• Published 6th Dec 2021
  • 1,899 Views, 181 Comments

Age Of Devil Fruits - Madforce Entertainment

Isaac. Just a normal guy dealing with normal problems. But one day, he received a mysterious package in the mail, containing a weird Fruit covered with a swirl pattern which will send him into a strange yet magical world of anthropomorphic… Ponies!

  • ...

Chapter 7: Battle for Snow Hollow

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait.
Been busy with a lot of things since last year, I’m sorry to make you guys wait so long for another update.
Hopefully I’ll have the time to make another update.

This chapter features the OC’s from Marethyu and Rainbowraptordash1,
I’ve also included My own OC’s from Devil Fruits of Equestria written by Golden Flare, check it out.

I also decided to fear Emerald Sustrai from RWBY.

If you see any errors or misspelling mistakes, please let me know, and I’ll fix them ASAP.

Till then take care.

It’s been a few days since Isaac and the others arrived at Snow Hollow, throughout their stay Isaac’s injuries were treated by Potion Nova.

Within a tent Isaac was doing some routine light stretches to keep his body motivated and warm, Potion Nova watched over him, taking notes.

Potion Nova finished writing. "You should be fully healed soon," Potion said, walking to her workbench. “I’ll make you another potion to help with your joints.”

“Thank you Nova.” Isaac said, finishing his stretches. “Can't wait to get back to normal.” He was eager to get to the Crystal Empire.

“Is it safe to enter?” Called Scootaloo from the entrance.

”It’s safe.” Isaac replied, stretching his legs.

Scootaloo entered the tent. “Hey Isaac.” She looked at Isaac and she was happy to see him back on his feet. “Feeling better?”

"Lots better," Isaac replied, putting his coat on. “Nova said, I will be fully healed soon.”

“Great!” Scootaloo cheered, “I’ll let everyone know.” Scootaloo quickly turned and almost flew. “Oh!” Scootaloo turned back around, remembering the reason why she came to Nova’s tent. “Sunset wanted to talk to you about something.” Scootaloo told Isaac before leaving.

“Ah, to be young and full of youth.” Isaac smiled. “Am I free to go?”

"You are," Nova replied, giving Isaac another potion. “Drink this.”

"Thanks," Isaac said, drinking the sourness sucked his eyes out. "So...Sour!" He groaned, twisting his face.

“Sorry.” Nova said, “Ran out of sweeteners.”

“It’s ok.” Isaac said, straightening his face. “Thanks for your help.” Isaac said, returning the bottle.

"Of course Isaac," Nova replied, “Now off with you, Sunset’s waiting for you.”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Isaac smiled and left to see Sunset.

Isaac found Sunset by her tent talking to Brook.

"Hey Sunset," Isaac called out, "Scoots told me you wanted to talk?"

“I did.” Sunset said. “Talk more later Brook.”

"Alright," Brook nodded as he turned to leave. “Oh, I almost forgot.” He turned to face Sunset. “Would you mind showing me your panties?”

Sunset kicked Brook in his head, "No way!" She yelled.

Brook hits the floor with a bump forming. “So mean!” He cried.

Isaac rolled his eyes, “Just like the anime.” He thought smiling.
He still couldn't get over how amazing it was, seeing an actual One Piece character.

Sunset straightened herself up. “Okay, now I deal with that.” She looked at Isaac. “Come with me.”

“Ok.” Isaac followed Sunset. “See ya Brook.”

Brook rose from the ground. “Of course, I’ll see you later.” He said waving, “Well I would if I had eyes! YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!”

Isaac and Sunset laughed from the cringy joke. “Classic.” Isaac smiled.

“Yeah, classic.” Sunset smiled.

Sunset took Isaac to the Wax wall.

“So what’s up Sunset?” Isaac asked, looking at the wall.

“We need to help these Ponies.” Sunset looked at Isaac. “They can’t last here for much longer.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Isaac nods, "But how can we do that?" He asked, “Brook looked for the pirates several times.”

“I know,” Sunset replied, “I was thinking Scootaloo could fly and do an aerial search.”

“And what would that accomplish?” Isaac Asked,

“Well she could look for hot spots in the air from fires,” Sunset replied, “Or maybe she might see something Brook missed.

"Hmmmm," Isaac moved his body checking. “There is only one issue, Scootaloo is a greenhorn when it comes to flying.”

"Yeah," Sunset nods, “You’re right, But it’s the only plan I have.”

