondly animals hate fireworks" Fluttershy said

"There's animals in Paris?!" Lyra asked in shock and loudness

"Yes, but that's not the point, the point is we have to fight the akumatized villain" Pinkie suggested

"I agree, It's us against you, Bubbler" Ladybug said

"Who's Bubbler?" Derpy asked

"The one who's making fireworks" Ladybug said

"Oh right, I forgot

"Let's just go guys!" Vinyl said

Then the background ponies continued to run on the rooftops

"Are you sure it was a good idea to pick Derpy?" Ladybug asked

"Sorry, but there was no other good Pegasus I could find and I picked her because she has mail powers" Pinkie said

"The other three have music powers right?" Fluttershy asked

"Yes indeedly" Pinkie said

"Whatever let's just go stop Bubbler" Ladybug suggested

Then the trio followed the background ponies

Meanwhile at the Agreste home the party was still going with everyone dancing in boredom

"Yeah" Adrien cheered dancing before going to Rose "Hey, nice party, I guess, since it's my first one" Adrien said

Then Rose smiled while pulling her thumbs up before going back to dancing in boredom as then Adrien looked around noticing the others also dancing in boredom as we then saw Chloé and Sabrina at the DJ Booth where Chloé motioned to Sabrina to say something

"I'm requesting a slow dance" Sabrina requested

"It's a bit early for that, isn't it?" The Bubbler asked

Then Chloé ducked Sabrina's face down and went to stand in front of the DJ Booth

"It's for Adrien. His first slow dance" Chloé said before puckering her lips and flickering her eyes

"OH! You know it, girl" The Bubbler said pointing to Chloé before putting on slow music as then everyone started dancing with those who they loved the most

"Is it m, or does everyone seem a bit weird?" Adrien asked as Chloé walked towards him

"Forget about them, let's go dance! C'mon!" Chloé said pulling Adrien away

Just then Ladybug, the Background Ponies, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Spike arrived on the balcony of the Agreste home before they glared at the Bubbler who just switched the plate before going to stare at Adrien and Chloé who were slow dancing as Chloé then tried to kiss Adrien who tried to back his face away in disgust

"There is no way this is happening" Ladybug said before readying her yo-yo

"NO, LADYBUG DON'T!" Pinkie and Fluttershy yelled out before Ladybug started

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yelled out throwing her yo-yo into the air before an disc appeared

"Seriously!" Pinkie yelled out

"And I thought Rarity was a drama queen" Lyra said

Then we saw Rainbow looking in the air with a tingly feeling

"You okay Rainbow?" Rarity asked

"Yep, I'm totally not gonna kick the person or pony who said you were a drama queen in the butt whenever we get back onto the ground" Rainbow said with a forced smile

Meanwhile back at the Agreste home Ladybug catched the disc

"A disc?" Ladybug asked herself

Then Ladybug looked at the DJ Booth which gave her the first clue which was an disc roller, the second clue was an sound turner, and the third clue was an railing before gasping and when she did she threw the disc onto a railing before went onto the sound turner before landing on the disc roller as then the music changed then the Bubbler got back up in anger

"Dude! Who just hijacked my mix?" The Bubbler asked

"Yours truly" Ladybug said

Just then Ladybug's earring beeped

"Better bug out quick before I change back to normal" Ladybug suggested

"Quick get back to the ground!" Fluttershy yelled out

Then the 9 went back onto the ground before Ladybug hid against a wall

"Spots off" Ladybug said before she changed back into Marinette and when she did Tikki flew out of her earring

"Marinette!" Tikki yelled out scratching her head

"It was an emergency" Marinette said

"Yeah, if by emergency, you mean jealousy. You know what happens when you use your Lucky Charm. You only have minutes before--" Tikki started before Marinette continued

"I turn back, I know. But I figured, the Bubbler, he's not going anywhere, we have time to get you some food to get your energy back up. Then, we'll get right back out there. I promise" Ladybug suggested

Then Marinette went inside the party as she then put in the Cookies in her bag

"Next time be more careful" Fluttershy said

"Yeah, that was so Insecure" Pinkie said in anger

"Not like Applejack's any better" Vinyl said

Meanwhile back in the air Applejack had the same tingly feeling too

"Are you alright Applejack?" Twilight asked

"Yep ah sure am, not that Ah'm gonna kick the person who said that" Applejack said

Meanwhile back with the surviving heroes we noticed Marinette still putting cookies in her bag

