• Published 3rd Jun 2021
  • 14,443 Views, 938 Comments

All Smoke, No Mirrors - Jinzou

I don't know what I am, where I am, or how I got here. I also have no idea why I keep catching on fire.

  • ...

A Quick Intermission

"Honey, wake up for a minute." I felt a hoof gently nudging me.

"Whuzzi- huh?" I mumbled.

I stretched out and rubbed my eyes. With a yawn and a mighty effort I managed to push myself up, to make out the dimly lit face of Golden looking up from the side of the bunk bed.

And with that, last night came rushing back.

Shit, if I didn't know better I would say I was lighting up the entire room with the burning in my cheeks.

"U-um, about last night." I stammered.

Golden chuckled and gave me a small smile. "It's fine. All your comments and behaviors hurt at first, but now I get it. No hard feelings. Did you sleep alright?"

"...Yeah. Pretty well." I mumbled, averting my eyes. I gazed out the window to avoid looking at Golden, and realized the sun wasn't even up yet. "It's uh, way earlier than you usually wake us. Is something wrong?"

Golden chuckled again. "Well I have to go do… what is it that you called it? 'Weekend Warrior' stuff."

My vision dropped to the bedsheet I was sitting on.

"Wait." I shot back up. "So you're gonna be gone… all weekend?"

Golden's smile dropped. "Yeah, talk about bad timing. I'm sorry. If I could just call this off, I would."

"N-no. I mean, I get it. It's fine." I coughed. "So this is goodbye? I mean, for now?"

"More like 'see you later'." Golden gently raised my head so my gaze met hers. "I realize you might not totally believe me, and have every reason not to, but I'm coming back. As soon as the weekend ends, I'll be back. I promise you."

"No, no I believe." I tried forcing a reassuring tone, but I know she could hear the little bit of uncertainty in my tone. "Like I said, it's fine."

Golden gave off a small sigh. "Tell you what. As soon as I get back, the rest of that day we'll do whatever you want. You want to go out as a family, that's fine. You want to just go out, the two of us, that's also fine. Whatever you want."

I forced a nod and suppressed the shudder that threatened to blow my whole facade. I mean, it made sense. I already knew she was a reservist, and her obligatory weekend was this weekend. I guess I didn't know it was this far into the week.

"It's cool. I trust… that I'll see you soon." I finally managed.

Golden nodded softly. "Okay, well, I should be going soon. I just wanted to make sure you were in the loop. Is there anything you want to ask or do before I head out?"

I shook my head. I had been weak last night, but now I could be strong. I could hold myself together.

"No. I'm okay. Uh, have a safe trip. I'll see you soon."

Golden smiled and gently ruffled my mane. "I'll be back as soon as I can, my little ray of sunshine. Try and go back to sleep."

And like that, our interaction was over. She stopped in the doorway to look back and give me one more tiny smile, then she was gone. As the door shut the room was submerged into total darkness.

I rolled over and stared hard at the wall, pulling my blankets up to my chin. I didn't stop the shaking this time.

I forced a deep breath as I heard the front door closing.

I doubted I would be able to fall asleep again.

Author's Note:

The wounds run deep, but now the healing may begin.