Isaac used his cinder powers to make a chair, and sat down. “We talk to her first, and see if she can undertake this task.” Isaac suggested making a cinder chair for Sunset. “What were you talking to Brook about?”

“The same thing I just told you.” Sunset said, sitting down. “He likes the idea.”

“It is a sound plan,” Isaac rubs his chin. “But once we find them it’s gonna be a full on brawl.”

“Yep.” Sunset nods, sitting forward on her chair. “But this needs to end.”

“I know, have you talked to anyone else about this?” Isaac asked.

“Not yet.” Sunset admits, “I wanted to ask you first.”

“Oh?” Isaac was a little surprised by Sunset’s response. “Why ask me first?”

“I've known you longer than Cyrus, Fiona and Pedro.” Sunset replied, “I don’t fully trust them yet.”

“Well that’s a kick to the teeth.” Pedro said from above.

Sunset and Isaac looked up, and saw Pedro performing maintenance on his wall.

“Hey Pedro.” Isaac greeted.

“How long were you there?” Sunset asked, with a raised brow.

“I heard most of your plans.” Pedro answered, sliding down his wall. “So you don’t fully trust us yet?” He asked, kinda hurt from Sunset’s statement.

“It’s nothing personal.” Sunset replied, “But we barely know each other.” She stood from her chair. “No offense.”

“None-taken.” Pedro replied, “But we’re not your enemies. If we wanted to attack you, we would have already done it.”

Isaac stood from his chair. “He does have a point.” He said, placing his hand on Sunset’s shoulders.

“Yeah, he does.” Sunset Admitted. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine.’ Pedro said, “So what’s the plan now?”

“I think we should talk to Cyrus and Fiona about this plan.” Isaac answered, “Also Scootaloo, and Caitlyn.”

“Why Caitlyn?” Sunset asked,

“She was a captain, so she might have some ideas.” Isaac replied,

“Ok.” Sunset nods, “I’ll talk to Cyrus and Fiona.”

“And I’ll talk to Caitlyn and Scootaloo.” Isaac declares,

“Fiona is in the cooking tent, and Cyrus is by the entrance.” Pedro told Isaac and Sunset.

“Thanks Pedro.” Sunset smiled. “I’ll be off now.” Sunset said leaving Isaac with Pedro. “Catch you later!”

“Catch you later Sunset.” Isaac called, he looked at Pedro. “Any ideas where Caitlyn is?”

Pedro placed his hand on his chin and thought. “Caitlyn…..hmmm, don’t think I saw her today.” He thinks more, but nothing comes to mind. “Sorry Isaac, I have no idea where she is.”

“It’s fine Pedro.” Isaac said, patting his shoulder. “I just look for her, and ask around.”
Isaac turned the chairs back into cinders and reabsorbed them. “I’m gonna get going.”

“See you later Isaac.” Pedro said, climbing the wall to resume repairs.

“See ya Pedro.” Isaac left Pedro to his wall.

Sunset walked to Fiona’s tant first as she approached Fiona’s tent. She could smell the aroma of soup in the air, but the aroma was weaker than usual.

“Hmmmm, we’re running low on supplies.” Sunset said, from the aroma alone she could tell the food supply was nearing its end. “We need to leave this place.” She declared with a determined look.

Sunset entered the tent and once again saw Fiona behind her cooking pot.

Fiona saw Sunset stepping in. “Hey Sunset.” She greeted, “Sorry, but the soup isn’t ready yet.”

“I’m not here for soup.” Sunset walked toward Fiona and sat in front of her. “Be honest, how much food is left?”

Fiona looked at Sunset and sighed. “How did you know?” She asked,

“The aroma was weaker than usual.” Sunset replied.

“Wow you got a good sniffer.” Fiona laughed.

“So how much is left?” Sunset asked, once again.

“Roughly enough till breakfast tomorrow.” Fiona answered, “Most of the vegetables are beginning to turn, and we ran out of meat yesterday.”

“I see.” Sunset sighed. “Listen, I’m going to have Scootaloo and Brook find the bandit camp, if they find them-

“I'm in.” Fiona answered before letting Sunset finish her sentence.

Sunset blinked, “Wow, you didn’t even hesitate.” She said, smiling. “Eager to get out here?”

“Me and Cyrus both.” Fiona replied, adding more carrots to the soup. “He’s been talking about getting out of here, and beating the shit out of bandits, so on and so forth.” Fiona tastes some of the soup, sighed.

“Bad?” Sunset asked.

