• Published 28th Jul 2021
  • 497 Views, 8 Comments

Personal Small Horse - RambleGaze

An equestrian adventure without Equestria.

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1. Justice has wings

Have you ever seen, heard or felt something that makes you wonder? Maybe you recall an event and don’t know if it were a memory or a dream. Maybe you caught sight of a structure, some great tower perhaps, and only a moment later, you find it gone without a trace. Maybe you took a walk, in that moment between sunrise and dawn, and basked in that feeling of unreality. Unreality. That’s the word I was looking for. Call me an idiot, but I think moments like that show how… perception based reality can be. If something impossible happens, but everybody sees it, is it still impossible? Have they lost touch with reality, or has reality lost touch with them? What place do sentient beings have when the multiversal nexus shifts around them?

Gordon Niccals stepped out of the elevator and rapidly made his way down the hall. This was a big case, bigger than any he’d done before. One of the biggest scandals of the year, and the trajectory it went was in his hands. Winning a case like this meant massive publicity, and richer clients. Had he been the type for sympathy, he might have stopped to think about whether or not the defending team deserved the extraordinary and substantial punishment he would bring to them, but alas, he was a lawyer, and he had arrived at the meeting room.

“Mr Dives, Sorry I'm la-" he was about to come up with an excuse, but he had noticed that he wasn't the only lawyer in the room. A team, he surmised as he took his seat. Some of the best attorneys New York could offer. Gordon hated a team. Less credit for him, and he had to deal with the most self-important jocks in the business. All he could hope for now was that Ross wasn't-
"You should learn how to manage your time better Gord, maybe then you could contribute to a group case!"
goddamnit there he was. Henderson Ross, the tyrant lawyer king, and the worst person Gordon had ever met.
"Gentlemen, enough." The lights went out. Mr Dives, the man who had called this meeting, Stood up and began the presentation. A screen behind him lit up with a company logo, three words in the shape of a pill. "Some of you may not know me. This is because I prefer to remain out of the public eye. However, since it is necessary for this moment, I am Lawrence Dives, co-founder and CEO of Dives Magno Improbus, the most profitable pharmaceutical company in the United States. But this quarter, we gained eight hundred, eighty eight thousand, two hundred and twelve dollars LESS than our projection. This man is why.” The screen changed, showing a picture of a man with wild, upturned hair. “Dr Isaac Kressler. Thinks himself some sort of mad scientist. This manic stole almost $90,0000 of MY equipment, working on something he called a “Genetic Rewriter”. Gentlemen, I want you to ruin this man. Think you can do it, hmmm… Niccals?” Damn. of course he’d pick Gordon. The punishment for being late, he supposed. “Yes, of course sir.” He stood up, taking a quick second to glare at Ross. “This case is of the utmost importance to me. I promise you sir, nothing, nothing at all will stop me from bringing Kressler to justice.”

And that’s exactly when it started.

Suddenly Gordon was burning up. His hands started to shake, and he felt sick to his stomach. He tried to maintain his composure, but fell to the table. The other lawyers crowded round, each saying something, but Gordon couldn’t hear. In an instant his body temperature dropped, he broke out in a cold sweat, his upper back flared in pain, every inch of his body hyper aware of each discomfort. He may have screamed. He couldn't hear anything. He had to get out of there. Struggling to his feet, he weakly burst out of the room and ran to a nearby drinking fountain. As he struggled to activate the water, he was terrified to feel his hands tingle, and then go numb, and that feeling and subsequent non-feeling spreading down his arms. Not caring where he went next, he rushed through the nearest door, until the numbness reached his legs and he collapsed. With no more options left, he shut his eyes tight, and waited. After what felt like an eternity, the sensation of touch returned. He felt warm.

"Gord! Gordo! C'mon, is this about the time management crack?" To Henderson, this felt like a waste of time. But apparently Mr Dives liked Niccals enough to not fire him when he started screaming and running around like some... wild man. Liked him enough to send the rest of the lawyers to check on him. Lucky son of a-


Every thought in Ross' mind stopped as the door next to the drinking fountain burst off its hinges, and, running on four shaky legs, came... a miniature horse? Why would security let an animal into the building? And such a weird looking one too. Henderson wasn't a vet, but he knew well enough that while a light gray coat was natural for a horse, a blue mane wasn't. And, as he watched the beast panting, he noticed what looked like feathers on its side. Like a wing. Maybe somebody's kid was having a Hercules themed birthday party or something.

The horse turned its head. Its too-big eyes got even wider as it saw Ross. He continued to stare as it ran towards him, reared up on its hind legs, balanced its front hooves on the wall next to the man, and...

