• Published 4th Jul 2021
  • 919 Views, 17 Comments

The Lusty Dragon Maid - Art Inspired

It's been some time since you last had your chambers tended to.

  • ...

Act I, Scene VI

Your sword cleaves its way through many a foe. Nothing can stop you, and this is simply because this is what you live for. From time to time, you might enjoy dungeon delving, but there's just something about being in the midst of sheer chaos that shakes you to your very core, and just makes you act that much more quickly and without ever even hardly needing to think. You deflect, and dodge a countless number of incoming attacks, and then, you leap.

Your strong legs take you so high up from the smoke and the fighting that's taking place down below that you can see the rest of the city as well. It's all been set ablaze with a beautiful and lively fire. The air smells dirty, and it's like nothing you've ever really experienced before, and when you come sailing back down into the pavilion, you use your sword to swiftly end the lives of those who would seek to do even more meaningless, gruesome harm.

The fog clears slowly, and there's a lingering sensation of dread still inhabiting the air. That dread is intensified once you hear the soft echoes of a distressed female nearby. She cries out in undeniable terror, "Not me, please!"

Your legs take you to the noises she's making quicker than you've ever moved before, and the next thing you know, you're slicing and slashing away at every living thing left and right that surrounds whoever had made those whimpers seconds earlier. Once they're all vanquished, and after the last demon has utterly disappeared, you pick the maiden up by what you assume to be her forehoof. You're stunned once you find out that you're actually dealing with a cute looking dragon of all things.

Light shines through and illuminates her orange and purple scales, and her blue eyes just stare back at you expectantly. "Sir knight, I... Th-thank you..."

As you help her up, you observe her torn maid's outfit, and you ask, "They didn't harm you, did they?"

She shakes her head modestly, and tells you, "They were about to, but you totally showed them who's boss!"

You appreciate her demeanor, and you then decide to offer her your hand. She just glares at it, and then, you tell her, "I think it might be best if you stuck with me for the time being. After all, there's far too many beasts roaming the city for us to slip through. I doubt you'd even be able to fly your way out..." You next dig around in your knapsack for a weapon, and find the small dagger that you had stuck in there earlier. Handing it to her, you tell the dragon, "Don't leave my side for a second!"

She nods intellectually. "Understood, I'll stay right behind you the whole way!"

Just as you make your way to a nearby balcony, you decide to ask this creature, "What do they call you, by the way?"

"Oh," she says with blushing cheeks. "Smolder... A-and it's very nice to meet you. I've never met an actual-" You unfortunately have no other choice but to cut Smolder off by placing the palm of your hand against her lips. "Mmh!"

"Ssh," you voice as quietly as you can. "They're directly ahead of us..."

Smolder tries not to panic, but she still finds the courage to ask you forwardly, "How are you supposed to take on all of those thugs all by yourself? There's at least seven or eight of them!"

You smile excitedly once Smolder's warnings enter your ears. You simply tell her after unsheathing your blade once more, "Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time."