“Yep, more like boiled water.” Fiona sighed. “So when do you plan this operation?”

“I was thinking tomorrow.” Sunset replied, “But if the food supply this bad, maybe we should start sooner.”

“Yeah, sooner means better.” Fiona nods, mixing the soup some more.

“Ok, I’m gonna go find Cyrus.” Sunset said, standing up. “Do you need anything?” She asked before leaving.

“No.” Fiona replied, “Unless you have a stash of food.” She giggled, making light of the situation.

“Nope.” Sunset smiled, “But I’ll see if Cyrus does.” She said walking toward the door. “See you later.”

“See ya.” Fiona waved, continuing to make soup.

Meanwhile Isaac was walking through the cold tunnels looking for Caitlyn.
As he walked, he noticed his body felt better, he prayed he’ll be fully recovered by tomorrow, he hated feeling like this, he wanted to be normal again.

Isaac sighes releasing a foggy breath from his mouth. “I really hate this.” He sneezes, “I better not be coming down with a cold.” He sneezes again.

“Sounds like it to me.” Isaac heard Caitlyn's voice, he saw her just around the corner. “You ok Isaac?” She asked, passing him a tissue.

“Not really.” Isaac replied, blowing his nose. “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” Caitlyn said, wiping her own nose.

“Cold getting to you too?” Isaac asked,

“Yep.” Caitlyn replied, “So what brings you here?”

“Sunset got a plan, and we wanted to run by you first.” Isaac replied, sniffing.

“Huh?” Caitlyn was confused, why would they need to ask her thoughts on the matter. “Why?”

“Simple,” Isaac replied, “Because you’re a famar captain, and we guessed you've been involved in a couple of battles.” Isaac sneezed again, and Caitlyn passed another tissue. “Thank you,” He blew his nose again. “So we wanted to ask you first.”

“I see,” Caitlyn hums. “Ok, let’s head back and find Sunset.”

“Yeah let’s.” Isaac said before sneezing once again, and Caitlyn giving him another tissue. “Thank you.” He blew his nose again.

Sunset reached the mine’s entrance, she saw Cyrus sitting by the waxy vault style door.

By him was a fire to keep him warm, he honestly hated this task, but no one else could undertake it like him. Fiona was the anointed chef, and Pedro was maintaining the defensive structure, so this was his cross to bear.

Sunset approached Cyrus. “Hey Chain man, How are you?” She asked with the sunniest smile.

Cyrus raised an eyebrow at Sunset. “Chilly.” He replied, “Why are you here?”

“We got a- Sunset stop from hearing a whistling sound. “What’s that?”

Cyrus grabs Sunset and wraps them both in a chain ball, and the door was blown to pieces.

The explosion was heard everywhere, and the Ponies began to panic, while the humans ran to the entrance.

Isaac used his Cinder powers to make roller ash skates.
Caitlyn saw Isaac skating away picking some speed.

“H-HEY!” She yelled, as she quickly switched from two legs to four. She ran after Isaac like an actual cat. “Wait for me!”

Isaac saw Caitlyn catching up to him. “Whoa, you can run like that?” He ask, surprised to see Caitlyn on all fours.

Caitlyn looked at him while running. “Of course I can,” She replied, “I am part cat.” She looked forward as they turned a corner. “Why? Didn’t you think I could?”

Isaac shrugged, “I didn’t want to presume you could.” He replied,

Caitlyn looked at Isaac, she thought he was still recovering from injuries. “Say, I thought you were still hurting.”

“I am.” Isaac replied, “But they’re attacking us here, I can’t just standby and let you guys fight alone.”

“Ok, just don’t push yourself.” Caitlyn told him,

“Don’t worry, I’ll just support you guys.” Isaac replied,

“Good.” Caitlyn said, as her ears twitched. “I can hear fighting.” She announces, “I’m going on head.” Caitlyn told Isaac spontaneously increasing her speed.

Isaac watched Caitlyn leave his line of sight, at amazing speeds. “Wow, she’s like a Cheetah.” He picked up the pace to catch up.

Sunset and Cyrus were in a literal heated battle against the pirates.

Cyrus with chain boxing gloves punching the pirates one by one. “Wow, they're out in force.” He stared, making a chain baseball bat.

Sunset shoots the pirates with her flaming finger pistols. “I know, have ever attempted an attack like this before?”

”Nope!” Cyrus called, pushing against three pirates. “This is a first.” He broke the lock and swung his bat at the pirates, sending them flying. He looked at the entrance, seeing the pirates entering small groups at a time. “But they’re also playing the long game.”

