• Published 11th Feb 2022
  • 4,419 Views, 518 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: The Greatest Showman - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again for another adventure into the Multiverse. This time they venture to New York City in the year 1841 to assist P.T Barnum in creating a magical and strange world that would later become known as the Circus

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From Now On

It had officially been two months since Phineas and Rara departed for their tour with Jenny Lind. So far, things couldn’t be any better for them. Every single show they performed had an even bigger audience than the last, the reviews were amazing, and things couldn’t seem to get any better for them. Or at least… so they thought.

For the first few weeks on tour, Rara had no problem with the performing the way she always had. However, shortly afterward, things changed for the little pony. Every night, she’d go onstage and perform for her loving public. But after the second month, as she gazed out through the crowd, she paid little mind to her adoring fans. Instead, all she could think about was her friends… especially Applejack.

Ever since that horrible fight they had, before she went with Barnum on tour, initially Rara was glad to get away and perform any way she wanted. But after a while, she started missing having her friends around. To laugh with, to celebrate with her, and all together a band of girls (And Spike) just having a good time. As much as she adored being a famous singer, what was the point if there’s no pony around to share it with?

All these thoughts raced through her head as she sat on the sofa in the shared penthouse suite she shared with Jenny and Phineas in their hotel in Cincinnati. On the couch across from her, Phineas and Jenny were celebrating all their success so far as they read the latest review from Mr. Bennett himself.

“’It is as though we have learned for the first time what singing really is’,” Jenny read. “’Miss Lind deserves our nation’s highest esteem and most lavish ovations’.”

Hearing her read the article made Phineas ecstatic beyond words. An amazing article from a man who originally thought him a fraud, as if everything he’s done to earn his respect was worth everything.

“I mean…” He stammered.

“The world is at our feet,” Jenny smiled. “Don’t you think so Miss Coloratura?”

This snapped Rara out of her thoughts, as she put on a big fake smile.

“Oh um—yes! It’s amazing,” She replied, half-heartedly.

Jenny stood up from the couch and grabbed a few glasses for them all before pouring them all some wine. She handed one for Rara and the other for Barnum.

“Well Mr. Barnum, Miss Coloratura,” She smiled. “This… is… to making dreams come true.”

All three proceeded to clink their glasses together in a toast before taking a drink.

“Thank you, Jenny,” Barnum thanked her.

Both Barnum and Jenny gazed into each other straight in the eyes. For a moment, they were both completely frozen. The more Phineas looked at her, the more he realized what he left behind just to come here. Was all this really worth leaving his loving wife and two beautiful children behind? Eventually, he snapped himself out of his gaze.

“It’s two hours to curtain,” He noted.

“I’ve given you the world, haven’t I?” Jenny asked, smirking.

“I—I, uh—I should go,” Phineas stammered. “I… I’ve become a distraction. I’m sorry, Jenny.”

Hearing him say that confused Jenny greatly.

“You should finish the tour without me.”

“What?” Jenny asked, shocked. “You’re leaving?”

“Well, the itinerary’s well in hand.”

“So, that’s it,” Jenny said, feeling hurt.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m just another one of your little acts.”

Jenny quickly set her drink down and stood up before proceeding to storm out of the room.

“Jenny!” Phineas called out.

“I’m done!” Jenny declared angrily.

“Jenny. Jenny, please! You have to finish the tour.”

“Must I?”

“It—It will ruin me!” Phineas pleaded.

“When you’re careless with other people, Mr. Barnum, you bring ruin upon yourself,” Jenny scoffed.

“I have risked everything.”

“Well, so did I,” Jenny replied tearfully. “And it seems we both lost.”

Jenny turned around again and left the room without looking back. This left Barnum and Rara having the whole room to themselves. The popstar pony slowly walked alongside the disgruntled showman until they both faced one another.

“What have we done?” Barnum asked her.

“I know what we did,” Rara answered sadly. “We left everything and everyone we love so dearly behind. And for what?”

“I was so tired of feeling like less than a man,” Barnum replied. “I wanted to show the world that Phineas Taylor Barnum was something special. And it cost me everything.”

