• Published 6th Aug 2021
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CRISIS: Equestria - Divergence, Book 3 - GanonFLCL

Seven years ago, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were accidentally taken to another world where they made new friends. Now they return to that world to find that things have changed, and now they and their friends must fight to save both worlds.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: Rouse

Rarity wasn't really sure what all the hubbub was about, but Lockwood had made it sound like a pretty big deal that she and Fluttershy came with him this morning.

They ventured deep into a part of the royal palace that she had never been to before, beyond a section that she'd been told was a restricted area. The guards at the front had always been polite about directing her away, but she'd still been rather curious about what was down there. Twilight kept quite a few interesting things in the restricted areas at home, so it stood that there would be some down here as well.

"It all only happened just an hour or so ago," Lockwood explained as he and Crossfire led them down more stairs; these at least had a gentle slope and were not uncomfortable to descend. "I'd go into it more, but until we get there I can't say much. I hope you guys understand."

"Of course, dear, there's no trouble at all," Rarity replied with a smile. "Sometimes things need to be kept a little hush-hush, and whatever it is I'm certain that it must be important. I don't understand what it has to do with us with so little information, but I trust that you wouldn't waste our time."

"Lorekeeper Gilderoy suggested that it might be beneficial for all parties involved if you were brought into the fold. It has a lot to do with coincidental timings and a theory that maybe we have the means to send you home already." With a smirk, he noted, "Not that we're in a hurry to get rid of you, of course. And we still have to wait for the others to get here."

"We understand," Fluttershy said. "Thank you for keeping us in the loop. It's nice to know you're still looking out for us."

He grinned and nodded. "As always."

As they descended the stairs further, the group came across the first ponies that Rarity had seen yet past the restricted zone.

Well, that was inaccurate. One was a pony, a pegasus stallion by the looks of it, though Rarity couldn't tell much more because of his body armor and helmet. She could see his blue eyes in the opening of his visor, though. He had a long-barreled rifle slung over his back adorned with a scope; she'd come to learn what a "gun" was and what one could do, and his gun looked particularly menacing.

The other was, to Rarity's surprise, a zebra mare. Rarity had never encountered any zebras at all outside of Zecora—they lived in a remote location back home and didn't travel much—but she had heard that there was a rather large nation of them here in this world, far, far down south. She'd also heard that it was exceedingly rare for one to venture north of their homeland, even when constraining themselves just to the southern continent.

The mare was pretty by pony standards, but Rarity didn't know if that translated to zebra standards. She wore light, white robes and kept her mane and tail in neat, braided locks; she had the same coloring of any zebra, of course, with a lovely arrangement of stripes along her back and legs. She also, curiously, had a sword strapped to her back that had a number of odd markings along the blade; it was the first weapon she'd seen that looked like it would belong at home… well, at home. How odd.

To Rarity's further curiosity, the two appeared to be engaged not just in a friendly conversation, but were flirting, and quite well at that. Rarity recognized the smoldering look in the stallion's eyes anywhere, and the way the zebra mare laughed and fiddled with her mane, and the stances they were in and how far apart they were, and how his hoof ran along her neck.

Lockwood approached the pair and cleared his throat to get their attention. He addressed the stallion first: "Commander Pinpoint, tsk tsk. Fraternizing on duty, are we?" Though his words were serious, Rarity could hear the distinct lack thereof in Lockwood's tone, and the smirk on his face could put anypony at ease.

The pegasus, Pinpoint, stood at attention and saluted—as did the zebra mare—before he used his wings to make several rapid gesticulations. Pegasus wing language, if Rarity had to guess; she didn't know the language—hard to do without wings, obviously—so she had no idea what was being communicated here.

Lockwood, though, repeated the other stallion's words aloud for everypony to understand: "Oh, you're off duty for an hour? Her Majesty relieved you?" He smiled and patted Pinpoint's shoulder. "Well, carry on then, soldier." He then gave a friendly nod to the zebra mare. "Enjoy him while you can, Zyra. Time flies and all that."

"Yes, Sire," the mare, Zyra, said with a rather formal nod. "Thank you. I will not keep him from his duties." She glanced at the other company that had come along with Lockwood and gave a respectful nod to both Fluttershy and Rarity and a salute to Crossfire, then returned her attention to Pinpoint, who likewise did the same for her.

As Rarity followed along after Lockwood again further down the stairs, she couldn't help but notice and wonder if any zebras of this world rhymed as Zecora did. It wasn't a uniquely zebra trait back home—as far as Rarity knew, Zecora was the only one who did it—and it didn't seem to be one in this world either, if this Zyra mare was any indication. Still, food for thought.

At the very bottom of the stairs, at the end of a long hallway, there was a large door. Gadget was waiting outside of said door and waved the group over as they arrived, then opened it up, showed them inside, and returned to her post; Crossfire stayed behind with her. Rarity was growing more excited by the moment, more excited with every step; whatever was hidden away in this chamber must have surely been an incredible discovery.

The room was occupied by the familiar faces of Queen Blackburn, Gray Skies, and Lorekeeper Gilderoy, the gryphon, the latter of whom Rarity hadn't seen since she'd first arrived in this world again, come to think of it. Fluttershy had seen him once or twice because she spent more time here in the palace than Rarity did, but that was about it. Neither of them knew if he had guest quarters like they did. It was peculiar.

More importantly, though, was somepony completely new, and this somepony was likely the reason this little gathering had been called. Rarity was immediately on edge for a number of reasons, the first being that this new face belonged to an alicorn. Normally that wouldn't bother Rarity one bit, but she knew of the reputation of alicorns in this world and that one being physically present was a fairly significant event.

She—the alicorn was female—was tall, roughly as tall as Celestia herself, her body thin and elegant. Her coat was a ghastly color, not quite purple but not quite black, and shimmered with luster. Her mane and tail gleamed a brilliant, metallic silver, their shape and rigidity resembling blades. She was nude, making it easy to see that her body's tone was incredibly lithe, leanly muscled and physically intimidating. Her long, sharp horn was longer than any unicorn's, and her great, long wings were of a greater wingspan than any pegasus.

It had been seven years, but Rarity still remembered that harrowing experience on the top of Pandora Tower all those years ago. She still remembered when Lord Silvertongue performed a ritual to give a physical form to Nihila, the evil alicorn whom he'd been falsely serving for centuries; she remembered Nihila being completely destroyed as well. She of course still remembered what Nihila looked like—alicorns tended to stand out in one's mind—and so that was her second, and arguably more important, concern.

This was Nihila, somehow given form again.

Fluttershy reacted before Rarity did, stumbling backwards and landing on her rear in surprise. "Wh-what's going on?" she asked as she scrambled back. "Why is Nihila here?" Well, Rarity was relieved that Fluttershy remembered everything as vividly as she herself did.

Lockwood approached Fluttershy, a calm smile on his face as he offered to help her up. "Easy now, Fluttershy, you don't have to be afraid. It's not what you think." He gestured towards the alicorn mare. "She isn't Nihila. Trust me, we've had lots of different sources confirming that to be the case."

