• Published 3rd Aug 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Origins - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

Marinette and Adrien both get sucked into an portal before into Equestria with one way to escape defeat Nightmare Moon while in Paris they also have to stop Stoneheart an threat which was Akumatized by Hawk Moth

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Chapter 14: The Cliff/The Element of Honesty

Soon the 8 Creatures were walking in the forest searching for the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters.

"So, none of you have been in here before?" Twilight asked.

Then Rarity groaned.

"Heavens no! Just look at it --- it's dreadful." Rarity said a bit disgusted.

"But supposedly our Kwami's do" Ladybug said "Which is weird I suppose?" Ladybug thought out loud.

"And it ain't natural. Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria" Applejack said when they arrived on a cliff.

Then we see Nightmare Moon's mist going into the cliff as soon as they splitted into two teams.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Twilight asked.

"Nopony knows. You know why?" Rainbow asked in a spooky tone while going towards Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Cat Noir.

"Rainbow, quit it." Applejack called but Rainbow didn't listen.

"'Cause everypony who's ever come in has never gone out!" Rainbow said scaring Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Cat Noir.

Suddenly the gliff broke into two pieces making the 8 ponies slide down as then Ladybug used her yo-yo to get onto an tree and slide to the ground while Cat Noir jumped towards the ground before blasting down only to be caught by Ladybug.

"Thanks" Cat Noir said.

Then Ladybug puts Cat Noir to the ground.

"Did you use Cataclysm" Ladybug asked.

"No I didn't I swear" Cat Noir said.

"Then there could be two reasons either Nightmare Moon broke the cliff or your scare unleashed it" Ladybug thought.

"Right" Cat Noir said.

Back on the upper side of the cliff.

"Fluttershy! Quick!" Rainbow dash called zipping off.

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness." Fluttershy said flying down.

Then Rainbow quicky catched Pinkie and pulled her up.

"Ladybug! Catch!" Rainbow called throwing Pinkle.

"I got you!" Ladybug called jumping really high before catching Pinkie "Cat Noir grab the yo-yo ball!" Ladybug ordered.

"Alright!" Cat Noir called before Ladybug threw the yo-yo as Cat Noir pulled Ladybug and Pinkie down "There you girls go" Cat Noir said.

"That was so fun!" Pinkie called still a bit dizzy from the fall.

"Be happy you didn't kill one of us" Ladybug said angrily.

"Sorry" Cat Noir said.

Then we saw Fluttershy flying in her own speed before catching Rarity by the tail as Rainbow pulled her up.

"Thanks Fluttershy!" Rainbow called.

"No worries" Fluttershy said.

Then Rainbow and Fluttershy got Rarity back to the other four.

"Okay get Twilight we'll handle the rest" Ladybug said.

"Alright" Cat Noir said jumping on the left over dirt come on we've got to help Applejack.

"Right" Ladybug said using her yo-yo to hold onto the root before going up and catching it before she catched Applejack on the back "I got you" Ladybug said.

"Oh no!" Applejack called "Twilight's in trouble" Applejack said pointing to Twilight.

"Rainbow get Applejack to safety, Fluttershy can you do me and Cat Noir hold onto Twilight" Ladybug ordered.

"We got it!" Both Rainbow, Fluttershy and Cat Noir said as Cat Noir held onto Twilight's hooves.

"Hold on" Cat Noir said trying to hold onto Twilight.

Then Applejack was catched by Rainbow.

"Thanks get me to Twilight please sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"On it" Rainbow called before sending Applejack to Twilight "There you go."

"Thanks now get Fluttershy under Twilight and tell her to catch Twilight whenever she falls" Applejack suggested.

"Got ya" Rainbow said zipping off.

Then Applejack ran towards Twilight who was still struggling in Cat Noir's paws.

"Applejack! What should I do?" Twilight asked.

"Let go." Applejack answered after looking at the sky seeing Rainbow nod while helping Cat Noir by holding Twilight.

"Are you crazy?" Twilight asked angrily.

"No I ain't. I promise you'll be safe." Applejack said but Twilight didn't listen.

"That's not true!" Twilight said worriedly.

"Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe." Applejack said in an motherly tone.

"Ready, Twilight and if you almost die Ladybug will catch you" Cat Noir said winking at Ladybug who nodded.

Then Twilight's eyes widened as she looked scared before Cat Noir and Applejack let go of her as she began screaming before Rainbow and Fluttershy catches her making her sigh peacefully before Fluttershy accidentally let's go before they held her back.

"Sorry girls. I'm not used to holding anything more than a bunny or two." Fluttershy said.

Then Twilight looks at the dirt stairs as she noticed Cat Noir and Applejack jumping down one by one before they walked further not knowing that the dangers could get worse as Nightmare Moon's mist zipped into the Manticore's paw and making an thorn of herself as the Manticore roared angrily.

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