“I wanted to be the biggest star the world ever knew so badly, I’d push away my best friend to do it… again,” Rara whimpered. “Oh sweet Celestia… I’ve made a terrible mistake!”

Rara was the next to run out of the room in tears, until only P.T. Barnum remained… entirely alone.


Later that night, another performance was in process at the concert hall in Cincinnati. However, there was not nearly as much joy and adulation normally felt by Jenny, Rara, or even Barnum. Rara utterly refused to sing that night, preferring to remain backstage with Phineas. Barnum himself seemed millions of miles away in his head as he silently watched the performance. As for Jenny, she felt so sad and heartbroken as she stood out upon that stage and sung shakily.

The performance finally came to an end, as the audience applauded and stood on their feet in respect. Cameras flashed all around as Jenny took a bow before them despite the less than perfect performance. Phineas eventually came out to stand alongside her and waved toward the audience.

“Thank you,” He whispered to her.

And then… the most unexpected thing happened. Jenny stepped forward and quickly kissed Barnum full on the lips as another camera flashed. Behind the scenes, Rara gasped loudly with surprise and covered her mouth with her hoof. To say she was shocked beyond words was the biggest understatement of them all. Phineas quickly drew back when Jenny kissed him, too stunned to put together what happened.

“What was that?” He asked her.

“That was goodbye,” Jenny spoke flatly.

And without another word, Jenny Lind turned away and walked off stage. Rara raced alongside Phineas, who looked toward her in shock.

“Did that really just happen Mr. Barnum?” She asked him.

“I’m afraid it did,” He nodded.

“Oh, I hope Charity will understand,” Rara spoke uncertainly. “She knows you’d never—”

“That’s for me to worry about,” Phineas replied. “Now, I’m on my way to the train station and I’m going back to my family. Are you coming?”

Rara looked up at Barnum with a content smile on her face.

“Try and stop me,” She smiled.

Phineas smiled back at her, as they both quickly ran for the door and toward the train station as fast as possible. After so long being blinded of the fact that all they needed was their family and friends, they weren’t about to waste a single second. They could only hope it was not too late.


On the other side of the country, another miraculous show just concluded for the Barnum and Bailey Circus. As the many loyal patrons filed out of the building, Erik watched from the background as he often did for most of the show. When Barnum left, everyone wondered if he’d be the new ringmaster… but he preferred working behind the scenes as usual. Ergo, he permitted Philip to take the reigns for the time being.

Speaking of the young Carlyle, Philip himself wished all the people a pleasant farewell for the evening up front.

“Hey, thank you very much for coming,” He waved. “Tell your friends and neighbors! What a wonderful show! Who enjoyed themselves? You? You? Tell everyone how much fun you had at the circus! New acts every night!”

Erik watched the young man with a sense of pride, considering how far he’s come in such a short time. He did not linger on these thoughts for very long though, as he turned his attention toward a rather solemn group of ponies and a teenage dragon. The Mane Six and Spike participated in the show of course, performing to the best of their abilities. But now that it was over, they were all just as glum and gloomy as ever. It had been this way since Rara left a few months prior and Erik quickly grew more concerned for their well-being, especially Applejack.

When Applejack was not performing for the crowd, she didn’t talk much to anybody not even with the troupe. She’d huddle in some corner by herself and when she looked toward one direction it seemed as though she was looking into space. She’d sit in some corner, silent as a statue, she’d barely even eat or even sleep. And sometimes at night, when her friends would pass by to check, they could hear her… crying. It was proving more serious than even Twilight, Rainbow Dash, or any of her friends could imagine. After all, Applejack would always cry on the inside… least, that’s what she claimed.

Walking up alongside his wife and friends, Erik sat alongside them following tonight’s performance.

“Another show come and gone,” He sighed. “Yet despite all the joy in the audience, we have little to celebrate ourselves.”

“Ain’t no point in celebratin’ when we’re one pony short,” Applejack groaned.

“Yeah… it’s the ‘Star Wars’ incident all over again,” Pinkie sighed.

“Aw, come on A.J.!” Rainbow spoke to her marefriend. “You’ve been depressed for two months straight.”

