• Member Since 4th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Pithy Statement


Comments ( 18 )

I am really bad at getting around to actually reading stories, but I want to applaud you for what looks like a great series of unusual relationships. Also I never knew Apple salsa was a thing and now I want to try it.

10840641 You should make some. It's delicious!

Is that yours in the cover art?!

10840664 Nah, too cold here for salsa. I found a stock image.

Any recommendations for recipes?

Love this - and honestly, kinda glad that a certain busybody didn't know everything at first!

And AB, you have no idea what you're in for!

10840704 They generally all come down to two ways of making it—cooked and uncooked. I much prefer my apples crisp and crunchy, so I prefer the uncooked method. From there it's much of a muchness as to recipe you use, just look around for one that has what you most enjoy (and hide from the coriander if you have the "tastes like soap" thing).

You mean cilantro, right? I didn't think coriander did that.

10840794 Coriander is what the rest of the world calls cilantro. :twilightsmile:

Ooooooh - I've only seen coriander as the dried bottled seeds. Stupid 'murican syndrome.



Literally every spanish speaking country or at least most use the term. You're dunking on America... despite the fact that use of the word cilantro is ubiquitous throughout the Spanish speaking world. Also despite the fact that cilantro and coriander have the same route latin word as their point of origin.


There's reaching for a reason to dunk on America, then there's what you did. How's it feel dunking on Spanish speakers too despite trying to be specific and not target with such a broad brush.

10843650 Dunking? It is literally what it's called here (Australia) and most of the English-speaking world except the US and Canada.

As an idea, this is what happens when I search for "cilantro" on the website of my local supermarket chain: cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570004289397981184/849530097324916766/unknown.png

From the English Wikipedia: cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570004289397981184/849530800684400640/unknown.png

The page for coriander:

"Cilantro" redirects here.

I am sorry if I don't actually speak Spanish (British English is my nation's national language), but I was definitely not trying to "dunk on" anyone, just point out that the rest of the English-speaking world calls it "coriander". When I'm writing fiction for a US audience, I write in US English, but when I write comments, I will usually stick to the Australian twists and turns on British English.

I was dunking on myself and nobody else, not for using the word cilantro but for not knowing they're the same thing.

10843800 There's a lot of foodstuffs that have different names in different regions.

The aforementioned cilantro/coriander is also known as Chinese parsley.
New York strip steak is called porterhouse or just sirloin.
Bell pepper is called capsicum.
What is called a porterhouse steak in the US is just called a T-bone here.
And don't get me started on bacon (eye bacon, short cut, rasher bacon, middle rasher, streaky bacon, and more).
We call shark meat flake.
There's probably a bunch more I'm forgetting, but those are the ones I know off the top of my head.

I'm an american, I think we suck.

Also, is there a plan for a closure story for this trilogy or was this the last one in the series?

11013159 This was meant to be the final.

Dang. Was hoping for some sort of discovery moment from the Dazzlings realizing that their separated group has come together again and a reaction from the Rainbooms about the fact that Sonata seems to be dating both Applejack and Big Mac. Oh, well.

Kinda wish this wasn't a one off... Great work as per usual!

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