• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,375 Views, 205 Comments

Death Cometh - Dracthul

With the defeat of the ancient horror on Azeroth, the God of Death finds himself in a fragile world. With his power diminished, he is imprisoned, but it is only a matter of time until he breaks free. Will he bend the world to his impervious will?

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Chapter 7: The Gala Part 1

Author's Note:

Here we go, The Gala!

As always, I hope you enjoy and your feedback is wanted!

Ever since Celestia discovered Yogg-Saron’s escape, she has been plagued by his whispers. Throughout her day, she would hear him voicing wicked thoughts into her mind as she tried to ignore him.

“They think you to be weak. Embrace your true nature and strike them down; show them your power!”

“She insults you with her words. Rip out her tongue so you may silence her forever.”

“Show him his place and burn him!”

These were the things she had started to hear during her Court sessions. It started with a few muffled words once during the day, but it has since grown to the point where she hears him every few hours. His words have become clearer, almost driving her to do the terrible things he wants. She has managed to stay strong, holding off his whispers, but she fears how much longer she can withstand them.

She has also been tormented in her dreams. Every night, she relives painful memories of her past, ranging from banishing her sister to the deaths of her students, each of them more hurtful than the last. His voice echoes through her dreams, almost as if he is watching them, searching for something.

It was an ordinary night, despite the late hour Celestia was going to bed at. Court had lasted far longer than she wanted due to a certain prince complaining of having childish nightmares about a “monster.” After a long debate, she told him to go to Night Court and get her sister to help rid him of his night terrors.

So, when she finally plopped into bed, bounding over her floor, she felt sleep taking her within seconds. As she snuggled into her silky pillows, she knew she would feel rejuvenated in the morning.

The downside to this was that she would now have to deal with the anguish of her dreams. She hoped they would be quick since she was not going to be asleep for lo—

As she tried to finish that thought, she entered the dream world.

A dark void filled her distorted vision, but the darkness eventually turned into colors and then into shapes. She could make out the images of a stone arena, the type used long ago to host gladiator tournaments.

The image became clear, and her senses returned as she saw the arena. The large stone stands of the coliseum were filled with ponies. They were all watching as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were making a speech. Celestia did not know what she was saying because she was fixated on the ponies in front of her.

Three stallions and two mares were locked into wooden stocks, chained to the arena floor. They each had sweat pouring from their bodies, likely due to the searing heat of the sun and their uncomfortable position. Their front hooves were held in the two small holes of the stock, while their necks had wood clamped around them. They knew what was coming, and they knew they had been the ones to put themselves in the bind they found themselves in, but that did not make the fear crawling up their backs go away.

Celestia heard her talking stop, knowing her speech had ended. She remembered this moment well, for it was one of the ones she came to regret the most in her life. That also meant she knew what was about to happen.

“Citizens of Equestria!” Luna shouted, silencing the murmurs of the crowd. “Thou hast come to witness the execution of the bandits who hath pillaged Equestria’s caravans. As thou knowest, they have been responsible for a many robberies on what used to be safe paths. Today, they answer for their transgressions.

“As declared in section four of Equestrian law, anypony whom hast robbed travelers, resulting in the death of a pony will be punished with death. Since the nature of such crimes is so egregious, they face the ultimate retribution by death: The Sun’s Hammer.”

The crowd turned to uproar as Luna laid out the fates of the criminals, most of the onlookers cheering. They had heard the story of the Rich family, learning of their family member who was killed by the five ponies about to be killed. The crowd wanted to see them die.

Luna turned to her sister, signaling for Celestia to begin the ritual.

Celestia felt her legs move forward and then begin down the steps. She tried to stop herself, even though she knew it was pointless. She had walked down from the high platform she had been sitting on and had now lowered onto the platform where a group of Royal Guards was positioned.

Coming from nowhere in the dream, yet sounding like it was coming from everywhere all at once, she heard the voice of her tormentor.