“What would you expect darling?” Rarity asked. “Her best friend since foalhood walked out on all of us. She deliberately dismantled their entire friendship, and for what? Fame and fortune! How exactly would you feel if Tank up and left you after everything you’ve done for him?”

Just the thought of her precious pet abandoning her and never coming back instantly made Rainbow shut up. She turned away before any pony could notice the tears welling in her eyes over that single thought alone.

“Man, I never thought things would be ‘this’ upsetting since the day Tirek tried stealing all the magic in Equestria,” Spike huffed.

“At least we defeated him and made everything right,” Fluttershy sighed sadly. “But this… I don’t even know what we’re supposed to do.”

As for Pinkie Pie, as if she wasn’t already feeling depressed enough. When they looked at her, her hair was flattened out and her coat started losing its color again. There had been several instances when this would occur, and always when something really bad happened.

“I really wish I had my Cheesy and Lil’ Cheese to make me feel better,” She sighed. “Right now, I feel nothing… I don’t even care about this stupid mission anymore. I just want to go home.”

Erik felt so bad seeing his friends in such distress, and he looked at Twilight Sparkle, she just shook her head sadly. She had no answers to resolve this matter this time, and she had no words of encouragement to give. As if matters couldn’t get any worse, Erik turned over and noticed a very familiar group of men remaining near the tent. He knew it was them because they were certainly not a friendly bunch.

“Wait here…” Erik spoke, before walking out.

“Hey! Ringmaster!” One man called Philip.

“Gentlemen, gonna have to ask you to leave,” Philip replied.

All the men started to snicker as though Philip were telling a joke.

“This is ‘our’ town, son,” The man spoke rudely. “We think you should leave. You and your freaks… and your spooks.”

No Philip was started to get very angry; he would not ‘tolerate’ this assault on his new family.

“Sir… I will only ask once more,” He warned.

“Then what, boy?”

“I’d listen to him if I were you.”

The men turned over and saw Erik himself, walking toward them with his Punjab lasso twirling in one hand. Not only that, but W.D. Wheeler accompanied him ready for a fight.

“Leave our circus...” Erik warned. “And stay away from our family.”

“What are you going to do about it… freaks?” The man mocked.

And just like that… all hell broke loose!

W.D. threw the first punch, right in the man’s face, and the fight was on. Erik lashed out with a series of punches of his own, knocking down every man in front of him one by one. However, the two men alone couldn’t handle this mob of men for long and soon were overwhelmed as two of them grabbed Erik while the others beat the holy shit on W.D.

“Get him!”

A sudden rainbow blur swooped in and sent a man flying backwards. Erik looked up with a smirk as Rainbow Dash swooped in and laid waste on all the men in her wake.

“I’ve had just about enough of you jerks!” She growled.

“So… have… ah!”

Applejack barreled in and tackled one guy to the ground. The rest of the Mane Six and Spike joined the fray, along with the rest of the troupe.

“Charge!” Lettie yelled.

The wolf boy took a man down with a spinning head-scissor, while the tattooed man leapt into the air to take down a man with a flying clothesline. The Lord of Leeds bounced one man back with his huge belle, while Lette held another guy in a headlock. Spike bonked two men’s heads together before sweeping their legs from under them with a flick of his tail. As they tried to pick themselves up, Applejack finished them both with powerful kicks to the head sending teeth flying out. Twilight and Rarity used their magic to fight back several men, while Fluttershy summoned her animal friends from the circus to hold the rest at bay.

One man broke off from the rest of the group, ran backstage, and picked up a lit lantern from the table. Desperate, he chucked toward the back of the room and the moment it broke on impact a large blaze had been lit.


Meanwhile, at the train station, Phineas and Rara just got off their train and left the station. Phineas turned to the side and smiled upon seeing Caroline and Helen running towards him.

“Daddy!” They yelled happily.

They both hugged their father in a tight grip, as the man laughed with joy upon hugging his two beautiful girls again. Rara watched this tender scene and couldn’t help but smile.

“Girls, girls, girls!” He laughed. “Oh, you’ve grown so much. Stop it.”