Sunset used her fireflies and blasted a small number of the pirates. “Something tells me, they’re waiting on a heavy hitter.”

“Seems so.” Cyrus agrees, swinging his sword.

Soon Caitlyn reached the entrance seeing the battle. “Hmmm,” She scoops the unfolding battle, she scoops the battle, she scoops for any leaders, but instead she notices the odd green collars around some of the pirates. “What are these?”

Isaac catches up to Caitlyn and sees the battle. “Whoa, this is quite the fight.” He started, he looked at Caitlyn who seemed focused on something. “Should we help Sunset and Cyrus?”

“Not yet.” Caitlyn replied, she pointed to the collars. “I don’t like the look of those collars.”

Isaac looked and saw the familiar green collars. “The Pet-Pet power.” He growled,

“Pet-Pet?” Caitlyn looked at Isaac.

“It’s a power that allows you to put a collar on any creature, and make it your obedient pet.” Isaac explains,

“I see, so those guys are slaves?” Caitlyn asked, seeing the pirates fighting Sunset and Cyrus.

“Definitely.” Isaac replied, “We need to find the Power holder.”

“Why?” Caitlyn asked,

“If we find him, and beat him into submission, the collars will disappear, freeing them.” Isaac answered,

“I see.” Caitlyn smiles and clicks her knuckles and neck. “Time to hunt!” She pounced down entering the fight.

Isaac saw her scratching and clawing her way through towards Sunset and Cyrus.

“Wow,” Isaac smiled, “She’s good.” He produced cinders from his hand and made a rifle. “I’ll be acting as support.” Isaac takes aim and shoots the pirates with soft ash bullets. As he shoots he looks for the Pet-Pet holder. “Come out coward.” He mumbles shooting his cinder rifle.

Caitlyn reached Sunset and Cyrus. “Hey guys.” She called kicking a pirate down.

”Hey Caitlyn.” Sunset replied, shooting more fire shots.

“Sup.” Cyrus replied, whipping some pirates. “Damn! Why don’t they back off!?” He yelled, getting frustrated from the pirates throwing themselves at him and Sunset.

“Yeah, can’t they see they won’t win?” Sunset yelled getting stabbed, she looked at the pirate. “Dude, I’m made of fire.” She heated the blade, forcing the man to drop it.

“Hey, do you know about the Pet-Pet fruit?” Caitlyn asked, ducking a swinging sword.

“Yeah.” They both responded.

Sunset saw some of them pirate’s with green collars. “Slaves!?”

“Huh.” Cyrus saw the collars too. “Have we been fighting slaves this whole time!” He yelled holding back a little. “DAMN IT!”

“So there’s a power holder here!?” Sunset asked.

“Yep.” Caitlyn replied, kicking a guy down. “Isaac said if we beat him up, they’ll be set free.”

“That’s Paramecia 101.” Sunset replied.

“Everyone knows that.” Cyrus added, making chain shields. “So where is the coward hiding?”

“Isaac’s looking.” Caitlyn replied, “Since he’s sniping.” A pirate was shot. “Thank you!” She signals a thumbs up to Isaac.

Isaac sees Caitlyn’s thumbs up, and resumes looking for the Pet-Pet holder. “Where is he?”

Soon Fiona and Pedro arrive on the scene. “What’s the situation?” Fiona asked,

“So far, Sunset, Cyrus and Caitlyn are doing ok for now.” Isaac shoots another pirate. “But they’re holding back.”

“Why?” Pedro asked,

“The Pet-Pet user is forcing them to fight.” Isaac replied with another snot.

“I see,” Fiona said, stretching her arms. “Pedro help me restrain them.”

“Right behind you.” Pedro said, lighting his cowlick, completing the candle man look. “Let's make some candles.” He said jumping in the battle.

Fiona groaned. “Cringe man!” She yelled jumping down.

Isaac laughed, and saw a glimpse of a familiar man outside the door. “Wait, he looks familiar.” Isaac pushed off the ground and used his Cinder powers to fly to the entrance.

Outside he saw nothing but the ruined town and snow. “Hmmm, where did- AH! Then Isaac had an idea. “ECLIPSE VEIL!” Issac unleashed his veil of Ash and cinders, “Now to bring it back.” Issac pulled the ashes back into his body, leaving enough to show the invisible invaders.

“DAMN IT!” Yelled a man with ash on his invisible body.

“I can see you!” Isaac called, “Show yourselves!” He orders the pirates.

