• Published 25th Jun 2021
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Foalish Desires - Foal Star

This is an anthology of the mane six having odd dreams about being treated as foals

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Chapter One: Foal Park

Rainbow Dash was walking down the road outside of Ponyville when she heard a new Carnival in town and heard it was rather fun. Pinkie was bouncing alongside her with a smile. "Heya Dashie, are you going to the carnival too?"

"Yeah, is it any fun?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh yeah! Tons of fun! This is my fifth time going! Come on, it'll only be here for one more day!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

She took her pegasus friend by the hoof and led her to the Carnival, and already Rainbow Dash saw something was off. The sign overhead read, "Carnival Foal."

She looked up to see that the roller coaster towering overhead had baby carriages instead of normal cars. The Ferris wheel had baby bouncers for ponies instead of seats. Ponies were walking out of the Carnival, all pampered up, suckling on pacifiers, holding plushies, or suckling on baby bottles.

Rainbow Dash was somewhat confused and was reluctant to go inside the Carnival. "Uh, Pinkie, why is there so much uh..foal stuff?"

"Oh, it's just the theme! Only a few rides require diapers!" Pinkie explained as she tugged on Rainbow's hoof.

"I guess that makes sense," Rainbow said, scratching her head not thinking about it too hard.

They went to the ticket booth, where Pinkie placed a bag of bits on the counter. "Two all-day passes, please."

"Of course!" the mare at the ticket booth chirped. She then popped a pacifier into both of their mouths.

Pinkie suckled on her's proudly while Rainbow spat her's out. "ugh, those are the passes!"

"Yep, but you don't have to suckle on them, silly!" Pinkie cheered as she took Rainbow's pacifier and tied it around her neck. "There, you wouldn't want to be caught without it. They might think you snuck in. You don't want to be put in time out, do you?"

"F...fine! Let's just go do something!" Rainbow Dash snapped as she walked along further into the Carnival with all sorts of sounds around her. Soon enough, the pegasus stopped by one of the rides blinking in confusion as she saw ponies running around bumping into each other with rather bulky diapers strapped around their waists. "Uh, what's this?" she pointed.

A pony wearing said thick diapers and a candy cane-themed hat waddled up with a smile. "Oh, this is Bumper Pumps!" She declared, gesturing to the fun inside. "You run around and bump into each other.

"Uh, the wait, isn't it called bumper cars?" Rainbow tilts her head confused, but something told her that she was the one who was wrong.

"Nope, it's definitely Bumper Pumps," Pinkie pointed to the sign as the operator hoofed over two huge pillow-thick diapers. "Oh look, Rainbow, they got spares."

Rainbow blushed as before she could comment; Pinkie zipped around her a few times in a blur. Rainbow found herself wearing the diaper with her legs forced apart when the pink tornado of sorts stopped.

"Hey! Why did you do that!" Rainbow cried out as she scrunched the diaper and shoved her forelegs across her chest feeling so embarrassed.

"It's part of the ride silly, can't bump without a big rump, hehe," Pinkie said logically.

Rainbow wanted to just tear the diaper off and go home at this point, but she didn't want to make Pinkie Pie feel bad either…" f...fine! I'm going to do this one ride, then go home! Ok!?"

"Alrighty, if that's what you want," Pinkie snickered as she took Rainbow Dash by the hoof and led her into the padded arena. The floor was made of a plush rubber material like the one you would find inside bouncy castles. Soon, a buzzer went off as ponies started to shove their diaper butt into each other, knocking over and laughing the whole time.

Rainbow Dash squeaked as her muzzle got a face full of diaper, sending a cloud of foal powder over her. She coughed and wheezed, then shouted, "oh no! You're getting it now!" She turned around and slammed her diaper into the rump that hit her, sending the stallion flying. Rainbow squealed, "Yeah, take that!" She darted along quickly soo shoving her padding-bottom this way and that, the arena full of crinkling sounds all throughout

Pinkie Pie was also having a blast bouncing around on her padding like a bouncy ball and booping ponies over. "Hehe, I'm the bouncing master! Nopony has ever been able to bump me!"

Rainbow smirked, "oh yeah! Well, your reign is going to come to an end!"

She then flew off after Pinkie, who bounced away Rainbow Dash. However, she was on top of her as she turned her entire body around and slammed her diaper rear right into Pinkie's padded rump. The pink mare squeaked as she fell on the ground, and Rainbow sat right down on Pinkie. She had her hooves crossed over her chest with a smirk. "So, who's the best now!"

