• Published 15th Jul 2021
  • 4,668 Views, 79 Comments

Sovereign Rights - robberrito

A massive war machine that was once one of the most powerful things in existence now lies in the woods, without use. However, once the freedom of innocent citizens come under attack, it must reactivate to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

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Liberty Prime Is Online!

Deep in the woods of the Everfree forest, all was silent. The crooked trees sat still, as they had almost always done, blocking out most of the light that threatened to penetrate the tree line. The critters that lived beneath it were mostly small rodents, scouring the floor for any kind of food they could find. However, the Everfree had its fair share of large, tough animals. The timberwolves stalked the Everfree’s dark areas, hiding until they spotted large prey that would feed their burning flames. Manticores also frequented the Everfree, hoping to be lucky enough to find a good food source on their small adventures. However, more dangerous than anything that walked between the walls of the forest sat below a pile of dirt and grass. At first, anything coming across it would assume it was simply a small hill. However, further inspection would reveal its unnatural shape and large metal parts revealed by erosion. Of course, almost nothing came near this area. Anything that did would not notice this anomaly, and if they did, they would not care. Due to this, the object would remain unnoticed for all the time it had been there.

However, while it currently appeared to be defunct, it was still alert to any unusual anomalies in a large area. This has slowly lessened over time to keep its energy reserves from depleting, but it has always been alert and ready to fight those who would threaten it or would warrant enough of a threat to the world around it that the object would be forced to respond. As anyone could probably guess, this was not simply an object. It was a weapon of mass destruction, programmed by geniuses from a long-gone era to be able to take on an entire army at once. Although its first intended purpose had not been fulfilled, it was later used in the same manner it was meant to be used by those who were fighting the very remnant of the government that designed the weapon in the first place.

Of course, once its purpose had been fulfilled, it had nothing more to do. And so, it waited to fulfill its duty once again. However, once its allies disappeared, it had nothing more to give it meaning. And so, it waited until it was given meaning. The wait continued, with the weapon forced to take new measures to continue operation. It fed on the sun itself, soaking in its energy to continue to live through solar panels slowly installed by itself. Of course, once it was covered in dirt, it was forced to stick the panels through the dirt, showing them to the world around it.

This weapon was named Liberty Prime. It was the ultimate trump card, a weapon nearly unbeatable in combat and able to instill fear through any who saw it. Unfortunately, it never got the opportunity to be used as well as it could have been. It was only deployed two times, with the first time it being defeated at the hands of its enemy with a trick. The second time, it had been left with nothing to accomplish anymore.

Luckily, it was about to be given something to accomplish.


Equestria stood silent as they watched their leader stand up to the changeling Queen. The Queen had recently been revealed by its victim and its accomplice as an impostor. Now revealed, the Queen was challenged by the co-ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia. As they stood across from each other, everyone braced themselves. Both rulers took combat stances, readying themselves for the battle about to commence. Both launched beams of energy at each other, splitting the room into a bright white light and a dark green light. Each threatened to overtake the other, and their power looked to be even. However, the Queen drew power from the love of the groom, Shining Armor. His love for his soon-to-be-wife was immeasurable, and the Queen felt it as love traveled into her. Suddenly, the Queen’s power was overtaking Celestia’s, and the Princess of the Sun was launched back as the beam hit her square in the horn. She hit the ground with enough force to shake the room, and Equestria’s heart sank as their Princess was defeated. They listened to the Queen laugh at the fallen ruler.

“Well then! That was certainly not what I expected from the ruler of the sun! I did not even think to overcome such power! Shining Armor’s love for his new wife is more than I thought. If not for him, I would have surely been defeated.”

The Queen spoke with an amused tone as she talked. The power of her “husband’s” love was so powerful it managed to break through perhaps the strongest pony in existence.

She turned around and stared at the shocked crowd. The Queen smiled wickedly as the ponies began to back up in fear. This fear turned to confusion as the Queen appeared to stare out a large window. She began to speak once again.

“Well then, let’s get this show on the road. Now that your precious princess is out of the way, I can finally introduce to you my children!”

Chrysalis raised her arm near her mouth, and suddenly her voice turned into a monstrous echoing sound that threatened to break the ears of all who listened.

“My children! You have made your Queen proud. Come and claim your prize!”

As everyone stared out the window, a dark cloud appeared over the city. Realizing what was now happening, the Equestrian’s hearts sank. The cloud was formed by thousands upon thousands of changelings, each eager to get their fill from the large city. The shield stopping them from entering had long since disappeared, and the city was defenseless against the massive horde. The bugs descended on the city, attacking whatever they saw that could love. Canterlot was now effectively under changeling rule.