“What’s this?”

Inevitability washed over her as she felt her wings unfurling to her sides, displaying her full form. Her horn lifted so it was pointing directly upwards to the sun that loomed overhead.

Her eyes lit up with the fire of the sun, instantly becoming a glowing inferno of raw power as she began to lift into the air. The ground rumbled, and the crowd started to shout as the air suddenly became far hotter than it was a minute ago. Celestia’s vision became red as her body became one with the sun, connecting to its fury.

The five ponies felt the sweat on their bodies sizzle as it turned into steam. Their eyes widened as the sun became brighter, so bright it almost blinded them. The arena seemed to glow white as the ground burned their raw hooves. They looked at Celestia, trying to plead for their lives with whatever they had left. It was too late, for she had already brought down the hammer.

She felt the instant link of her magic and the celestial body above her as a beam of pure heat shot down from the sky and towards the arena. The last thing she saw of the ponies were their begging faces as everything turned white.

With a thunderous clap, a beam landed around the criminals, engulfing their bodies entirely. The five ponies were exposed to the temperature of the sun’s surface as their whole bodies caught on fire. Their screams never escaped their mouths as their faces were incinerated and their bodies reduced to ash. The ground turned black as the sun’s wrath scorched away all living things caught in its path.

The ponies who were watching had to cover their eyes as the brightness became unbearable to look at. No one was foolish enough to continue to look because they knew they would be permanently blinded.

As quickly as it had started, Celestia’s horn returned to its normal state, and the solar beam dispersed. She floated back onto the ground, her eyes no longer glowing. Her hooves gripped back onto the stone as she looked at what she had done.

Where there were once ponies, there was nothing but scorch marks on the ground. Just like that, they had been erased from history completely. There would be no bones to bury, and there would be no ashes to honor. She had simply unmade them.

If she could cry in a memory, she would. All she could see was the look on the ponies' faces right before they were destroyed. Their eyes that prayed for mercy stared back at her where there was now only darkened rock.

She did not even notice as the dreamscape faded away, being overtaken by the void from before. That meant she was stirring, soon to awake from the light of her sun.

Her sun. The sun that ended five family lines and left nothing for the families to remember of their relatives.

She was torn from her depression as his voice returned.

“I have seen your sins, Celestia. I knew you were a killer—” he spoke.

“—just like me…”

The darkness was taken away by a yellow light. It spread out, banishing the void as she awoke in her bed.

It was then that a tear dripped from her eyelid and rolled down her cheek, staining the pillowcase her head rested on.

Sorin looked at himself in the mirror, examining his appearance. His face was cleanly shaven, and his hair had been trimmed and slicked down. His fur had been thoroughly brushed and shampooed before he dressed himself. His hooves had been cleaned, giving them a pristine shine that made even diamonds jealous. His light blue eyes shined as he clicked his cloak into place.

He shifted his body so he could get a better view of the garment. Rarity had been so kind as to make him a new cloak, made with a very similar fabric to his original one. This one had been adorned with small gems along the edges, the rubies made into a pattern that even he had to stare at. One thing she could do was make clothing.

He flashed his teeth, their sparkling white color satisfying him as he finished his admiration. He walked over to his desk, closing the book he had and putting it back in its pile.

The day had come. The day of the Grand Galloping Gala was here, and he could not be happier. Everything was in place as he wanted. He had further infiltrated Celestia’s consciousness, finding the perfect memory to expose her with, and he knew exactly how to do so. All he had to do now was play along, attending the Gala with the Elements before enacting his plan. Then, Equestria would descend into chaos, and he would rise from the ashes of a fallen empire.

A knock at the door broke him from his thoughts. While he would normally be annoyed, he did not care today.

“Come in.”

The door opened, and Spike peered his head through the opening.

“We should go meet up with the others now, it's gettin’ close to the time we’ll be leaving.”

