• Published 7th Jun 2021
  • 1,515 Views, 14 Comments

The Newest Apple - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place between "The Ending of the End" and the time skip in "The Last Problem".) Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh prepare for the arrival of their first foal. And Big Mac shares what it was like for his parents when they had him.

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Past, Present and Future

Waiting. That seemed to be all that Sugar Belle had been doing for quite some time now, ever since she'd gone to the doctors and had learned she was pregnant with her first foal. Just like that her whole world had changed, had skidded to a halt. Now it felt like she'd been put on some kind of clock: Every second, every minute, every hour being measured as time slowly ticked towards an inevitably.

Yet the unicorn baker had quickly found herself growing bored. It wasn't long before she was being confined to home, spending her days preparing a nursery for the arrival of her little one while the rest of her family (her husband included) were busy with so many other things. Things she would be doing if not for the fact that she was told to take it easy, something about pregnant unicorns sometimes having uncontrollable magic surges as a result of their babies.

It's not like she never did anything: Sugar Belle could still do some light cooking and was able to go shopping just fine. But anything beyond that was suddenly off limits to her. And it seemed like it made the days go by slower than normal. Definitely slower than they had been when she'd first married Big Macintosh and officially become part of the Apple family. She could still well remember her first lesson in applebucking, her first cider season, her first time learning about and helping to make Zap Apple Jam.

Oh, what the mare would give to be able to do things like that again. Or even just help out with some of the daily chores. That would be nice. Alas, all she could do was keep on waiting, and waiting and waiting some more. At least the good news was that the doctors had told her her child would be due any day now.

So it was that Sugar Belle sighed, unhappily laying on the couch on the floor of the Apple family house while she stared up at the ceiling. She now understood why ponies said "Waiting is the hardest part".

Suddenly, the front door of the farm house swung wide open. "Honey, I'm home." The familiar voice of Big Macintosh declared as that fine example of a stallion made his presence known.

Sugar Belle felt sorely tempted to get up and run to her husband to hug him, but she decided against it. Just doing anything more than a slow trot seemed to take more out of her these days even though she'd spent so many days on her hooves putting that nursery together. "I sure hope my little colt or filly likes it whenever they arrive." She thought to herself.

Big Macintosh was soon at his wife's side, nuzzling her and kissing her softly on the cheek. "How've you been, darlin'?" He inquired of Sugar Belle.

The unicorn mare sighed, groaning as she put a hoof to her forehead in dramatic fashion. "Bored out of my wits. Oh, what I would give to be able to do something again."

Big Mac giggled. "You really oughta enjoy the peace and quiet now. Once our little Apple arrives we're both gonna be mighty busy. Whether it's a colt or a filly, it's gonna mean a lot of sleepless nights and a whole lot of headaches."

At that Sugar Belle couldn't keep her lips from quivering. "Do you really think we're ready? I mean, I know you probably are since you had to help your parents take care of both of your little sisters. But I was an only child."

"Oh, that's right," Big Macintosh realized. "And Pinkie Pie took care of foalsittin' the Cake Twins so you didn't ever have to," He wiped a lone tear from his eyes. "I still remember the day they were born. Feels like it was only yesterday even though it was so long ago. It's amazin' how time flies."

Sugar Belle nodded. "I know. I can't believe we've been married for almost five years now. So much has changed."

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed in his signature way of speaking. "And once our foal gets here there's gonna be a lot more changes, in more ways than one."

The mare sighed again, this time with concern. "I can't help but feel like I'm unprepared even though I've read every book and talked with everypony I know of who's ever been a mom."

The stallion trotted closer, nuzzling into his wife's side. "I guess it's true what Granny Smith used to say: The more things change, the more they stay the same," And he couldn't help but giggle. "From what I hear, it was the same way with my parents when they had me. My mom especially was worryin' herself sick," Then he proposed to Sugar Belle. "Why don't I tell you the story? Reckon it'll keep your mind occupied for a while."

Sugar Belle shrugged her hooves. "Why not? I've got nothing better to do. Anything's better than just sitting here and waiting all day."

Big Mac smiled, climbing up onto the couch and sitting next to his wife. "Well, alrighty then. Lend an ear." And he began to recall the story to the best of his ability, both from what his parents had told him growing up and what Granny Smith had told him when he was older.

Buttercup was in much the same situation Sugar Belle was in. She was expecting her first foal any day now, and the past several months had been slow to pass. She'd devoted as much time as she could to getting everything ready for her new baby, even going so far as to start practicing some lullabies to sing to her new colt or filly whenever it arrived.

Yet although she wouldn't show it outwardly, it was easy for those who knew the mare personally to know that Buttercup was worried. And who better to be there to comfort her than her loving husband, Bright Macintosh?

"How ya holdin' up, darlin'?" Bright Macintosh asked his wife as he sat down next to her on a small hill overlooking all of Sweet Apple Acres. "You ain't worn out them vocal chords from all that singin' practice, have you? 'Cause I swear you have a voice that would make even song birds jealous."

Buttercup lightly brushed off the remark with a smirk. "Oh, stop it, you! You're just sayin' that. You've been sayin' such sweet things to me since before we were even married."

