• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 3,855 Views, 650 Comments

Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Caleb woke to a pressing need to empty his bladder. As the events of the previous evening slowly trickled back into his brain, the sheer amount of coffee he had consumed was obviously the culprit. However, he wondered why he hadn’t used the toilet before going to bed. Then he realized that he couldn’t recall going up to his room, let alone preparing to sleep. Solving that puzzle would have to wait though. He began to extricate himself from the covers when he felt something pull him back.

“No-o-o… don’t go-o-o,” murmured a sleepy but familiar voice.

Suddenly, Caleb was wide awake and he glanced over his shoulder to see Willow beside him, one foreleg draped over his torso and a relaxed smile on her face. The mare had been asleep until his movement prompted her to pull him back into the comfortable snuggle. And when an earth pony wanted to hold you in place, you knew it!

“What the hell? What are you doing in bed with me, Willow?”

The earth pony’s eyes opened and focused on the human. “Hmmm? Oh. Good morning, Caleb.”

“Don’t ‘good morning’ me – why are you here in bed again?”

“Dunno. Last I remember was Princess Twilight droning on about… something. Nice place to wake up though.”

The events of the previous night came back and Caleb figured he’d passed out there too. “That doesn’t explain why we’re both here in bed together now.” He sat up and realized something else. “And I’m naked again! What’s with you ponies wanting to strip me nude all the time?!” He grabbed a pillow to cover himself as he stood up and headed for the bathroom. The answers could wait – his bladder could not.

“Why would you want to wear clothes to bed?” Willow retorted before he closed the door behind him.

As Caleb relieved himself, he considered her question. Frankly, he didn’t have a good answer. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t slept nude on hot nights, but that was by himself. And that did not even include the times he’d had sex with girlfriends. But it was a whole different scenario waking up to a pony whom he’d known for just a couple of days. The strange thing was that she seemed to think that there was nothing unusual about it. She had smiled when she greeted him this morning. Were all ponies like her or was she some weirdo with a kink for sleeping with other species?

Caleb decided that he needed to have a shower. Upon exiting to dry off, he saw his clothes piled neatly on the vanity. Willow must have brought them in without him noticing. That left him more confused. She considered clothes to be unnecessary but she had been thoughtful enough of his preferences to bring them to him. He sighed. He was never going to figure out females, even if they were another species.

When he emerged from the bathroom, He found Willow brushing her mane in front of the mirror. “The bathroom’s yours now,” he told her.

“Thanks,” she replied with a bright smile before heading there.

Caleb chose to put aside the incident. Willow seemed happier and more cheerful than ever and he was being the grouch about it. She had told him that ponies were very social creatures, so it wasn’t as if he hadn’t been warned. Besides, if they had both fallen asleep on the sofa last night, then it was fairly obvious who was responsible for bedding them both. He wondered how Twilight had taken off his clothes without waking him though. Then he groaned. Another mare had seen him fully naked. Who was next? Prince Mark’s wives? Maybe he should start selling tickets – Come see the amazing human! Watch as he puts on clothes for your titillation! Gaze in amazement as no mare allows him to undress himself!

The return of Willow dragged his thoughts away from that silliness. “Not taking a shower?” he asked.

“Nah, I’m okay. I’m hungry though. Let’s get us some breakfast.”

The man had to agree and they were soon on their way to the dining room.

To Caleb’s surprise, he found Vectrix there. The changeling grinned and said, “Good morning. I was wondering when you two would show up.”

“No alarm clock, so I slept until nature called,” the man replied as he seated himself at the table.

“Fair enough. You’re not on any schedule yet, although that might change once you sign that contract.”

“Where’s Twilight and Spike?”

“Princess Twilight has Day Court duties this morning, and Spike left to open the library.”

As Willow sat beside the human, she said, “I suppose that you’re here to bring Caleb to Prince Mark?”

“Yep, although I’ll still be helping both of you for the foreseeable future.”

The conversation paused while a maid came over to get the breakfast orders from the two. When that was done, Willow resumed her chat.

“What I want to know is why you in particular? You told me a lot about your task yesterday but why couldn’t that have been done by a pony, for example?”