Sorin followed the dragon down the stairs and out the door after checking to be sure he was ready. They left the library, Spike locking up before heading through Ponyville.

Sorin had his head high as they went through town and came to the Carousel Boutique. He could hear distant chatter from inside, and Spike knocked on the door. Rainbow Dash was coming to open the door, but somepony stopped her.

The two heard arguing as they waited at the door for someone to let them in. After a brief moment, the door opened, and Rarity greeted them.

“I'm sorry. Some of us do have standards,” she said before walking away.

Without missing a beat, Spike went in, followed by Sorin, and started talking. “I still can't believe we're gonna be at Canterlot tonight. Our hometown, Twilight!” He stood in front of two giant hairdryers, Twilight’s head inside one. “And the best part is that we all get to hang out together all night long!”

“I don't know, Spike,” Rainbow Dash said, a towel wrapped around her mane.

“We'll just have to see,” Rarity added.

“We're gonna be a might busy,” Applejack threw out as well.

“Busy having fun!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, but Spike slumped into his chair.

“Don't worry, Spike. We'll all get to spend some time together.” Spike gained his enthusiasm again at Twilight’s words.

Sorin made himself comfortable as the mares continued their rituals to get themselves ready for the big night.

Soon enough, he was being led to an apple-shaped carriage, sitting next to Spike with the stallions pulling the carriage. Spike was listing off places and things for everyone to do, and Sorin was watching out for any threats along the road. While unnecessary, he could not risk being delayed to the Gala.

As he looked into the distance, he could see the outline of Canterlot resting on its mountainside. They were almost there. The rest of the trip was peaceful, and he was able to contain his excitement as they finally pulled into the castle.

Spike and Sorin dismounted from their seats and went over to the door of the carriage. Sorin pulled it open as Spike bowed, the mares inside getting out of the cabin.

One by one, Sorin saw their luxurious dresses—all designed by Rarity, of course. He closed the door, instructing the stallions to park the carriage and head off. He turned around, Spike now looking at the outfits of his friends.

“You all look... amazing!” he exclaimed.

“I agree. Very great work, Rarity,” Sorin added.

The white unicorn blushed before looking back at the castle.

“I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night Ever!” Twilight squeaked.

Sorin chuckled.

We will see.

“Yeah! This is gonna be the best night ever,” Spike said, now standing in front of everypony. “You know why? 'Cause we're all gonna spend time at the Gala to—” The six mares all shot off in different directions, off to do what they planned for the night, leaving Spike and Sorin alone. “—gether?”

Sorin stood on the red carpet. Standing in the halls of Canterlot, he was simply considered a guest, nothing more, and that is what he wanted. Since the Elements had run off, he was left alone to do what he pleased.

“Well then, I’ll see you soon, Spike. Enjoy yourself while you’re here,” he told the pouting dragon beside him. With that, Sorin walked away, heading towards the stairs leading to the Gala.

At the top of said stairs were Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia. He began the climb to the top, eventually stepping onto the last step.

“It’s great to see you again, Sorin,” Celestia said welcomingly.

Yes, it is.

“The same here, princess.”

“I hope you enjoy the Gala,” she leaned her head next to his ear, “although it is usually rather boring.”

He chuckled and nodded to her with a smile. “I’ll see you later, Twilight.” He bowed before the two and headed off to the ballroom.

Now inside the massive ballroom, he looked around, seeing a couple of hundred ponies chatting with each other. At the other end of the room, a band was playing classical music on various stringed and wind instruments.

He walked forward, making sure to walk in a dignified way. He saw a small group of ponies discussing what he overheard to be politics.

Approaching the group, they looked at the newcomer. A brown pegasus stallion was the first to extend his hoof, Sorin shaking it firmly.

“Hello there, good sir. Who may you be?”

“I am Sorin.”

“A most peculiar name,” another pony chimed in.

“Nevertheless, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on a matter of governmental policy.”

“Oh?” Sorin mouthed.