“Fine!” Said a snarky sounding man. “Uncloak us!” He ordered.

Soon Isaac saw the pirates, there was a mixed group of men and women, some of them looked like pirates from the show, and he saw some from the modern day.
But some really stood out, but now Isaac was scanning for the power holder.

Pushing through the group a regular sized man with broad shoulders, thin arms, and a square jaw. He has ears with large earlobes, large teeth, and purple eyes. He has curly eyebrows, a black mustache, and a black goatee. When he brings out his own full power, his hair is shown to be purple. He wears a blue, fur-lined jacket with a blue and white ring-leader's outfit. He also wears a red bow tie and a green monocle.

Isaac knew this man from the show, he remembered his name. “BREED!”

“PETTOTOTO, Oh you know me?” Breed chuckles, “I must be quite famous.”

“Not really.” Isaac replied with a deadpan expression.

Breed eye twitch from Isaac’s reply. “So how do you know my name?”

Isaac hums thinking how to answer, this Breed could be the same Breed from the show, or perhaps another Breed from another universe. “I heard a guy wearing a straw hat kicked your ass!” Isaac answered, He saw Breed's face turning red from pure anger and rage.

“KILL HIM!” He ordered his slaves.

A man wearing a full suit of armor walked forward, and dashed towards Isaac.

A young Dragonborn about Scootaloo’s age stepped forward, his body showing some athletic muscle, perhaps he was a sports player. His outfit was Chinese themed with orange being the main color with a Chinese dragon as the finish.

On his belt was a sketchbook, he began to draw something, he held out the book and weapons fell from the pages.

Isaac saw the pirates pick up the weapons. “Ok, more power holders.” He said, igniting his cinders. “Play it safe man.” He told himself, as the pirates ran towards him.

“Yohohohhohohohoh.” From out of nowhere Brook appears between Isaac and the pirates.

“Brook?” Isaac said, surprised to see the skeleton.

“Hello Isaac,” Brook greeted, raising his hat like a gentleman. “I heard the explosion and came to investigate.”

Isaac nods and sees the pirates getting closer. “Ummm Brook?”

“Also, Scootaloo was looking for you, she was very worried about you.” Brook said not noticing the pirates running towards them.

“Brook?” Issac points behind the skeleton. “We got company.”

“Oh worry not my friend.” Brook begins to sheath his sword, Isaac didn’t notice his sword was out, and he knew what was coming. “Three verse humming,” Brook’s sword was almost sheathing his sword. “Arrow not slashed!” He sheathed his sword and a spontaneous rush of air made the pirates fall to the ground at once.

Isaac went star eyed from seeing Brooks iconic moment from the show.
Sunset and the others joined Isaac and saw the aftermath of Brooks' special attack.

“I missed the Three verse humming arrow not slashed!” Sunset moaned missing Brook’s iconic special.

Breed grinds his teeth in anger, he grabs a girl. “RUSH THEM!” He orders whipping his men.

The pirates, forced by the collars they ran towards Isaac and the others.

Cyrus smiled, and clicked his fingers. “OK, show time!” He threw his chains wrapping up the pirates.

Fiona used her binds to cuff them. “Leave them to us!” She called, capturing more pirates. “Subdue Breed!”

Sunset, Caitlyn and Pedro nod and run towards Breed with his power holders at arm’s reach.

Isaac makes some cinder kunai and throws them at the pirates, once close enough they blow making a smokescreen.

Cyrus and Fiona used the smokescreen to capture the pirates.

Sunset used her flames to boost her speed, she ignited a flame fist. Then she was stopped by a lightning strike.

Sunset saw man inside the lighting, he was a Pale skin, above average height, slightly chubby, deep blue eyes, shoulder length brown hair, short and curly reddish brown beard, large scar on back of right hand, wears black jeans, brown/tan heavy work boots, purple t-shirt, white/blue sweater jacket with a reflective Canadian Flag patch on right shoulder.

”Sorry.” He said, “I have no choice.” The lighting man said, creating more lighting.

“I know.” Sunset replied, igniting her flame. “I won’t hold it against you.”

The two clashed, Caitlyn ran towards Breed, but an ink wolf jumped in her path.

“GHA!” She stopped and saw the Dragonborn with his sketchbook, making more ink wolves. “Damn it!”

“Sorry.” The ink man said, making more ink creatures, he sent them to attack Caitlyn.

Caitlyn was forced back, and Pedro used his wax to stop them. “I got this.” He smiled, using his wax to a wax mecha.