“Changelings have resources that other species don’t. Besides, he already has you. As for why me in particular, you saw some of it yesterday, but it’s mainly because I’m not bonded.”

“What do you mean by that?” Caleb asked with a frown.

“Many of my generation of changelings of the Canterlot Hive form bonds with other species – ponies in particular. You will find quite a few of them paired with Royal Guards, for example, and several of the palace staff members have changeling partners. However, those drones are focused on the wellbeing of the one with whom they’ve bonded, whereas I’m open to the needs of others – in this case, you.”

“You want to bond with him,” Willow accused.

“A bond can’t be forced,” Vectrix retorted. “Queen Chrysalis chose me for the job because she determined that I was the best fit for the task, and that means that Caleb and I have the potential to form a bond. I can’t say that I am averse to that, but don’t make it sound like a conspiracy. We changelings have been doing this kind of thing for years with the approval of the Triarchy. Shards! Even one of Prince Mark’s daughters has a bonded partner. They’re inseparable. If it happens to us, I’d be delighted because it has benefits for both parties.”

Caleb said, “Yeah, I’ve seen what Lacewing and Allura can do. You and I are going to have a long talk about those supposed benefits later. Right now, the food’s here and I’m hungry.”

The man took his time because he didn’t have an appointment to keep and Vectrix didn’t try to hurry him. So it was about half an hour later before the three headed to Canterlot.

Chrysalis was not in the outer office this time, but the yellow earth pony secretary stationed there told Caleb to knock on the Prince’s door and go right in as he was expected. Mark looked up from the paperwork he was working on and put it aside upon recognizing Caleb. The alicorn got up from his chair to meet the human with a raised hoof which the man shook.

“I’m guessing that you’re happy with the contract?” Mark asked as he resumed his seat.

“Pretty much,” Caleb replied as he sat in a chair that suited his proportions that had been thoughtfully provided. He pulled the contract out of his bag and set it on the table. “Just a couple of questions before I sign on the dotted line.”

“Let’s get those out of the way then. Shoot.”

“When do you expect me to start?”

“Immediately, if you’re up to it. I’ll understand if you want to take a few more days to adjust though.”

“I’d rather stay busy to keep from losing my mind. However, I’d like to review my responsibilities and hours after I’ve had the opportunity to assess the job.”

Mark nodded. “I’m not going to quibble over little details, Caleb. It’s not as if we’ve got several other welding experts waiting in the wings. You represent quite a windfall for us, so while we do have backup plans, you’re easily our best option.”

“Nice to be appreciated,” Caleb said with a grin. He shuffled to a page about halfway through the contract and pointed with his finger. “Anyway, what does the section about assisting me to find suitable accommodation entail?”

“While the Crown has been happy to house and feed you these past few days, that won’t be a permanent situation. As you will be earning a substantial salary, you will be expected to find a place to live in Ponyville where the trade school will be built. I suggest that you ask Willow and Vectrix about your options, but if you require a deposit for that purpose, we will give you an interest-free loan to cover you.”

The man nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, I get it – Twilight Sparkle doesn't run a hotel. I’ll look into changing my accommodations soon.”

“That’s not to say that you won’t be welcome to visit regularly. Phil and I wouldn’t mind another player for poker night,” Mark said with a chuckle.

Caleb grinned. “As long as you don’t mind losing. At least I’ll be able to pay off that loan quickly.”

“Don’t count your bits too soon,” Mark retorted. “Anyway, anything else?”

“I’m not clear on what my responsibilities extend to.”

“Because you’ll be running a school, albeit for teaching a trade, you will come under the authority of the Equestrian Board of Education. You will be supplied with an extract of the regulations pertaining to your school. As long as you comply with those rules, you are pretty much in control of every aspect of the job, including the staff that you will need to help run it. I will point out though that, as the school is sponsored by the Crown, the Triarchy is the ultimate boss. However, we’re very hooves-off, so unless you screw up badly, you won’t see us sticking our muzzles into your business.”

“I can live with that. Looks like I have a bit of studying to do. Anyway, next item…”

The human and the alicorn discussed the fine details of a few more points. Once those were sorted out, Mark had his secretary type up the amended pages of the contract and Caleb signed it.