"Ok, you win," Pinkie giggled as Rainbow got up then helped her friend up back on her hooves.

The buzzer went off again as an announcer shouted, "alright! Please go to the exit so we can let the next group in!"

Rainbow followed Pinkie back out into the Carnival, feeling so giddy as she shouted, "that was fun! We have to do that again!" She hardly notices how much she was waddling like a cute foal.

Pinkie Pie ruffled Rainbow's mane. "Oh, that's just the beginning! This place has tons of fun things to do!"

They waddled off, and the next thing to catch Rainbow's eye was a small booth with a whack-a-mole game. But instead of a hammer and moles, there was a giant rattle and plush teddies.

"Oh, that's whack-a-teddy! It's super fun! Wanna try it!?" Pinkie suggested nudging her friend towards it using her head against Rainbow's diaper.

"Wo-wow, ok, I'll try it," Rainbow said, almost stumbling when Pinkie stopped pushing her. She grabbed the rattle up, hearing the beads shake around inside, almost being tempted to shake it more before the light on the machine start to flash and the teddies began to pop out. "Take that!" The pegasus was a blur of motion as she smacked down on each, with the rattle loudly clattering away as she played. Soon after, the machine flashed and made bell sounds with a shrill voice going "winner!"

"Wow, you have a perfect score and can get the grand prize!" a stallion behind the booth exclaimed.

Rainbow looked up and was handed the most oversized teddy she's ever seen. "Um...thanks?"

Pinkie clapped her hooves, "oh, that's so cool! What are you gonna name it?"

Rainbow cheeks flushed pink she hasn't named a plush animal since she was a toddler. "um..a...I don't know? Bolt, maybe?"

"Bolt, that's a cool name; I can store it, so we don't have to carry Bolt around." Pinkie suggested. Rainbow hoofed her the giant plush bear watching as Pinkie pulled open her diaper and shoved it down inside without a trace. Before Rainbow could question where it had done, Pinkie dragged along for the next event.

Rainbow Dash's belly soon growled moments later, "oh wow, didn't realize I was hungry."

"Oh, that's great to hear! This place has some delicious food!" she tugged Rainbow to another booth; this one had Bottles full of milk of different flavors. Pinkie Pie bounced over and asked, "hmmm, I'll have the cotton candy-flavored formula, please."

"Formula!? Like baby formula!?" Rainbow squeaked and watched the mare at the booth pouring some powders together and stirring it together in a pot with some thick-looking milk.

"Don't be so fussy Dashie, I thought you said you were hungry.?" Pinkie said, taking her bottle once it was done and sucking on it, making sure Rainbow watched her. Rainbow started to get even more hungry watching her suckle the warm milk.

Rainbow sighed as her tummy rumbled again and came up to the front, looking at all the flavors. "Um...uh...can I um have the uh...Zap Apple cider flavor?"

"Zap Apple Cider coming up!" the mare exclaimed; she then started to stir an orange powder into the thick milk. She poured the contents into a bottle and secured a rubble nipple over it. She then turned and asked, "do you need help drinking it?"

"What no! I can do this myself!" Rainbow at first tried to tug the nipple off, tugging on it and even biting down and pulling, but it was no use. "Ugh, I don't want this nipple thing!"

Pinkie rolled her eyes, "come on, Rainbow, there's a lot to do, and we don't have all day!" She took the bottle and just shoved it into her friend's mouth. The mare squeaked as the milk went down her throat.

Rainbow whined but continued to suckle down the contents, and it was rather delicious! It was like a mixture of a creamy milkshake with Zapp apple cider. Rainbow continued to drink the formula, savoring every moment she suckled the milk.

Pinkie pulled Rainbow over her shoulder for a moment after drinking and patted her back rapidly to burp her. The resulting belch echoed in the air. "Phew, hehe, that was a big one, Rainbow."

"N..not my fault!" Rainbow whined like a toddler.

"Of course not silly, just teasing ya, now come on! We should go to the hall of mirrors next!"

"S-sure, lead the way," Rainbow said, waddling alongside her friend as they did. She looks at the Ferris wheel for a moment watching as ponies dangled from the bouncers as they went up and around.

"We can do that last; it's actually a good place to nap; you rock back and forth as you raise up and down." Pinkie commented.

"Yeah..it does look relaxing and fun," Rainbow added.

They quickly came to a giant booth with a sign "hall of mirrors" printed overhead. Pinkie held Rainbow's hoof. "Let's stick together, so we don't get lost."