Caitlyn was impressed by the wax mecha. “Cool.”

Caitlyn saw an opening and ran towards Breed. But two sickles she saw a young woman with medium-brown skin and dark-red eyes. Her hair is a light, mint-green with a straight fringe and bangs as well as two long locks on each side in the back.
On her lower back were two holsters for her weapons.

The sickle girl swings her weapons on a chin, and swung it at Caitlyn, who ducked out of the way. “Ok I got ya.” Caitlyn dashed towards her, the girl quickly dropped her weapons, she placed her hands to a rectangle with her fingers and thumbs.

“Imprison!” A rectangle beam shot from her rectangle, the beam hit Caitlyn and trapped her in a card.

“WHAT THE!” Caitlyn tried to claw her way out of the card. “LET ME OUT!”
The girl picked up the card and placed it in her pocket. “HEY!”

The girl picked her next target, she saw Sunset and made the same rectangle. “Imprison!” She shoots her beam,

Sunset saw the beam and used her Logia powers to avoid the beam, but the bean got the Thunder man instead, Sunset saw him become a card. “Paramecia that shoots beams huh?” This gives Sunset a brilliant idea. She runs as the girl keeps shooting her beam again and again.

Sunset ran past the ink man and he was trapped in a card, she jumped into the air shooting flames from her zooming towards Breed, the girl kept shooting her beam.

Breed saw what Sunset was planning. “Sto- '' a black cinder bullet flew by his face, it blew, making a cinder smoke making him choke.

Sunset slide between his legs and the sickle girl trapped him in a card. Once captured the green collars fall apart freeing Breed’s victims.

The battle was over, all were celebrating, Sunset smiled her plan worked. But then again Breed was only a mini boss. She shrugged and looked for his card. “Huh?” Sunset couldn’t see it. “Where is he?” Sunset looked more and still he was nowhere to be found. “Damn it!”

As Sunset continues her search the card girl releases Caitlyn from her prison.

Caitlyn moved her feeling weird from being turned 2D, then back to 3D. “That was weird.” She said, feeling normal again.

“Release!” The card girl called, releasing the others from their cards.

Caitlyn looked at the card girl, she looked guilty and ashamed for what she did during her enslavement. For some reason Caitlyn wanted to help her. Perhaps she has gone a little soft from her current company. “Hmmmm, what would Adora do?” She thinks for a moment and sighed. Caitlyn walked to the card girl and offered her hand. “Hey,” She said, “I’m Caitlyn.”

The card girl was confused by Caitlyn’s hand, “Ummmm are you introducing yourself?” She asked,

“Yep.” Caitlyn replied, straight to the point.


“To show there’s no hard feelings.” Caitlyn replied once more. “You're not on by chance.” Caitlyn lowered her arm. “And I’m being nice.”

The card looked at Caitlyn and smiled, with a little blush. “You right, I was forced here.” She said, “But are you sure you wanna forgive me?”

Caitlyn smiled, and raised her hand once again. “Yeah, I’ll for you.”

The Card girl took Caitlyn’s hand and shakes hands with her. “Emerald.” The Card girl introduced herself. “Emerald Sustrai.”

“Nice to meet you.” Caitlyn said smiling,

Emerald returned the smile with her own smile. “Nice to meet you too.”

Sunset saw Caitlyn making a former enemy into a friend, this brought a tear to her eye.
“A classic One Piece moment!”

“Hey,” Sunset snapped back to reality, she turned and saw the Thunder man. “Sorry for trying to fry you.” He apologized.

“It’s cool.” Sunset replied not bothered by the Thundermans attack. “You were forced by Bre- DAMN IT!” She yelled returning to her search for Breeds card. “Where is he!?”

The Thunderman was confused seeing Sunset turning up the snow. “Did you lose something?”

“Breed was turned into a card.” Sunset replied, “I’m trying to find him.”

“Oh.” The Thunderman joined her search. “I’ll help you.”

“Thanks.” Sunset said, pointing to another area. “I’ll look here, can you look over there?”

“Ok.” The Thunderman said walking to the area. “By the way, the names Marethyu D. Pearson.” He introduced himself.

“D? Like One piece D?” Sunset begins to think of the possibilities, but she pushes them to one side for now, she needs to find Breed. “Nice to meet you, I'm Sunset.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Marethyu smiled looking for Breed with Sunset.

Emerald and Caitlyn saw them and approached them. “Lost something?” Caitlyn asked.

