• Member Since 8th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 15th, 2015

Thithle Candytufth


Twilight Sparkle awakens in Canterlot, to her confusion, and finds no means of contacting her friends back in Ponyville. Perplexed, she seeks out the Princess for advice, but finds herself finding more questions than answers. What starts as a simple issue of waking up in the wrong bed becomes...

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 235 )

I'll keep an eye on this.


An original concept is hard to come upon in this fandom, simply because there are so many of us here, but I've never seen anything like this before. It's beautiful. Both the idea and the execution. The characterization of Twilight and Celestia--amazing. Honestly, I have no idea where you're going to go with this, but I can't wait to find out.

This is rather confusing... What happened with Nightmare Moon? Did Celestia banish her or turn her back into Luna? Or am I missing something else?
I have to admit, this is interesting though. Gonna fav this, just to see where this will be going.

1243127 Aww, thanks so much! I'm not quite sure where I'm going with it, but it's going to be interesting, I assure you. :twilightsheepish:

1243133 Celestia stated Luna is back to normal. Instead of just Celestia banishing her to the moon as it was in the series, it was Celestia and the rest of the Mane 6, sans Twilight who wouldn't be alive for 900 or so years. Celestia alluded to a new group of carriers of the Elements of Harmony, who turned Nightmare Moon into Luna again.

That was amazing. The tension between Celestia and Twilight was there, you could almost see it right in front of you. One question that wasn't answered was why is she white?

This plot intrigues me. Tracked and liked. Can't wait for more.

1243359 Thanks! The reason she was confused at the stained glass window was because it was a depiction of Celestia with the rest of the Mane 6, not Twilight.

Some amazing potential here. I'm going to have to stick around for more.

1243503 Oh. Well, now I feel silly. I thought she was referring to her own coat.

I guess the big question now is How much of what we know of Twilight is Twilight and how much is Celestia?
Celestia and the main 6 (minus Twilight) banished Nightmare Moon/Luna. Who reformed / healed Luna?The new bearers of course but was Twilight one of them?
poor Twily is going to have one heck of a time separating her life / memories from Celestia's. :fluttercry:

1244187 Thanks for reading. You'll have to wait for next chapter, my friend. :trollestia:

He must have slept her last night
her? I think that was supposed to be here.
Good job on the story :D

1244807 Fixed, thank you for noticing. Thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:

Well, that was extremely mind screw-y.

Mental note: Do not get on Luna's bad side.

This is almost fearfully intense. Apparently I was wise to fave this early. :twilightblush:

bitchlestia, I wonfer how it ould play out ifthis stunt came to light. Twi could have explained to sa the whole deal.

Twilight's library (assuming it still exists after a thousand years) will be freaking Huge! :twilightsmile:

1269470 Haha, you'll see soon, my friend. I did... things.

Oh, a beautifully dark story. I've actually been looking for one. Make it good.

I wonder where you're going with this, it's intriguing. Celestia is really a heartless bitch though, not caring about Twilight in the slightest.

What story did she told her parents and SA? How long has she been asleep?

1272877 She tried to explain it to SA in chapter 2 but it all turned to gibberish and she gave up.

“She’s a lie! I don’t even know if you’re not a lie! It’s all this twisted convoluted crazy weird nonsense I don’t even know if I’m still trapped in a fantasy I don’t know where anything began or ended or—”

I’ll never get him to understand. I’ll never get anypony to understand.

Sorry if that whole exchange wasn't really clear. It went by suddenly because I write Twilight so her mind moves a mile a minute. Twilight kind of jumps to conclusions, seeing how she affected Shining Armor, who had complete emotional whiplash having seen his sister wake up from her coma only to appear totally insane. She decides just to not tell anyone, including her parents. They were just given a mention because Twilight was attempting to verify her current reality, (“And Mom and Dad, they’re still Night Light and Twilight Velvet?”) She was confused and asked this because Shining Armor reacted with confusion when Twilight brought up Cadance, whom she would have no means of knowing was his wife, and Twilight didn't make that connection. It makes a great deal of sense to Twilight to ask and make sure her parents exist, but Shining Armor was given no context.