"Ugh, I'm not a foal," Rainbow muttered, but she held Pinkie's hoof regardless. They then trotted inside, and the first few mirrors made them look thin or fat. But then things got weird as they went further where they saw a mirror where Rainbow gasped, seeing she was wearing a pink onesie around her diaper. "Hey! Who put that on me!"

She looked over her body, seeing nothing, then turned to see in Pinkie's mirror she was wearing a cute little yellow dress.

"Hehe, told you this place was fun! And look how cute I look!"

Rainbow sighed; they were just illusions of some kind. "Well, they don't have cool ones like wearing a Wonderbolt outfit."

Pinkie took Rainbow by the hoof and led her further to another set of mirrors; this time, Rainbow was sporting a Wonderbolt onesie that looked like a flight suit but had a button strap around her diaper. "Ok...this isn't that bad." She spread her wings out and giggled some as she wagged her rump back and forth. She turned to see Pinkie was wearing a Wonderbolt frilly dress." hehe, I wish they sold these for real."

"I bet for foals, but not for adults," Rainbow mumbled, sort of wishing they could buy stuff like this. They then continued down the mirrors, dressing them up in more embarrassing outfits, from tutus to fairy tale princess dresses, to various animal costumes. The oddest mirror was near the exit, where she saw a foal version of herself. "Oh wow, I look so cute as a foal!"

Pinkie snickered, "hehe, looks like the foal you peed her diaper."

"Wha!" Rainbow squeaked, looking down at her padding but saw nothing, and then she growled seeing Pinkie tricked her. "Oh, haha, so funny!"

"Oh, I know, right?" PInkie giggled as the last mirror before the exit showing off the onesies once again. The two exit the booth, Rainbow not seeing she is dressed in the silly pink onesie yet. After waddling down the path for a moment, Rainbow looked up to see the roller coaster and asked, "ok is the roller coaster fun?"

"Oh, it is! Trust me!" Pinkie chirped as she led Rainbow to the line. There Rainbow looked down to see she was wearing the pink onesie then asked, "um...Pinkie? Was I always wearing a onesie?"

"Yeah, of course! You came to the Carnival wearing it, remember?"

Rainbow tapped a hoof to her mouth, trying to remember then she started to suckle on it without realizing she was.

Rainbow then felt something rubbery pop into her mouth. "If you're gonna suckle while we wait, might as well be your pacifier, silly."

"Oh uh, y-yeah guess you're right, thanks, Pinkie." Rainbow lisped as she suckled away. The line didn't take too long as they reached the front. She saw each passenger being tucked under the covers in each carriage like it was the safety straps.

Pinkie took Rainbow by the hoof. "Come on, let's go in the front."

Rainbow nodded as she was led off to the front of the line of cars, and the two were buckled in like the rest. Rainbow bounced on her rump, loving how the diaper gave her a comfy padded seat. "Better be awesome," she lisped, shifted the blanket, and looked ahead.

Unlike most roller coasters that went straight up for the first drop, the cars went off, but unlike most roller coasters that went straight up for the first drop, this one seemed to just stay the same as it went forward. Rainbow then gasped, seeing the landscape changed to a park, but everything was more significant. The trees and the ponies walking about. The ponies looked down and cooed at them, waving their hooves. Rainbow cheeks flushed pink, "What's going on?"

"Oh, it's just magical effects to give us a foalish experience," Pinkie explained.

"Aww, who a cutie pie, yes you are." a voice said as a large mare was suddenly upfront of the carriage cooing at them. It oddly looked like Windy Whistles, Rainbow's mom.

They then came to the lake where they got to see giant ducks float on by, and Rainbow groaned as she realized she hadn't used the bathroom in some time. "Ugh, they have bathrooms here, right?"

"um...I think so? I just use my diaper, though." Pinkie replied.

"Seriously!" Rainbow cried out.

"Hey, I just pee, and you can have more fun without having to go to the bathroom." Pinkie explained logically again.

The ride began to tilt as it went uphill, Rainbow feeling like she might get some fun out of this ride instead of nearly falling asleep. The ride went up, and she gasped, seeing clouds and what had to be storks flying about. Then squeaked as the ride plunged down and the suddenness of it all caused Rainbow to start to wet herself. Luckily ponies were squealing and shouting, so nopony heard the hiss. Then the ride went through a dark tunnel with sounds of a heartbeat heard. When the carriage reached the other side, a pink bonnet was now tied around her neck. "Hey, what gives?"

