• Member Since 21st Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


trying to see how many ways i can hurt applejack, apparently Ko-Fi | Pronouns


When Sunset started imagining her and Twilight together? That was weird. They were friends! Best friends! Friends who saved the world from evil magic creatures and who danced together and teased each other and…

“Oh boy,” Sunset muttered out loud.

Written originally as part of Quills and Sofas’ B Contest (B is for Bisexual!) and expanded to this (the original version was only 500 something words :O). The prompt used was “The colour of the sky”. Thanks to everyone there who preread the original version during the contest!

Submitted to the Pride and Positivity event. Please check out the donation links below and donate if you can!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

Cute and enjoyable.

One word: Slippers.

Sunset and Sci-Twi, disaster bisexuals

Okay, that was adorable, wholesome and really, really sweet. Thank you for some wonderful sciset.

aw thank you for the comment! im glad you enjoyed :)

Really enjoyed it, and since I am a big sciset fan myself.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)

IIRC, Sunset's canonically bi, so this is quite fitting. Nice bit of romance fluff!

Yeah she is! That's why shes the first person i thought of when i started writing a bi story ^^


Cute and yes, it is a bit scary being young and unsure. Fluff like this is always welcomed.

The extra-canon talk about Sunset being bi meant that there was perfect potential to do a lot of stories about her questioning. Themes like that just go great with her storylines about redemption and crossing worlds, which would create the perfect way to shape some great fuckin' layers. Though, I guess with how most folks headcanon Equestria and how Sunset is usually portrayed in the realm of "older than the other girls from time fucky wuckies" we just see tons of stories where she's all "bi the way ;)" and it's never touched upon ever again. Shaaaaaame.

Speaking of the whole "Sunset is unofficially, in some way, going to be older than the Human Six" that comes in regardless of everyone's headcanons, few authors seem to pay any mind to how she wouldn't be able to be too much older without some problems. Romeo and Juliet law shaped problems. The types of offenders that shouldn't be mentioned on E-rated story sorta problems. In the end, Sunset would have to be either a) the age of a normal high-schooler, maybe pushing a super senior b) slightly younger and used to faking being slightly older or c) around the age of underclassmen in college. All of those age groups have one thing in common: they're filled with feelings. Lots and lots and lots and lots of feelings. Some of which might even be the Queer Kind (tm). Seeing how that wasn't neglected here and the adorable interplay of her and Twilight in coming out made this a piece of fluff with a real solid heart to it.

Oh ah i like this comment a lot! while I don't remember much about this fic I do remember it was pretty fluffy haha. Thanks for the words and the interesting stuff you said. Stuff to think about (though I do have my own thoughts about her age but ehhh that's a thing for a different story... literally.)


Stuff to think about (though I do have my own thoughts about her age but ehhh that's a thing for a different story... literally.)

That's assuming you don't go the Krickis route and artificially/magically reverse her age, of course. The ones that came to mind were the options that were the ones that worked within keeping her age natural.

yknow what though, i like Krickis’s thing she did. It makes the most sense to me heehee

She did indeed do a very good thing. It was so good I even spent money on buying a physical version of the story! :raritywink:

I’m waiting for the new version with the art to be available but you bet imma buy a copy (though to be fair I still need to finish my piece for it

I also intend to buy this new copy also! 👀

And damn, does Jay art being in print mean there is any chance for there to be Jay-words too?

hehe jay art will be in print.

no jay words though... unless I write something cool and long (and liked) enough to consider ever making that an option


no jay words though... unless I write something cool and long (and liked) enough to consider ever making that an option

So, here's the thing:

  • You already have written numerous cool things.
  • I spy one long thing on this account.
  • Bat.
  • Anthologies.

Get dabbed on.

hmmm well my one long fic(thats on the site) is not at all print worthy...

though, a collection of my greatest hits? sounds intriguing.... id just have to get people willing to make it worth reformatting for print


hmmm well my one long fic(thats on the site) is not at all print worthy...