Rarity looked between Lockwood and the alicorn mare, who was watching the display with a curious tilt to her head, as if… not amused, exactly, but interested nonetheless. "I think that you had best explain what's going on, darling," she said as she stepped over to aid him in helping Fluttershy up. "The last time we saw this mare she was very much attempting some truly dreadful actions against me and my friends."

"More ponies who know of this 'Nihila', most curious," the mare said, her tone… rather pleasant and smooth. That, at least, was different from what Rarity remembered. "Fear not, little ones. Your King speaks true; I am not this creature, this Nihila, whom you seem to fear so strongly. Your reaction to her presence is far more potent than that of others I have met thus far."

"That's because they actually met her, like I did," said Gray with a nod. "But they had every reason to be afraid of her. She was threatening to take over their minds and use them as weapons against Harmonia. It was a lot more than what they're used to."

The alicorn gave a look to Gray, as if the words were truly shocking. "Indeed? She would make war with my sister with… these ponies? How unusual. What significance do they have that others such as yourself do not? What makes them ideal for such a task?"

"If you were really Nihila, you would know the answer to that," Rarity stated, taking a bold step forward. "But you don't, do you? Because it's true: you really aren't her. But if that's the case, then who are you? I was under the impression that the only alicorns in this world were Harmonia and Nihila, and now Harmonia and Silvertongue. Just the two; not three."

"Though it's not as though we're not used to the numbers going up," Fluttershy quietly noted.

"It is a long tale, my little pony. One which still vexes me greatly, for there are gaps in my memories that I cannot explain." The alicorn shook her head, upset by her own statement. "But first, allow me to further assuage your fears. It is true, I am not this 'Nihila' whom so many refer to with dread and hatred. I am Pandemonia, the Alicorn of the Dark and the Moons, Goddess of Adversity."

Rarity blinked; that was a fairly impressive set of titles. The alicorns of this world certainly put themselves on another level even compared to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Still, she would not dare be impolite, so she gave a reverent bow to Pandemonia—she saw out of the corner of her eye that Fluttershy was doing the same—and introduced herself and her friend, as was proper.

"There is no need for such displays, Rarity, Fluttershy," Pandemonia said with a soft lilt to her voice. "In my current straits I cannot properly accept your worship and reverence. This physical form has both its limitations and its benefits, you see. Though I am still learning the latter…"

Rarity and Fluttershy shared a look to one another and rose upright; Rarity was actually growing rather concerned that so many ponies in positions of authority didn't want to be treated with the adulation their positions deserved. She wasn't sure if she could do the same were she a princess or a queen. What exactly did that say about her?

Pandemonia tilted her head again, studying the pair with more of that same curiosity from earlier and tapping her chin in the process; the act looked unpracticed, for she did so rather slowly, as though she had only just learned it.

"Hmm… I sense a most peculiar set of emotions within you two," she said. "You look upon me with a measure of awe, as all I have met thus far do, but there is something different about your feelings. A dullness to it, as though the gravity of my being does not… 'captivate' you? I believe that is an appropriate description of the sensation."

"You mean that we don't seem as impressed with you as the others?" Fluttershy asked for clarification.

"Yes, precisely. I take no offense, of course, merely note how curious that is." Pandemonia glanced over at Gilderoy, tilting her head again. "I have met Silvertongue, an alicorn like myself, one who communicates via his Warden for he lacks a physical form. Yet even he possessed a significant degree of wonder when he gazed upon me. Would you not agree, Lorekeeper? You know him best out of our present company."

Gray didn't seem miffed by that, but then she'd only known her father for a few weeks in truth, while Gilderoy… how long had he known Silvertongue?

Gilderoy's feathers ruffled. "Yes, I suppose I do, don't I? I will not claim to know him as well as you would hope, but he and I both are well acquainted with the nature of alicorns and of powerful magics. An expert in such matters as he is, and as I am, would naturally react in a particular manner in your presence. I could see it in his eye: his wonderment. Dulled, perhaps, because of his recent experiences, but still present."

"Indeed." Pandemonia turned back to Rarity and Fluttershy. "And yet I do not sense the same breathless wonderment within you two. Quite the curiosity. Again, I take no offense, but I would very much like to understand why this is the case. Does my form truly not inspire astonishment?"

Lockwood cleared his throat. "Well, the circumstances behind that are rather complex. We're supposed to be keeping that information pretty close to the vest, you see. A friend of ours, Winter Glow, probably wouldn't like us to just keep spreading the truth around like this. Oof, she's going to be so upset when she finds out…"

"However," Blackburn continued, "circumstances extreme, coincidences apparent, too convenient to dismiss. Potential connection of issues, potential solution regardless of connection. Winter will forgive us. Without her present, must come up with own hypotheses, own solutions." She shrugged. "Not our fault."

"What manner of 'coincidence' do you mean?" Pandemonia asked, glancing between Blackburn and the two mares that had drawn her curiosity; Rarity couldn't decide if she should be frightened or flattered.

"The nature of your reappearance in the physical world coincides too closely to… other recent events," Gilderoy said carefully. "I certainly consider it to be too close together to be a mere coincidence, though even if that is all this is, it still stands that they compound upon each other. The two situations may present solutions for the other's problems, in a sense."

Blackburn nodded at Rarity. "You would explain it best."

Rarity gave Pandemonia a small, nervous smile. "Ah. Well, you see… as to why we're not 'impressed', as it were, by your appearance, that would be because we're already quite accustomed to alicorns where we're from."

"They're all a pretty big part of our lives, actually," Fluttershy said with a grin and a nod. "They have been for many years now."

"Why, I've designed dresses for some of them, so I hardly find it odd at all to look upon you as you are now." Rarity tapped her chin and tilted her head. "In fact, now that the tension has cleared up some, I've been thinking about which colors would look best on you. Black would be a little on the nose, but it does go with everything."

Pandemonia's mouth curled into a little grin. "How amusing. Over the course of several conversations, there has never been a moment where anypony's words have left me quite so befuddled as I am now. I can sense the truth of your tale, the goodness in your hearts, but your words are strange."

"I suppose it would be best to just come right out and say it then, wouldn't it?" Rarity nodded confidently. "We're not from this world at all, but from another world, one quite different from this one but with some similarities here and there. Alicorns are leaders where we're from, not goddesses, though they do still possess a great deal of power."

"Another world, you say?" Pandemonia asked, eyes slightly widened. "Enlighten me as to how you have come to be here, and perhaps how this relates to Nihila and my sister Harmonia, for I sense that there is a connection here that has yet been unspoken."

So, Rarity and Fluttershy shared the tale of how they'd first come to this world seven years ago, of how they'd been discovered by Lord Silvertongue, and how he manipulated Nihila into giving him enough leeway to "use" them so that he was able to betray and destroy her, taking her power for himself. Gray assisted in the matter, even adding in details about the origin of herself and her sisters and how it pertained to all of this.

Following the much shorter tale of how they came to be here a second time, Rarity and Fluttershy listened as Pandemonia, with Gilderoy's assistance, explained her own story, or at least as much of it that anyone had been able to figure out thus far; Rarity and Fluttershy were the only ones who hadn't heard it yet.