TL;DR version: My story is confusing.

Twilight may be under severe psychological stress but poor Celestia is FUBAR.
Given time Twilight can heal and start a new life with new friends. Start a family etc..
Celestia? she has been reliving the same short life (maby 30 years total, the tme before Flutters dies) over and over for the last thousand years. If Celly does not move on with life and get new friends she may as well be as dead as :ajsmug: :fluttershysad: :pinkiehappy: :rainbowdetermined2: :raritywink:

1274039 You got it. Twily's at least trying. If I can make people feel bad for Celestia after all of this, I think I've succeeded.

Is there any chance Twilight will (eventually) go back and help Celestia? or is that beyond the scope of the story?
I guess i'm just too tenderhearted because i dont like seeing others in pain (even if it is of their own making). :fluttercry:

1274051 I'm not going to spoil anything :trollestia:
I will say that there will be closure for Celestia. I'm going to try to address most things like that within this story.

Thank you for not spoiling anything. :raritywink:
I really do look forward to seeing Twily rebuild her life :heart:

AN OC?! :pinkiegasp:
I warned you all about OCs being in this.
Don't you worry, though. I promise they will be interesting.

Well makes sense. If all the other ponies that she imagined existed it would be weird.

1288941 It's funny because I tend to avoid fanfics that have OCs in them (I've yet to read a fanfic with OCs in it that I've enjoyed, but I don't read that many, I just write), while Proxy is my attempt at writing the kind of fanfic I'd like to read-- one that works within the universe while making semi-logical character extrapolations/interpretations, explores the darker ideas of certain concepts addressed in the show (i.e. Celestia's immortality/longevity, which I've always found fascinating).
I really shouldn't be ashamed with including OCs, since there's absolutely no way I could create the character arc I want without them.
TL;DR version: I'm a huge hypocrite :twilightblush:

I try to avoid too many OC characters so you are not the only one. BUT Lavender really does seem interesting ....
almost like :twilightsmile: and :pinkiehappy: had a filly :heart:

side question .. Spike sooner or later? :moustache:

10 bits says Lavender is one of the six "present day, AU" Elements of Harmony. Seems Twilight's mental anguish has just started, poor girl. :twilightoops:

1289388 Sounds like I did something right, then. :pinkiehappy:
Also, no comment on Spike yet.

1290083 Let's just say, as a huge Twilight Sparkle fan, I feel pretty awful about what I'm planning. Like, I cried while making notes.
Also no comment on how much money you get.

So, does Twilight still know a lot of magic? I assume she will probably be a bearer of a different element. Also are all the new characters ocs or are you going to throw in some previous generation ponies?

1291283 Twilight's most certainly rusty when it comes to magic, but she has an encyclopedia of knowledge from her experiences of study in Ponyville, just not a lot of practice. The reason I haven't been having her use magic is because it requires a great deal of concentration, which in her current state, she cannot manage.
And they will all be OCs. I have no knowledge of previous generations and I want to build characters from the ground up. There aren't going to be a ton of them, anyway. I like stories with few characters, since I can focus on their individual traits and make them distinct.

Wait a minute... honeycrisps are a species of apple too. Does that mean that Applejack's great-great-somewhat-grand-kids are running the place now?
All in all, great chapter. It's good to see Twilight taking control of her life, though it must be confusing for her, having known the old Ponyville.

1291722 Haha, not sure. Kind of just a random name choice. Thanks for the kind words :twilightsmile:

Ugh Bitchelestia is at it again.

Celestia is acting like a child...:ajbemused: I would feel bad but the way she is handling everying...good god.

1304959 She really is. It's like she's throwing a tantrum.
I love seeing how people to react to my treatment of her. Seems some sympathize more than others.

This looks good. Which is good, because my list of favorites that are updating keeps getting smaller.

1305095 Thanks, and yes, I'm trying to update often as possible. :twilightblush:

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