Mark got out from behind his desk. “Seeing as you want to get straight into work, let’s go down to the workshop that you will be using until the new facility is completed.”

“Whoa!” Caleb said. “I need my protective gear first, and while I don’t mind walking around in bare feet most of the time, I certainly won’t do so in a workshop!”

The alicorn grinned and opened a cupboard, revealing a few boxes stacked within. He levitated the one on top and passed it to the man. “Firstly, the anthro-world’s Rarity completed the work clothes. They may not look as durable as leather, but she imbued them with toughness and heat resistance enchantments. There are two sets in there for starters and we can order more as necessary now that she has your measurements.”

Caleb opened the box to reveal neatly folded garments made from some sort of sturdy material… in fashionable pink with baby blue trim. ‘Oh well, I suppose that counts as hi-vis. At least I bet it’s comfortable.’ He looked back to the prince. “Rarity doesn’t make work boots though.”

“What’s your size?”

“Nine and a half.”

Mark peered at the remaining boxes and then pulled one of them out. “Here you go. I hope you find them satisfactory.”

Caleb opened the box to find a high-quality pair of steel-capped lace-up boots with zip sides. “How…?”

“Easy. I told you that I’m in business with Phil over on Earth. His company supplies PPE to the employees. I asked him to give me one each of several sizes which I was sure would fall in your range.” He levitated over another small package. “And those are a dozen pairs of work socks to go with them.”

The man chuckled. “You’re keen to get me started, aren’t you?”

Mark shrugged. “We’ve been putting everything together that we would need for a while now. Finding a suitable teacher was our only stumbling block. We’ve been trying to decide on a safe way to recruit humans without giving away the secret of the portal to Equus.”

“Fair enough. Give me a moment to change and we can head off to the workshop.”

“You can change right here. We’ll wait for you outside.”

Willow said, “I’m curious to see how you put on those clothes.”

Mark’s horn lit up and he started chivying her out the door. “Nope. Let the man dress in private.”

“Thanks, Mark.”

The alicorn gave him a knowing wink. “No problem. And call me ‘Boss’ now that you’re on the clock.”

Caleb chuckled. “Yes, boss.”

The man emerged from the office a couple of minutes later, his normal clothes bundled under his arm. As he had expected, the workwear was ridiculously comfortable. If he didn’t know better, Caleb would have sworn the pants, shirt, and long-sleeved jacket were made of silk. Time would tell if it was as durable as it needed to be. No gloves, eye protection, or face shields were included. Caleb made a note to himself to check for these at the workshop. He was also glad that Mark’s office did not have a mirror. Caleb was pretty sure that pink just wasn’t his color.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Willow looked him over as they walked and she smiled in satisfaction. “You’re certainly dressed to impress. Your students will know that they have a real professional teaching them.”

Caleb wondered what pony workwear looked like if this impressed the construction worker mare.

Mark took them through a different portal to Ponyville this time, and they emerged inside a medium-size workshop. While various types of equipment were set up there, Caleb could see that it was mostly old-fashioned. Some of it was hand-operated, or hoof-operated more accurately. Some were belt-driven, perhaps from a steam engine. However, there were also some very modern electrically powered devices. They looked incongruous beside the older equipment. Several other items were still in crates or on pallets.

The alicorn said, “We’re in the process of modernizing this workshop. It’s the second one we’ve done – the first is currently in full production mode manufacturing goods bound for Earth. I think you’ll find these facilities adequate for your needs though. While some of this equipment is very basic, the welding equipment is all up-to-date. For example,” he moved over to an open crate, “in here we have a Tweco brand 400 Amp MIG welder. The actual torch has been removed to modify the handle for operation by hooves. As you may imagine, that’s a little tricky if you’re not a unicorn.”

“I had been wondering about that,” Caleb admitted. “Another thing that I’d like to know is how you get all this stuff through the mirror in your friend’s house. Do you have another portal to Earth?”