And Rarity listened with rapt attention; this was all information that Twilight would find absolutely fascinating, but without her here Rarity knew that somepony had to try and figure out all the angles and details. It might as well be her.

Pandemonia had, apparently, been one of the alicorn goddesses that watched over this world and guided ponykind on the southern continent thousands of years ago; her sister, Harmonia, was the other. However, one day her Warden was summoned to the northern continent to negotiate with the minotaurs, who had been raiding pony villages and attacking their ships. After that, Pandemonia didn't remember anything… for over two thousand years, when she woke up here, in Hope's Point.

Gilderoy noted that something as of yet unexplained had caused Pandemonia to manifest in this physical body, and that from everything they'd come to understand, Nihila and Pandemonia were two separate entities. Nihila had somehow usurped Pandemonia's position—this was Gilderoy's theory at the moment—and perhaps imprisoned her so that she could conquer the world using Pandemonia's power.

How that had happened was anyone's guess, and it seemed that Silvertongue's efforts seven years ago had unknowingly freed Pandemonia.

But Nihila had not been destroyed, and was still operating out there… somewhere. How, again, none of them knew, nor did they have answers as to where she was or what, exactly, she was up to. But Silvertongue, with Golden Dawn as his instrument, would find and destroy her once and for all, as he'd sworn to do centuries ago.

Gilderoy, in the meantime, was to find out more about Pandemonia's past to try and return her to the Dreaming or at least find out how everything had come to pass, but details were scant; she was lost to history entirely, it seemed, even to the southerners.

"This is quite a twisting tale," Rarity mused as the conversation drew to a close. "I can see why you would think it all to be connected to us; the timing is rather close, isn't it? We reappeared in this world a week ago, and a week or so before that Pandemonia reappeared after thousands of years imprisoned under Nihila's will?"

"That was my thought, yes," Gilderoy said, stroking his beard. "It could certainly still be entirely coincidental, but from how you described your friend Twilight's spell, or more specifically how she had been testing it for weeks before the attempt that resulted in your traveling here, it is remarkably close to when I first discovered the traces of magic that led me to Pandemonia."

"So it could be a coincidence or it could not, but in either case we think that you two might be able to help each other," Lockwood said with a smile. "Somehow, anyway. We're not sure what to do about it until the sandstorm clears up and we can get Twilight and Winter involved in all of this. Twilight's the magic expert who made that spell, and Winter knows about all the alternate world stuff. She still hasn't even met Pandemonia yet, come to think of it."

"Why now, though?" asked Fluttershy, tapping her hooves together.


"Why are you just bringing this to our attention now? Not that I mind—this all sounds like it very much had to be kept secret—but it seems strange that you waited so long to tell us about this if you thought it was all connected."

"I can answer that question for you, Fluttershy," said Pandemonia with a warm smile that somehow made Rarity instantly feel at ease. "I am still growing accustomed to this physical form, and I expended too much energy when I first awoke mere days before your arrival in our world. I exhausted myself utterly, and so I needed rest for I am also still recovering from whatever ordeals Nihila had imposed upon me."

"She's been asleep all week," Gray summarized. With a grin, she added, "One hell of a power nap if you ask me. Beats my record."

Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth. "Oh my. Is everything okay now? Is there anything we can do?"

"You are too kind, my dear," Pandemonia said with a small nod. "No, I think that I have grown accustomed to this form to the point that I will not overexert myself with the mere act of walking about."

She demonstrated by taking several steps over to the nearest wall, setting her hoof upon the stonework delicately. "In the Dreaming I did not possess limbs, nor did I possess the senses of mortals. I was overwhelmed. But my rest has emboldened me; I feel… alive."

"Well that sounds like wonderful news," Rarity said with a smile. "Now that you've recovered, what do you plan to do? Are you going to help in the search for Nihila, perhaps?"

Pandemonia looked contemplative. "I… do not know. For the first time in my existence I feel as though I possess no guiding purpose, no task that I and I alone must accomplish. I am a leaf upon the wind; I know not where I am going, only that I must go. A vexing conundrum."

"You haven't seen the world in thousands of years though, right?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, I have not."

"Well, maybe you should, um… explore it a little? See what sorts of things have changed?"

"Hmm. That sounds… yes, that sounds intriguing," Pandemonia said with a nod. "I would very much like to see what ponies of the world have done for themselves in my absence."

Gilderoy hummed loudly. "Hmm hmm hmm, I would not advise traveling south, at the very least not so long as the Beacons are in place. You are composed of pure, concentrated Dark magic; the southern continent is blanketed by Harmonia's energy, the purest of Light magic there is."

"My sister would not deign to bring me harm, good sir gryphon," Pandemonia huffed.

"Oh no no, not on purpose," he chuckled. "But regardless of how balanced and intertwined you two may have been within the Dreaming together, you possess a physical body now. There is a significant likelihood that exposure to such powerful Light magic could have devastating effects upon your body, potentially lethal ones. I have no theories as to what would happen to you should you… well, die."

Pandemonia went silent for a moment, then nodded. "I will acquiesce to your wisdom, Lorekeeper, for this world is strange to me now; I feel as though I am an intruder within my own home, a presence that does not belong. These 'Beacons' seem to be both a blessing and a curse."

"Hope's Point is open to you," said Blackburn quite suddenly. "May need to disguise yourself; alicorn form would draw attention. Will make other accommodations."

"It's not exactly the southern continent, but we do our best," Lockwood chuckled. "Now, if you need somepony to show you around—"

"I'll do it," interrupted Gray, stamping her hoof to ensure that she got the group's attention.

"Hmm? You want to do it?" Lockwood asked.

"Yeah, I do. I've lived my entire life having Dawn tell me how lazy and irresponsible I am, no matter how much good I do. I want this responsibility. Not for her benefit, not for New Pandemonium's benefit, but for me, for my benefit." She nodded firmly. "I want to prove her wrong and shove it in her face."

"I thought she trusted you enough to serve as an ambassador here in Hope's Point, did she not?" asked Rarity.

Gray shook her head. "No. Curaçao's the one who handled all that, and Dawn fought her all the way. That's why I need to do this. It's not just for me, it's for Curaçao too. She had faith in me to do a good job, so I'm gonna do right by her." She looked at Blackburn. "But it's your city. If you don't want me to—"

"Permission granted," Blackburn interrupted. "One condition: Flathoof remains with you. You represent New Pandemonium; he represents Hope's Point. Fair arrangement."

Gray smiled lightly, then offered Blackburn her hoof. "Agreed. Thanks, Your Majesty."

"Please," Blackburn said, taking Gray's hoof firmly. "Least I could do. You're family. Family looks out for each other."

Gray looked at Blackburn for a long moment. "Damn straight," she said at last. She then turned to Pandemonia. "Is that alright with you? Would you mind if I showed you around the city and stuff? I'm not the most personable pony, but I know what's what."

Pandemonia smiled and nodded. "That would please me greatly, Gray. You have a good heart, a strong sense of loyalty for those who matter to you most. I have faith in your ability to guide this stranger in these strange lands."

"Cool." Gray turned to Fluttershy and beckoned her over. "Hey, Shy, can I ask you a favor?"

