• Published 18th Aug 2021
  • 433 Views, 18 Comments

A Thousand Words - Silver Mint

Sweet Biscuit loves a mare, and she won't let her forget.

  • ...

They'll Hold You Forever

Jasmine sighed softly as she put down the letters, a weary smile drawn upon her features. The worn mattress and wood creaked under her weight as she shifted to sit comfortably. She held a small, ornate wooden box in her hooves filled to the brim with letters. They were all labelled to her, they all came from the same pony.

Jasmine’s smile grew wider as she rummaged through the envelopes. She looked and flipped through them as she sighed happily, walking down memory lane as the words brushed past her eyes.

She set the box filled with letters aside on the nearby night table and sighed softly as she gazed back onto her bed.

Somehow it felt bigger.

Something caught her attention before her mind could wander, on her night table sat a letter enveloped in pale amber paper. She quickly reached her hoof forward and grabbed it, turning it over to read it over.

'To my dearest tea Leaf.'

Jasmine opened her eyes wide, haziness taking over them for a moment as she fumbled to open it. Tearing the paper as gently as she could she got the letter out and unfolded it to read it.

To my dearest tea Leaf,

If you are reading this, it means that I am no longer with you. I’m really sorry I couldn’t say goodbye properly. Please don’t be too sad for me, I want you to remember the good times we had together, the picnics, the tea parties, the anniversaries, and how much I loved you through the years.

I wish I was still there with you, to hold you and nuzzle you, but sadly that’s not possible. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop loving you. I may not be there with you but my words will be. Did you ever wonder why I wrote you so many letters? It’s because I love you.

They say that a thousand words have never been spoken, but even though I can’t see I know they’re reaching you, my words will cradle you and make all of your weary days seem far away. They’ll be with you forever.

Jasmine, I may not be at your side anymore, but I’m still with you. I'll send you a thousand embraces and carry you into my arms and turn all of your lonely years into only days, I’ll hold you forever.

Whenever you read one of my letters again, I’ll be there right next to you. Whenever you have tea, I’ll be the biscuit! You might think I’m gone, but I promised I would never leave you.

I will love you forever, Jasmine Leaf.

Your beloved,

Sweet Biscuit.

Comments ( 17 )

Good shit. That's some good shit right there

Thank you, means a lot coming from the author of UTLOD!

omg THE author of UTLOD? here?

I know! I still can't believe it myself.

crazy stuff to see him out in the wild

Is that who I think it is?

applejackofalltrades? the author of UTLOD? maybe!

Very sweet and romantic too. It reminds me of when I had a girlfriend.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Oh wow, I had no idea someone did a reading of this!

Thank you so much for showing me this!

Yeah, thank lotus, I’m just kind of a friend who understand she’s a little shy 😅

Does she have a FiMfic account? I'd love to thank her personally.

I never expected to click onto a story about letters being written between two ponies and immediately begin crying as I started to read. I thought it'd be a short, sappy, rather compact story that the biggest criticism I'd have would be wanting more, but that's not at all what I got.

What I got was love melted down into its purest form, and forged precisely into a thousand words of tender calligraphy. I've loved a lot in my life, and I've written love letters and poetry, but it's as though you plucked the exact emotions from my mind that make up love, formed them into strings, and played the sweetest melody with them.

I cried when I read this because it was so genuine. Writing like this, about love like this, cannot be counterfeited, it has to be authentic and that's what you've delivered with blindingly bright polish. I cried because I could relate to how Biscuit felt along the entire piece, and I cried because I could understand Jasmine. I could almost feel myself being swaddled by Biscuit's words, and being warmed by them the same way I could feel the world getting colder without her. How tea and biscuits would never be the same, how the bed would feel empty, and how life itself would be irrevocably changed now that the other half of it is gone. And I had all these feelings provoked within me because of how flawlessly and genuinely you captured the emotions. Unbelievably impressive work, Silver!

I could almost feel myself being swaddled by Biscuit's words, and being warmed by them the same way I could feel the world getting colder without her.

Goodness, are you looking to make me cry?

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I put a little bit of myself in every story and I guess it shows, haha. Thank you so much for the comment, it means a lot to me ♥

This was really nice and sweet. It's sad that they had to be split like that, but at least they had a long time together.

Thank you! I had this idea from a song and it spawned into this. Things may go, but it's always about the memories you make. I guess You and I will always be back then, if you know what I mean.

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