• Member Since 31st May, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I'm just a budding writer trying to write a few fics. If you enjoy them, awesome! If not... then why're you even reading this? Get outa here!


It should have been a normal test. The worst case-scenario should have been nothing happening at all. But when Twilight's newest invention is activated, Sunset and Twilight find that the world is a whole lot bigger than it was a few moments ago. They can't even get help, because whenever someone looks at them, their bodies burn, like a vampire in the sun.

It's hard to be two inches tall. And it's lonely. When the very gaze of your best friends causes your skin to burn, you have to hold close to what you have left. Together, Sunset and Twilight will work together to survive in a massive, familiar yet utterly alien world as they search for answers, look for ways to contact their friends, and try to reverse the process, once and for all.

Updates every Friday, stay tuned!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 8 )

Well done. I look forward to what you have in store for these two. (Also you will get no fight from me.)

Hey, thanks! I'm already hard at work on the next chapter, I hope you continue to enjoy the fic! And thanks for the comment, they always make my day ^_^

Interesting start I'll be following this to see where it goes. Usually in shrinking stories interaction is one of the key components of the story.

pretty good so far. It's rare to see a shrinking story that isn't porn.

The fact that being seen hurts them is certainly a unique twist but I'm not sure if it really adds anything to the story.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

Before I read this, I must know: Why does being looked at make Twilight and Sunset's bodies burn?

Answering that would be a massive spoiler, sorry! There is a specific reason, but as of this point in the story, we don't know.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. You're trying so hard, but I can't. We're just so fragile. If something goes wrong, i-if you get hurt, all the giant strawberries in the world couldn't fix that."

I think that's supposed to be Sunset, not Twilight.
Great story, though!

This has to be one of, if not the most well-written story I have ever found on this site. I applaud you, sir.

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