The girls pulled back as Charity walked up with a huge smile on her face and hugged her husband.

“What made you decide to come back early?” She asked.

“I missed you,” Phineas replied.

“That sounds an awful lot like humbug,” Charity giggled. “And Rara, your friends will be so surprised to see you back.”

“Hopefully the ‘good’ kind of surprised,” Rara said nervously. “I haven’t exactly left on the best of terms. They probably hate me.”

“Oh, that’s ridiculous!” Charity shook her head. “Your friends have been miserable since they left, especially Applejack. Why for the past two months, she hardly ever left her room except for shows and if absolutely necessary.”

“Really?” Rara spoke, feeling guilty. “I have to see her…”

But before their conversation could continue, the ringing of a bell drew their attention as a fire carriage rolled by at an alarming rate.

“Fire!” A firefighter yelled. “Move aside! Move aside! Come on! Hurry! It’s coming from the circus.”

This made both Barnum and Rara extremely on edge, scared even.

“Girls, stay with me!” He ordered. “Come. Quick, quick! Everyone, stay close!”

With that, the Barnum’s and Rara ran as fast as they possibly could to reach the circus. Rara silently prayed the entire way that it wasn’t already too late. Eventually, they came around the corner and to their horror they saw the circus building in a complete inferno. Thankfully, most of the troupe already fled the building including the Mane Six, Spike, and Erik.

“Philip! Is everyone out?” Erik yelled. “Is everyone okay?”

“Yeah!” Philip responded.

“What about the animals?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, we set them free,” Philip assured her. “What else could we do?”

It was by that moment Barnum and Rara ran alongside them much to the surprise of the troupe, especially the Mane Six.

“Rara!” They all yelled.

“What are you doing back?” Twilight asked.

“I came back because I couldn’t stand being without you guys,” Rara replied tearfully. “I only wish I never left at all.”

“W.D., where’s Anne?” Philip asked worriedly.

Rara looked toward the rest of the Mane Six and her eyes widened in fear. It was then she noticed that one of them was missing.

“Sweet Celestia, where’s Applejack?!” She yelled.

“Where’s Anne?” Phineas asked. “Where’s Applejack?”

Philip turned back toward the burning building with the fear that Anne and Applejack may very well still be inside. Thinking on a whim, he quickly started running back into the building.

“No, Philip! No!”

Rara couldn’t stand the fact her best friend could very well be in there either. She quickly broke away from the others to follow Philip inside.

“Rara, no!” The ponies and Spike yelled.

The inferno continued to build and grow immensely out of control by the minute. Now Philip and Rara both ran back into the blaze. Everyone watched in fear and trepidation. Their attention turned to the side as they saw Anne and Applejack helping each other out of the other side.

“Anne!” Phineas yelled.

“Applejack!” The Mane Six yelled.

The girls and Spike quickly ran to embrace their friend, who was covered in soot and Phineas draped a blanket around Anne. It was then that all their attention quickly returned to the building when they realized the horror of the situation.

“Philip! Rara!”

“What are we going to do?!” Twilight yelled.

Phineas turned back toward Erik and they both shared the same crazy idea. Nodding to one another, Phineas quickly brought Anne back to her brother.

“W.D.! Here she is! Here she is!”

“Anne! Oh my God!” W.D. gasped with relief.

Erik knelt down to hug and kiss his wife.

“If I don’t come back, take care of our child,” He told her.

Erin and Phineas both raced ahead into the blaze to rescue their friends.

“Philip!” Phineas yelled.

“Rara!” Erik yelled.

“No! Daddy!” Caroline and Helen cried. “Daddy! Daddy!”

The building groaned as the blaze rose higher and higher. Soon enough, it became too much to bear as the roof collapsed and fell down with a crash on the ground. Everyone watched in worry, as the Mane Six and Spike held onto each other while Charity and the girls looked on nervously. Suddenly, from inside the blaze, two figures slowly emerged carrying two other forms. Everyone was relieved to see Phineas and Erik emerge from the blaze coughing from the smoke and covered in soot. Phineas carried Philip, who was covered in soot, burn marks, and even a few burns on his body. Erik carried Rara, who had much of her coat and mane burned off and singed.

