• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


Every teenager has to discover for themselves who they really are.

Everyone has to make the journey in their own way.

I'd like to thank a lot of people for being who you are, as imperfect as we all are. I know we couldn't do what we do AND be perfect.

Quite aside from any talk about imperfections, Chatoyance and (someone who would perhaps rather not be named) are two of the people I'd like to thank.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

This is a.. weird, yet great story. No ‘transcending’ stuff will happen in the real world, right? (Unless you use creepy surgeries..)

What a fascinating world you've crafted. Great exploration of the concept, and of the relativity of normalcy. Thank you for this.

"And so much animal food!" Mr. Shy chuckled, but it sounded forced. "Are you planning to start a zoo, while you're up there?"

hehe, that is sort of what she does in the wilderness in Equestria!

"No." Fluttershy's mouth set in a scowl. "I'm not any good at flying. I'm a lot safer with the animals."

ooh, love how this makes Fluttershy's cutie mark origin story make sense in the context of the pegasus-less human world! that hang-gliding is a common skill associated with a rite of passage is a very fun thought

Fluttershy had made the jerky herself from roadkill, earlier that spring.

dang, that is resourceful! i would not be nearly as dedicated to this form of vegetarianism

After unpacking and eating a little snack while her feet dried, Fluttershy put her socks and shoes back on to continue her journey.

this set-off section feels like it is meant to be symbolic for its prominence. maybe the symbolism of crossing a stream being the start of a new life?

She didn't really like when certain boys looked at her delicate features and slim figure, and...she couldn't explain it, exactly, but she felt she would rather they didn't notice her, or didn't take such an interest in her.

very understandable

She didn't have anything against them as friends, but she didn't want to think about dating one.

oof, burn on enbies

Darlings all of them, but some of them were a little bit naughty.

Fluttershy saw a bunny on the grass.

the juxtaposition does make me think of Angel Bunny, who is a little shit!

If she could reach more berries, and everything looked slightly different...she must have grown taller. It was the only explanation she could think of.

ah, fascinating! i'm guessing this is the transition between the shorter, freshmare-year models we see for the CMCs and the younger versions of the Mane Six in Equestria Girls, and the typical upperclassmare models we see for them and the non-Principal adult characters the rest of the time. due to the use of Flash assets, it does look like an instantaneous change between two fixed and predetermined heights, and that this worldbuilding is taking that animation artifact and seriously explaining it is exactly the kind of unique thinking that i want to see in a fanfic!

Sometimes she liked to climb trees to be with her bird friends.

more like birb friends

He stepped closer. "Now that you're a woman...wouldn't you like to find out what it's like? I mean, everything."

is this the dreaded "chaser" that i hear so much about? haha

When she reached the parking lot, and reunited with her parents, she never told anyone about that last part of her Quest.

this definitely brings to mind a whole lot of questions! but reading this as a text, i see this as placing being preyed on by men as a part of Fluttershy's rite of passage into womanhood, and then the story doing all it can to reduce the discomfort of the idea, with Fluttershy being able to fight back easily, and the narration doing its best to tie up the loose ends, both logistical and ethical, of killing a person for their crime. it is definitely very fascinating, and contributes to the feeling of this world working very differently from our own.

Your wing so close behind me

wing? interesting!

One hand brushed his hair back from his face, and his other hand tossed a hairbrush (or pretend microphone) onto the bed.

hehe, this feels more like a Sweetie Belle thing to do, which is a fun reversal

Rarity sniffed. "You KNOW that by the time we graduate from high school we're both going to Transcend anyway. That's going to change a lot of things. Maybe those girls won't like us anymore, when they're men and WE'RE women. Or whatever we might become."

and i think this is the first time when it's spelled out what Transcending means explicity!

"But maybe they will! And we haven't Transcended YET. This is our chance to learn what it's like to do things as boys...er, young men. This will help us understand men better, when we're women. That's a big advantage in life. The same advantage that other women will have too."

and this is such a fascinating perspective that would be very natural in the culture of this world, as well as having the air of being this world's version of heteronormativity, which also implies further things! since Transcendence is a physical process as well as mental, it sounds like this world's version of the cis experience is being expected to have a different gender role in your childhood and early teens than the one inhabited in adulthood. fascinating!

Maybe it also helped a little that after a few innings of frustration and occasional screaming as an outfielder, when Rarity was at bat he started to imagine that the ball was Dishwater's head (but wearing a batting helmet, so instead of getting a concussion he would just yell a lot.)

aww, that is considerate of Rarity's imagination!

Hondo said, "If you're a little different...maybe that isn't a problem! Maybe you're just...mature for your age. I know some people think it's scandalous for a teenager to Transcend early, because the teen might not be ready yet. But maybe you're just...getting ready earlier than most people do."

ooh, fascinating take on how in this world, gender non-conformity would be perceived more as precociousness than something fundamentally undesirable

Rarity sighed. A lady couldn't always control what other people said about her, but she could always do her best to keep her own conduct above TRUTHFUL reproach.

and now that is the Rarity attitude!

