• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Steel Quill

A pony with too much time on his hooves and too much plot to work with, in more ways than one. Porn Pope (TM). Also on FA!

Comments ( 25 )



Bigdad says hi. =P

This was surprisingly well done.

Thank you very much!

How can I contact Maarthul?

I wish I knew. The guy's gone aground, I've not heard from him in a long time. He gave me permission some time back to use his art for stories. He's inspired a great deal of my works here.

Well done! After reading this, I do hope the story between the two continues and I am wondering how Twilight or the others would react if they discover their newly formed relationship. XD

all i can say is damn that one was hot

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Love your Rarity and Spike work. Have to say I imagined the Bigdad designs for this story. Can't wait to see you wrote some more.

“Literally the next morning.” He told her. “I went from seeing everyone around me as my friends and good neighbors to all potential...mates, is the word I think. And I thought it would go away, but it just won’t. No matter what I do. The only ones I can keep off-limits are like...Celestia and Twilight. For obvious reasons.”

Maybe I'm being dumb, but I dont get "obvious reasons" here when Spike is referring to Twilight and Celestia. Is this possibly because Celestia and Twilight are more family than mates?? Technically either one could be a mother figure to Spike...mind you I'm reading this in real-time, so this is honestly the first thing I took from this.

You got it right, it's because Spike sees them as mother figures. And that means they're off limits to his dragon instincts.

Thank you! I believe when Maarthul did this art piece, he did it with the intention of adapting Bigdad's style with Spike and Rarity. It might've been an art trade piece between them, I can't exactly recall at the moment.

Thank you very much!

I haven't got any plans on a sequel for this tale as of yet. There's a lot of other stuff coming down the pipeline in the coming weeks. But we'll see!

So wonderful and sexy! Spike and Rarity enjoying each other like that was great! Maybe another fic in this whole idea is Fluttershy wanting to learn about it for herself? Especially with the rest of Spike's physical traits happening and he goes from this cute young adult to a dragon-blooded stud. In fact, I can see Rarity being generous and sharing a muscular Spike with Fluttershy and Applejack,

I can definitely see Fluttershy in that stead because I can really see her eith Spike and/or Rarity together, but ironically I cant see Applejack, despite the obvious relationship between her and Spike, in that same stead. Its probably because I see Applejack the way Spike sees Twilight and Celestia--as more a family member as opposed to a potential mate. I dont mind being proved wrong though; make it even more interesting.

That picture of rarity makes me think she belongs in JoJo.

Can’t go wrong with Sparity.
Awesome fic my dude

Loved this so much I have no words...

With his dragon strength, he can lift her with ease and still dominate her.

I found this to be an awesome read

Definitely one of the better Sparity fics I’ve read!

(Though the reliance on the “Celestia’s sun” cliche was a bit much.)

I like how it manages to take their relationship seriously, while still delivering on a lot of raunchiness. And I love how it actually focused on her body and didn’t forget about her boobs just a couple paragraphs after mentioning them, like a lot of fics do. That was just what I was in the mood for.

My only real complaint is that the ending felt rushed. Several more sex positions and orgasms just got basically yada-yadaed. And then, after the final orgasm, it would have been nice to have more of an ending — especially since the beginning took their relationship so seriously, it would have been good to spend a little time at the end reflecting on what this means for their relationship going forward.

Endings have always been one of my struggles with writing at times. But I am grateful you took the time to read it! Thank you so much!

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