“Daddy!” Caroline and Helen cried in relief.

“Thank Celestia!” Spike and the girls cried.

“Stretcher!” A fireman ordered. “Stretcher!”

Phineas and Erik coughed as they positioned Philip and Rara on the ground.

“They’ve taken a lot of smoke,” Phineas said. “They’re still breathing. Come on.”

A few firefighters came in with two stretchers to life the unconscious pair up and get them to the hospital for immediate treatment.

“Come on, let’s get them on!”

The firefighters lifted the two up and loaded them into a carriage which immediately took off down the road towards the hospital. Everyone watched in horror as they were taken away and the firefighters started to extinguish the inferno. Barnum held his family and Erik clutched on Rarity tightly as everyone breathed a sigh of relief that this horror show was finally over.


At the local hospital, the tension in the air was so thick that it could have been cut with a knife. Both Philip and Rara were laid up on hospital beds side by side and they were covered in soot and burn marks. Anne Wheeler sat right by Philip’s side the whole time, while the Mane Six, Spike, and Erik stood by Rara’s bedside. Applejack was the most distraught as she held her friend’s lifeless hoof and allowed the tears she normally held back to flow.

“This is all mah fault!” She sobbed. “I never shoulda made her come.”

“No, it isn’t A.J.,” Rainbow assured, rubbing her back. “You didn’t tie her up and drag her here. We wanted her to come because she’s our best friend. There’s no way you could’ve seen this coming.”

“But ah did!” Applejack cried. “From the moment she came tah me, tellin’ me ‘bout them reviews, somehow ah just ‘knew’ she’d end up fallin’ back into bein’ Countess Coloratura. Me lettin’ come here gave her just wut was needed tah push her there.”

“There’s no way that’s true Applejack,” Rarity spoke up. “You did ‘everything’ you possibly could as her friend to help her. You can’t blame yourself for what happened to her.”

“If anything, I blame the people of this world… and a good deal of ponies back in ours,” Spike nodded. “Just because someone’s different or talented that they feel the need to tear them down and make them look bad. Now look what’s happened.”

“I guess sometimes the real evil we fight isn’t always some big scary supervillain bent on world domination,” Twilight said somberly. “Sometimes the worst evil is what’s secretly hidden deep within someone’s own heart.”

But Applejack wasn’t listening to what her friends were saying. She retained her focus on her unconscious friend.

“The last thing ah said tah her was that she weren’t mah friend,” She sobbed. “Ah’ll never live with mahself if that really is the last thing ah ever said to her.”

The rest of the Mane Six tried to comfort their distraught friend, as Erik slowly made his way over to Anne Wheeler, who just stared at Philip and clutched his burnt hand in her own. As tears came to her eyes, she softly and sadly sang a familiar song with shaky breaths.

Anne (Sings):

What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
You are the one I was meant to find

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Anne slowly looked back and saw Erik looking down at her with a look of sympathy and sorrow.

“Despite everything you’ve been through, he truly loves you,” Erik said.

Anne let the tears fall freely as she turned back toward Philip.

“I know…” She croaked.

For the rest of the night, the group stood watching over their fallen friends. Many tears were shed in sadness over the fact this was started simply because the world refused to accept what was different.


The next morning…

Phineas looked through the charred remains of what was once his greatest creation. The entire building was destroyed, along with everything in it. Phineas knew the fire was started by a group of men who hated what he built, but he blamed himself more than he did them. He allowed his ego and desire to get in the way of what mattered most to him, and he left it all behind. That was the reason why his entire circus was destroyed and two of his friends in the hospital right now. As if his anguish couldn’t get any worse, he turned around and saw Mr. Bennett standing behind him looking at the remains of the circus.

“If you’ve come to gloat, I wouldn’t,” He sighed.

Bennett walked alongside him and dusted off a spot with his newspaper before taking a seat next to the showman.

“They caught the thugs who started the fire,” He informed. “I thought you’d like to know.”

Both men just sat there for a few minutes as they sighed until Bennett finally decided to speak once more.