Bright Mac nodded. "'Eeyup, and I meant every word of 'em," Then he was quick to add. "Besides, I reckon you need to hear words like that now of all times. It ain't hard to tell that you're more worried than a worm on cider day."

Buttercup let out a long sigh, looking deep into her husband's eyes. "Do you really think I'll make a good mother? I don't remember much about my own mom and as for my dad, well..." She trailed off as tears started to form in her eyes, unable to bring herself to dwell on that subject any further.

Bright Macintosh was quick to gently nudge his wife with a hoof, taking care to avoid her stomach. "Hey now, don't be dwellin' on that. Your pa chose to cut you off just 'cause you wanted to be with whom your heart desired," He said quite firmly. "You're an Apple now, not just a Pear. And you've got nothin' to worry about."

"Yeah, and why is that?" Buttercup questioned as she looked up at her husband.

Bright Mac gave a goofy grin as he replied. "'Cause just look at me. My ma raised me darn good now didn't she? If she hadn't, you think I would've been able to have a pony as lovely as you for my wife?"

Buttercup blinked. "I... guess I hadn't thought of that."

Bright Macintosh's grin grew wider. "Exactly. Heck, Ma's thoroughly prepared to help us raise the little one whenever it comes. This ain't her first rodeo, she knows what to expect. So if you ever need some advice, you just go right ahead and ask her. That's what I did whenever I needed help with anythin' growin' up."

Just then, the voice of Bright Mac's mother (and Buttercup's mother-in-law) could be heard calling out from afar. "Bright Mac, you gonna finish the rest of your chores or am I gonna have to do 'em for you?"

"In a minute, Ma," Bright Mac called back before he turned back to his wife. "Well, looks like my help's still needed around the farm," And he kissed her on the cheek. "Why don't you head inside and start workin' on cookin' us both up a good meal?"

Buttercup slowly stood up. "Knowing you, I'll need to make an extra serving just so you don't eat everythin'," Then she told her husband. "And thanks for the talk. You always seem to know just what to say to cheer me up."

Bright Macintosh grinned anew. "I guess I always have had that knack. Even Burnt Oak says I'm a sweet talker."

"Granny Smith was indeed a good source of advice for my ma and pa even long after they'd had me," Big Macintosh told Sugar Belle as he finished his story. "But they both came to learn that bein' a parent is somethin' ya just have to get used to. There's only so much you can really do to prepare yourself for it."

Sugar Belle just nodded. "I suppose so. And I guess if your parents could raise you and have two other kids despite all that happened in their lives..."

"-Eeyup," Big Macintosh interrupted as he stood up. "Well, I wish I could stay and keep chattin' with ya but I still got a few chores I need to get done before the day's done. I'll be back as soon as I can."

The unicorn mare waved a hoof as she settled back onto the couch. She began to think of maybe reading a book to pass the time even though she'd read just about everything she could think of that interested her.

But all of a sudden, it happened. Sugar Belle felt something move and then the next thing she knew a sensation unlike anything she'd felt before occurred! "Big Mac!" She called out as her body started sending out signals of pain!

Big Mac turned around, quickly seeing for himself what was happening! His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates! "Oh, it's time isn't it?!" And when his wife nodded he declared! "Just stay there! I'll tell Applejack to get Doctor Stable over here right away!" He then trotted out to the orchard with a sense of urgency he hadn't known in years!

As for Sugar Belle, all she could do was take some deep breaths while thinking to herself. "Well, at least I'm not going to be bored anymore."

Author's Note:

While it's very likely Granny Smith died by the time of "The Last Problem" it's not clear when that might have occurred, so I'm leaving it vague about whether or not she's still alive at the time of this fic (it's not clear how many years pass during the time skip shown in "The Last Problem", though I think it's safe to say it's been at least half a decade).

I'm sure every first time parent has dealt with worries similar to those Sugar Belle and Buttercup have here.

Comments ( 14 )

Are you going to make a sequel to "The Newest Apple"?

Tbh, I would really want one and there should.

10851260 10851336 What would a sequel involve?

Really enjoyable one-shot. Definitely liked the exchanges and characterizations. Also really loved Mac reassuring Sugar Belle but also sharing a story of his parents (which he probably either heard from Granny, his parents when they were still alive, or both) when his mother was pregnant with him. And the fact that this is a few weeks after Mother's Day and a few weeks before Father's Day (by pure happy coincidence) just makes this even more appropriate.

The continuity of "The Newest Apple"

10851573 You mean like what comes next?

Not clear why this has something like 10 downvotes to 20 upvotes, as it’s a nice little story.

You did a great job with this story, I loved it!

This was a very good one-shot.

sugar belle quipping that she won't be bored anymore when she goes into labour is hilarious

This is a pretty sweet story so it looks like sugar belle expecting to have a baby any times soon and she is very worried about raising a child which I'm sure first time Mother's will have the same reaction about this but Big Macs wanted to reassure her that everything will be okay that his parents have to go through similar like that as well but it looks like the kid is coming this was a pretty nice story keep up the good work

All mommies have the same thoughts when they give birth for the first time. I really love how beautifully you've put it together.
Any plans of a sequel?

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

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