“Can’t find Breed’s card.” Sunset replied,

“Probably he took him.” Said a fifth voice.

Sunset and the others looked at the Dragon artist. “Who?” Sunset asked,

“I don't know his name, but he wears a uniform of some kind.” The artist replied. “He made us invisible.”

“I see…” Sunset looked for any signs of the invisible man. “I know two people with the clear-clear fruit Absalom and Shiryu of the Rain.” This was troubling. “Ok, let’s rejoin Isaac and the others.” She said to the group, who nodded in agreement. Sunset took them back to the entrance.

Far away from the snow hollow a man declocks himself, he is a tall man, with a dark navel trench coat with gold buttons and brown belt with a gold buckle, on the coat’s collar were skulls, on his upper arms were red sash with skulls. His hands were dark brown gloves and matching boots. On his shoulders was another Waite coat, he wore a black military hat, with a skull in the center.

The man pulled out a card and looked at it. “Nice prison you have Breed.” He laughed,

“GET ME OUT OF HERE!” Breed barked,

“Sorry but I’m no longer your pet.” The man laughed again, he noticed some smoke. “Hmmmm.” He pocketed Breed, and walked to the smoke.

“SHIRYU!” Breed yelled inside the trench pocket.

He soon reached a makeshift camp with a man in a thick winter coat. The man saw the remains of a huge animal next to the man.

“Take another step.” The man said eating some meat, not looking at Shiryu.

“Is that an invitation?” Asked Shiryu asked,

“Depends on you.” Asked the man eating more meat. “What’s your name?”

“Shiryu.” Shiryu introduced himself.

Shiryu?” The man said, placing down his meat. “As in Shiryu of the rain?”

“You heard of me?” Shiryu said, walking towards the fire. He stopped frozen. “Huh?”

“Sorry but I know who you are.” The man said, floating off the ground.


“Yep.” The man said, smiling like a hyena. He lands back on the ground. “I want to make an offer.”

“What kind of offer?” Shiryu asked.

“The Lobelia Organisation sent us here to test our potential.” The sting man began. “So let’s show them how much potential we have, by building an empire.”

Shiryu smiled, “And how do you plan to build this empire?”

“First I’ll need craw, then secure funds by any means.” The String man uses his powers to pull a cup to himself, and takes a sip. “Then after those two steps are done, then we remove the competition.”

“In what way?” Shiryu asked, begging to like this man.

The string man pulled out the card with Breed trapped inside. He looked at him. “Breed? The pet guy?”

“Listen to me.” Breed quickly said, seeing this as a chance to escape this prison. “Release me from this card and I’ll help you tame Shiryu of the rain. With-

The string man laughed. “Why tame? When I can make a partnership.” He said, growing Breed into fire, laughing at his screams. “Like that basically.” He answered, looking at Shiryu still giggling.

Shiryu looked at the string, he can see the bloodthirst in his eyes. “How many have you killed so far?”

“Roughly 40.” The string man replied, still smiling. “So you in?”

“Yeah.” Shiryu replied smiling, “I’m in.”

“Wonderful!” The string man smiled, releasing Shiryu and putting a cigar in mouth. “Have a cigar.” He cut and lit it with his string.

Shiryu takes a drag from the cigar and blows a plume of smoke. “So, what's next boss?”

Before the string man answers they heard voices. “Come on!” Called a male voice.

“Where can we run?” Asked a female voice.

“We’ll figure that out later!” Called another voice.

The string man removed his coat, and revealed himself.
average height with a scar by his lips like the forced smile.
Black long coat with a homemade three piece suit stitched from other clothes. Short black haircut with a red hair dye. Left eye blue that blood shot with a tattoo of a raven right eye hazel.

“Wanna have some fun?” The string man asked, clicking his joints.

“Of course,” Shiryu replied smiling, “May I know my boss's name?”

The string man looked at Shiryu and gave him a katana. “Nerxco.”

“Nerxco,” Shiryu said, drawing his new blade. “This will do for now.”

The two killers walked to the group, trusty for blood and carnage.

Isaac and the others were back in the main, they were cheers and celebrations from the inhabitants of Snow Hollow.

Their nightmare had ended, they were finally free.

Some of the former attackers stayed to help rebuild the town, but most ran away.
But, who could blame them? They didn’t want to attack this town, and once freed they could run as far as they could.

Brook played some music for the occasion, Fiona cooked a fast with the new food supply, Cyrus was dancing on a table. Sunset used her flames to entertain the kids, while Pedro kept them away from flames.