“I never liked your show,” He said honestly. “But I always thought the people did.”

“They did,” Barnum nodded. “They do.”

“Mind you, I wouldn’t call it art.”

“Of course not.”

Then, for the first time since they first met, Bennett actually had a genuine honest review.

“But... putting folks of all kinds on stage with you… all colors… shapes, sizes… presenting them as equals… why, another critic might have even called it… ‘a celebration of humanity’.”

Hearing this made Barnum smile toward the usually cynical critic.

“I would’ve liked that,” He said.

“Well, I hope you’ll rebuild,” Bennett said hopefully.

“I mean, thank God for Jenny’s tour,” Barnum smiled. “We can borrow off the profits, we’ll be fine.”

“You don’t know?” Bennet asked confused.

Barnum looked at Bennett with confusion before Bennett handed him the newspaper that he had. Barnum looked toward the front page and his eyes widened with shock. For on that page was a picture of Jenny kissing him with the headline, ‘Jenny Lind Quits’.

“I’m sorry,” Bennett apologized.

The critic soon took his leave as Barnum continued to stare at the paper in shock. He knew it was only a matter of time before this reached the public and now surely this would cause quite the scandal for him. Then another thought came to his head, one even worse than the last. Quickly dropping the paper, he raced for home. When he finally arrived, he pushed the door open and called out for his wife.

“Charity?!” He called.

Charity herself walked down the steps carrying a suitcase in hand. She looked at him with such hurt, such disappointment. The worst expressions he hoped to never see.

“Oh, God, Charity. I am—”

“I don’t wanna talk to you!” Charity interrupted.

“N—Nothing happened!” He assured her. “This is ridiculous!”

“Oh, sure. Nothing happened,” She responded skeptically. ‘It’s on the cover of every paper in New York.”

“Because she orchestrated the photo,” Barnum replied. “I’m not in love with her!”

“Of course you’re not,” Charity spoke angrily. “Not with her, not with me, not with anyone. Just you and your show.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going home.”

“This is your home.”

Charity reached into her pocket and handed Phineas what could only be identified as eviction papers.

“The bank… they’re evicting us,” Charity told him. “Why didn’t you ask me before… I would’ve said yes. I never minded the risk, but we always did it together.”

And just like that, Charity walked out the front door and slammed it loudly behind her. Soon Phineas found himself standing there, looking around the big enemy house which soon enough the bank would be coming to collect. Sighing to himself, he slumped down on the steps reflecting on the horrible mistake he made. He had it all when it was just him, Charity, and the girls. Only he gave it all up for fame and fortune. Now he was left with absolutely nothing but an empty heart and some burn marks. It turned out having it all meant ending up with nothing.


A short while later, Phineas found himself sitting at a bar drinking away what remained of his money. He gambled everything that mattered to him most and in the end he lost it all. Now he sat as nothing more than a shell of a man, much like the circus peanuts he used to pick up after every show. He knew he deserved it considering how stupid he’d been as of late. Now it was far too late to go back to how things used to be.

The sound of the door opening drew his attention to Charles and Erik walking in. Erik walked over and took a seat next to him. Charles climbed onto the counter and walked down in front of him.

“Figured you’d end up here,” Charles smirked. “Feeling sorry for yourself.”

Barnum merely sighed as he threw back another drink before facing Erik.

“How are Philip and Rara?” He asked.

“They’ll live…” Erik responded. “They’re currently unconscious and the doctors are uncertain if they’ll wake up.”

“I should’ve listened to you and Philip when I had the chance,” He sighed. “You warned me this would happen, and I gambled it all away anyway. Now look at me, I have nothing.”

The door opened again, as the rest of the circus troupe entered the establishment. Barnum shook his head as he continued to drink in despair.

“Folks, if you’ve come to get paid, the money is gone,” He said. “All of it. Nothing left to give you—”

“Shut up, Barnum!” Lettie scolded. “You just don’t get it. Our own mothers were ashamed of us. His us our whole lives. Then you pull us out of the shadows. And now you’re giving up on us, too. Maybe you are a fraud. Maybe it was just about making a buck. But you gave us a real family.”