“Yep. Aside from needing a backup in case something goes wrong with the house portal, we needed something big enough to fit a small forklift and standard-size pallet. We have that set up in the other workshop and it leads to a secure warehouse on Earth. Finished goods are taken there while no humans are present, and a shutter closes access to the portal before the other door can open for the goods to be taken away. Of course, we bring in equipment and supplies the same way.”

“It’s a top-secret operation, I guess. Ever had anyone try to smuggle themselves in to discover your special techniques?”

Mark smirked. “As a matter of fact, yes. One enterprising employee of a rival company packed himself in a crate that was put with some others bound for Equus. He didn’t count on one thing though. Remember that adaptation spell on Phil’s mirror?”

Caleb nodded. “Yeah. You have one on the big portal too?”

“Only in the Equus direction unless we turn on the Earth direction deliberately. Anyway, he ended up as a batpony and freaked out. His fight-or-flight response instinctively activated his flight magic. After smashing into the ceiling and all four walls, our security guards finally got him pinned to the ground, fortunately before he hurt himself too badly. He’s currently working off his sentence laboring in a factory. Twilight enchanted a band around his neck that prevents him from approaching any dimensional portal.”

“I suppose you couldn’t just extradite him home. How long is he stuck here?”

“Six years altogether.” At Caleb’s surprised expression, Mark explained, “He got five for illegal immigration, criminal trespass, and espionage. He got an extra year for insulting the Triarchy.”

Caleb gave him a flat look. “I didn’t take you for being that thin-skinned.”

Mark shook his head. “It wasn’t me; he called Trixie a horse.”

The man heard Willow gasp without understanding why. “Well, that’s not far off from a pony, is it?”

“Put a ‘W’ in front of the way you normally spell the word.”

Caleb did so and it clicked. “Ooh, I see. And your wife didn’t make allowances for his ignorance, did she?”

“Not when a convicted criminal uses one of the worst insults, no. He actually got off easy. I had to talk Trixie down from ten years.”

“I’m surprised that he didn’t demand to be sent back to Earth.”

“He did. There’s no extradition treaty between our worlds and no laws compelling us to accede to his demands,” Mark replied with a smile.

“What happens when his sentence is up?”

Mark’s smile grew into a wide grin. “There’s also nothing to compel us to change him back to a human. We’ll see whether he’ll want to go back to Earth while stuck permanently as a thestral. There’s also the matter of his pegasus marefriend.”

The man pursed his lips. “Let me guess. Flight instructor?”

“Nope. Combination minder and hoof-to-hoof combat teacher. They both have very… ah… passionate personalities and hit it off immediately.”

Caleb smirked. “You mean literally?”

“Among other ways. As long as both are willing to pay for their own medical care from their shenanigans, I’m not going to stop them from spraining each other’s limbs.” Mark frowned. “So far, the collateral damage hasn’t involved anypony else, and that arrangement saved me from having to take more drastic measures.”

Caleb realized then that, despite the alicorn’s easygoing nature, he wasn’t to be trifled with. He decided to change the subject. “So, can I start setting up everything?”

“This facility is yours to do with as you see fit. You’re the manager as well as the teacher. You’re only answerable to the Triarchy, thus me as this is my special project. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to your workshop assistants. While they will be under your command, I hope you will respect their opinions and local experience.”

“Don’t worry about that, boss. I’m still feeling my way around here. I sure won’t mind listening to anyone who would stop me making any stupid blunders like calling someone a horse.”

“Great! Well, I’ll let you get to it. You’re invited to have dinner with us this evening, by the way.”

“I’ll see you then. Have a great day, sir.” Caleb turned to Willow. “Want to help me uncrate all this stuff?”

Willow grinned. “I was feeling the need to get a bit of exercise. What do you want first?”

Caleb had to admit that they had not stinted on either the equipment or the requisite ancillary tools and gear. The electrical wall plugs were new – an American brand that he recognized. The switchboard and circuit breakers were also new and well-labeled. The pallets included a comprehensive supply of welding consumables such as arc welding rods of various grades, welding wire for mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum, plus the various gases used for each type. Heavy aprons designed for protecting ponies and other species from weld spatter were not made from leather, but some kind of special material that escaped his ability to identify. Vectrix informed him that it was a magically enhanced cloth imbued with changeling resin. Caleb promised himself to test it before trusting his or anyone else’s safety to it. There were gauntlets designed to cover hooves, talons, and what he guessed had to be huge hands. Willow reckoned that they suited minotaurs or diamond dogs. Lastly, protective eyewear including modern welding helmets with self-darkening lenses.