"I've got to find a place where I can transform, fast" Marinette said

Just then Alya walked by

"Where have you been, girl? I was so scared something had happened to you" Alya asked

"Me too" Marinette said as she and Alya hugged

"Now where's the rest of the gang?" Alya asked

"They're back at my home, they were tired from school and wanted to rest" Marinette said

"Oh okay then" Alya said

"I'm sure Ladybug, Cat Noir and the Mane Six with their additional members will show up in a minute to save us all. They never failed us. Meanwhile, come with me, I've got something for you" Alya motioned

"Girls, you'd best stay here" Fluttershy suggested

"Why?" Vinyl asked

"To protect Adrien and those other teenagers from falling into bubbles" Fluttershy suggested

"We're on it" Derpy said

"Alright and Lyra, don't ask how humans work too much because if you do they'll freak" Fluttershy suggested

"I'll try" Lyra said

"Don't worry we'll keep her in safe hooves, or hands whatever you'd like better" Octavia suggested

"Alright then let's go" Pinkie said

"Uh, there's something I've got to do first" Marinette suggested

"It's about Adrien" Alya whispered

"Okay" Marinette said sadly

"Marinette, girls, the Bubbler" Tikki said urgently

"Okay, okay, in a sec" Marinette said

Then Pinkie, Fluttershy, Marinette and Alya went inside the Agreste home and to Nathalie's work room

"Look! Now you can sign your gift" Alya said

Then Marinette pulled her head out the door before gasping

"Yes!" Marinette called out

"Well, that was a pleasant surprise" Pinkie said

"I agree" Fluttershy said

Meanwhile outside Ivan was not partying as Vinyl noticed it

"Mister! You have to party before he notices you not doing it" Vinyl said

"And why? Am I your slave?" Ivan asked

"No you're not but you don't want to be trapped in a bubble do you?" Vinyl asked

"What bubble?" Ivan asked

Just then the bubbler appeared

"Why aren't you two partying?" Bubbler asked

Then Vinyl Scratch turned around in a shocked expression

"That's none of your business!" Vinyl yelled out

"Then I'm gonna make it my business" The Bubbler said pulling out his bubble sword which shocked both Vinyl and Ivan

"That's enough!" Derpy yelled out

"Derpy, Octavia, distract Bubbler while Vinyl and I will try and let Ivan party" Lyra suggested

"On it!" The other three Background Ponies nodded in agreement

Then the four Background Ponies splitted up to do their things

Meanwhile Marinette just finished writing the note "'Love, Marinette'" Marinette wrote at the end before putting the pen down "There" Marinette said before kissing the post it note and when she finished she put it on the present before kissing the present

"Right, we're good. Spots on, Marinette" Tikki said

"I can't do it now. Alya's here" Marinette whispered too loud

"What'd you say?" Alya asked

"Go ahead! I'll meet you at the yard" Marinette suggested

Then the door closed as Marinette then sighed in relief before Ivan flew up in an green bubble

"Girls!" Fluttershy yelled out in anger

Then Vinyl ran in

"Before you hurt me I want to say I'm sorry for failing you!" Vinyl yelled out before kneeling in fright with the other three Background Ponies following behind

"It's alright girls, you four tried your best at least Lyra didn't ask too much about humans" Fluttershy said

"The Lime unicorn always asked about humans!" Max yelled running through the house

"Lyra!" Fluttershy yelled out

"Oopsies" Lyra said embarrassingly "I was bored" Lyra said

"You were right Marinette, we shouldn't have chosen them" Pinkie said

"Don't worry, it's alright for once, let's go defeat The Bubbler now" Marinette suggested


(Author's Note: Start on 0:03)

"Hey Paris, how are you doing?" Adrien asked as nobody cheered

Then the Bubbler reached for the bubble sword which made the crowd gasp before cheering as then Ladybug, The Background Ponies, Spike, Fluttershy and Pinkie appeared standing on the rooftop

"Ladybug?" Adrien asked in shock

Then Ladybug threw her yo-yo as it hit the power cable unplugged which made the DJ Booth go off before grabbing the yo-yo again

"Sorry, Bubbler, but the party is over" Ladybug said

"Why do you gotta be like that?" The Bubbler asked

"Because 1: You're hypnotizing everyone and two: the fireworks are supposed to be for in nighttime not daytime" Vinyl said

"And three: you want everyone to party so to not get shot into space" Lyra yelled out