Fluttershy pointed at herself as she stepped over to Gray. "Me? Sure, Gray, anything."

"While Flathoof and I are handling these 'tours', would you want to foalsit the kids?" Gray asked, throwing a hoof around Fluttershy's shoulder.

"I'd love to!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Awesome. They're gonna love it." Gray waved Lockwood over. "Hey! Get over here, we gotta figure out some sort of, I dunno, list or something. Where I should take her, when's the best time to go to certain places."

Lockwood chuckled. "You want to know what I would've done if I were taking her around, don't you?"

"Yeah, duh."

Rarity watched the little quartet form around another to start discussing plans for their new mission, and she found herself quite impressed with it all. Gray's initiative was inspiring, her reasons praiseworthy; Blackburn's willingness to accommodate the proposal was quite mature of her, as Rarity wouldn't have blamed her at all if she wanted the responsibility to be all her own; Fluttershy looked to be extremely happy that she was getting the opportunity to spend more time with Gray's kids, and Rarity was happy for her.

And Lockwood, well, he was just his usual self, as always. So determined to be compassionate and considerate that he was ready to offer his services to a literal goddess given physical form. And Rarity knew there were no ulterior motives there whatsoever; it was just out of the kindness of his heart, his complete inability to be anything but a gentlecolt. She adored that quality of his.

Rarity didn't even notice Pandemonia step over to her, which was a little embarrassing; she was hard to miss. "Rarity, might I ask you a question?" the goddess asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, of course," Rarity replied. "Is there something I can do for you? Ah, did you perhaps want me to make you a dress? Don't feel embarrassed about asking me," she tittered. "I'm quite used to it. I have been considering the colors still, and believe that a rich silver might also be appropriate, if you'd prefer that over black. Either way, I can make something that will bring out all of your best features."

Pandemonia lifted a hoof and glanced over herself briefly. "I had not considered that. But I must refuse, at least at present. If I am to explore this city, I will be utilizing a different appearance. I fear any clothing you make for me would be wasted."

"Ah, yes, that certainly would be the case. Well, if you change your mind, just let me know, and I'll help you make a fashion statement to end all fashion statements."

"Indeed. But that was not what I wished to ask you."

Rarity tilted her head. "Oh?"

"I mentioned earlier that I hold dominion over the concept of Adversity, yes?"

"Yes, you did. I'm still not sure what that means."

"It sounds more complicated than it is." Pandemonia smiled and gestured around her. "In life, one's experiences can be narrowed down to two states of being: there is the state of Prosperity, my sister's domain, wherein one experiences no troubles, no strife, no fear or worry. A state of content.

"The other is Adversity, wherein one must struggle with complications, must fight against challenges, where they must carefully consider every action they take lest they make things worse. A state of conflict." Her smile widened and she set her hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "That is my domain. That is where my strength lies, where I am at my most powerful."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "That is certainly an interesting philosophy."

"Indeed, and an interesting dichotomy that my sister and I had. Her guiding principle was to maintain Prosperity in the hearts of all; mine was to govern conflict, to guide others through Adversity. But my intentions were never evil, no. An individual can only become stronger through overcoming challenges, and it is in their success over those challenges that they find Prosperity.

"It is a cycle. Conflict arises, one triumphs over the challenge presented, and then they may rest until the next conflict comes their way. But too much Adversity leads to misery; too much Prosperity leads to stagnation. They must be balanced. There can be no happiness without sadness, just as every night must give way to the morning."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I can sense conflict wherever it may be, even when it is deeply hidden and closely guarded. Though my dominion over the concept is not as great within this form, I can still sense it. There is much strife to be had from our situation, for instance." Pandemonia subtly tilted her head towards Gray. "Gray's heart aches with conflicting feelings about her sister."

"She's said as much…" Rarity replied, growing more curious than ever as to where this line of thought was going. "And I think that it goes without saying that we're not exactly in an ideal situation right now."

"Indeed. These things are as clear to mortals as they are to me, even without words." Pandemonia's hoof slid down and pressed against Rarity's chest. "But the turmoil in your heart? None can see it save for me, perhaps not even yourself. It is hidden, deep down in the recesses of your soul, forced there out of a desire to avoid conflict."

Rarity nervously chuckled. "I don't know what you mean—"

"It is not always present. Now, for instance, it is little more than an ember. When you look at him, though…" Her eyes darted towards… Lockwood? "It smolders. Soon it may become an inferno."

"I… I don't have any idea what you're talking about."

Pandemonia paused, eyebrow raised, then she shook her head and removed her hoof from Rarity's chest. "Perhaps I was mistaken then. I am still growing accustomed to this form, so there is a chance that I am seeing something that is not there… or perhaps it is the future I see? Hmm. An interesting thought."

Rarity nervously smiled. "Ahaha, yes, perhaps. Very interesting. Ahem… w-well, if you don't mind, I'd like to find out what my friends and I have planned for the rest of the day. I hope your tour goes well."

"Thank you, Rarity. Consider my words. Please."

"I will, certainly."

As Rarity stepped over to her friends, though, and as her gaze lingered on Lockwood for a moment, she took a deep breath and swallowed. Pandemonia was clearly mistaken; waking up after two thousand years and then having to get used to being in a real body, why, that would be traumatic for anypony, enough to make them misinterpret situations. That's all it was: a misunderstanding.

And that's all it would ever be.


At first Gray hadn't known where to start on the tour she'd planned out. Lockwood's plethora of ideas and locales to visit had been a great launching point for putting together a plan, but it was hard to figure out what was the best thing to really start with. Where should they go first? What should they do first?

Should she show off the city's entertainment venues? No, too flashy, too loud; it would definitely be considered a big change, but big things like that needed foal steps. Pandemonia wasn't just missing out on two thousand years of development, but also being in a physical body for the first time. The lights and sounds could potentially frighten her or disorient her, and then it would be Gray's fault that the goddess broke again.

Maybe the fashion district then? No, that wouldn't help; they didn't exactly need to go clothes shopping for her, and Rarity had already offered to start putting together outfits if Pandemonia wanted any, and she didn't. If that wasn't a sign of disinterest, nothing was.

It was Flathoof who came up with the best idea: "I figure if we're trying to show her what Hope's Point culture is like, we should take her to a bar," he said.

She'd scoffed at first. "Are you serious? What're you gonna do, drink milk like usual? How're we supposed to 'show her the culture' when you're a frickin' teetotaller?"

"Easy. I won't drink, sure, but you can, and more importantly, she can. It's a way of life for most ponies up here, so what better way to introduce her to our culture than show her what so many ponies do in their free time? And if I'm being responsible and sober, she'll see that we're not just a bunch of alcoholic hedonists."

"Always the responsible one, aren't you? I mean, I suppose that plan makes sense…" She nodded confidently. "Alright, let's do that then. Might as well break in her new body by poisoning it with liquor and booze, right?"

"Spoken like a true Hope's Point citizen," he replied, sniffing and wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"Bite me, honey."

And so that was how Gray and Flathoof ended up escorting a unicorn mare through the city streets on the way to the best pub in town, the Wyrm's Head. The unicorn's name was Puzzle Box, and she had a dark blue coat and a silvery-white mane and tail that she wore very long and straight. Despite not otherwise needing clothes, Puzzle had acquiesced to wearing a simple jacket and nothing more, because that would suffice for most ponies' sensibilities.