“Yes. My partner here,” the stallion said, pointing a hoof at a blue mare, “feels that the latest bill should be approved. The bill states that the taxation of ponies who have an income of over a hundred thousand bits should have a discount of ten percent on their taxes if they provide jobs for the community.

“I, on the other hand, feel it should be a twenty percent discount if you provide at least a hundred positions, but she views this as unfair to those who have around ninety jobs.

“What do you think?” the stallion finished.

Sorin put his hoof to his chin for a moment as he thought. “Why not simply create a fixed rate of tax benefits per job you provide to the community. That way, no one will be caught between cutoffs.”

The gathered ponies all had looks of realization on their faces as they saw the compromise of such an idea.

“Well then,” the brown stallion started again, “it seems you are a better politician than all of us.” Everypony around let out a few laughs at that comment, Sorin included.

“I wish you the best, but I must be on my way,” he kindly said before leaving the group. In one of the corners of the room, he spotted a bar. Dozens of bottles of alcohol were set up on the stall’s shelves, creating a display of booze. There was one other stallion sitting at the counter. He came over to the bar, taking a seat on one of the barstools.

“What can I get you?” a white unicorn mare behind the counter asked. Sorin turned his head to her before glancing around at the bottles.

“Uh…” he spotted a bottle of smooth, brown liquid. “I’ll take that,” he said, pointing at the bottle.

“A scotch stallion are you?” she joked, already pouring up a glass of scotch. “Well, you have good taste.”

Sorin caught the glass as she slid it across the counter. He flashed a smile before pulling out a few bits. He handed them to her, thanking her for the drink. He raised the glass to his lips, taking a small sip. The light taste of the concoction of flavors hit his tongue before the warmth of the alcohol washed over his mouth. This had to be the finest scotch he had ever tasted.

On Azeroth, he had been to many bars and restaurants while in a humanoid form, stirring the pot of sin, but no place had such fine drink. Maybe Equestria has superior brewing methods to his home planet, not that he cared too much. Perhaps he would save a few barrels before he took up his rule of chaos.

“So, what brings such a fine stallion as yourself to the Gala? A mare, perhaps?” Sorin lightly chuckled after taking another sip.

“I'm afraid not.” The bartender leaned in. “I came with the Elements and their dragon friend, but it seems I have been left alone to mingle.”

“Mingle you say?” she teased, serving another pony their drink. She gave her full attention back to him, looking deep into his eyes.

“Interested are we?” Sorin teased back, causing her to blush nervously.

“I’m just curious.”

“Since you asked, I’m hoping to meet some of the nobles of Equestria.” She straight out laughed at this, almost dropping what she was holding.

“They can be defined as anything but ‘noble.’”

“So far, the only nobles I have met have been most unpleasant. It seems you may be right.” He downed the last of his drink, placing the glass in front of him. “Either way, I will see if they are all like that or not.”

The mare took his glass, disposing of it as Sorin started to get up. “Want another drink?”

“No, thank you,” he replied, smoothing out his clothes. “But maybe I’ll see you around.”

“I hope so,” she eagerly replied.

“Before I go,” he said, turning back to her. She perked up. “What’s your name?”

“High Spirits.”

“I’m Sorin, and I’ll see you later, High Spirits.”

With that, he left the bar and returned to the center area of the ballroom. It was only then that he saw the massive crystal chandelier hanging above him. It was so large that it connected to other, smaller chandeliers that were hanging across the ceiling. The faint light from outside bounced off the thing, reflecting in a glorious shine over the room. It was quite the sight to see, a show of pony design and vision.

Sorin looked back at the crowd of ponies, spotting a familiar face in the distance. He saw Rarity, clad in her expertly designed dress, and was about to wave to her when he saw the stallion she was next to.

Prince Blueblood was walking with her. They appeared to be chatting, but Sorin could see the look of disgust on his friend’s face. The two stopped at a puddle of a spilled drink, and Sorin watched in disbelief as he made her lay down a piece of her outfit to cover up the puddle, leaving the piece soaking wet.