The man set about placing and assembling every welding unit. He was a little cramped for room but that would only be an issue until the new dedicated school was completed. Willow helped him move the heavy equipment. She continued to amaze him by how much she could lift with ease. The one time he tried to warn her to not overstrain herself, she merely rolled her eyes and said, “Save it for the really heavy stuff. I can lift this crap all day!” Unable to contradict her, he let the mare do her thing uninterrupted.

Vectrix helped with the fiddly details. After Caleb taught him how to follow the assembly instructions, the changeling acted as another set of hands for the man. Vectrix faithfully helped Caleb construct every unit, picking up on everything that the man taught him immediately, even comprehending some things that Caleb hadn’t felt the need to teach him yet. Their teamwork progressed to the point that they didn’t need to speak to work their way through any task. Vectrix also fetched drinks and snacks when the man showed no sign of slowing down for lunch despite some hunger pangs.

Once everything was set up to Caleb’s satisfaction, he then started doing test runs at each station. Where a MIG unit was missing its torch, he moved one from a previously tested machine. Willow donned protective gear and followed Caleb’s every move, occasionally asking him questions.

Vectrix looked at the clock and frowned. “Caleb – we’re going to be late for dinner with Prince Mark.”

“Just a few more machines to test yet,” the man responded.

“They can wait until tomorrow!”

“No point in leaving it until then if we’re going to get anything productive done with the new assistants tomorrow. Willow, bring me two pieces of stainless, please.”

The mare lifted her welding helmet. “A couple bars of two-inch 316 good?”

“Yep, that will be fine.”

The changeling sighed and shook his head. It was obvious even to a non-empath that Caleb was obsessing over his work. He knew the man was trying to keep his mind off being stranded in this world, but he was going too far. He could taste the single-mindedness that was driving him, and Willow’s willingness to go along with everything the human wanted was only reinforcing it. While the mare’s influence was usually a moderating factor in Caleb’s emotional state, right now, it seemed to be backfiring.

“Please, Caleb – we are all expected for dinner at the castle.”

“Nobody’s stopping you, Vectrix,” the man replied, slightly muffled by the welding shield he lowered just then before beginning yet another test weld.

The changeling felt helpless. He couldn’t persuade Caleb to stop, nor could he abuse his abilities to force the man. With nothing left for him to do, Vectrix could only sit and wait. It was about an hour later when he heard the hum of approaching wings, a sound with which he was very familiar. Moments later, Iron Mare appeared and landed in front of him. There was a flare of magical green flame and the new arrival had split into the unicorn and changeling partners, Allura and Lacewing.

“What’s going on, Vex?” Allura asked. “Caleb and Willow were supposed to be back in Canterlot ages ago. Dad held up dinner for a while until he decided you weren’t coming.”

As usual, Lacewing finished the thought. “He sent us to find out if there was a problem.”

Vectrix gestured helplessly in the human’s direction. “He won’t stop. He has focused on his work to the point of mania. I recognized it too late to ameliorate it. If I tried now, he might collapse from the sudden withdrawal… or lose his temper.”

“Dad would be pissed off with you if you tried that,” agreed Lacewing.

“Aren’t they hungry by now?” the unicorn asked.

Lacewing said, “I can tell that Willow is at least.”

“Caleb is too, but he’s blocked the sensation,” Vectrix added.

“I know what we can do,” Allura said with a smirk.

Vectrix caught the whiff of deviousness. “What’s that?”

“If he won’t come to dinner, it’ll have to come to him.”

“I brought him snacks earlier and they barely slowed him down.”

“That’s because you didn’t do it right. Wait here – Lacy and I need to fetch our secret weapon.”

A moment later, the two were united as one again and they flew away, leaving their brother sorely puzzled.