However, even in its darkest hour, Equestria always had allies by its side that could help fend off the encroaching darkness. One of these allies had noticed the changeling Queen’s nigh unlimited power, and it began to awake from its dirty prison.


Somewhere in the Everfree, the dirt mound that housed the weapon began to shift. The metal panels retreated back into the pile, and the entire pile began to shake.

Suddenly, a large male voice rang out across the Everfree, causing birds to scatter.


The mound began to shift more and more, and eventually, whatever was inside began to rise.


The dirt fell away from the robot, revealing it to the world for the first time. It stood tall above the surrounding trees, almost half of its body being visible to the world.


The robot began to examine itself, moving its arms and legs to check for any malfunctions. After finding none, it spoke again.


Its helmet began to light up as it checked its weapons platform for any malfunction. After finding nothing, it reactivated its weapons platform as well as its armaments.


Finally done with its systems analysis, it looked forward to where it had detected a large spike in energy. It saw a large mountain with a massive city attached to it and began to walk forward, shaking off more dirt from its mechanized body.



Mayor Mare was always a busy mare. Being a mayor, she was required to look at dozens upon dozens of documents every day, and ensure that the number of complaints she received was kept to a bare minimum. So, of course, she does not appreciate moments where her work must be stopped. She was certainly a workaholic, and anything that slowed down her progress annoyed her to no end.

This is even more annoying when whatever gets in the way threatens all of Equestria. It gets even worse when that thing is stripping the capital of everything in it and kidnapping your rulers. That gets especially annoying.

Mayor Mare had her head on her desk as she heard the news. An escapee from the capital reported that an army of bug-ponies had descended on the capital during the wedding, and had successfully defeated Celestial herself. This meant that Equestria was effectively conquered by this new menace, and they did not know how much longer they would hold any freedom at all. Several questions boggled her mind. Would they enslave all of ponykind? Would they instead commit genocide on ponykind? Would they be merciful and allow the ponies to retain at least some of their freedoms? The last one sounded unlikely, but she really didn’t want to be enslaved by some strange bug-pony race, thank you very much. She did not have the slightest thought of what she should do, and each passing second made her more anxious.

She stared at the pony across from her, who had tears streaming down her face. She really did feel sorry for the poor dear. Having your home city fall victim to such a barbaric race was a terrible sight indeed. She just wished she could do something about it.

The pony across from her put her face in her hooves, letting more of her tears out even as she spoke to the Mayor.

“I-I don’t know what to do, Mayor. Everything came apart so quickly. My home is gone, my family too. I can’t imagine what I’ll do anymore.”

Mayor Mare sighed as the girl cried, “I wish I had something comforting to say, but I don’t. Now that Canterlot is gone… I don’t even know anymore.”

She looked up to the girl and smiled, “Hey, we’re in the exact same boat as you, all of us. We’ll come together and try to solve this problem as a team.”

Her words seemed to help as the girl smiled and thanked her silently. Minutes passed as the two ponies had said everything that needed to be said. Mayor Mare decided to say something else to try and brighten her mood more.

“You know… even if we have no idea what to do, even together, I believe a solution will present itself. If there’s one thing to life I’ve learned, it’s that.”

The girl smiled a little more, and they each fell into their respective silence.

Mayor Mare felt thirsty and went to pick up her glass of water. Before she could, she saw something disturbing.

The water began to rift, even though nothing had happened. It shook every second or so, getting more violent as time went on. Eventually, Mayor Mare heard something.

It was like a heartbeat at first. It pulsed every second and caused the water to rift more. Eventually, the bumping got louder and louder, heralding the arrival of something big. Very big.

Mayor Mare and the girl both got up from their seats and traveled to the window. As soon as they looked out, their jaws dropped in amazement. A massive metal bipedal beast lumbered outside, traveling toward Ponyville at a slow pace. Each step sent shockwaves throughout the area, identifying the source of the sound.

As it got closer to the town, they heard a loud, masculine voice emanate from the thing.


A bright, blue light suddenly erupted from the metal beast, casting the houses around the thing in blue light. After scanning the houses for a while, the light disappeared.


The mares in the building stared at the robot in a mix of relief and confusion. The thing spoke utter nonsense. What is “communist”? What is “humanity”? Nevertheless, it appeared the thing was not here to cause harm to Ponyville. Still, that left the question of why it came here in the first place. An “energy anomaly”? What could this mean?

Mayor Mare stared at the large robot as it walked away. Suddenly, she was poked by the girl next to her, who appeared to have realized something.

“Mayor, did you hear that?”

Mayor Mare raised her eyebrow in confusion. Was she missing something?

“Of course I heard it! It spoke utter nonsense. What is a ‘communist’?”