Then Adrien ran back inside the house

"You will not bust up my party!" The Bubbler said as then he used his bubble sword to shoot two bubbles towards the heroes who deflect them and when they did Ladybug and the Bubbler shoot at them self before dodging their things at each other which made everyone scatter and when they did Ladybug landed on the DJ Booth and the Bubbler on the food table before the rest of the heroes went to stand near Ladybug

Meanwhile Adrien arrived back in his room

"I think I've been an complete idiot" Adrien said in anger

Bron: Cat Noir Transformation

(Stop at 0:18)

Back at the battle we see Ladybug throwing her yo-yo as the Bubbler threw a bubble towards Ladybug which then kicked the yo-yo towards Ladybug and when it did Cat Noir slapped the yo-yo into the air before landing in a heroic pose

"Looks like I made it just in time" Cat Noir said

"I had it under control" Ladybug said before the yo-yo hit Cat Noir on the head "But thanks" Ladybug thanked

Then a butterfly mask appears in front of the Bubbler's eyes

"Get the Miraculouses and Elements of Harmony. I want those powers, NOW!" Hawk Moth yelled out

Then thee butterfly mask disappears as the Bubbler spun round and round throwing bubbles into the air

"We got this!" Vinyl yelled out as Lyra and Vinyl made a shield as the bubbles tried to get through while Ladybug and Cat Noir used their weapons to dodge the bubbles

and when they finished they made heroic poses

"Great job Vinyl" Octavia said before the Bubbler pointed to the heroes as the Bubbles then spun around them which they didn't notice until now "Spoke too soon" Octavia said

"Hold on maybe I can fly out" Derpy said before flying up but just when he wanted to get out of the spinning bubbles the bubbles closed the top entrance "Dang it, I failed too" Derpy said sadly

"At least you tried" Lyra said

Then some bubbles hit the heroes which got stuck on them as they then struggled to get it off before the Bubbler laughed as the bubbles turned into one giant bubble

"Give me your Miraculouses before you run out of air" The Bubbler suggested

"Dream on, Bubbler" Ladybug taunted

"Total party poopers" The Bubbler said shaking his head with one hand on it before putting his hand down in anger "Just like adults" The Bubbler said angrily

"Kids need adults" Ladybug ordered

"Yeah, they need to have adults to learn things, to eat and drink and of course survive!" Vinyl yelled out

"False! Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. Adults are controlling and bossy" The Bubbler disagreed

"If toddlers don't have adults they'll die!" Derpy yelled out

"Yeah, like being ridden over by a train!" Pinkie yelled out

Uh didn't that happen to one boy in Belgium who had Autism?

"It did?" Pinkie asked

Yep, now continue with the fight

"Who were you talking to Pinkie?" Derpy asked

"The Narrator" Pinkie answered

"Hi Narrator!" Derpy waved


"Whatever let's just continue" Ladybug said

"You must bring the adults back!" Cat Noir ordered

"Nope, never. Know what, since you care so much about these adults, why don't you float with them for a while" The Bubbler ordered before he ran before kicking the balloon into the air which made the heroes scream

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's Lair

"What do you think you're doing Bubbler?! Your supposed to seize their Miraculouses and Elements of Harmonyè" Hawk Moth said angrily

Meanwhile the bubble was still floating towards space

"Use your Cataclysm!" Pinkie suggested

"Couldn't you have said that five hundred feet ago?" Cat Noir asked

"Yes but I just forgot" Pinkie said

"First up let us teleport" Lyra suggested

Then Lyra and Vinyl teleported Pinkie, Fluttershy, Derpy and Octavia away before Cat Noir used his Cataclysm


" Cat Noir yelled out before popping the bubble

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir started falling

"Should we see if you land on your feet this time?" Ladybug asked

"No, thanks!" Cat Noir answered

Then Ladybug notices the Eiffel Tower on her right

"Your stick, there!" Ladybug suggested pointing to the Eiffel Tower

"Got it!" Cat Noir suggested before throwing his stick towards the Eiffel tower which landed on a piece of it

Then Ladybug grabs his hand

"Hang on!" Ladybug suggested before throwing the yo-yo onto Cat Noir's stick before she landed with Cat Noir on the ground with the other 6 heroes teleported after that

"Good thing cats aren't afraid of heights" Cat Noir said

"He's right" Fluttershy said

"Let's just focus on defeating the akumatized villain" Lyra suggested

"We just need to figure out what the weapon is where he was akumatized" Pinkie said