"When Rarity had suggested providing clothing for me, I was not under the impression that it was to fulfil some obligation to hide my physical form from others," Puzzle said as she fidgeted with the jacket. "I had assumed that she was being honest with her comment to 'bring out my best'."

"Oh, no, Rarity was one hundred percent offering you clothes to make you look snazzy," Gray said with a grin. "But yeah, it feels like it would be a waste to make something for you as you are right now. In your, uh… usual state, though, hey, you might dig whatever she can put together. Rarity's a genius about that stuff."

"I will reserve judgment then, in that case." Puzzle continued to fidget in the jacket's sleeves, trying to roll them up and failing again and again; Gray helped her so that they would stay up. "Bah! How can one walk the world and not savor the feeling of the wind against their coat? Such squandering of nature's gifts is troubling."

"That's just how things are done up here," Flathoof responded. "Been that way for hundreds of years, a New Pandemonium custom actually. It's a little more lax down here in Hope's Point, sure, but it's not like the southern continent. Down there they don't have the rule at all; they think we're weird for having it."

"That is because it is a peculiar rule to have. Why would one deign to hide themselves away from the world? The physical form is beautiful; Harmonia and I molded you in our own image."

Flathoof coughed into his hoof. "Well it's not really to hide yourself in a general sense. It's to hide your… more intimate bits."

Puzzle raised an eyebrow and glanced at her own backside first, then at Flathoof's, then at Gray's, then at a number of other passers-by. "Surely you jest? This jacket would no more hide my genitalia than—"

Gray put a hoof over Puzzle's mouth. "Whoa whoa whoa, that's exactly the point. The jacket doesn't actually hide a damn thing, but everypony has the sense not to notice that if you don't bring it up."

"That's how lingerie works," Flathoof said, nudging Gray and grinning. "Lingerie covers about the same amount as some regular articles of clothing we wear, sometimes more, but folks notice that it's not covering up anything in that case. It's part of what makes it sexy."

"Selective awareness?" Puzzle said, tapping her chin. "Hmm. What a bizarre concept. And you say that the rules are stricter further north?"


"Fascinating. In my time, the only purpose for clothing was as protection from the worst of the elements. This jacket would hardly suffice as protection from the southern snows, however. Rarity claimed that it is a… 'fashion statement'?"

"I think jackets are the trend right now, yeah," Gray said with a nod, gesturing out at all the other mares wearing similar jackets of different styles and colors. "Wearing nice clothes sometimes draws a lot of attention your way. We gave you something simple so you wouldn't attract too much, but would still keep Rarity quiet."

"Ah, so the clothing serves a contradictory double purpose?"

"Contradictory how?"

"The clothing serves the same role as the plumage of a bird: attracting a potential mate. However the clothing also serves to obscure one's genitalia, which would potentially confuse such a potential mate."

"Well, you'd take the clothes off before you… uh, 'mate'," Flathoof said, tugging his collar. With a look at Gray, he added, "Usually. Sometimes your wife wants you to keep the uniform on."

Gray snorted loudly and gave him a look that indicated that if he didn't shut up, he wouldn't be "mating" with anypony for a while.

Puzzle nodded her head firmly, though she still looked confused. "Northerners have such strange customs. Hmm. Perhaps I will accept Rarity's offer and have her design a 'fashion statement' for me so that I may attract a mate. There are many aspects of such a distinctly 'mortal' experience that intrigue me."

"Uh… sure, whatever you say?" Gray agreed, not sure what to make of any of that. She cleared her throat. "So, anyway… see anything else that strikes you while we're out and about? I know this isn't anything like what you're used to in pretty much every way imaginable."

"Indeed it isn't," Puzzle replied. "In my time, the largest pony settlement was also situated along the coast, as your Hope's Point is, but it did not possess such tall structures. Ponies had only recently begun developing seafaring vessels, and theirs were no match for the sorts that the minotaurs possessed in their navy."

"If you think these buildings are tall, you oughta see Pandora Tower up north. It's the single tallest structure in the entire world, next to the southern Beacon of course," said Flathoof. "The tower's just a little bit taller. A little bit."

"Dad built his whole headquarters around the northern Beacon, so he needed room," Gray said with a shrug.

"I would very much like to see how tall this 'Pandora' is someday," Puzzle said with a small smile. "The advancements of ponykind are incredible. You say that much of this is derived from gryphon technomagic?"

"That's the basic gist of it, yeah."

Puzzle nodded as she eyed an advertising billboard that had animated lights. "Such interesting inventions."

"And there's a lot more where that came from, too." Gray pointed up ahead, towards their destination. "And hey, here we are: the Wyrm's Head. It's the best pub in the whole city according to, well, everypony."

Puzzle's eyes widened as she gazed upon the structure, which was made up entirely of cobbled together ships—seafaring ships, not airships—arranged in such a way that each one served as its own miniature pub. Over the entrance was the skull of some great draconic creature, fake of course, as dragons were just a myth; even if they were real, there was no way any of them could get big enough that their skulls were larger than a pony five times over.

"What a bizarre establishment," Puzzle muttered, shaking her head. "Using the wrecks of old pony ships in such a way is both pragmatic and, somehow, distressing."

"Oh hey, yeah, these are old ship designs that they probably don't even use anymore down south," Flathoof said, scratching his chin. "You don't happen to recognize any of them by any chance, do you?"

"No," she replied. "They are not from my time, but they are clearly not of this time either, or at least not of a style that your city would deem appropriate. From what I have heard of the world's history, perhaps these are remains of ships that Silvertongue used to cross the sea centuries ago."

"Huh… yeah, maybe they are. They must've been fished up hundreds of years later and given some repair work… to smash 'em together as part of a pub." He chuckled. "How's that for poetic?"

Puzzle turned to Gray. "You say that this establishment is a 'pub'? What exactly is that?"

"It's a business that serves alcohol and food, but with an emphasis on the alcohol," Gray explained. "Didn't they have anything like that in your time?"

"Inns often served ale or wine as well as food, yes, but their emphasis was on providing rooms for weary travelers to rest their hooves in. I believe the zebras had something called a 'mead hall' that served a similar purpose as this 'pub', but it was not a business, it was a private club of sorts. Though I will not pretend to understand all of zebra culture."

"Well, guess this'll be your first experience with a pub ever," Gray said with a grin as she walked Puzzle towards the front doors. "It'll take some getting used to, but it's a big part of Hope's Point culture. One of the city's top exports is booze, and they even started teaching the southerners how to make some of their kinds of stuff."

"Truly? Ah, then ponykind has indeed become a worldly folk. That is wonderful news," Puzzle said with a smile.

"Yeah? Cool, 'cause having a drink is considered the proper way to celebrate good news, so let's get you started on the traditions, huh?"

As they entered into the pub's main hall, which was larger than any of the others and made of sterner stuff than the other "themed" rooms throughout the building, Gray could see that it was crowded, as it tended to be at this time of day on this day of the week at this time of year. Which… was the same as it was every day, actually; the Wyrm's Head was never empty unless there was a citywide emergency in effect… and maybe even then it wasn't.