The girl began to speak again, “Communism is an ideology that… wait, never mind, ponies outside of Canterlot wouldn’t care about that. What I meant to say is that that robot or golem or whatever is looking for some kind of energy anomaly.”

Mayor Mare stared at the girl in confusion once again, not getting her point.

“Okay? This thing is looking for some unusual energy. What’s the big deal?”

The girl groaned in annoyance before speaking again, “The big deal is that I know what that anomaly is. Remember what I told you about the big bug lady?”

Mayor Mare nodded her head, “You told me she somehow overpowered Celestia, yes I remember…”

Mayor Mare’s eyes widened as she realized what could have transpired.

“Oh… so that thing detected that bug overpowering Celestia! And now it’s going toward Canterlot…”

The girl’s face was now a wide smile as she thought of the massive machine.

“Yep! And you know what it also said? It said it was going to eradicate Chinese Communists! Mayor, what if these bugs are these Chinese Communists?”

Mayor Mare looked worried at the prospect of such a massive thing going toward Canterlot.

“I don’t know, Pot. This thing could very much destroy both bug and pony in its rampage.”

The gold-colored unicorn stared at Mayor Mare, her red eyes looked at her with excitement in them. Her yellow hair bounced as she turned to Mayor Mare. Her cutie mark of a hand of cards turned away from the mayor.

“Please, just call me Jackie. Anyway, this thing, whatever it is, might be our only shot at defending Equestria from this invasion. If we fail, we could very much be tortured by these things for all our lives. I think I might prefer death at that point.”

Mayor Mare sighed at the dark statement made by Jackie Pot, but she couldn’t help but agree with her logic. If the bugs won, then all of Equestria may as well be dead already. This might be their only shot at letting Equestria live another day. She sighed again as she watched the weapon walk through the empty streets of Ponyville, despite the streets having been full mere minutes ago. Whether its goal was to exterminate bug, pony, or both didn’t matter now. Anything was worth sacrificing to leave Equestria standing. If they failed, the world might not be left standing at all.


Liberty Prime continued its march toward the mountain city, checking for any communist markings on the outer walls. It did not find any communist markings and assumed that whatever this city was owned by probably wasn’t communist, given communists frequently showed the hammer and sickle everywhere. However, with its enhanced vision, it picked up dark dots scattered across the sky of the city. Whatever these were, it did not know. What it did know, was that the city was the source of the energy pulse. Perhaps the city was American, given this was U.S. territory. Liberty Prime was programmed to take caution with American settlements and knew it shouldn’t attack unless provoked by the inhabitants or it found signs of communism. Liberty Prime continued its march toward the mountain, eventually coming right up close to the mountain. Unfortunately, Liberty Prime was not equipped with climbing gear fast enough to get to the top and destroy the communists. It scanned the area until it saw a railway leading into the mountain through a tunnel. It would be a hard fit, certainly, but Liberty Prime could calculate that it would fit within the tunnel if it crawled low. With no other way to go, Liberty Prime entered the tunnel.


Twilight and her friends faced off the seemingly endless horde of changelings with determination. They were scared no doubt, but that is a common reaction to being outnumbered so badly. They were currently surrounded by hundreds of changelings, each impersonating a member of the six. Each of the clones was in a combat stance with a sinister smirk on their face, ready to tear into the runaway equines. Despite this, the six friends managed to fend off the wave of changelings by outmaneuvering and outsmarting them. Once enough of the changelings had been downed, a gap opened in the changeling horde, allowing the six to escape the wrath of the horde. With the changelings behind them, they ran as fast as they could toward Canterlot Tower. This tower held the Elements of Harmony, powerful artifacts which represented the only true way to defeat Chrysalis. However, the six were in turn outmaneuvered by the changelings, as a small horde had already occupied the tower and waited for them.

The Element Bearers were unable to resist their capture, as each of them was pinned down by multiple changelings at once. Now that they were dealt with, each was carried back toward Canterlot Castle in shame. Now that they had failed, they had nothing to defeat Chrysalis with. They watched as changelings carried ponies with their love stripped toward a single large area. Each pony was a husk of their former self, reduced to nothing by the changeling army.


Liberty Prime crawled out of the tunnel that led up the mountain and into Canterlot City. The massive machine looked toward the city and began to walk forward toward where it had detected the energy anomaly: Canterlot Castle. It simply stepped on the train station and walked through the gate blocking access to it, both being unable to resist the might of the patriotic war robot. As it walked through the walls, it was spotted by the changelings. All of them stopped and stared at the massive metal beast that had suddenly decided to intrude upon their feast. Snapping out of their sudden paralysis, they gave a loud shriek and rushed toward the robot.

Liberty Prime began to speak once again upon seeing the bugs.