It was about half an hour later when they returned with a large soup tureen. The duo placed it on the bench in front of Caleb and lifted the lid. The room almost instantly filled with the delicious aroma of its contents. The man stopped what he was doing and took off his welding helmet.

“What’s that smell?” he asked.

“Only the best vegetable stew in the world made by the Royal Chef. Want to try some?”

“Yeah, I’m feeling quite peckish.”

“Great!” The pair separated again, revealing that they had been carrying bowls, spoons, plus a ladle. Allura started doling out the contents into the bowls and Caleb sat down and hungrily tore into his, soon followed by an equally ravenous Willow. Vectrix hadn’t worked as hard as the other two, and he had gotten emotional sustenance from both, so his need for solid food was much less than theirs. Nevertheless, he gratefully savored his share. The other two started on their second helping before he finished his first. The earth pony followed the man’s lead and tore off pieces of a baguette before dipping it in the thick stew. Willow and Caleb happily chatted about their cultures’ dining customs while scarcely slowing down their food intake.

Vectrix drew his sisters away and asked, “How did you know that would work?”

Allura grinned. “The sense of smell is a very powerful thing, at least for non-changelings. It can evoke memories or feelings, and it can remind someone that they are very hungry. I asked the chef for something hearty with a strong mouthwatering aroma. That’s the result.”

“Can’t argue with success,” her brother agreed.

The changeling put aside his bowl and watched his charges. He waited patiently while they got stuck into a third bowl. Eventually, Caleb leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh.

“That was delicious. My compliments to the chef.”

“Would you like some tea to wash that down?” Allura asked.

“Got any coffee?”

“Sorry, just green tea. It’s very nice.”

“Okay, that’ll do.”

“What about you, Willow?”

“Yes, please,” she replied wearily.

“You sound tired,” Allura said as she poured the tea into mugs.

“Comes from trying to stop Caleb from doing too much of what should be a mare’s job.”

The man frowned at her. “You and I are going to have a chat about what constitutes whose job.”

Vectrix said, “I think you’re both going to have to come to terms with the other species’ concepts of who should do which work. Right now, just drink your tea, please.”

“Yeah, okay,” Caleb agreed. “I still want to get those last two machines tested.”

The scalding hot tea slowed his consumption though. By the time he finished it, his eyelids were drooping. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Willow blinked and smiled. “A nap would be good.” And then she lay her head down.

Allura giggled. “Right on cue!”

Vectrix looked at her curiously. “Did you put a sleeping potion in that stew? I’m not feeling it if you did.”

“Nah, it’s just food torpor. After Lacy and I have had a hard day, dinner tends to do the same to us, or at least mostly to me.”

“But our bond makes it affect me anyway,” Lacewing said.

Allura nodded. “Anyway, I figured it would do the same for Caleb. So now he’s fed and no longer obsessing.”

“Great. Now what?” asked Vectrix.

The unicorn blinked. “Umm… normally Lacy and I would go to bed before we got too sleepy.”

“I don’t want to wake Caleb up to do that in case he gets his second wind.”

Lacewing asked, “What did they do last night?”

Her brother frowned. “Spike told me that Princess Twilight put them to bed after they fell asleep during her lecture.”

“She did that without waking them? Sounds like a plan to me,” Allura said.

Vectrix nodded. “I’ll go see the Princess. You watch Caleb and Willow until we get back.” He hurriedly took off to Friendship Castle.

Twilight pouted at the sleeping human. “I was going to run tests on him this evening. Now I suppose I’m going to have to put them off again.” She sighed. “Oh well, an early night means more time for experiments tomorrow. Let’s get them to bed.” Her horn lit up.

A strong beam of sunlight came through the window whose curtains had not been drawn. It hit Caleb in the eyes, waking him up. He grumbled and turned over, away from the offending glare, only to behold the silver-grey face of Willow. She gave him a dreamy smile and said, "Good morning!"

"Oh, for fuck's sake, not again!"

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Author's Note:

I keep meaning to write shorter chapters so that I can get them out quicker. Instead, here's another five thousand words! Would you care to send me a tip?

Art by Foxenawolf.