But Gray knew what to do to get seats for herself and her guests; a little trick Blackburn had told her about, a signal to give to the bartender. It required wings, so only pegasi could do it, but with a careful flick here and there—and Gray had to be careful not to accidentally activate her powers in the process—the bartender noticed her, waved her over, and somehow there was a set of three empty seats right in front of him where before they had been three other ponies.

Gray didn't know how it worked, but it did, so they took their seats without a fuss.

The bartender—a salt-and-pepper-colored unicorn stallion with a huge mustache—grunted and tilted his head up at Flathoof, but didn't stop washing his current glass in the process; was he always washing a glass? Was that just a thing that bartenders did to look busy?

"Captain," he grunted. "You gonna order something besides milk today? Oooh, maybe a soda? If you ask for some grenadine in it then it's at least something."

Flathoof grinned. "Nnnope. Milk will do."

"Figures." The bartender ducked under the counter and returned a few seconds later with a glass of cold, white milk. "You want me to add some chocolate syrup for you? Or would you prefer it plain?"

"Hmm, chocolate milk sounds nice. But no, I'll pass. Ooh, unless you can make it into a chocolate milkshake?"

"Ahaha. No." The bartender then turned to Gray and was immediately all smiles. "Ambassador. What can I get for you?"

"Just a dark beer for me, not picky about the brand today." Gray then patted Puzzle on the shoulder. "And I've got a friend here visiting from the south who's never been to a real pub before and definitely never did any day-drinking before. What would you recommend for a naive first-timer?"

The bartender eyed Puzzle briefly while simultaneously grabbing a bottle of dark beer, popping the cap, and serving it to Gray all without even looking at what he was doing. "Is she old enough to drink?"

"Oh yeah," Gray chuckled. "She's a lot older than she looks, trust me. Some mares get all the luck."

"Very well, then we can skip that step. Where are you from in the south, Miss?"

Puzzle tilted her head, then said, "I traveled a lot. You could say that I'm from everywhere."

Good answer, Gray thought.

"Ah, well aren't you a little mystery mare. I've got just the thing." The bartender ducked under the table again and was back up in a few seconds with a shot glass filled with four separate liquids all layered on top of one another.

"A speciality of the house for visiting tourists: the Southern Tour. One part sangria from Seaside; one part vodka from Frostburg; one part whiskey from High Mountain; one part tequila from Newhaven. Oh!" He topped it off with a dash of hot sauce. "And a garnish of spice from Deepgrove to top it off. Drink it all in one go now; no sipping."

Gray blanched slightly. "Ooh, sounds tasty. Are you sure?"

"It's a little bit of everything but the kitchen sink, so if your friend likes to drink, she'll love it. If she doesn't… well, that's what towels are for."

Gray shrugged and turned to Puzzle. "He's the expert, so I'd say you give it a try. Like he said: all in one go. That's called a 'shot'."

Puzzle nodded and used her magic to take up the glass, eyed it carefully, then shrugged and, as instructed, pounded it back in one go like an expert. Immediately after consuming it, she convulsed in disgust, stuck out her tongue, blinked like somepony had flashed a light in her eyes, and firmly set the glass back on the table as if hoping it would shoo the taste away, even letting out a high-pitched noise of revulsion to top it all off.

"Well?" Gray asked.

"This beverage, this… 'shot' as you call it… it's…" She shuddered again, as if the taste was still lingering in her mouth.

"It looks to me like she hates it," Flathoof observed.

She pointed at him, eyes wide, as if his observation had been an enlightening experience. "Yes, that is exactly it! I hate this drink. It burns my throat as it goes down, tastes like urine, and there is an unpleasantness that lingers even after I have swallowed it. It is revolting."

"Would you like another?" asked the bartender with a cocky smirk.

Puzzle pushed her glass towards him. "Please."


Rarity eyed her new jacket up and down carefully in the mirror, checking every last seam there was, every stitch, every thread. The color was perfect, a wonderful dark red that reminded her of her "investigator" ensemble. She'd been careful to keep the color and the general style different enough that they weren't exactly the same, but the resemblance was there. She'd even made a matching wide-brim hat with a bow.

Nopony around here had ever seen her noir-inspired outfit—Fluttershy excluded—so nopony would dare suggest that any faux pas was taking place.

The jacket looked wonderful over her wine-colored satin dress which had been delicately assembled to hug her figure just right without being too provocative. It was a fine line between decent and indecent, and depending on where in the world—or on what world—you were, the line shifted one way or the other. Hope's Point did not have the rules that New Pandemonium did, but its fashion had trends that said otherwise, so she'd been very careful with how it flowed around her backside.

But yes, the ensemble was complete; she looked perfect. Well, she always did, of course, that went without saying. But by the stars above, this was definitely one of her finest works… for the context of a simple lunch get-together with friends who happened to be royalty. Because of course the context mattered; this outfit was too complicated to wear if she went to lunch with Fluttershy alone, but covered up too much if she were on a proper date with some handsome stallion.

"Wow, you look amazing," said Cotton Rose from behind her.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity replied, turning and giving Cotton a little smile. "And thank you again for letting me use your shop for putting together all my outfits lately. You have a wonderful setup here."

Cotton nervously scuffed her hoof on the floor. "Oh, it's no problem at all. Anything for a friend. I owe you big time for all the word-of-mouth advertising you've given me, and for helping me out with my wedding dress. I guess that's the silver lining to putting off the ceremony, huh?"

"Indeed it is, dear, indeed it is. The way I see it, one must always look for the silver linings in life if they're to pull through the hard times. It would be easy to simply give up and consider everything a lost cause; it's much harder, and more rewarding, to take the good with the bad and make it work to your advantage."

"Words to live by." Cotton rubbed her neck slightly. "So, um… I know it's a little while away still, but… when the sandstorm clears up and Havoc comes back home, I don't think she'd have a problem if I wanted to invite one more guest. Y'know. If you're interested."

Rarity's eyes lit up and she took Cotton's hooves in hers. "Oh my, are you inviting me to your wedding? Well of course I'd be delighted to come. You're so sweet for asking." She giggled slightly as she looked at Cotton's blushing face, "The resemblance really is uncanny, especially when you blush."


Rarity released Cotton and turned to adjust her mane in the mirror. "I have a friend back home, a wonderful young mare named Coco Pommel. You remind me of her: sweet, genuine, and cute as a button. You even look a lot like her; why, you could be her twin sister if you were about five years younger."

"She sounds nice."

"Oh, she is. And so are you, dear." Rarity pinched Cotton's cheek. "Now then, I think I should be going. If I leave now I can arrive just in time to be fashionably late."

"It's not many ponies that keep His and Her Majesty waiting," Cotton said with a smirk as she started putting away the discarded materials.

"Yes, well, they should have thought of that before inviting me to lunch so late. A lady has to look her best, and I certainly wasn't going to go out to lunch in my morning ensemble like some barbarian." She kissed Cotton on the cheek. "Au revoir, darling!"

"Bye!" Cotton called back with a wave.

