• Published 5th Aug 2021
  • 104 Views, 1 Comments

A Goblin, a Griffon & Debauchery - Merallakos

Jacko pushes a budding friendship into a flowering passion. (This is a spinoff of the Austraeoh series)

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In a city of Twilight


Jacko sat on the window sill, overlooking the twilit town of Blobstain. Its rock hovels, warehouses and imp shacks standing alike in an industrious haze. Nowhere was clear of the rythmic thumping of the the pinkish abomination which passed for ocean. Yet the Blob seemed to lull for a moment as Jacko's grip slackened. He nearly teetered out of the window, eyes wide. No sooner however did he jump onto the apartment floor, pouting pitifully up at Seraphimus' feathery head.

"Come again love?"

"No," Seraphimus restated. "I can't let that abominable cretin die like this... I know too much." Seraphimus' tail lashed in irritation as she clenched her beak. "And stop calling me 'love.'" Seraphimus uncoiled her wings, preparing to fly out the window. "Move aside, imp."

"Alrigh, look Oi know Oi was preachin' a migh'y fine speech theh with Lexxic and an' incredible opportunity for profit, but," Jacko pulled at his goblin ears, pacing between Seraphimus and the window, "You're still makin' your way into the maw of the Bloodwings, literally, --and I mean this in the literal sense, sheila-- literally the most violent drongos thes side of the blob! It's righ suicide theh's what it es!"

Seraphimus' headcrest flattened as she looked down at the goblin. "You 'literally' just spent the past five minutes trying to convince me that this was a good idea. Stand aside. I need to prepare for the journey ahead."

"Look, maybe it's not suicide, you're a righ powerful birdie, love, but statistically speakin--"

"--I've faced worse odds. Enough of this foolishness," Seraphimus made to brush Jacko aside with her claw--

But Jacko rushed into Seraphimus, burying his head in her neckfeathers, clutching around her like child.


"Ya can't leave me love!" Jacko wailed, "By Petra's flame I--" Jacko looked up with teary eyes, "I swear on Petra's flame you're the only thing Oi need en thes life!"

"What in the name of, what in the Spring Havens are you doing?" heart palpitating Seraphimus just barely managed to restrain herself from tossing the sobbing goblin out the window, if only for the fact that--


that Seraphimus had no idea! "Get your grubby fingers off me!" Seraphiums tore the goblin off discarding him like a snotty tissue, except she was clearly the tissue in this situation.

Jacko crawled up to the griffin's back paws, still sobbing, "Jest a couple o' hours, please! That's all I need; jest a couple more hours with you!"

Seraphimus placed a talon on the window seal, readying to jump with cat like grace, but


Jacko seized Seraphimus' back paw with with vice like force, forcing Seraphimus to look back at his puddle filled eyes.

"Sheila," he sniffled, "You're sure this is what ye want?"