“And the circus… that was our home,” W.D. continued. “We want our home back.”

Barnum was beyond shocked that even after ‘everything’ he had done, these people were still willing to stand by him. It made him really think just how badly he screwed up, and how badly he wanted to make amends. So with that in his head, he made a promise not only to them but to himself as well. That he would never again allow himself to fall so far as he had before. And he did it the only way he knew how… in song.

Realizing he still had so much to make up for, Barnum quickly ran out the door as fast as he could. He ran toward the direction of the one thing he loved the most, but never realized just how much until it was gone. He kept running forward while the rest of the oddities hung at the bar, singing and dancing together as one happy family.



In the hospital, Anne held Philip’s hand tightly and the Mane Six and Spike did the same with Rara. As they all sat together, hoping for a miracle, Spike and Rainbow Dash turned toward a corner and saw Applejack just sitting in one of the empty beds looking sadly toward the floor. Leaving the others to watch for Rara, they slowly made their way toward Applejack and took a seat beside her and for a moment they sat there quietly.

“A.J… would you mind if I ask… a stupid question?” Spike asked nervously.

“I guess…” Applejack sighed.

“Did you… like Rara? I mean… did you like her more than a friend?”

“I won’t get too upset if that was the case,” Rainbow assured. “I mean, it would sting not being the first. But I won’t hold it against you.”

For a moment, Applejack said not another word, she just released a heavy sigh. Then eventually, she turned her gaze toward Spike and then Rainbow Dash.

“Rara was not that kind of mare,” Applejack answered honestly. “But she was the only one who knew what kind of a pony I was when we were kids. I was still trying to figure myself out, but she still treated me just the same. I enjoyed spending time with her, playing my guitar while she’d sing. Hmm… she was even responsible for the ‘Apple Chord’ gimmick.”

“You mean… that was real?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah… Apple Chord, the ever talented, very famous country star who is not afraid to be herself. A pony who could do just about anything, ‘be’ any pony she wants. That made me feel… free. Rara always talked about taking our acts to Manehattan, where all ponies go to be ‘really’ famous.”

“And here I thought you went to the big city to live with your aunt and uncle,” Spike inquired.

“The truth is that was only partially the reason. I went to Manehattan to find Rara, to keep our promise of running our act together. But I never did find her those years back, and up until she came to Ponyville that day… I thought I’d never will. She says she learned to be true to herself because of me… but she helped me be true to my own self. To give me the courage… to fall in love with you Rainbow.”

Rainbow smiled as she slowly wrapped a hoof around Applejack, holding her marefriend close as Spike leaned beside the girls. Just then, they heard a moan, and some stirring drew the trio to look. Finally, after so long, Philip and Rara started to move and awaken much to the immense joy and relief of their loved ones. Philip looked upon Anne’s face and smiled at her as she shed a tear for him.

“You came…” He smiled.

Anne didn’t respond with words, she merely knelt down and kissed him like she wanted to do for the longest time. While they did this, Rara slowly pushed herself out of bed with the Equestrians carefully helping her along. Rara made one look and saw Applejack eyeing her with the same shimmering eyes as her. For a moment they uttered not a word, just stared. Until suddenly, Applejack raced forward, and her friends watched as she and Rara hugged tightly.

“Oh thank Celestia yer alright!” Applejack cried. “Ah thought ah done lost ya forever. Ah’d never live with mahself if the last thing we did was fight.”

“It’s okay A.J…” Rara assured her. “Truth be told, you had ‘every’ right to call me out like you did. I was losing myself again, just as you said would happen. I was so caught up with the world seeing me as worthless I forgot that all that mattered was what ‘my’ friends think of me.”

“What about your music career?” Twilight asked.

“None of it matters, not without my friends by my side every step of the way.”

The ponies and Spike hugged one another in joy over the fact they were all friends again and all was right with the world. All of a sudden, Pinkie Pie’s ears perked up as she thought she could hear a melody somewhere in the distance.

“Does any pony besides me hear singing?” Pinkie asked.

“Shh… we’re having a moment Pinkie,” Fluttershy hushed gently.