Rarity left Cotton's shop—still unopened but at least looking like it would be soon, from the outside at least—and made her way down the street towards her destination, a Baroque restaurant not too far from here. Though she didn't make it look like she was paying attention, she was definitely paying attention to the looks that she was getting from passersby on her way. Some eyed her with envy, others with awe, others still with lust, all of which was only natural.

After all, Rarity was the kind of pony that everypony should know, so eyes would naturally be drawn to her in one way or another, and she loved the attention.

The restaurant itself was a lovely establishment, another of the ritzier affairs that Hope's Point had to offer. It hadn't all been high-class dining over the past week or so, of course; why, just the other day Lockwood and Blackburn invited her to a classical diner for a change of pace, which allowed Rarity to try out a more casual blouse and skirt that she'd wanted to wear, and it hadn't been out of place at all.

She checked her jacket and hat at the door, of course, leaving her in just the dress as she made her way to the private royal booth; her name was already on the guest list so there was no hassle whatsoever with getting the maître d' to show her the way. The sight of both Crossfire and Gadget nearby led her to believe that one of the two royals would likely be leaving early; she'd cottoned on to that little tidbit by now.

"Rarity, fashionably late I see," Gadget quipped as Rarity made her way to the table. She eyed her dress up and down. "Oh wow, very fashionable indeed. Golly, that's a nice dress. Does it come in purple?"

"For you, darling, of course it does," Rarity said with a grin. She then waved to Lockwood and Blackburn, the former of whom had stood to greet her as was proper manners. "Hello, everypony. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?"

"Oh no, not at all," Lockwood said, giving her a wide smile. He, too, eyed her dress up and down. "Wow, that dress looks… great."

"Thank you, darling." She set her hoof on his chest briefly; he had on a handsome shirt underneath his usual white jacket. "Aha, I love your new shirt. The trim is fantastic. Who made this?"

"Oh, uh, just my regular tailor. How can you tell it's new?"

"Lockwood dear, I'm me. I can spot the difference between a new shirt and one that you've worn before quite easily. It's the way the material stretches; an old shirt won't be quite as tight around the neck."

"Ah. Well, I guess I shouldn't expect anything less," he chuckled.

"Blackburn, how are you?" Rarity asked.

"Well, thank you," Blackburn said; she hadn't risen, as she didn't need to. She also looked the dress up and down, raising one eyebrow as she did so, and delaying her response for quite some time. "Hmm. You look stunning."

"Well thank you darling," Rarity tittered as Lockwood helped her take her seat.

It wasn't an undue compliment, but the word choice was a little… odd. Then again, Blackburn didn't seem the sort to know all the ins and outs of complimenting a lady's appearance. Something her stepmother sadly never had the chance to teach her, most likely.

From there it was just idle small talk while they waited—not for long—for the waiter to take their orders, and then they could proceed to more important topics while they waited for the food. Rarity ordered the pesto primavera salad; it sounded divine. She also had no trouble at all letting Blackburn take absolute control of the conversation; it seemed as if a lot of business was happening all at once now that Pandemonia was awake, so she could understand.

"Spoke with the Council before lunch," Blackburn said, sipping from her water. "Pandemonia situation still urgent, have come to decision: cannot make decisions alone. Lack information, lack context, and frankly lack investment."

"What do you mean, 'lack investment'?" Lockwood asked. "Pandemonia just being around has gotta be a world-changing event. Sounds pretty invest-worthy to me."

"True, but with current information and context, more of a southern issue."

He tapped his chin. "Hmm… no, I guess that sounds about right. She's a mare from out of time that doesn't belong up here with us, not originally anyway. So are we trying to find a way to get her home to the south? To Harmonia?"

Blackburn tilted her head side to side. "Yes and no. Southern religious and political affiliations different from two thousand years ago. Deep sea research teams' search for minotaur ruins still ongoing. Latest reports indicate little progress, but have high hopes; crew of the Comet Chaser believe they will have something soon, venturing out beyond original parameters."

Rarity still found all this information about minotaurs in this world to be a little distressing. The only minotaur she knew back home, Iron Will, didn't seem to be an evil sort. Misguided, maybe a little underhanded and deceptive, but not the type to burn and pillage innocents. The idea that there weren't any more minotaurs was also a bit distressing. What on earth could have happened to them?

"Also require context from the southern leaders, perspective on ramifications of Pandemonia's existence, answers on why she has been forgotten." Blackburn took a breath. "Council agrees, require southern input on issue. Approved arrangement of delegation from the south. They will fly here, see Pandemonia, talk to her, help us understand, perhaps understand in turn.

"Messengers will dispatch tonight. Will retrieve representatives from Houses Silver, Sky, and Golden; most notable noble houses in their society, most political power. Also requesting representative from Zeb'ra'den; zebras included Nihila in their pantheon, thus could have context of their own to provide."

Lockwood whistled. "Wow, we're really gonna try and get the zebras up here too? I know they've been pretty accepting of us during our diplomatic tours, but I always got the feeling they were just fine sticking where they were."

"Perhaps. Hence, instructed messenger to consult with their embassy in Utopia first. Zebra ambassador would consider this a point of interest. You would suggest it; already done."

Rarity marveled at the way the two complemented one another as leaders. Blackburn's strict logic and swift action were balanced by Lockwood's flexible nature and kindly demeanor. The two of them together could probably convince anypony of anything.

Soon, appetizers were served, and it was here when Gadget stepped over to the table and got Blackburn's attention. "Your Majesty, Chief Storm says she's ready for you now."

"Hmm, earlier than expected, kudos to her. Was hoping to at least finish lunch." Blackburn shrugged and took one last bite of the baked zucchini they'd ordered for the table, then rose from her seat as she dabbed her mouth with her napkin. "But duty calls."

Rarity felt a little guilty; had she arrived sooner, Blackburn would've likely had time for lunch, or at least been able to start eating.

"You're meeting with Chief Storm?" Lockwood asked, rising from his chair as she did, as was proper manners.

"Yes. Need to make arrangements for diplomatic visitors, best to get an early start. Apologies." She nodded at Rarity. "To you as well. Rude to interrupt lunch for business."

"You certainly are dedicated to your work, darling," Rarity noted with a small smile. "I, for one, don't mind at all. This is your city, and these are your ponies that you're looking out for. What kind of mare would I be to tell you you can't do that, hmm? Just because it isn't 'proper'? Perish the thought."

Blackburn returned the smile and nodded again, then kissed Lockwood's cheek and headed off without another word, Gadget at her side. Rarity watched her go with no small sense of awe; that was a mare who knew how to take care of business. Twilight absolutely needed to meet this mare so that they could share tips on how to properly rule a country. Twilight needed help on being able to divvy out her duties properly; Blackburn needed help on being less rigid and brusque.

Lunch was served shortly after Blackburn left—Lockwood asked that Blackburn's food be bagged up and sent to the palace for her—along with a bottle of white wine. As per usual, Rarity took a moment to savor the wine, swirling it around and sniffing it before taking a sip. She couldn't help but notice that Lockwood was doing the same.

"Verdict?" she asked, curious.