"Yes. I've been reading some books about the normal course of development. According to a SCIENTIFIC view of the standard development model, infants have relatively little interest in their own gender. But parents try to impose gender markers on their children anyway. Pink clothes versus blue clothes, a big hair bow strapped on the head of a child who's barely old enough to have much hair yet...teaching a small child to 'act tough' just because the child happens to have been born with a willy. Things like that."

so true, this really says a lot about our cisiety

"But it's all a sham, of course. Parents set their children up with premature or 'larval' gender, so when those children get older, the children can go through the normal process of recognizing that their assigned so-called birth gender is wrong, and develop independence and self-assertion by demanding to be recognized for who they really are."

Cheerilee nodded. "And so they can go through the Quest of Transcendence, of course."

and this is where it differs! super fascinating to see what sounds like the academic language of childhood development being used so casually in this way

Can children really develop the ability to stand up for themselves, by going through the exact so-called rebellion that the parents are WANTING their children to go through? Can you learn to assert yourself by asserting exactly what your parents are hoping you will assert? Can you learn to think for yourself by thinking exactly what your parents are hoping you will think?"

and yes, that is a fascinating paradox in how this culture would view itself!

Bow said, "And we MEAN that. If she's our daughter, that's just great! Daughter, son, enby, whatever Rainbow wants to be, we know Dashie will be just great at it."

Windy cheered, "Dashie will be the best ever!"

hehe, and it is fun to see Rainbow Dash's parents' canonical characterization used in this way, as very supportive parents of a (possibly) trans child

Cheerilee smiled fixedly. She suspected that with Twilight Sparkle plus Rainbow Dash's whole family, this group might be oversupplied with the kind of people who, maybe without meaning to, tend to hijack and take over a session. Maybe someone put them in their own group together on purpose, to get them out of everyone else's way.

and these little asides into Cheerilee's perspective are valuable, i think. it grounds the fact that these types of discussions that are so novel and exotic to us would very mundane and predictable in theirs, more a marker people use to categorize other people on how they approach it than something to seriously investigate and inform about.

"Not even a little intersex one. I don't care if lots of people DO say those are really cute."

so the second line really jumped out at me! it felt very inappropriate to the conversation, and even if Rainbow Dash for some reason wanted to bring this fact about the world up, it feels unnatural for her to do so this way, and if she does do so, it seems very strange for it to go completely unremarked-upon by the narration or the other characters. even something like a short moment of eyebrow-raising before moving on from the adults would be good!

And even when something real is there, sometimes things get...exaggerated. Someone who saw something once, or did something, becomes a supposedly flawless expert on every way to see or do everything that has any connection with the thing. Even if Twilight HAD published a dissertation on a certain specialized historical phenomenon connected with adolescent development, that did NOT make her a perfectly authoritative expert on ALL areas of adolescent development.

interesting that Cheerilee would think this, are flawless experts a real phenomenon in this world?

Pinkie asked, "Do you think we'll feel different about things, after we Transcend?"

aww, ApplePie, love to see it!

Pinkie smiled playfully. "I think you just said it. I already knew the farm was important to you, and now I know it even more!"

i like this ApplePie it makes me feel so nice and warm :)

"I think you can kiss me as much as you want, right now, so long as we don't get anything in the dough while I'm kneading it."

Applejack snorted. "Let's see just how much you can stand to be distracted." Jackie kissed the back of Pinkie's neck.

yay ApplePie!

After visiting a few of these worlds and seeing what they are like, I am so happy not to live there.

oof, burn on our world

Prinby Twilight Sparkle

while "-enby" modifications to existing gendered terms do feel like a good compromise way of creating gender-neutral terms that don't involve any "x"es, i do wonder what a culture that has lived with them for far longer would have settled on. but of course, translation must be done in that case anyway, to something that feels right for us in today's age

Do many people have a nearly infinite capacity in ANY world to tell other people that they are doing gender 'wrong' by not fitting some 'standard' template?

so true, and commentary!

CENSORED. Sorry, probably the only people who should try this are the people who can think of it themselves.


When someone who would perhaps rather not be named told me that an earlier (and VERY, VERY different) version of this story might make some people's heads explode, I concluded I MIGHT be on the right track...IF I could better modulate and adjust the head-splodiness.

well now i really want to read this original version! i want my head to explode

i mean, this is what fiction on the internet is for, right? the kind of stories that contain ideas and moods too interesting and thought-provoking for to be appreciated by a publisher. and the use of our beloved Mane Six characters to explore a wide variety of relationships and attitudes to Transcendence, in these four very different microstories was a great way to approach it! it's such a great showcase of a big reason why this show is so uniquely suited for fan creations, which is the breadth of personalities in its main cast, including many archetypes that we usually see relegated to secondary characters or stereotypes in other shows. and the order was perfect for the experience! Fluttershy's as the intro, setting the mood of this being a world not quite our own with its contemplative feel, as well as giving what is in this universe a Transcendence that hits what is "expected" by the society at large. and then progressively picking at the edges of this expectation with Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash, who are each in their own way "deviant" from this model, and finally finishing up with an Applejack and Pinkie Pie to whom the issue is the least salient. this places Transcendence back in its context of what it really is: something that, while as deeply impactful on the lives of this world as gender and puberty are in ours, happily exists alongside aspects of life more familiar to us, giving us a perfectly adorable and familiar ApplePie within this setting.

this is one of the stories i am gladdest to have read in my fimfic career, as otherwise i would have gone my entire life without having read anything quite like it.

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