The changelings had to hold their ears as the robot spoke extremely loudly. Once it was done speaking they charged it with little more than spears. The spears, as expected, did no damage to Liberty Prime, who continued to ignore the changelings. Once they realized they were not doing any damage, they switched to their second method of attack: magic. Each of the changelings began to charge up their horns with green energy, hoping to significantly damage the robot.

Unfortunately for them, Prime noticed this strange new property of theirs and quickly swatted them with his massive hands. The changelings were helpless as they were sent flying by the war machine. Once that threat was out of the way, Liberty Prime continued toward Canterlot Castle, wanting to meet the cause of the energy anomaly and dispose of them.

As Liberty Prime turned a corner into a large plaza, it spotted a group of changelings who were across the plaza from itself. They were currently charging their horns, believing that the robot would not be able to hit them from such a distance. They were incorrect.

Recognizing that it must act fast, Liberty Prime pulled out a Mark 28 thermonuclear bomb from its back. It raised it high above its head and then threw it at an incredibly high speed toward the changeling group. The changelings saw the thing Prime was about to throw and quickly jumped to the side. Unfortunately, they still caught the shockwave of the Mark 28 and were sent flying in all directions. The ground where the nuke had landed was completely obliterated, and the buildings around the blast area crumbled from the shockwave sent by the nuke. Seeing that the threat was eliminated, Prime continued marching toward Canterlot Castle toward its goal.


The Element Bearers continued being walked toward Canterlot Castle in shame. As they entered the site of the wedding, everyone’s hopes were now gone in favor of fear and despair. Changelings all around them gloated their victory, and they saw the Queen of the changelings lounged on a large throne next to Shining Armor. She was drinking wine that was looted from the wine cellar in the lower levels of the castle and sometimes looked up toward Celestial, whom the six had just noticed was encased in a gelatinous substance and was trapped. Was this the fate of all of Equestria? Off to the side was Cadance, who was surrounded by changelings and had the jelly-like substance around her feet.

The ponies were guided so that they were to the right of Cadance and facing the Queen of the changelings.

Chrysalis let out a loud laugh as she looked at the six who foolishly thought they could stop her. After all her planning, she wasn’t going to let anything stop her now. She turned to look at Cadance.

“Fool. You think your love will overcome us and save Equestria? You are dead wrong. Changelings are able to smash love into the dust, no matter it’s quantity. We are unstoppable, innumerable, and we won’t let a little girl get in the way of our plans.”

She turned to look at the Element Bearers.

“And you cretins. You are like rodents, squirming through the tiniest crack to get out of our hooves. But changelings can crush the skulls of rodents faster than they can blink. You may have outmaneuvered my children with your nonsensical tactics, but you cannot outmaneuver me. I have years more of experience than you, and all it took was a simple trap to incapacitate you.”

She smirked as the ponies squirmed under her gaze. Feeling their fear was satisfying to her. They knew she had the advantage. They knew she was more powerful than anything they had faced before.

“This doesn’t matter, in the end. Your little chase has done nothing to delay the inevitable and…”

The Queen frowned as the door to the hall burst open, and a group of changelings ran toward Chrysalis in a shoulder-to-shoulder formation. Once they were close to their leader and mother, they saluted her.

“Report,” Chrysalis demanded. She was not fond of being interrupted, so her children better have a good reason for this.

The middle one stepped forward, bowed, and began talking.

“My Queen, changeling forces are under attack. A massive, metal entity has entered the city, and attempts to repel the attack have been met with no success. Our attacks have yet to even scratch it, and its armaments have managed to blast through houses as if they are paper. No deaths have been reported but injured changelings continue to report back to the base of operations.”

Chrysalis frowned at the news. This thing, whatever it is, was attacking her Changeling and jeopardizing the entire operation. She was hoping to have it easy for the entire invasion, but she knew that such things were extremely unlikely. Whatever, she will have to deal with this herself.

Chrysalis turned to the Element Bearers who looked toward the hall with confused and perhaps hopeful looks on their faces. They will surely be disappointed.

However, before she could even begin to walk, she heard thumping in the distance. Eventually, this thumping became louder and louder, until the entire room started to shake. Everyone in the room other than Chrysalis looked on with anxiousness and fear at the hallway, fearing that they would not survive the encounter between these two powerful beings. Suddenly, a shadow came into view at the end of the hall. At first, it was too dark to see the details of what it was, but eventually, they could see a bright, silver beast made of metal. It stomped with two massive legs in a robotic motion, its head looking forward at nothing as it continued.

The metal beast finally arrived at the scene, stopping and looking down directly at Chrysalis.


The thing spoke with a masculine and determined voice. Its voice alone shook the room. The thing then pulled something out of the backpack, getting in a combat-ready stance and speaking again.