I will ingest it with my eyeballs anyway.

oh god PLEASE dont.... but if you do, just remember that it was written in ONE month and it was one of the FIRST pony things I wrote so its very rough.... VERY rough and bad

This will only make me read it harder.

Hi, this was very much adorable and dumped a bag of sugar into my heart. 10/10 would recommend.

Aw thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Floofy! Me likey :pinkiehappy: Bi Sunset is finally canon! Yay! I can finally stop projecting my bi-ness on her :pinkiecrazy:

I wish there were more stories that explored it though. Nice thing you got goin' here.

Gotta love canon bisexual Sunset Shimmer. I love to remind people about that factoid all the time! And yeah, surprisingly I haven’t encountered many stories about her figuring out her sexuality as opposed to it just being a done deal already. Figured I’d try my hand at it. Thanks again!

This was really cute!

I've actually revisited this one a few times now, but surprisingly, I've never left a comment before. This is absolutely adorable. Excellent work, and thank you for sharing it :heart:

Oh thank you so much! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it enough to revisit :) Thanks for the comment

But when Sunset started imagining her and Twilight together? That was weird. They were friends! Best friends! Friends who saved the world from evil magic creatures and who danced together and teased each other and…

ehehe so true

She didn’t turn the light on, though. Sunset thought it was for the best; the other girls were still sleeping in various spots around the room, and Sunset thought she might die if she actually saw Twilight’s face.

hoowee she has it bad

“I… I think I’m bi.”

literally canon

She looked down at the blanket that she had started gripping again. It was covered in stars and judging by the fact that Sunset could recognize a few constellations, she figured that it must be covered in more like them. She's such a nerd, Sunset thought warmly.


She held her gaze on her friend before averting it to the fence in the far back reach of Twilight's yard. On it grew a jasmine vine, just starting to bloom its white flowers. She didn't know much about plants, but jasmine was always her favourite.

good detail. feels like it’s commenting on what is happening in the story, which is a technique of Literature

Twilight looked down at her blanket and hummed. "Okay, well, you told me what she makes you feel. What do you like about her?"

hehe classic friends-to-lovers contrivance, love it

"I mean, she... she reminds me of the sky.," Sunset started. "She reminds me of those very first moments when the sun begins to rise. Those purples and blues and—"

oof, can’t give it away too soon Sunset! how many purple girls are there in that school of yours?

"Then I can say with about ninety-five percent certainty that you probably like this girl," Twilight stated. "At least, from what you just told me. I might not have been able to find a list detailing everything about liking someone, but the common factors I found during my research and the things you explained seem to correlate with each other.

"It may not be a big help, since it is just a hypothesis on my end, but I'm usually right when there's logic to be applied, and while emotions have many human variables that you can't account for, you can take still take raw data from that to come to a logical conclusion with a pretty good amount of certainty."

hehe, nerd! though i would have phrased it as there being a less than five percent chance of Sunset feeling these things in the case where she did not like this girl, thus educating her about the definition of p-value

"Is it Rarity?"

oh yeah the purple also works for Rarity so true

"It's your fault," Twilight interrupted.

Sunset turned to Twilight, who still didn't let her go. "What?"

Twilight giggled a little bit, but then went back to that nervous seriousness from before. "When I told you that time I wasn't sure if… if I was bisexual, it was b-because of you," Twilight explained.

like LyraBon pulling out their wedding rings at the same time except it’s being bisexual

"Hey," Sunset murmured. She brushed a stray lock of hair from Twilight's face. "Relax, I get what you're trying to say. Take a deep breath, you're getting yourself worked up," she instructed quietly. She rested her other hand on Twilight's shoulder as she did as she was told and rubbed up and down her arm in the way that Sunset knew Twilight liked.

aww she is already girlfriending so well!

"A hundred percent certainty now," Twilight stated as she tightened her hug. "I really do like Sunset Shimmer."

so true

As my friend Emotion Nexus said:

Jay wrote something cute? NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!

so true

Bike comment! Your comments always make me smile, even on an old trashy story like this! Illegal jay fluff

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