The prince—if he could be called that—stepped onto where the puddle was and walked past, Rarity collecting her now wet and dirty scarf from the ground.

Did he not learn his lesson? It appears not.

He was about to go “reiterate” when somepony bumped into him. He whipped around, making sure the pony was fine when he saw it was Rainbow Dash. Before he could say anything, she flew away, clearly set on her mission.

Sorin sighed as he looked back, no longer seeing Blueblood and Rarity. If he could feel the effects of alcohol, he would feel angry. Being an Old God did have a few caveats, after all.

Now thoroughly bored, he went over to the checkerboard that was the dance floor. Before he could approach anypony or bust a move, a mare wrapped herself around him and pulled him into a sway. As the blur of the pony slowed down into somepony, he saw it was High Spirits.

“That was fast,” he told her. She let him take the lead, shifting slightly as the two slow danced.

“My shift was almost done when you came to the bar, and I couldn’t help but come over when I saw you on the dance floor.”

Now having physical contact with her, Sorin took in High Spirits's appearance. She was wearing a sleek purple dress that clung to her tightly. The silky finish of the garment accented her body perfectly, he thought. She had shoes of the same color on her hooves, and her green eyes looked into his blue ones. Her mane was a dark blue, creating a wonderful contrast to her outfit. Her horn even had a golden glitter conservatively sprinkled on it. She looked stunning.

A smile crept onto both of their faces as Sorin continued to lead the dance, now adding dips and turns to the sequence. Keeping up the pace, she put on a smug grin as she started to add her own movements to the dance.

Sorin was not one to back down from a challenge, so he upped the game, dropping her and catching her in his strong hooves, causing her to yelp and giggle in surprise. As he pulled her back up, she spun around while holding onto one of his hooves.

How ponies could dance so similar to humans, Sorin wondered. Some things on Equus seemed to just work, almost as if they were willed into existence. It probably had something to do with the laws of nature on this planet.

The ponies around the two caught themselves staring at the duo that dominated the floor. Couples who had been pulling off moves only half as difficult were trying to compete but ended up tripping over themselves—to their embarrassment. Somehow, these two ponies were performing very feats of physical agility and coordination while simply dancing.

Sorin and High Spirits did not notice the stares since they were so caught up in who would outdo the other. As the two continued to raise the stakes, they began to pant from exhaustion. Who knew complex dance moves could be so tiring?

Sorin definitely did not because he eventually had to slow down the dance to a more casual speed.

High Spirits threw her hooves around the back of his neck as she leaned into him. “Slowing down already?” she teased him with a glowing yet complacent smile. She had enjoyed their little game a lot.

“You have superhu—pony—stamina.” She broke into a guffaw at that, barely stopping herself from slipping.

“See,” he chimed, “I almost defeated you with a simple remark.”

“Emphasis on the ‘almost.’”

It was his turn to break into laughter while she chuckled to herself.

Sorin was enjoying himself. Maybe it was the slightest of increases to his emotions he got from the alcohol or his overall excitement for the night, but he was having a good time with High Spirits. It almost made him wince that he would likely deliver pain to her and her family to some extent. Emphasis on the “almost.”

The two continued to gently sway as the band and orchestra started playing another song, this one slower than the others.

He suddenly realized he had been dancing for quite a while as he took a glance at the moon over his partner’s shoulder. He started to pull away, but High Spirits gripped him tighter, holding him in place.

“Stay for one more song?” she asked him, giving him extreme puppy eyes. Even he could not deny the adorableness and gave in by starting the rocking again.

“One more.”

She smiled wide, putting her head beside his as they went into what was almost a hug. His hoof was on her back, and their chests were flush against each other as they simply rocked left to right, enjoying the embrace. She let out a sigh of content into his hair.