"I think it's the bubble sword" Fluttershy thought

"That's gotta be it" Ladybug said throwing the stick towards Cat Noir who caught it

Then Cat Noir's ring beeped as he looked at it showing four more paw prints

"Better hurry" Cat Noir suggested

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir started running with the others following behind

Meanwhile the Bubbler was looking for the other partygoers

"Where is everybody?" The Bubbler asked looking around before noticing the others near the railing "Get out here and party!" The Bubbler suggested

"Sorry to burst your bubble" A voice called out as the Bubbler looked to the top of the gate where Ladybug, Cat Noir and the others stood

"Ladybug!" Alya pointed out as everyone started cheering

"No one wants to party with you anymore, Bubbler" Ladybug said

"Yeah" Vinyl said "Not even with the too early firework" Vinyl said

"And the ordering" Pinkie said

"What's wrong with all you guys!? Why do you gotta be such haters?!" The Bubbler asked

Then the Bubbler yells before pulling out his bubble sword and trapping the others into bubbles

"NOOO!" The heroes yelled

Then the ones who cheered for Ladybug flew up into the air

"You're gonna pay for this!" Fluttershy yelled out

"Outer space is the next stop for your precious peeps, and they're never coming back!" The Bubbler said in anger before jumping away with the heroes following him

When they got to the rooftop of the Eiffel Tower the Bubbler threw another giant bubble to them which Ladybug, Cat Noir and the heroes dodged

"I got this!" Vinyl said "DJ Power!" Vinyl yelled out before blasting loud sounds to the Bubbler

"Ow! My eardrums!" The Bubbler whined

"How about you take this!" Octavia ordered "Violin skill!" Octavia yelled out blasting the Bubbler off the top before he flew back up with a bubble

"Let's use our powers together!" Derpy suggested

"Okay" Lyra said

Then Lyra and Derpy prepared themselves

"Distraction!" Lyra and Derpy yelled out as mails and human angels flew around the Bubbler

"Am I seeing things?" The Bubbler asked confused

"These things will not hold him still for long, so use your Lucky Charm Ladybug" Lyra said

"Yeah, and also I will have to transform back in a bit" Cat Noir said

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yelled out throwing her yo-yo before an wrench appeared

"Your... plumping skills are gonna help us out?" Derpy asked confused

Then the Bubbler threw those away as they exploded before he threw an bubble towards Cat Noir who dodged it azt the last moment

"Could use a little work!" Cat Noir taunted

"We'll keep the Bubbler distracted so why don't you figure out what to do" Vinyl suggested

"Alright" Ladybug said

Then Lyra ran towards the Bubbler

"Over here!" Lyra yelled out before teleporting to another place "Over here!" Lyra yelled out as the Bubbler threw a bubble which Lyra dodged

Then Ladybug looked around before noticing clue one: a vent, clue two: a vent pipe, clue three: the screw connecting them and clue four: the wrench

"Got it!" Ladybug yelled out before running towards the screw connecting the vent and vent pipe which she then broke apart as it then started moving in the air before she called "Cat Noir, cover me!" Ladybug yelled out as Cat Noir took the pipe "Girls get the Bubbler here!" Ladybug ordered

"On it!" Pinkie suggested

Then Derpy blew out raspberries before flying towards the vent pipe with the Bubbler following with his sword in the air but just when he was about to use it Ladybug catched it with her yo-yo which she then broke as the akuma flew out of it

"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma" Ladybug said, swiping her finger over the middle piece of her yo-yo as it opened up which she then spun around "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug yelled out throwing the yo-yo and when she did it flew back towards her as she grabbed it "Gotcha!" Ladybug said grabbing her yo-yo and just when she did she pressed the middle black button as the yo-yo opened up and the butterfly flew out of it "Bye-bye, little butterfly" Ladybug said before throwing the wrench into the air while calling "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug yelled out as everything got fixed with four of the Mane Six members and Marinette's Mom and Dad returning back to Marinette's home, and every parent got back home

Then the Bubbler moaned while going to his knees before turning back into Nino

"Who?" Nino asked before he saw Ladybug and Cat Noir standing there with the other 6 and Spike "Dude" Nino said

"Pound it!" Ladybug, Cat Noir, Pinkie, Fluttershy and the four Background Ponies called out while pounding their fists or hooves together

"Well, I guess that was it" Lyra said

"Hey, while this is over, can you four meet me and Fluttershy at Marinette's home?" Pinkie asked