"A slight floral scent… er, nose. Rose, I think," he said, taking another sniff. He then took a sip and made a show of smacking his tongue. "Zesty flavor, too, just a little bit of herb in there."

"That was very good," Rarity said with a smile and a nod. "The perfect pairing to a pesto dish as well. And I didn't even have to suggest it. You're a quick learner."

"Thanks. I'm no sommelier, but I try."

"When did you decide to start taking an interest in wine culture? You didn't seem quite so focused on it the other day at the Romantique restaurant. Is it just Baroque wine that interests you?"

"Oh. Well, um…" He rubbed his neck slightly, a nervous smile on his face. "I took up the interest a few years after you guys left the first time, but I didn't really get too into it until you came back. To be honest, wine isn't really my thing quite so much, even now."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Your wife said much the same thing about herself. Although I don't imagine you prefer 'harder stuff' as she does?"

"Oh, no, not really. I prefer champagne, but I'm not a stranger to other things if it fits the room, so to speak. I like cocktails, though. The process of making them is pretty fun, all that shaking and such." He shook his head. "I've just never been that fond of wine. Before Flathoof's family adopted me, I had a pair of foster parents who cared more about wine than they did about me."

Rarity frowned. "I see. Forgive me, dear, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories—"

He raised a hoof. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm over it, enough that I even tried taking an interest in the stuff myself. Heh, I felt out of place the other day trying to remember the things I learned about wine, y'know? I reread a bunch of books to try and get caught up on where I'm supposed to be."

"Really? Why? Just to keep up with me?"

"You could say that," he said with a nod and a smile. "I've got a lot more time on my hooves these days to learn all the little details about things my friends enjoy, or at least to try to. I mean, I still couldn't tell you the difference between a whipstitch and a slipstitch if you asked me out of the blue, but I'd try."

She smirked. "I'm impressed that you even know there is a difference, so kudos to you, darling. That's more than most ponies already."

She tapped her glass against his then took another drink of wine before starting on her meal, and he did the same as they sat and chatted about the events of that morning. Rarity mentioned that she was serious about making a dress especially for Pandemonia's alicorn form, even if she didn't want it. She could admit that she found the challenge exciting; she'd made a wedding dress for Princess Cadance many, many years ago, but never anything for Princess Luna or Princess Celestia.

Once lunch was finished and the plates cleaned away so that only the wine was left, the conversation turned to other recent events.

"It sounds to me as though you're going to have your hooves full pretty soon with all the visiting diplomats," Rarity said after a sip of wine. "Are you looking forward to it or dreading it, I wonder?"

"A little of both?" he chuckled. "I've built up a decent enough rapport with the southern nobles over the years, so hopefully everything goes nice and smooth on that end, but I haven't the slightest idea how they're all going to react to all this Pandemonia business. Not to mention that I think Blackburn's forgetting one thing, or at least she didn't mention it earlier."

"What's that?"

"Gilderoy. The southern ponies don't know the truth about what happened to the gryphons, and they don't know what Silvertongue did or what he's been doing for the last few hundred years." He shook his head. "I've been to Zeb'ra'den, Rarity. You know they have a statue of Silvertongue in the Beacon courtyard? He's considered one of their greatest heroes. And he was… before he did what he did to the gryphons."

"Hmm… yes, I can imagine that complicates things quite a lot." Rarity tapped her chin. "I don't suppose there's any way you can skirt around the issue?"

He sighed. "Gilderoy doesn't plan on spilling the beans just yet, not while we have world-changing stakes on our plate. But… I doubt he'll keep it a secret forever. When he finally does let the truth come out, will that cause problems for us for hiding it? It's a tricky pickle; I don't like hiding it, but…"

"I can imagine." She gave him a bright smile and set her hoof on the table in front of him. "But I know that you can figure it out, darling. You've got a way with ponies… and zebras too, I suppose? Yes, I'm sure you can make it work out in a way where everyone—pony, zebra, and gryphon—can walk away satisfied in the end. I have faith in you, and I'm certain your citizens do too."

He smiled back and nodded, then, after a pause, he said, "You know… I've missed this."

"Hmm? Missed what?"

"This. Spending time with you and chatting about things I don't usually get to talk about. Like wine, heh. I've spent so many years wrapped up in political talks and business deals and diplomacy this and diplomacy that. I can't avoid it, even with you at times, but still… it's nice. Maybe it's because you're such a new face to all of it. Sometimes it's all a little too much for me to believe."

"Lockwood, you should be proud of what you've done, what you've become. There are ponies out there who dream of being in your horseshoes." She gestured at him, all of him. "Look at you! You're royalty, dear. You have all the money in the world. You have a beautiful wife and some truly lovely children of your own. And you deserve all of it."

He smiled again. "Thanks. But y'know, when it comes down to it… I don't even care about all of the success or the money. Never did. I'm glad to have it, sure, but it's not for my own sake. Even when we knew each other way back when, I had more money than I knew what to do with, but I only ever used it to help ponies. That's what mattered to me then, and what still matters to me now.

"All of this status and wealth, it's only useful to me as a means to an end, and that end is continuing to make positive change in the lives of others. I know, it sounds a little corny, but that's just how I am."

"I wouldn't change a thing, dear," she said. "You're perfect just the way you are."

To her surprise, he took her hoof in his. "I just hope that I had the same effect on you as you did on me."

Rarity blinked and stared at their touching hooves; her heart suddenly skipped. "I… beg your pardon dear?"

"I've met a lot of ponies over the years, Rarity, but there aren't many who I can say really changed me, at least not in a positive way. You did, and I wanted to thank you for that."

"What… what did I do?" she asked, feeling her voice catch in her throat as she looked into his eyes.

Before he could answer, Crossfire stepped over and cleared his throat. "Yer Majesty, I've got a call from Secretary Virtuoso. That greenhouse deal y'all been workin' on is goin' through an' he needs ya ta come get everythin' all signed up. I reckon he called up Her Majesty but she's busy already."

Lockwood nodded. "About time. Those House Green reps certainly waited long enough to figure out how much they wanted." He sighed and shook his head, then looked right at Rarity with a weak smile. "I'm sorry, Rarity, but duty calls. Such is the life of a king, hmm?"

As he rose from the table, his hoof lingered on hers for just a brief moment. Rarity felt her heart drop the instant they broke contact.

"Y-yes, of course. I understand completely," she said. She then cleared her throat. "Thank you for a wonderful afternoon."

"Always. And hey, let me know if you're free for dinner later. I don't know if you were gonna head over to Cotton's after this or not, but Blackburn and I are always happy to have you."

"Certainly, I'll… I'll think about it. I'll let you know, I mean."

"Wonderful. See you later." He smiled and headed off without another word; the check would be delivered to the palace itself, so Rarity didn't need to worry about being the last to leave.

What she did need to worry about was the intense pounding in her chest and the clenching in her gut. As her mind raced to try and catch up with what had just been said and done and, more importantly, left unsaid, there was one resounding train of thought that was still running without fail: this was what Pandemonia meant. And just as she'd predicted, things were liable to catch fire very soon if she wasn't very careful.

Congratulations, Rarity, you absolute fool. You're in love with a married stallion.