“That tickles you know,” he said, feeling warm air lick at his ear.

“Oh, shut up and enjoy this.”

He did as he was told, basking in the warmth of her body. He looked across the ballroom, seeing other ponies doing similar things to what he and High Spirits were doing.

The music died down as Sorin pushed his partner in front of him so they were looking into each other’s eyes.

“I really enjoyed this, Sorin,” she whispered to him.

“The feeling is mutual,” he whispered back, making her blush. “See you around sometime, High Spirits. Have a wonderful night.” He pulled away from her while smiling.

“You too!”

He left the dance floor, now returning to the main area. The doors to the ballroom creaked open as Rarity and Blueblood came through, Rarity having to hold the door. They walked side by side, both of them refusing to look at each other.

Sorin saw something flying through the air out of the corner of his eye, and he realized it was a whole pastry. It was headed straight towards the two ponies, Blueblood spotting the danger. Sorin’s eyes went wide as the prince pulled Rarity in front of himself, making her his shield. The pastry impacted with her, sending frosting and crumbs everywhere, showering her in its contents. She was completely covered in chunks of gooey batter, her outfit and mane ruined.

Sorin started to make his way over to her when he heard her take in a deep breath.

“You, sir, are the most uncharming prince I have ever met!” she raged. Blueblood recoiled from her words. “In fact, the only thing royal about you is that you are a royal pain!” she screamed, tiny bits of pastry falling from her.

He made sounds of disgust as she came closer. “Stay back! I just had myself groomed!”

“Afraid to get dirty?” Rarity retorted, just as Sorin broke through the crowd, now only a few yards from her. She shook her body like a dog, sending pastry all over Blueblood, coating him in the thing he so desperately tried to avoid. In an attempt to escape his fate, he leaped backward, falling on his flank and becoming smeared in frosting.

He wiped his eyes with his hooves and stood up, about to assault the mare who violated his “regal body” so when Sorin blocked his path to her. The cloaked stallion pushed him back, stopping the prince’s advance.

“Let go of me!”

Sorin only began to chuckle. He gripped tightly onto Blueblood, pulling his head to his own.

“All that you touch turns to me…” he whispered.

Blueblood’s eyes widened far too much for a pony as he squirmed from Sorin’s now loosened grasp. Without a second thought, the prince charged through the doors from whence he came, fleeing the Gala.

How quaint.

Sorin turned around, heading over to Rarity’s defeated form. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes as she looked down at her attire. Noticing this, he put a hoof on her shoulder.

“I’d say you dealt with him most effectively.”

“You saw that?”

“I’m afraid half this room did, but they ate it up, don’t worry. I’ve met Prince Blueblood before, and he is most unpleasant.”

She looked back at her outfit. “B-but my dress…” she trailed off in sadness.

“All fixable. For now, you should probably leave before ponies think you’ve gone mad.”

“How funny,” Rarity replied flatly before smirking as she trotted away with as much dignity as she could muster.

At that same moment, all the Elements except Twilight came into the ballroom. Spike and Rarity went over to them, and Sorin turned his head to another opening door.

He saw the two ponies standing in its frame, one being Twilight Sparkle and the other Princess Celestia. The room fell quiet as their princess went to the center of the room. She went to the stage where the band was and ascended the stairs at its side.

The musicians left the scene, headed off to pack up their instruments as Celestia took the stage. Everypony gathered in front of it as they awaited what she was going to say.

Sorin found himself beside the Elements as well as Spike, all of them standing in the front rows of the onlookers.

Celestia cleared her throat as she wet her lips and took a breath.

“My little ponies, it is my pleasure to have put the annual Grand Galloping Gala together for your enjoyment. As I have been recently told, my customary speech is awaited.

“I will delay it no further. Here it goes.” She stepped forward to the edge of the stage, quickly glancing at the Elements and Sorin.

Sorin began to smirk as he stood in anticipation of her words.

“Party’s over then.”