"Sure" Derpy said

"One more thing, can we visit Paris anytime?" Lyra asked

"Sure you just gotta ask one of my friends" Fluttershy suggested

"Although we need to add a few rules, right Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked

"Yes" Fluttershy answered

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair

"You can't run forever Ladybug and when I catch you, I will destroy you! I will DESTROY YOU BOTH!" Hawk Moth yelled out evilly

A few hours later in Marinette's room

"Thanks for taking a chance to be heroes in our absence" Twilight said

"No worries girls" Vinyl said

"Oh one more thing" Rainbow said before she and Applejack appeared

"Uh oh" Lyra said

Then Applejack and Rainbow kicked both Vinyl and Lyra in the butt

"That's what ya get for calling me stubborn" Applejack said

"And for calling Rarity a drama queen even though it's my thing" Rainbow said

"That's why you two were so suspicious" Rarity said

"Sorry, we'll not say that again" Lyra said

"Yeah, I agree" Vinyl said

"It's alright" Rainbow said

Then the four pulled out their earned Element and gave it to Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity

"If you want you four can always come to Paris again someday" Twilight said

"Yeah" Lyra said

"And just so you know we will fight the akumatized villains again if you want to" Vinyl suggested

"Okay, and whenever I have time I'll make extra Elements of Harmony for you" Twilight said

"Yay!" Vinyl cheered

The next day at the Agreste home inside the workroom we see Nathalie typing on her computer before Gabriel called her through the intercom

"Nathalie? Did my son like his gift?" Gabriel asked strictly

"Actually, I was gonna check right away sir" Nathalie said

"Good" Gabriel said as the intercom turned off

Then Nathalie gasped before she looked to both for whatever a good gift was before she saw Marinette's gift where the note was which she grabbed before sighing and when she did she sighed before noticing the crumbled note as she crumbled it before throwing it in the trash

Meanwhile in the Agreste Dining Room Adrien was eating before Nathalie walked in

"A birthday gift, from your father" Nathalie said

"Thank you" Adrien said as Nathalie walked off before Adrien stopped her "I mean, please say thank you to my father for me" Adrien suggested

A hour later back at School we see Chloé staring angrily at Sabrina

"What do you mean not for a week?!" Chloé asked angrily

"There were no adults yesterday to deliver it" Sabrina said scaredly

"So what? Ridiculous, Utterly ridiculous!" Chloé said angrily before walking in the school

"She sure is a brat, right girls?" Rarity asked

Then The Mane Six, the four Background Ponies, Marinette, Alya and Spike nodded their heads before laughing

"Serves Chloé right" Alya said laughing

Then the limousine arrived with Adrien in it as Adrien stepped out of it

"Hey girls" Adrien greeted while stepping out of the car

"Hey, that's my scarf! He's wearing my scarf" Marinette said

"So Ah guess it did work" Applejack said

"Hey, dude" Adrien said fist bumping Nino before noticing the other heroes looking at him

"Yo, nice scarf, Adrien. Off the chain" Alya said

"I agree, who gave you that such thing" Rarity said before giving a wink to Marinette

"Yeah, can you believe my dad got this for me?" Adrien said which made Rarity fell unconscious and the rest except Alya drop their jaws all the way to the ground

"He's so awesome. He's been giving me the same lame pen for three years in a row" Adrien said

"Wow, I guess anyone can change. Adults can be cool when you least expect it" Nino shrugged

"Speaking of adults, I know my dad said you were a bad Influence, but---" Adrien started before being cut off by Nino

"We're good, Adrien, don't sweat it. We're buds. Always and forever" Nino said

"You gotta tell him you were the one who knitted that scarf" Alya suggested to Marinette

"Good idea let's do it" Twilight said before walking off but before she could go onto the stairs Marinette stopped her

"No, don't. He seems so happy about his dad. I don't want to spoil it for him" Marinette suggested

Then the others touched their chests where their hearts are before hugging Marinette tightly

"You're amazing, girl. You know that, right?" Alya said

"And someday Adrien will figure it out too. Promise" Twilight said

"Whatever happens we'll do it together so let's do it like Ladybug, Cat Noir, The Mane Six, Spike and the Background Ponies do" Fluttershy suggested

"Pound it!" The others called before laughing

Then the school bell rang as the heroes and a few others went to class

Author's Note:

Well that was a long story now I've got a challenge for you, you need to figure out what references I've hidden in the story there's more than 1 and if you find those out you may say it in the Trivia, Errors and more of it now then I wish you all luck