"Ross!" The beast spoke. "I need you to call a doctor!"
"AHHHH HOLY HELL!" Ross screamed.
"I know!" the horse replied. "I'm freaking out too! But you gotta help me Ross! It's me, Wind Rusher! wait no, Wind Rusher! Darnit why can't I say Wind Rusher!"
At this point Henderson had run off. With no creature to talk to, the thing that could only call himself Wind Rush began a panicked external monologue. "Okay Wind, let's take stock. you are... not... like you used to be. but that's... fine?" He removed his hooves from the wall and resumed his four legged position. "You're in the DMI building. Your heart is beating- pretty fast, but I don't think it's heart-attack bad. Your feet-" He craned his neck to look behind him. "-Are on the floor. And they're not feet. All four of your not feet are on the floor. And that might be freaky, but you're calm. You're collected. And you have no reason to scream."
"There it is! that's it right there!" yelled Ross, who had returned to the hallway. And had brought security guards with him. Wind Rusher screamed.

As Wind Rusher ran up the stairwell, his mind spun with a swarm of observations. How quickly he learned to run in this new body. How greatly his hearing had improved, clearly understanding the guards' conversation several levels below him ("no, not like a foal! it's just a tiny, fully grown one!") How despite running for longer than he ever had at one time, he didn't feel fatigued. But above all else, one thing kept resurfacing: Why did I run upstairs? He was making distance between himself and his pursuers, certainly, but he was running to a dead end. As soon as Wind reached the roof, it would be over.

And here he was. Taking care not to break the door this time, Wind Rusher stepped outside onto the flat concrete. Oddly, he mused, looking up to the evening sky seemed to have a calming effect, almost enough to stop him panicking. He had to stop staring when the door opened again, and the entire security team bore down on him

Backing up, Wind did what he did best with a problem: trying to talk his way out of it. "Listen, I'll pay to get the door fixed, alright? The last few minutes have been hectic, but I'm not a fault here! I'm a victim of circumstance!"
"Damn, it really can talk." One of the guards remarked to another, all still advancing. "You think it's an alien or something?" "Who cares? let's just bag it and hand it off to animal control." Another responded. Wind felt his tail smush against the barrier at the edge of the roof. Having nothing else he could do, he jumped up and balanced himself precariously on the railing. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here! I can understand, think and feel! In fact, despite my current inhumanity, I would argue my sentience reserves me the same basic rights as-" A guard swiped at one of his legs. Wind jumped back, and fell off the building.

For a moment he fell. For a moment he screamed. Then he stopped falling, but continued screaming. Then he started falling again, only this time, very very slowly. After he realized the abnormality of his fall speed, he looked to his back and noticed his wings. He had wings! Incredible wings that sprung out on their own! Taking in the view as he glided steadily to the ground, Wind Rusher felt something he hadn't felt in years. A smile cautiously inched onto his muzzle.

After figuring out how to steer himself in the air, Wind Rusher kept did the best he could to hide. He kept to the shadows, sneaking through places tourists would never explore. As night fell, he slunk into a strip of abandoned businesses and sat in the wreck, checking for people until he fell asleep.

"Hey, open up!"

Wind Rusher sprang up as he shot into consciousness. It was morning. Someone was at the door. "G-go away!" he yelled back. the knocker, presumably a woman, replied. "Listen, I wanna help you! Not to be mean, but I will let myself in if you don't!" Wind, panicking again, dipped back into half remembered legalese. "Well, I'm calling squatters rights, and if you trespass I will- I'll strangle you in self defense!" The woman snorted. "Yeah, you and what fingers?" Winds blood ran cold. "That's right, I know what you are, and I can help you, so open the door please? Nervously, Wind Rusher trotted to the door and opened it slowly. As he did, he was stunned to see that the woman was- like him.

At least, she looked to be the same animal as him, though with concrete differences. Her fur was a rich violet, contrasting against the mess of her pale red hair. A pair of too-small glasses rested on her muzzle. and most noticeably, a horn jutted from her forehead A unicorn! Wind realised. So i'm a kind of horse, then. But if she's a unicorn, what am I?

"Hi!" The purple stranger beamed. "I'm Ramble Gaze! I think we're gonna be friends."

Author's Note:

life's too short to not write self insert fanfiction. although I want to stress that while Ramble Gaze is me, this story doesn't reflect my life accurately. I don't even live in america.

give me comments and I may write faster. look out for the next chapter, PONIES HELP PONIES, which I have only outlined so it may be a while.
-the purple stranger