"Oh, look, you're just born," Pinkie teased.

Rainbow saw Pinkie had a bonnet too that said, "it's a filly" on it. "Oh! I get it!"

They then came to a loop, and she squeaked as they started to loop around what looked like a hospital room, and other foals were sleeping inside little cribs.

"What is this simulating birth?" Rainbow squeaked as the loops finally came to a stop.

"Yeah! This is the best part!" Pinkie squealed as she raised her hooves along with the rest of the ponies, and then they were all splashed with some slimy liquid making Rainbow cough. "Ugh! What was that!?"

"Just formula!" Pinkie snickered as she ate the stuff splashed on her.

They then came through the other side, and the scenery changed to a nursery. This was when she saw they would be going down another drop. Rainbow braced herself as the cars went down. She squealed, hoping not to pee again! But this time, she felt her onesie flap open up then coughed as foal powder flew into her face. It was like she was being changed mid-fall. When the cars started to go on even tracks, she looked down to see her diaper entirely changed. "Well...that was nice…."

"Hehe, don't worry, everypony pees on this ride Rainbow," Pinkie snickered, showing off her clean padding. The ride then came to a stop with the ponies all now back at the Carnival. Rainbow slowly got up and waddled off the ride, feeling so...relaxed? She felt like her entire body was given the best massage in her whole life. She rubbed a hoof to her face feeling her fur being so soft and squishy. "hey...um...Pinkie, am I chubbier than usual?"

Pinkie looked her over," oh, it's just a minor side effect from the ride; the fat will burn off after a few hours. Also, you gonna keep that bonnet?" Pinkie pointed her legs all around, looking

Rainbow touched the bonnet on her head. "Um., yeah, it's nice to keep the sun out of my eyes."

"Okie Dokie!" Pinkie chirped as she bounced off. Rainbow then waddled after noticing her gait was a bit more awkward than normal. Her legs wobble a bit before he falls onto her stomach for a moment feeling dizzy. She then went over to a trash can then spat up some milk.

Pinkie came over and gave her back a few more pats, making her burp. "Oh, don't worry about another side effect; you're just a little gassy."

Rainbow's cheeks were pink as she got up and as Pinkie took a napkin and wiped her mouth. "There, there, auntie Pinkie Pie makes it all better." she sang as if to a foal. "

"PInkie!' Rainbow whined again, looking around at the other ponies wondering about. None seemed to care, though, about the pampered pegasus.

Pinkie pinched her cheek. "See, nopony cares about me babying you, now come on, you wanna go on the Ferris wheel, right?"

Rainbow nodded and grumbled as she rubbed her cheek. "Yeah, but before I go to my na- I...I mean, we go to the Ferris wheel. Can we get souvenirs?"

"Oh, sure!" Pinkie cheered as she led Rainbow to a booth full of plush animals. Rainbow's eyes lit up and then pointed at a small teddy bear with blue and yellow stripes. Rainbow then pointed at a pacifier with the wonderbolt logo.

"Okie Dokie!" Pinkie took out some bits and bought the teddy and placed it into her hooves and the new pacifier into her mouth. She nuzzled the plush and suckled on her pacifier as they then entered the line to the Ferris wheel.

Once at the front of the line, Rainbow was lifted up and placed into the bouncer harness dangling off the ground as the attendant secured the straps all snug. The frame supported Rainbow's weight and made sure she wouldn't slip. She wiggled her hooves, unable to touch the ground feeling sheepish. The attendant smiled. "There we go all set," she said before patting Rainbow's diaper and moving away. Rainbow had put her pacifier back in as she waited, soon feeling the wheel begin to move along to its first stop. The motion, of course, caused a slow sway as she dangled. The mare could swear she could hear a nursery rhyme as she swayed to the beat. Rainbow nuzzled her teddy bear and suckled on the pacifier, feeling so relaxed and loving this feeling. The wheel continued its slow ascent, never being too jarring or fast. Rainbow's limbs felt heavy as she felt so sleepy. Before sleep overtook her, she could have sworn a strange purple unicorn was watching her.

Rainbow sat up in bed feeling so relaxed, like a ton of stress just melted off her. She rubbed her forehead and mumbled to herself, "Wow, what a dream."

She then threw the covers and saw to relief no diaper was in sight. "Oh, thank Celestia."

The mare then got up and paused, seeing a giant plush teddy in the back of her room. "Huh...where did that come from?"