Isaac was sitting at the sidelines watching the festivities, he noticed some of those who stayed, keeping to themselves. He saw Caitlyn walking to them, she sat next to the green haired girl.

Scootaloo sat next to Isaac. “Hey, you ok?”

“I’m fine.” Isaac replied, he looked at the celebration. “It's nice seeing so many smiles.”

“It is,” Scootaloo smiled. “Are we leaving tomorrow?” She asked.

“Maybe,” Isaac replied, “thinking about it, the Sickle user is probably long gone by now, and I need some more time to recover.” He leaned back. “Also these guys could use our help rebuilding.”

“Yeah.” Scootaloo nods,

“I think we talk it over with the others first.” Isaac said he looked at Scootaloo. “Are you ok?”

Scootaloo led back next to him. “I’m ok now, a lot of shit has happened in a short time.” She sighed, thinking of what happened.

“Yeah, perhaps too much had happened.” Isaac agreed, “I think we need a break.”

“That’ll be nice.” Scootaloo said standing up. “Wanna dance?”

“Nah I’m just gonna stay here.” Issac replied, “Perhaps one of the new guys over there might like to dance.” He pointed to the group who stayed.

“Yeah, I think they’ll like that.” Scootaloo smiled, “Sure, you’re gonna be ok?” She asked before leaving Isaac.

“I'll be fine, make some new friends.” Isaac told Scootaloo,

“Ok, I’ll come check on you later.” Scootaloo said before walking towards the group, with Caitlyn.

Zecora saw Isaac sitting alone, and walked over to him with drinks.
“Thirsty?” She asked, offering him a drink.

“I am,” Isaac replied, taking one of them. He was about to drink some, but immediately stopped. “Wait, does this have any special ingredients?”

Zecora smiled and sat next to him. “No, just something sweet.” She takes a swig from her cup.

Isaac drinks some of his beverage, he looks at Zecora. “So how are things?”

“Going ok,” Zecora replied, “Do you have any plans?”

“We're gonna stay and help rebuild.” Isaa replied.

Zecora was a little surprised by this answer. “May, I ask why?”

“The sickle user is probably long gone, and I need some more time to recover.” Isaac began, “Also I feel like we need a break from running and being on edge.”

“A moment of relaxation is good for the soul.” Zecora said, drinking more of her beverage. “I believe this may be the best decision.”

“Hopefully it will be.” Issac said, drinking some more, he saw Scootaloo dancing with the dragon. “She looks like she is having fun.”

“Children her age should be having fun.” Zecora agrees, finishing her drink. “Would you like another round?”

Isaac finished his drink. “Sure.” He replied standing up, “I could use another drink or two.”

“Perhaps I could have one or two more drinks myself.” Zecora stood and walked with Isaac to the refreshments.

The party lasted through the night, for this was the night celebration, a night to remember.

Isaac and his friends enjoyed the party, dancing, singing, laughing the hours away.

To Be Continued…..

Comments ( 11 )

heh. i hope my 3 oc's make a scene soon. it be fun to watch.

“Grate!” Scootaloo cheered, “I’ll let everyone know.”

I think that is meant to be "Great!" not "Grate!". Just thought i would let you know.

“It’s nothing personal.” Sunset replied, “But we barely know each other.” She stood from her chair. “No advice.”

This is meant to be "No offense." instead.

“H-HAY!” She yelled, as she quickly switched from two legs to four. She ran after Isaac like an actual cat. “Wait for me!”

Hay is usually for animals to eat or to sleep on. Neither of which apply here, so i think you meant this to be "H-HEY!".

Beyond these little bits, great work! 👍

Thanks for letting me know, I’ll fix ASAP

Cyrus is perfectly in character here.

I like the story beats.

Overall, an excellent chapter.

Loved the new chapter:twilightblush:. Also glad to see you back and writing again my dude.:rainbowdetermined2:

Grate to be back, glade you enjoyed the chapter.:twilightsmile:

I'm exited to see what comes next

A lot of pieces here you're juggling, and that's intriguing, but you really need to work on your "show, don't tell". It got really bad last chapter, and it sterilizes some of the emotional weight other scenes might have otherwise had. Like the ending here, it's just Zecora talking at Isaac, rather than anyone being described as relaxed or otherwise enjoying the spectacle, just them saying they like something, or that Scootaloo enjoying herself is something she should be doing.

Fair point, I am a little out of practice, hopefully I’ll improve over time.

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